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Trump AZ rally: dishonest media, gov't shutdown if no wall, hints at Arpaio pardon

CNN is sounding kind of ridiculous with this Dementia stuff, gotta admit.

Yea I think that this reporting will do them no favors in other perspectives. I feel Don Lemon is getting a little too emotional right now. I haven't seen him this way.
CNN is sounding kind of ridiculous with this Dementia stuff, gotta admit.

Dementia/Alzheimer's has been speculated for months, this is nothing new. There are some signs, and there is zero faith in Trump's personal "doctor" that gave him a clean bill of health. It is a logical, albeit unproven, explanation for some of his behavior.



It's an effective way to clear a safe path for the supporters.
Those supporters don't deserve to be attacked.

Hopefully this was a last resort if they couldn't get the crowd to move through other means.

Of course you'd support tear gas on Americans

L Thammy

I don't know if Trump has dementia, but I think between Trump manually applying reverb and yelling interjection in the middle of his own sentences, there's something bizarre about his speaking style.
Shouldn't he be giving speeches to EVERYONE? ISN'T HE PRESIDENT OF EVERYONE? WHAT THE FUCK

Trump doesn't give a fuck about the American citizens. He only cares about himself and he loves to receive praise from dumbfucks who fellate him no matter what insane shit he spews from his mouth.


CNN can drop all the truth bombs they want, but the Trump supporters don't care about facts or reality. They buy whatever he sells. They bought into bullshit for months and will continue to eat it up. Trump supporters don't care about reality. They applaud everything and love what he says.
CNN can drop all the truth bombs they want, but the Trump supporters don't care about facts or reality. They buy whatever he sells. They bought into bullshit for months and will continue to eat it up. Trump supporters don't care about reality. They applaud everything and love what he says.

Rather, Trump gained the support of those that don't live in reality.

Trump doesn't have dimentia,

he knows exactly what he is doing and the only thing he is good is playing to his base, divide and lie.

You can both be mentally disabled as well as know enough to do something shitty. Also, these people simply feed into his mental disability. They feed it.


CNN can drop all the truth bombs they want, but the Trump supporters don't care about facts or reality. They buy whatever he sells. They bought into bullshit for months and will continue to eat it up. Trump supporters don't care about reality. They applaud everything and love what he says.

But how many of them are there now? Less than before.
Trump doesn't have dimentia,

he knows exactly what he is doing and the only thing he is good is playing to his base, divide and lie.

"That is an absurd, ridiculous question. President Trump does not have dementia, he just voluntarily chooses to behave in a manner consistent with early-onset Alzheimers. Next question."
Yea I think that this reporting will do them no favors in other perspectives. I feel Don Lemon is getting a little too emotional right now. I haven't seen him this way.

I don't think there is any sane way reporters can react to Trump's shit though

this is easier than trying to play the madness off as normal, these are strange times


Trump has a base that he will not lose.

What he can't do is lose GOP support. And polling shows he is losing them. But we know how they vote. Anyone with an R next to their name.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Tiny hands is bat shit crazy

Mobius 1

How did it come to this? The fact that he wasn't yet removed from office is a symptom of something's by much more disturbing than Orange Mussolini himself.
I know Trump supporters who think he might have dementia (and they still support him).

That must be an interesting position to hold. To both think the president is growing increasingly intellectually incapable of being in office and still supporting them remaining in office.

If you're a Trump supporter who thinks he has dementia, shouldn't you at least have enough faith in his chosen Vice President to take over the job? Dementia doesn't "clear up" over time, it only worsens.
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