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Uncharted 3 reviews

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Pranay_ said:
Will post the details soon.

BTW This game is rated as the highest playstation game in ps2 era.

uc 2 was 9.7

where is thuway ? must be feeling better :p



benevolent sexism
Kusagari said:
Actually I'm being kind of serious with this one. I think for a 9.9, 9.8 that Uncharted 3 should offer something new. Which I don't think it will. Every other major series like Gears, Halo, etc has had the sequels at most get a 9.0/9.5. I don't think a sequel, even if it is better, should get scores like U3 is getting if it changes nothing.

For some people, including some reviewers, execution matters just as much as innovation and is reasonable grounds to give the very highest scores. It's a different philosophy from your own but a perfectly defensible one nonetheless.


Acquiescence said:
That is mental, and the desert just carries on as far as the eye can see. I wonder what the player is supposed to do in that scenario.
Uh... as much as I love Uncharted... pretty sure the player is supposed to walk forward. And that's it.


LeonSKennedy90 said:

Uncharted hyperbole always makes me chuckle

Oh yeah man. I can't believe fans are being fanatic. What's next? People will talk about RE4 being the best game ever?


Steve McQueen said:
Whatever the score is, I hope I get some more to explore and a little less to shoot at.
That was the word from one review. Said more exploration and puzzles, which are harder, less shooting.


Kusagari said:
Meh, those features should have been in U2 in the first place. I just think the Uncharted series gets a pass on GAF and in much of the gaming media that other series don't. Even 2, besides the MP, wasn't anywhere near as big a jump from U1 as people acted like.

Don't get me wrong though, U2 was one of my favorite games of 09. And I do plan on buying U3.

Dude if you want to troll, do it seriously, not half assed like that.


benevolent sexism
The series is beautiful but I'm not seeing anything mindblowing in these couple of screenshots such that I would be compelled to post "OMG HOLY SHIT" upon viewing them.


Cyberia said:
Can you translate the bits on his blog? Also didn't he gave U2 a 8?

Sure. He posted two blog posts; in the first one (w/ the desert pic) he simply says that the last two hours have been absolutely fantastic. In the lasted U3-related blog post (w/ the boat pic), he mentions that he has played a couple of more hours. Some chapters are apparently some of the most impressive stuff he has ever tested; sometimes U3 is a lot better than U2, but sometimes the AI is unnecessarily stupid.

And yeah, he gave U2 an 8 (mega-lol).


'' The score is the highest since the playstation 2 era.'... [ Edited ]
10-19-2011 11:07 AM - last edited on 10-19-2011 11:14 AM

'' The score is the highest since the playstation 2 era.''

Amazing but yet could not get full points

This magazine score;

Graphics 9.8/10

Excels in all aspects but highlights the progress made ​​in lighting, physical and emotions.

Sound 9.8/10

The Castilian dub is impeccable and the campaign is full of memorable melodies.

Gameplay 9.8/10

Intense firefights with improved combat and an increasing number of puzzles

Length 9.8/10

10-12 hours of remarkably broad campaign for a full-featured multiplayer section

Online 9.8/10

Cooperative and competitive split screen or online that you will enjoy for many hours.

Performance 9.8/10

We really difficult for someone to be able to look further expressed the ps3 hardware

Overall 9.8/10:
A masterpiece to remember for many years and will be difficult to overcome.


As a game, I don't think Uncharted is that good. The shooting is dull compared to proper shooters like Gears and the puzzles aren't really puzzling at all. Seriously, if you had to think for more than 10 seconds about how to do one of the 'puzzles' I have a lot of questions for you, the first being have you ever played a game before? It really is a Tomb Raider for the ADD generation.

Don't get me wrong though, as a cinematic experience, Uncharted is very good for a game.

These rushed review scores are certainly not an indicator of how good the game is either way.
Shameless said:
As a game, I don't think Uncharted is that good. The shooting is dull compared to proper shooters like Gears and the puzzles aren't really puzzling at all. Seriously, if you had to think for more than 10 seconds about how to do one of the 'puzzles' I have a lot of questions for you, the first being have you ever played a game before? It really is a Tomb Raider for the ADD generation.

Don't get me wrong though, as a cinematic experience, Uncharted is very good for a game.

These rushed review scores are certainly not an indicator of how good the game is either way.
As I always say, there are many good things in Uncharted that people don't consider: great arena-style level design, liberty of action, verticality which allows further liberty, AI that actively tries to outsmart the player...


Shameless said:
As a game, I don't think Uncharted is that good. The shooting is dull compared to proper shooters like Gears and the puzzles aren't really puzzling at all. Seriously, if you had to think for more than 10 seconds about how to do one of the 'puzzles' I have a lot of questions for you, the first being have you ever played a game before? It really is a Tomb Raider for the ADD generation.

Don't get me wrong though, as a cinematic experience, Uncharted is very good for a game.

These rushed review scores are certainly not an indicator of how good the game is either way.

you should try uncharted 2, it was much better than the first one


Shameless said:
As a game, I don't think Uncharted is that good. The shooting is dull compared to proper shooters like Gears and the puzzles aren't really puzzling at all. Seriously, if you had to think for more than 10 seconds about how to do one of the 'puzzles' I have a lot of questions for you, the first being have you ever played a game before? It really is a Tomb Raider for the ADD generation.

Don't get me wrong though, as a cinematic experience, Uncharted is very good for a game.

These rushed review scores are certainly not an indicator of how good the game is either way.

err ?

its been a week or more since reviewers have finished the game.


Gold Member
Dragon said:
Oh yeah man. I can't believe fans are being fanatic. What's next? People will talk about RE4 being the best game ever?



Shameless said:
As a game, I don't think Uncharted is that good. The shooting is dull compared to proper shooters like Gears and the puzzles aren't really puzzling at all. Seriously, if you had to think for more than 10 seconds about how to do one of the 'puzzles' I have a lot of questions for you, the first being have you ever played a game before? It really is a Tomb Raider for the ADD generation.

Don't get me wrong though, as a cinematic experience, Uncharted is very good for a game.

These rushed review scores are certainly not an indicator of how good the game is either way.
Uncharted 2 was never puzzle game imo.

Still many are saying including ND as well they have improved the puzles


Zoibie said:
I've avoided seeing what that is but I'm intrigued by people's reactions. Does it spoil the SP in any way?

nope, it's a different story from the SP from what I've heard, its been kept under wraps though, so excited
Shameless said:
As a game, I don't think Uncharted is that good. The shooting is dull compared to proper shooters like Gears and the puzzles aren't really puzzling at all. Seriously, if you had to think for more than 10 seconds about how to do one of the 'puzzles' I have a lot of questions for you, the first being have you ever played a game before? It really is a Tomb Raider for the ADD generation.

Don't get me wrong though, as a cinematic experience, Uncharted is very good for a game.

These rushed review scores are certainly not an indicator of how good the game is either way.
ND appreciates the back handed compliment.....smh.


Shameless said:
As a game, I don't think Uncharted is that good. The shooting is dull compared to proper shooters like Gears and the puzzles aren't really puzzling at all. Seriously, if you had to think for more than 10 seconds about how to do one of the 'puzzles' I have a lot of questions for you, the first being have you ever played a game before? It really is a Tomb Raider for the ADD generation.

Don't get me wrong though, as a cinematic experience, Uncharted is very good for a game.

These rushed review scores are certainly not an indicator of how good the game is either way.

Not to turn this in to a comparison thread, but having just completed Gears 3 and now playing through U2, I have to completely disagree. First of all, I find the controls and cover system a lot more fluid in U2. I dislike that A controls everything in Gears, as it leads to so many accidental wall clings instead of runs and vice versa. Secondly, the actual aiming reticule speed and accuracy is better in U2 as well. It seems to flow better whereas in gears it's a bit slower and more cumbersome (higher sensitivity would probably help).
Also, Uncharted has more diverse battle arena's imo. More vertical or expansive gun battles where enemies can literally come from any direction, and because they climb ladders, jump around etc, there's an element of platforming involved that gives arena's more tension and added tactical consideration. Also allows AI to flex a bit better. Heck, even the cover system is more expansive, as an example, that amazing segment in Nepal where you have to use the advertising signs you've climbed on to (high up in the air) as cover, but switch around by hopping over or jumping to the different signs, facing different directions depending on where the enemy is coming from. You don't have near this sort of diversity of breadth of gunplay options in Gears.

One area I think Gears excels is weapon sounds and certain weapon hit detection feedback. The spray of blood, popping/exploding heads etc, all makes for more satisfying shooting or killing with certain weapons over Uncharted. Uncharted, whilst better in control and fluidity is not as good with tactility, feedback and extremity.

But I'd say it's far from dull in comparison. It's still crazy fun, just not as impactful. Though U3 seems to have upped the ante a bit, since even the weapons sound a lot more dangerous. Having said all that, Killzone 2/3 is still the king of gunplay and weapon feedback for me, with respect to weapon animations, reloads etc and to the enemies being hit. Hit detection animations along with the sound effects, post processing effects, visuals et all, seriously satisfying stuff.



Dyni Crippler said:
As I always say, there are many good things in Uncharted that people don't consider: great arena-style level design, liberty of action, verticality which allows further liberty, AI that actively tries to outsmart the player...

I think Uncharted has an identity crisis. It's not a puzzle game, it's not about exploring or adventuring as its completely linear with no branching paths, it's distinctly average as a shooter compared to other games in the genre, it's not a platformer as every time you jump you're latched onto the next ledge as long as you jumped in vaguely the correct directon, which results in some ridiculous horizontal teleport jumping, most of the weapons are dull and unsatisfying to use..

But it leads the way in graphics and providing a cinematic experience. Somehow this causes gamers to overlook all its flaws.


nib95 said:
Not to turn this in to a comparison thread, but having just completed Gears 3 and now playing through U2, I have to completely disagree. First of all, I find the controls and cover system a lot more fluid in U2. I dislike that A controls everything in Gears, as it leads to so many accidental wall clings instead of runs and vice versa. Secondly, the actual aiming reticule speed and accuracy is better in U2 as well. It seems to flow better whereas in gears it's a bit slower and more cumbersome (higher sensitivity would probably help). Also, Uncharted has more diverse battle arena's imo. More vertical or expansive gun battles where enemies can literally come from any direction, and because they climb ladders, jump around etc, there's an element of platforming involved that gives arena's more tension and added tactical consideration. Also allows AI to flex a bit better. Heck, even the cover system is more expansive, as an example, that amazing segment in Nepal where you have to use the advertising signs you've climbed on to as cover, but switch around by hoping over or jumping to the different signs, facing different directions depending on where the enemy is coming from.

One area I think Gears excels is weapon sounds and certain weapon hit detection feedback. The spray of blood, popping/exploding heads etc, all makes for more satisfying shooting or killing with certain weapons over Uncharted. Uncharted, whilst better in control and fluidity is not as good with tactility, feedback and extremity.

But I'd say it's far from dull in comparison. It's still crazy fun, just not as impactful. Though U3 seems to have upped the ante a bit, since even the weapons sound a lot more dangerous. Having said all that, Killzone 2/3 is still the king of gunplay and weapon feedback for me, with respect to weapon animations, reloads etc and to the enemies being hit. Hit detection animations along with the sound effects, post processing effects, visuals et all, seriously satisfying stuff.

I don't know Gears 3 yet but I recentley replayed Gears 2 after playing the UC3 beta. I really thought that the gunplay was dull in comparison. There was literally no recoil on the main machine gun, it was just "move your crosshair here and hold trigger till enemy is dead".

That said, Gears is better in splatter stuff, true. But it would be weird in the Uncharted setting anyway, wouldn't it? I don't want splatter in my UC3.
Shameless said:
I think Uncharted has an identity crisis. It's not a puzzle game, it's not about exploring or adventuring as its completely linear with no branching paths, it's distinctly average as a shooter compared to other games in the genre, it's not a platformer as every time you jump you're latched onto the next ledge as long as you jumped in vaguely the correct directon, which results in some ridiculous horizontal teleport jumping, most of the weapons are dull and unsatisfying to use..

But it leads the way in graphics and providing a cinematic experience. Somehow this causes gamers to overlook all its flaws.
While I agree on puzzles and platforming, I absolutely don't agree on the shooting part for the reasons posted above. It's actually a really great example of cinematic yet very good gameplay.
Shameless said:
I think Uncharted has an identity crisis. It's not a puzzle game, it's not about exploring or adventuring as its completely linear with no branching paths, it's distinctly average as a shooter compared to other games in the genre, it's not a platformer as every time you jump you're latched onto the next ledge as long as you jumped in vaguely the correct directon, which results in some ridiculous horizontal teleport jumping, most of the weapons are dull and unsatisfying to use..

But it leads the way in graphics and providing a cinematic experience. Somehow this causes gamers to overlook all its flaws.

I only read the first sentence of what you wrote here, but did you even play the game? :)


Shameless said:
I think Uncharted has an identity crisis. It's not a puzzle game, it's not about exploring or adventuring as its completely linear with no branching paths, it's distinctly average as a shooter compared to other games in the genre, it's not a platformer as every time you jump you're latched onto the next ledge as long as you jumped in vaguely the correct directon, which results in some ridiculous horizontal teleport jumping, most of the weapons are dull and unsatisfying to use..

But it leads the way in graphics and providing a cinematic experience. Somehow this causes gamers to overlook all its flaws.

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