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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 - Sundays on HBO

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If Jon Snow is really dead this early, without having him do a legit showdown with the White Walkers when that was the entire point of his arc, then truly fuck this story. It is as pointless as it gets.

Deaths for "shock" and nothing else. Killing Jon in that way without ever doing anything isn't good writing. Its just killing character people like to shock them.
Have you heard about our Lord and savior The White Walkers?


Well they're supposed to filming S6 like right now, aren't they? We should know soon enough, it would be kind of dumb to lie that brazenly though. If Jon is dead here and in the books I'm done with this entire fucking franchise.

That's pretty much how I feel.


drawer by drawer
I told you guys to temper your expectations after last episode. They only have 60 minutes in an episode and a lot to cover. Let your favourite characterizations from the book go and treat the show as it's own thing.

I do treat the show as it's own thing, and it's not that good.
"Oh wait I'm Theon"



Well they're supposed to filming S6 like right now, aren't they? We should know soon enough, it would be kind of dumb to lie that brazenly though. If Jon is dead here and in the books I'm done with this entire fucking franchise.



You're completely ignoring the way these things are told however. The writing is terribly convenient and nonsensical. A few people have pointed out how nothing that happens in this show makes any temporal or logical sense.

It's like looking at the Star Wars prequels and saying "Well it's a prequel to Star Wars! Anakin became Darth Vader and we saw lots of fights. What's not to like?"

Finales wrap things up in convenient ways.

You're going to have to give me some examples though of temporal lapses.


Jon is alive. Stannis is alive. The former's the case because there's still too many plotlines wrapped up, and the show wouldn't deviate THAT much from the books. The latter is true since they wouldn't pass up a chance to show Stannis executed instead of cutting away.
Who knows, but Kit doesn't give me the impression he's lying saying he isn't coming back, and we would know if he was on set instantly.

I think he's really dead, in which case I'm not interested in this story from either a book or show perspective anymore

Do you think Kit, a man who is paid to act for a living, would have the capability to lie to the media?

Guys, of course he is saying he won't be back, they ended the season on a cliff hanger, gotta generate some mystery till someone sneaks a phone on set and snaps a picture during filming.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
If Jon Snow is really dead this early, without having him do a legit showdown with the White Walkers when that was the entire point of his arc, then truly fuck this story. It is as pointless as it gets.

Deaths for "shock" and nothing else. Killing Jon in that way without ever doing anything isn't good writing. Its just killing character people like to shock them.

Jon is most likely Azor Ahai

and I quote

"I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow"
I agree. Doing that with Ned was truly shocking and unique. But doing it to someone who will leave open plot threads is just bad storytelling.

That's a ridiculous statement to make. Ned Stark had tons of things left to do and say, but they killed him anyway. We have no idea how this will fit into the plot going forward until it actually... goes forward.

I do treat the show as it's own thing, and it's not that good.

Riiiiiiiight. Which is why pretty much everyone who only watches the show thinks that it's among the best shows on TV and it has enormous ratings for HBO.
You're completely ignoring the way these things are told however. The writing is terribly convenient and nonsensical. A few people have pointed out how nothing that happens in this show makes any temporal or logical sense.

It's like looking at the Star Wars prequels and saying "Well it's a prequel to Star Wars! Anakin became Darth Vader and we saw lots of fights. What's not to like?"

But what it's doing is nonsensical and uninteresting haha. Like most of the stuff the characters do honestly doesn't make sense within the logic of the show.

I forgive the tv show for being convenient sometimes when the source material is thousands of pages long.

I think they've done an admirable job (largely thanks to their admirable budget)
If Jon Snow is really dead this early, without having him do a legit showdown with the White Walkers when that was the entire point of his arc, then truly fuck this story. It is as pointless as it gets.

Deaths for "shock" and nothing else. Killing Jon in that way without ever doing anything isn't good writing. Its just killing character people like to shock them.

this is kind of my stance but unfortunately I'll have to keep watching because social circles.

you can bet your ass he's alive in the books though.

and come on guys they can't kill Jon. There's no other POV character in the wall. Unless Melissandre all of a sudden becomes important.


I've no desire to root for Dany, ever. So if Jon stays dead then fuck the show pretty much, and in the books I'll root for Aegon.
Have you heard about our Lord and savior The White Walkers?

Even that wouldn't be enough for me. Just fuck this story if that's how it is. Build this character up for multiple books / seasons making us anticipate something you won't have happen and then be like "SURPRISE I GOT YA"

No you didn't, it was stupid fucking writing. If you want to kill Jon then at least let him get to the actual fucking battle and get killed or something then.


My guess is Pod saw the candle in the tower and he ends up stopping Brianne from killing Stannis to tell her there's a chance to save Sansa. I'm probably dead wrong in that theory, but killing Stannis now and ending his arc doesn't feel right. Not with Mel and Davos at Castle Black. I think it has to go further.
Re: Jon, are you seriously blaming D and D for doing something Martin did in the books?

Well, no one knows what the fuck is going on. These guys are clamoring to make it obvious that Jon is dead, whereas GRRM has stated that it was ambiguous.

So people are panicking, naturally.


My guess is Pod saw the candle in the tower and he ends up stopping Brianne from killing Stannis to tell her there's a chance to save Sansa. I'm probably dead wrong in that theory, but killing Stannis now and ending his arc doesn't feel right. Not with Mel and Davos at Castle Black. I think it has to go further.

"There's a chance, but only if you don't take the five seconds to lop Stannis's head off!"


My guess is Pod saw the candle in the tower and he ends up stopping Brianne from killing Stannis to tell her there's a chance to save Sansa. I'm probably dead wrong in that theory, but killing Stannis now and ending his arc doesn't feel right. Not with Mel and Davos at Castle Black. I think it has to go further.

There's nothing left for him. He's a broken man, he doesn't have a family, he doesn't have an army, nothing. He's dead.

Unless he yelled "noose!" at the last second, heh.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Re: Jon, are you seriously blaming D and D for doing something Martin did in the books?
People are blaming them for not giving the Watch a real reason for killing him or showing any hints to his revival like GRRM did.


Nothing in the show outside of Beric Dondarrions measly screen time (whom most people probably forgot by now) has hinted at the possibility for most people that Jon could be revived. No warging, no Prophecy, no Melisandre seeing Snow in the fires, nothing.

If they do revive him it will feel like they pulled it out of their asses.
That's a ridiculous statement to make. Ned Stark had tons of things left to do and say, but they killed him anyway. We have no idea how this will fit into the plot going forward until it actually... goes forward.

Thing is with Ned though, it was for one book. And it was shocking and aggravating but it was a single novel.

We have multiple books and seasons leading us on, often times frankly boring with Snow's arc, just waiting for the payoff we all know is coming. Then, psyche nope!!!! He just get's stabbed by his own dudes!

That's so awesome guys right? Isn't this so much more shocking and interesting then this character we've been sitting waiting for fucking ever to actually fight, fight? Nope this is much better.


Everyone complaining, I am not exactly sure what you expected. The 4th and 5th book are terrible/mediocre so the show was going to drop in quality if they stay even remotely true to the book.


Man must suck not being able to enjoy this stuff.

Thankfully I can return to the show watchers thread next season because the only spoilers I'll need to watch from conveying is Varys killing Kevan and Pycell. And perhaps the Greyjoy stuff and Stoneheart if that makes an appearance in S6. Everything else is caught up.

I felt like I was in such a rock and hard spot due to knowing book spoilers but not having the negative perspective of a lot of the book readers.
Best GoT episode ever! What's not to love!?!

Arya brutally butchered some guy on her list!
Cersei showed tits and that bush! Wow!
That assassin guy was dead but he isn't!?! Wut!?!
Tyrion, Daario, Jorah and Grey Worm are bros? Sweet.
Ramsay just can't lose!
Theon is back!!
For the Watch!?! Whaaaaat??? Wooooow! Shocked me more than the Bloody Wedding from season one!

Amazing. Up there with Breaking Bad as the best television show of all time. Only the Walking Dead is close!
Finales wrap things up in convenient ways.

You're going to have to give me some examples though of temporal lapses.
But not in Game of Thrones! That's the thing, this show didn't used to let things happen just because "it's a TV show", but now it does. Jon shouldn't have been able to get to Hardhome and back in such a short amount of time. Nobody should have been able to get between Winterfell and back that quickly. How does Varys get around? Why did the Boltons send out an army when they said they weren't going to send out an army? Why did Dany fly away from Meereen when she wants to be in Meereen? Why did they kill Jon after all the murdurous wildlings came though?

Really, as most evident by Hardhome, the problem with the show now is that it's just becoming "a TV show" with all the shlock and hack writing that entails. GRRM's work has always been set on showing realistic consequences to decisions. There's no pandering, things don't happen for the sake of convenience because it would be super cool and totally a thing if Brienne killed Stannis since she hates him. Just like real life, things in GoT don't simply happen because it would be cool to see or would be a great twist, everything seems to exist in a logical and grounded world.

Like you're not wrong when you say "finales wrap things up in convenient ways", because that's exactly what happened, but that's also terrible and stupid. I guess it would be fine if the whole series had been stupid and dumbed down, but this is all fairly recent stuff for the most part. Brienne and Jaime took like 6 episodes to get from Riverrun to King's Landing ffs, now everyone's a merman. It's inconsistent with itself! Because it has two terrible showrunners who don't realize how stupid they are.

News Bot

Nothing in the show outside of Beric Dondarrions measly screen time (whom most people probably forgot by now) has hinted at the possibility for most people that Jon could be revived. No warging, no Prophecy, no Melisandre seeing Snow in the fires, nothing.

If they do revive him it will feel like they pulled it out of their asses.

That's what happens when you're a pair of incompetent hack writers that can't keep track of your own work let alone adapt someone else's.


Man must suck not being able to enjoy this stuff.

Thankfully I can return to the show watchers thread next season because the only spoilers I'll need to watch from conveying is Varys killing Kevan and Pycell. And perhaps the Greyjoy stuff and Stoneheart if that makes an appearance in S6. Everything else is caught up.

I felt like I was in such a rock and hard spot due to knowing book spoilers but not having the negative perspective of a lot of the book readers.
You haven't read the books?


There's nothing left for him. He's a broken man, he doesn't have a family, he doesn't have an army, nothing. He's dead.

Unless he yelled "noose!" at the last second, heh.

Davos still lives and I believe he and Stannis still have business. Stannis may be finished for his campaign to be king, but I feel he may yet have a part to play.

Or he could be dead. I don't know where that leaves Davos though...I feel he's too important to just disappear.
Everyone complaining, I am not exactly sure what you expected. The 4th and 5th book are terrible/mediocre so the show was going to drop in quality if they stay even remotely true to the book.
No, this isn't true haha. I think the showrunners agree with you though, because they don't seem to have understood the 4th and 5th book either.
Someone needs to make one of those book vs show comparison images about dorne:

Doran appears to be a frail and weak leader, but his plans are long in the making and culminate in the brilliant "Fire and Blood" speech.

You want a good girl, but you need bad pussy
That's so awesome guys right? Isn't this so much more shocking and interesting then this character we've been sitting waiting for fucking ever to actually fight, fight? Nope this is much better.

There are many deaths in the books that are utterly without hope or meaning, they just happen because of ignorance or stupid malice. People looking only at their little corner of the world instead of the giant god damn problem they're trying to so hard to ignore.

Might be the overarching point of the series, in fact. Jon's death is more or less the ultimate example of that.

That said, he is almost certainly not dead (permanently). When Thoros talks to Mel about resurrecting Beric (show only!) he specifically mentions that all hope was lost for him when he kissed him, that he had no idea what would happen. This mirrors Mel's place now, she has completely lost her way, and conveniently parked herself right near Jon's recently deceased corpse.

Justin bieber sells lotsa records bro.

It is quite obvious when you read, as I do, forums dedicated to both show-only people and book-show people. Show people are constantly amazed, and wondering what comes next, book people are pretty consistently pissed, especially when it comes to Stannis. Why? People have their pet favorites and don't like when anything changes, and can never view these changes objectively for the show's canon. Unless it blows the damn doors off (Hardhome), everything is "bad writing" or "poor logic", when what they really mean is "It isn't like this in the books/my headcanon!"

These threads prove it pretty much every time. It's just bitterness.
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