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videogamedunkey posts a video on "The Fall of Xbox"

You can’t expect everyone to like him.
People aren't allowed to dislike the youtuber whose entire job is about "entertaining" people? Not everyone finds him entertaining. Some find him grating, insufferable, and annoying. And given his latest video is about shitting on a platform, I don't blame people being a bit more bitter about the guy than normal.
Disliking the video is fine. I just think the ad hominems are lame.

And let's not act surprised that Dunkey is "shitting on a platform", considering the video in the OP is essentially a follow-up to the one below he released four years ago:

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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
He completely skipped a huge chunk of history. PS3 turned it around at the tail end of a very long gen by piling on exclusives, and then launching PS+ with free games, and they still had online multiplayer.

Xbox 360 for the whole 2nd half of it's life focused on Kinect.

It was largely lost before Xbox One was even announced.
I think it’s been a mediocre gen for Xbox. Certainly not as defining as Xbox and Xbox 360. But starting off next-gen with Gamepass and the studios that were formed and acquired, I think they will come out swinging next gen. But let’s considered what they’ve done that was positive this gen.

Xbox 4K BC
Xbox 360 4k BC
Cross-play with Switch, PC and Mobile
Exclusives on PC
Acquired Double Fine, Ninja Theory, Compulsion Games, Obsidian, InExile
Purchased Minecraft
Formed The Initiative

Now that list isn’t amazing, but neither is Xbox One. But I think they are about to drop the bombs that Sony has been dropping for some time now. I just hope it’s not too late, however, I think they’ve set up their own path for success with Gamepass and soon, xCloud.


I don't like to think that Xbox greatest successes came out as pure luck, but things kinda look like it...

Halo was Bungie's
Gears was Epic's
Mass Effect was Bioware's

These three are probably the most important titles that ended up defining the 360 generation. Fast forward some years and one turned multiplat, the other two had their original dev teams replaced and nothing they did was really compelling since then.

As of now, only Forza Horizon has been consistent, that's not enough for a console.


Unconfirmed Member
Disliking the video is fine. I just think the ad hominems are lame.
Konami was insulting the guy that made that video since his videos don't entertain him. I don't like his videos either or his sense of humour and that itself is quite fine. Is Konami not allowed to criticize his content based on his PERSONA? Just like people understand why they others don't like people like Jim Durling and Fat Joe this also applies to youtubers and the way they fall under their PERSONA rather than the real them. Which is prob boring but more likeable. Also we should filter the word ad hominem with NO U.
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The only thing I really disagree with is the stuff about Rare. Rare made good games during a time when standards were much lower and it also lost a lot of key people during the acquisition. Former Rare devs have said Microsoft let them do what they want. Things like nuts and bolts and Kinect games were because Rare management wanted to.

Microsoft has a lot of studios now; however, the ones they bought have wonky track records critically and in terms of sales. The studios Sony's buys tend to be ones they worked with and just released an at least mildly successful game with. The Initiative seems to be taking arguably a lot of risk and could fall pretty hard. They are purposely keeping a very very small team and imply they are experiment with agile development methodologies (which apparently isn't widely used in video game development). There's nothing inherently wrong with this and I don't have a crystal ball; but doing things differently than the norm has its risks. The Initiative has only 35 employees which is tiny compared to other AAA studios.


The community has spoken. Crazy the image turn Xbox has taken. I didn't care much for them after the rrod fiasco but their image was still intact overall but this gen its diff.

Lol. The Sony PlayStation warrior community has spoken. That’s it. The fuck are you even talking about?
Konami was insulting the guy that made that video since his videos don't entertain him. I don't like his videos either or his sense of humour and that itself is quite fine. Is Konami not allowed to criticize his content based on his PERSONA? Just like people understand why they others don't like people like Jim Durling and Fat Joe this also applies to youtubers and the way they fall under their PERSONA rather than the real them. Which is prob boring but more likeable. Also we should filter the word ad hominem with NO U.
I don't follow what game companies like Konami think of YouTubers, like you don't follow Dunkey but now you want to talk about his persona and his real self. I am just talking about actually commenting on what he has to say. When I watch Dunkey's videos, I don't think about whether he looks like a nerd or anything about his appearance or call him a loser because who does that on the internet?
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Lol. The Sony PlayStation warrior community has spoken. That’s it. The fuck are you even talking about?

You edgy as fuck lol you got your green cape on? Fuck are you doing? Protecting the honor of your lord the green crusader?! 😂😂😂🤔

Righttttt bcus you know all those US numbers tht use to belong to Xbox last Gen have been cut and none of those ppl criticizing Microsoft are ex Xbox fans 👌👌👌righttt lol

You'll be OK Phil will be contacting you shortly for protecting the honor of the green Nation. Your contribution has been duly noted 😊
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Great video but this thread is kinda scary. It feels like people don't realize Dunkey isn't championing Microsoft's failure or celebrating it, he talks about how great they were the first half of last gen as well as the gen before. You think he DOESN'T want them to return to that level of competitive?

That's the problem with people getting upset about their pet company being criticized, like a Bethesda fan defending Fallout 76 all you're doing is standing in the way of progress, they need to know they messed up to make things better. When they announced the One and announced always online, no selling your games to Gamestop and on and on it was fan backlash that made them not do all that crap. Fan backlash can get things done.

We don't critique things just out of the perverse pleasure of enjoying their failure, we do it because we hope the people in charge take notice and change direction. When Destiny players threw a fit over D2 vanilla and Curse of Osiris they began to right the ship and now we enjoy a better game, we didn't pretend it was good because we were afraid of Anthem or the Division or something. Not being able to critique something or else you're a fanboy of the rival thing is just silly and for children.

I was such the 360 fan last gen until Uncharted 2, from Uncharted 2 on PS3 became this amazing exclusive machine for me and I only played 360 for multiplats because they tended to perform better on it, that lasted till 2011 when I got a gaming PC and 360 started to feel irrelevant. I legit was on a video game forum on Rotten Tomatoes for YEARS being called an XBOT and a fanboy for Microsoft and here I was switching allegiances and now I'm on a new forum and I've gotta endure people claiming I'm another fanboy. I go where the exclusive games take me, always have, from a Nintendo fan to a Microsoft fan to a Sony fan. It's still bias and preferences, though, if you think Gears 5 is a better game than Bloodborne or Uncharted 4 or whatever else hey, more power to you and if thinking those games are better makes me a fanboy then ::shrugs:: because I can say with certainty was Bloodborne an Xbox exclusive instead of PS4 I'd be a damn xbot on here, I know because I've switched nearly every gen since I was a kid. Some of us legit care about seeing good competition because we want good games produced for all platforms, some of us are just really upset the one platform we could afford is getting made fun of and hey I sympathize with being poor, I don't have a Switch yet because I'm currently as poor as I've ever been in my adult life but I'm not going to pretend Switch exclusives don't interest me because I can't afford it yet or that I KNOW FOR A FACT Sony exclusives beat out the Switch ones. It's all so petty and weird especially considering we're talking about defending multi-billion dollar corporations.
its just wrong time to do acquisitions than doing its earlier than telling this year then last year.....mostly i would tell microsoft its better announced faster their on acquisitions of studios due game developements are not now 360 Generation due games need time to develop


Personally I don’t follow the guy and while I have no issues with gaming enthusiasts turn armchair business analysts doing their videos, I think some of us think they know what’s best for Microsoft and Xbox, more than they themselves know and find that funny. I don’t mean this thread in particular but all of them, negative or positive news Xbox related.

I’m expecting another video bashing Xbox next week Gaf, don’t let me down.

You edgy as fuck lol you got your green cape on? Fuck are you doing? Protecting the honor of your lord the green crusader?! 😂😂😂🤔

Righttttt bcus you know all those US numbers tht use to belong to Xbox last Gen have been cut and none of those ppl criticizing Microsoft are ex Xbox fans 👌👌👌righttt lol

You'll be OK Phil will be contacting you shortly for protecting the honor of the green Nation. Your contribution has been duly noted 😊

I don't follow what game companies like Konami think of YouTubers, like you don't follow Dunkey but now you want to talk about his persona and his real self. I am just talking about actually commenting on what he has to say. When I watch Dunkey's videos, I don't think about whether he looks like a nerd or anything about his appearance or call him a loser because who does that on the internet?
Dude, he meant me as Konami xD don't listen to whataburger, he's a poor man's version of me except he has an infinitely better taste in anime/hentai.
Great video but this thread is kinda scary. It feels like people don't realize Dunkey isn't championing Microsoft's failure or celebrating it, he talks about how great they were the first half of last gen as well as the gen before. You think he DOESN'T want them to return to that level of competitive?

That's the problem with people getting upset about their pet company being criticized, like a Bethesda fan defending Fallout 76 all you're doing is standing in the way of progress, they need to know they messed up to make things better. When they announced the One and announced always online, no selling your games to Gamestop and on and on it was fan backlash that made them not do all that crap. Fan backlash can get things done.

We don't critique things just out of the perverse pleasure of enjoying their failure, we do it because we hope the people in charge take notice and change direction. When Destiny players threw a fit over D2 vanilla and Curse of Osiris they began to right the ship and now we enjoy a better game, we didn't pretend it was good because we were afraid of Anthem or the Division or something. Not being able to critique something or else you're a fanboy of the rival thing is just silly and for children.

I was such the 360 fan last gen until Uncharted 2, from Uncharted 2 on PS3 became this amazing exclusive machine for me and I only played 360 for multiplats because they tended to perform better on it, that lasted till 2011 when I got a gaming PC and 360 started to feel irrelevant. I legit was on a video game forum on Rotten Tomatoes for YEARS being called an XBOT and a fanboy for Microsoft and here I was switching allegiances and now I'm on a new forum and I've gotta endure people claiming I'm another fanboy. I go where the exclusive games take me, always have, from a Nintendo fan to a Microsoft fan to a Sony fan. It's still bias and preferences, though, if you think Gears 5 is a better game than Bloodborne or Uncharted 4 or whatever else hey, more power to you and if thinking those games are better makes me a fanboy then ::shrugs:: because I can say with certainty was Bloodborne an Xbox exclusive instead of PS4 I'd be a damn xbot on here, I know because I've switched nearly every gen since I was a kid. Some of us legit care about seeing good competition because we want good games produced for all platforms, some of us are just really upset the one platform we could afford is getting made fun of and hey I sympathize with being poor, I don't have a Switch yet because I'm currently as poor as I've ever been in my adult life but I'm not going to pretend Switch exclusives don't interest me because I can't afford it yet or that I KNOW FOR A FACT Sony exclusives beat out the Switch ones. It's all so petty and weird especially considering we're talking about defending multi-billion dollar corporations.
I understand what you mean. However, I just wanted to say that this was a great video but this thread is kinda scary. It feels like people don't realize Dunkey isn't championing Microsoft's failure or celebrating it, he talks about how great they were the first half of last gen as well as the gen before. You think he DOESN'T want them to return to that level of competitive?

That's the problem with people getting upset about their pet company being criticized, like a Bethesda fan defending Fallout 76 all you're doing is standing in the way of progress, they need to know they messed up to make things better. When they announced the One and announced always online, no selling your games to Gamestop and on and on it was fan backlash that made them not do all that crap. Fan backlash can get things done.

We don't critique things just out of the perverse pleasure of enjoying their failure, we do it because we hope the people in charge take notice and change direction. When Destiny players threw a fit over D2 vanilla and Curse of Osiris they began to right the ship and now we enjoy a better game, we didn't pretend it was good because we were afraid of Anthem or the Division or something. Not being able to critique something or else you're a fanboy of the rival thing is just silly and for children.

I was such the 360 fan last gen until Uncharted 2, from Uncharted 2 on PS3 became this amazing exclusive machine for me and I only played 360 for multiplats because they tended to perform better on it, that lasted till 2011 when I got a gaming PC and 360 started to feel irrelevant. I legit was on a video game forum on Rotten Tomatoes for YEARS being called an XBOT and a fanboy for Microsoft and here I was switching allegiances and now I'm on a new forum and I've gotta endure people claiming I'm another fanboy. I go where the exclusive games take me, always have, from a Nintendo fan to a Microsoft fan to a Sony fan. It's still bias and preferences, though, if you think Gears 5 is a better game than Bloodborne or Uncharted 4 or whatever else hey, more power to you and if thinking those games are better makes me a fanboy then ::shrugs:: because I can say with certainty was Bloodborne an Xbox exclusive instead of PS4 I'd be a damn xbot on here, I know because I've switched nearly every gen since I was a kid. Some of us legit care about seeing good competition because we want good games produced for all platforms, some of us are just really upset the one platform we could afford is getting made fun of and hey I sympathize with being poor, I don't have a Switch yet because I'm currently as poor as I've ever been in my adult life but I'm not going to pretend Switch exclusives don't interest me because I can't afford it yet or that I KNOW FOR A FACT Sony exclusives beat out the Switch ones. It's all so petty and weird especially considering we're talking about defending multi-billion dollar corporations.


I understand what you mean. However, I just wanted to say that this was a great video but this thread is kinda scary. It feels like people don't realize Dunkey isn't championing Microsoft's failure or celebrating it, he talks about how great they were the first half of last gen as well as the gen before. You think he DOESN'T want them to return to that level of competitive?

That's the problem with people getting upset about their pet company being criticized, like a Bethesda fan defending Fallout 76 all you're doing is standing in the way of progress, they need to know they messed up to make things better. When they announced the One and announced always online, no selling your games to Gamestop and on and on it was fan backlash that made them not do all that crap. Fan backlash can get things done.

We don't critique things just out of the perverse pleasure of enjoying their failure, we do it because we hope the people in charge take notice and change direction. When Destiny players threw a fit over D2 vanilla and Curse of Osiris they began to right the ship and now we enjoy a better game, we didn't pretend it was good because we were afraid of Anthem or the Division or something. Not being able to critique something or else you're a fanboy of the rival thing is just silly and for children.

I was such the 360 fan last gen until Uncharted 2, from Uncharted 2 on PS3 became this amazing exclusive machine for me and I only played 360 for multiplats because they tended to perform better on it, that lasted till 2011 when I got a gaming PC and 360 started to feel irrelevant. I legit was on a video game forum on Rotten Tomatoes for YEARS being called an XBOT and a fanboy for Microsoft and here I was switching allegiances and now I'm on a new forum and I've gotta endure people claiming I'm another fanboy. I go where the exclusive games take me, always have, from a Nintendo fan to a Microsoft fan to a Sony fan. It's still bias and preferences, though, if you think Gears 5 is a better game than Bloodborne or Uncharted 4 or whatever else hey, more power to you and if thinking those games are better makes me a fanboy then ::shrugs:: because I can say with certainty was Bloodborne an Xbox exclusive instead of PS4 I'd be a damn xbot on here, I know because I've switched nearly every gen since I was a kid. Some of us legit care about seeing good competition because we want good games produced for all platforms, some of us are just really upset the one platform we could afford is getting made fun of and hey I sympathize with being poor, I don't have a Switch yet because I'm currently as poor as I've ever been in my adult life but I'm not going to pretend Switch exclusives don't interest me because I can't afford it yet or that I KNOW FOR A FACT Sony exclusives beat out the Switch ones. It's all so petty and weird especially considering we're talking about defending multi-billion dollar corporations.
You can make some funny posts, but I like your serious ones more.
Xbox has had a rough ride since the start of the 8th gen of consoles. But they are sure to bounce back and be a much stronger competition to Sony next gen. Great times ahead!

Handy Fake

Big fan of The Dunk. His videos always give me a good laugh and when he chucks in a serious one he's usually eloquent and on point. Did a cracking little video on Kubrick's "The Shining" which really deserves a look.


Wow, the doors didn't even open/close or whatever they're doing.


Never actually seen that happen in any game, they should pull back all production because of this game breaking glitch!!

Oh wait, glitches happen.

Umm, no timestamp needed for this one since it's the whole fucking video! lol

Thank GOD Uncharted is not a MS game. Is PlayStation Privilege a thing?
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Dunkey is a funny guy. love his videos.

but when i saw this, i knew the salt would be spilled. this is console warring. still, he's entitled to it. would be cool if he made a response video to his youtube comments.


Darkness no more
I spend most of my time on the XB1X because the hardware is so good. It is my 3rd party machine. There have been a few exclusives I have really liked too, but not nearly as much as the other platforms. Microsoft made a lot of dumb choices at the start of this gen, but I like what they are doing now. They are still lacking a large catalogue of good exclusives though, and that is the most important thing. I'm interested to see if they can turn things around next gen with all the studios they bought and a better plan.


Xbox is sitting pretty. So is Playstation. Bring on next-gen. Fucking fanboys be tussling in here. LMFAO
Yep. People I guess want less competition. Which is bonkers, and these corporations aren’t our friends and never will be. But must defend plastic! Unless you’re a shareholder, then I understand having an allegiance, but if you are doing it for free, oh man.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
When it comes to games, the first two gens for Xbox were great.

This gen it seems like they were not prepared.

Their next major release is a crossgen title with Halo?

Their services are good, but their games were seriously lacking this gen.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Dunkey is getting lazy and it shows. None of his videos have been funny this year. Well scratch that, none of the videos apart from his sekiro videos have been funny. they are also getting very lazy. its almost as if his heart isnt in it. just compare this one to his last video on Microsoft.

That said, he does bring up some good points. MS has had arguably one of the worst lineups ever in a console. Easily worse than the Wii U. And like he pointed out much much worse than the original Xbox lineup. Halo 5's campaign IS an embarrassment. And MS does need to be criticized for cancelling games like Scalebound.

Where he goes wrong is dismissing Gears 5 and Halo Infinite. Anyone who has played Gears 5 knows its a fantastic game that does A LOT to evolve the series. Much more than uncharted 4 did. It actually uses its open world environments to include side missions and the Jack upgrades actually reward you for exploring. SHOCKING how a tangible reward can make exploring fun, something Naughty Dog simply forgot when making Uncharted 4. I love the new alternate modes for weapons. I love Jack's abilities, especially the cloaking ability which really gives you a lot more options to flank your enemies, and i really admire the lengths they went to in order to make every single combat encounter feel unique and fun.

Halo Infinite is taking things in an even more drastically different direction. the wildlife in the first trailer and massive open worlds point to a very MGSV or Horizon like open world. Yes, the Scarlett reveal cutscene was the most idiotic way to show off your next gen console but the game is clearly taking a very different direction and MS needs to be commended for that.

I am a big fan of Ninja Theory. I think they can bring a lot to Microsoft given a decent budget and support. Obsidian is another AAA addition that is only going to bring the glory days of Morrowind and Oblivion. the Forza Horizon guys making the next Fable is only good news. these guys are extremely talented.

The only caveat to all of this is the fact that games take forever to make nowadays. horizon took 6 years. GoW took 5 years. Ghost will take 6+ years. So I am not sure if we will those games any time soon.

TLDR; Dunkey is getting lazy because MS is actually finally turning things around after one of the worst gens ever.
Anyone who has played Gears 5 knows its a fantastic game that does A LOT to evolve the series. Much more than uncharted 4 did.

Currently playing Gears 5, pretty mediocre game so far. The mechanics are still obscenely clunky and the game still plays like total crap. Inaccurate long range and inaccurate hip fire, fight everything from mid distance for the win, lol. Enemies still don't know how to flank something Uncharted did in the first game. Visuals are good but lacking in detail and interactivity is at a franchise low.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Currently playing Gears 5, pretty mediocre game so far. The mechanics are still obscenely clunky and the game still plays like total crap. Inaccurate long range and inaccurate hip fire, fight everything from mid distance for the win, lol. Enemies still don't know how to flank something Uncharted did in the first game. Visuals are good but lacking in detail and interactivity is at a franchise low.
the mechanics are indeed very clunky. but it wouldnt be gears without it. i do agree that shooting needs to feel better, especially long range shooting.

But there is no doubt they have made a lot of changes to evolve the formula.
the mechanics are indeed very clunky. but it wouldnt be gears without it. i do agree that shooting needs to feel better, especially long range shooting.

But there is no doubt they have made a lot of changes to evolve the formula.

It really doesn't feel that different to Gears 4 for me, my man. Not like comparing Uncharted 4 to 3 at all.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
It really doesn't feel that different to Gears 4 for me, my man. Not like comparing Uncharted 4 to 3 at all.
i think the jack upgrades make it feel very different. I feel like i have a lot more options this time around. I can use armor to tank hits during the bees boss fights. i can cloak to flank enemies or use traps to keep enemies locked in one place. it really makes you use these abilities in mini boss fights. i love the little changes they have made to the guns. The lancer has a grenade launcher now and it works as a mini hammer of dawn. The sniper puts an extra shot in the chamber if you do a perfect reload. the shotgun fires two separate rounds if you hold the trigger and the game routinely gives you weapons from mini bosses like a hammer, a chain gun or a rocket salvo. i was walking around in a mech just yesterday. there is a lot more variety here than in previous gears games which is what you want in a sequel.

granted, i didnt play much of gears 4. maybe put in 2-3 hours. i couldnt get over how basic that game felt. this game starts off strong with lots of cool setpices and kept me engaged. im in the first open world area now driving around a vast snowy area doing side missions fighting bosses and it feels very different from previous gears.
i think the jack upgrades make it feel very different. I feel like i have a lot more options this time around. I can use armor to tank hits during the bees boss fights. i can cloak to flank enemies or use traps to keep enemies locked in one place. it really makes you use these abilities in mini boss fights. i love the little changes they have made to the guns. The lancer has a grenade launcher now and it works as a mini hammer of dawn. The sniper puts an extra shot in the chamber if you do a perfect reload. the shotgun fires two separate rounds if you hold the trigger and the game routinely gives you weapons from mini bosses like a hammer, a chain gun or a rocket salvo. i was walking around in a mech just yesterday. there is a lot more variety here than in previous gears games which is what you want in a sequel.

granted, i didnt play much of gears 4. maybe put in 2-3 hours. i couldnt get over how basic that game felt. this game starts off strong with lots of cool setpices and kept me engaged. im in the first open world area now driving around a vast snowy area doing side missions fighting bosses and it feels very different from previous gears.

Uncharted 4 was also more open than prior entries, the most open entry! It used that level of open design to create some of the best battlefields in the series, especially on Crushing difficulty where you'd be forced to use everything the area gave you to use. The combination of verticality/platforming and stealth/melee in with gun fights made for a fluid action game that often would feel like a movie set piece without even doing scripted events. It was the perfection of their formula and for me was only let down by the story near the end and a lame final boss fight. Gears 5, to me, just feels like more Gears. The open stuff is neat but I don't feel like it's exploited all that well. It no longer is as action-heavy either, being littered with cut-scenes and walking while talking sections, more like an Uncharted game in fact but the problem is the dialogue and story are markedly worse and riddled with cliches. It also isn't nearly as well paced.


Currently playing Gears 5, pretty mediocre game so far. The mechanics are still obscenely clunky and the game still plays like total crap. Inaccurate long range and inaccurate hip fire, fight everything from mid distance for the win, lol. Enemies still don't know how to flank something Uncharted did in the first game. Visuals are good but lacking in detail and interactivity is at a franchise low.
The clunky gameplay is why I haven't played it. Gears 4 was like going back to 2006 for me.


I don't like to think that Xbox greatest successes came out as pure luck, but things kinda look like it...

Halo was Bungie's
Gears was Epic's
Mass Effect was Bioware's

These three are probably the most important titles that ended up defining the 360 generation. Fast forward some years and one turned multiplat, the other two had their original dev teams replaced and nothing they did was really compelling since then.

As of now, only Forza Horizon has been consistent, that's not enough for a console.
They almost lost Gears too.....I think they only bought the IP this gen, since Epic was not interested.....I guess Epic saw bigger things (Fortnite)…...
The clunky gameplay is why I haven't played it. Gears 4 was like going back to 2006 for me.

Yep, this is what got me riled about the comment "anyone who has played Gears 5 knows it's fantastic" I mean, it's patently ridiculous even if I hadn't played it but I am, and am trying to keep an open mind but this stuff just makes me roll my eyes. I mean if I said "anyone who has played The Last of Us knows its fantastic" I'd be begging for people to come tell me they thought differently, wouldn't I?


Microsoft did very well last gen, from 05-10 I felt they was the platform to go to, hell they even got FF13 which nobody at that time thought would happen. I would say once Microsoft announced Kinect and tried to force it on people. That’s the point when Xbox started to fall and Sony started to release big games. I think Microsoft can come back next gen, get a few Japanese exclusives, continue your halo/gears combo and a few new IP, an they should be good to go.


The clunky gameplay is why I haven't played it. Gears 4 was like going back to 2006 for me.

You hit this on the money thts how I feel whenever I play the latest Gears and even the last Halo. Feels like the devs are stuck in time and what made them innovative years ago is just generic now and stale. Like wtf do the Gears characters still run like they drunk, it feels like I'm running slanted. That's not DNA from old Gears you don't want to keep, shit feels clunky asf and everyone else is doing it better.


my friends call me "Cunty"
Microsoft's problem: it tends to treat the Xbox as a tool for accomplishing something else, rather than an end into itself.

In the OG Xbox era and much of the X360 era, Microsoft seemed to want the Xbox to succeed purely because it wanted to be a major player in consoles. But things went off the rails as Microsoft wanted to use the Xbox as a vehicle for other objectives.

The attempt to make the Kinect popular was really just the start of it. I'd say the worst crimes were committed when Steve Ballmer really made his influence felt. He saw the Xbox as a Trojan horse for Windows in the living room, and that ended up corrupting the whole thing. The Windows 8-style X360 interface, especially the initial Xbox One interface, and of course the infamous focus on seemingly everything but gaming (see that "TV TV TV, sports sports sports" supercut) during the XB1's introduction.

Even now, I can't help but be concerned. Microsoft seems to be focused more on gaming than it was, but Project xCloud feels like an ad for Azure, and of course the overall shift to services (like Game Pass) seems as much an attempt at corporate synergy as anything. And its studio acquisitions have tended to impose a kind of corporate blandness on studios that were once quirky and vital. I'm just hoping that Scarlett will have genuinely interesting exclusives and otherwise stand out as more than just a different interface for launching the same games your PlayStation friends own.


You hit this on the money thts how I feel whenever I play the latest Gears and even the last Halo. Feels like the devs are stuck in time and what made them innovative years ago is just generic now and stale. Like wtf do the Gears characters still run like they drunk, it feels like I'm running slanted. That's not DNA from old Gears you don't want to keep, shit feels clunky asf and everyone else is doing it better.
It's the same problem Bethesda has run into. From a dev perspective, it's good business because most of the work has already been done for you. The framework is already there. But time moves on and the product starts to look and feel old.

I played Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted 4 before playing Gears 4. It was rather jarring to say the least.
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