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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine |OT| No mercy. No retreat. No remorse.

Salazar said:
Maybe have a Librarian in the squad to fuck with the enemy psykers a bit. Not to kill them, because the onus to do that should still be on the player, but to fuck with them a little.
I think I want equipment and Wargear honestly ;P Space Marine is pretty much a third person close quarters version of the Force Commander in Dawn of War 2, and I'd like to have accessories I could use at moments like those. Don't know how they'd map it to the controller though - the layout they have now is perfect. Maybe the back button?
OK I bit for $25 and am playing through the campaign.

Certain things I'm loving. Melee combat has somewhat grown on me, but I was most pleasantly surprised to find the gunplay was awesome and way more relevant and useful than I imagined from the demo. I thought it was 90% meleeing, it's more like 30% for me right now in 3 or 4 chapters in. The guns have really awesome sound effects and feel weighty and great to use. Way more satisfying than most run of the mill FPS. Favorite of the ones I got so far is the Stalker Bolter.

I really find myself wishing for a AoE ground-stomp or some ability (probably with a cooldown) that would geneate some space and breathing room. I'm not the best player but too often I find myself getting fucked up and have nothing to generate defense except trying to execute someone mid-battle, which usually ends poorly.

Environment variety could be better. It's one of those things you hope will really blossom in a sequel where you get multiple planets and tilesets and less corridors.

Also I demand more jetpack segments. That is all.
Had some fun with the multiplayer and hit level 36, but at this point, the lack of dedicated servers is really getting to me. Fuck this P2P bullshit.


FieryBalrog said:
I really find myself wishing for a AoE ground-stomp or some ability (probably with a cooldown) that would geneate some space and breathing room. I'm not the best player but too often I find myself getting fucked up and have nothing to generate defense except trying to execute someone mid-battle, which usually ends poorly.

Swing three times and then hit stun.
Haeleos said:
Swing three times and then hit stun.
Pretty much. And let your shield strength and fury meter temper your desires to wade into the horde. The best you can get from executions is health, not shields, so if you're low on shielding get your ass out of the close combat meat grinder for a few moments.

I'm not sure but I think the larger the melee weapon the larger the radius of effect from your combos and the longer you're committed in those combos. Something to bear in mind.


Gold Member
Probably the most fun I've had with a sp campaign in a long time. The combat was so much fun. I want more really badly, hope we get some expansion or DLC soon. The MP is fun too, but I could go for some new maps. Worth the full price to me.
OK this plasma turret sequence (on a train which I'm supposed to stop somehow) has totally defeated me (playing on Normal).

How many times do I have to shoot this blimp? I've been through up to 5 sequences- on my best run- of the blimp dropping nobs and orks on top of us, and I got in at least 6 or 7 shots in on the blimp in that time. Also it seems to be super good at dodging my shots except when it's standing still to drop da boyz on us.

Edit: Oh wow. I had been tearing off the turret the whole time and it makes the gun take AGES to fire. If I keep the turret on the shots hit the blimp constantly, lol, this makes me feel stupid. Although I wonder why they kept the option to tear it off then...

leng jai

FieryBalrog said:
OK this plasma turret sequence (on a train which I'm supposed to stop somehow) has totally defeated me (playing on Normal).

How many times do I have to shoot this blimp? I've been through up to 5 sequences- on my best run- of the blimp dropping nobs and orks on top of us, and I got in at least 6 or 7 shots in on the blimp in that time. Also it seems to be super good at dodging my shots except when it's standing still to drop da boyz on us.

LOL I had the exact opposite problem from that guy. I would always tear it off and oh my god, it makes the blimp almost impossible to hit.

But yeah I nearly ended up in the same mental state coming from the opposite starting point. "Why the fuck did this game suddenly become nightmarishly hard!"

Wow. This turret sequence does go on for fucking forever though.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
The Antitype said:
Pretty much done with multiplayer. Unlocked all the parts I care about, can't really bring myself keep playing through the same 4 maps, same 2 modes (only one of which is fun), and experience the same inconsistent moment-to-moment BS thanks to some of the worst online code I've seen this generation.

Gonna jump into the single-player game and enjoy myself then put it on the shelf and move on to the next big game.

For those that love the game, enjoy.

*tip-o-the hat*

Rip some jaws off!


FieryBalrog said:
OK this plasma turret sequence (on a train which I'm supposed to stop somehow) has totally defeated me (playing on Normal).

How many times do I have to shoot this blimp? I've been through up to 5 sequences- on my best run- of the blimp dropping nobs and orks on top of us, and I got in at least 6 or 7 shots in on the blimp in that time. Also it seems to be super good at dodging my shots except when it's standing still to drop da boyz on us.

Edit: Oh wow. I had been tearing off the turret the whole time and it makes the gun take AGES to fire. If I keep the turret on the shots hit the blimp constantly, lol, this makes me feel stupid. Although I wonder why they kept the option to tear it off then...

you know you can hide behind cover while it's charging right? but yeah, the bitch took quite a while to take down, like 20 shoots or so. that's why it's so bad ass


Salazar said:
Notice how cool it is when
Nemeroth punches his fist through Sidonus and holds him up in the air ?


Maybe once you get terminator armor in the sequel.


yea it sucks we don't get to use more weapons and armor and your companions are pretty damn near useless.

and game needs to be more tactical base, i want to play as a real Ultramarine not a World Eater.


They're not too useless as they'll call out targets and kill rather effectively. The problem is they're invincible or so it seems. It'd been a bit more immersive, I suppose, if they'd be pinned down behind cover or had to retreat to worry about their own armor.

I recall being near death once and just letting them finish up an encounter for me as it was the safest course of action.


mickcenary said:
Do you know what thought just came to me?

Darksiders II is going to be radballz.
Yep, I was just telling my friend while we were playing a match on SM that Darksiders 2 is being developed on this same engine and it will look amazing.


Image quality is pretty damn good in this game, even without driver forced AA/AF. That was the main weak point of Darksiders on the PC. Hopefully that will carry over to DS2.
Salazar said:
Notice how cool it is when
Nemeroth punches his fist through Sidonus and holds him up in the air ?


This game has opened pandora's box for "LET ME DO THAT" ideas. Personally, I wish the battle sword wasn't just a chainsword skin and had its own executions with stabbing and clean slices. Yum.


Are there any mods, tweaks, etc, for this game? I'd like to know before I start my playthrough.

Also, can you force AA through RadeonPro for example on top of the AA that the game uses (FXAA I think)?


mickcenary said:
This game has opened pandora's box for "LET ME DO THAT" ideas. Personally, I wish the battle sword wasn't just a chainsword skin and had its own executions with stabbing and clean slices. Yum.

Yes. Some warp tentacle enemies would be good, too. Nothing too crazy - not like shit that stretches out twenty feet and wraps around you, just motherfuckers who have slimy growths instead of arms.

Needs more humans/astartes who are still recognisably human-ish but have been levelled up in unnatural ways.

Land speeder action, too. Not so much piloting them as taking the fuckers down.


I've only got the end sequence to finish up.

Had a lot of fun with the game. Love the atmosphere, it's been done really well and makes me want to run out and read Horus Heresy or something. Definitely the coolest "bald space marine" game.

Really dig the combat, great mix of melee and ranged. Like the way they would have long range guys up on cliffs/high ground and mix it up with waves of melee guys, mini bosses, squigs, etc.

Agree with what some have been saying, I'd like some invulnerable frames when you are finishing guys in close. Being able to be hit muddies the strategy too much, often I'd need to engage in close combat to get health back only to get killed in the middle of a finishing move.

The game was pretty repetitive/samey environments and encouter-wise, the combat, tightness of the controls and atmosphere saved it though.

Looks really nice on the 360. I thought the story though plain was very well presented and well written. Titus and his squad are cool characters. Like the female officer, too.

I'll be all over the next game, this got me really excited for it.
Salazar said:
Yes. Some warp tentacle enemies would be good, too. Nothing too crazy - not like shit that stretches out twenty feet and wraps around you, just motherfuckers who have slimy growths instead of arms.

Land speeder action, too. Not so much piloting them as taking the fuckers down.

OOHOOHOOH and ranged weapon executions, or HYBRID executions (copyright, bitches). Imagine the possibilities for stylized gore.


I finished the SP campaign this weekend. Had a really good time with this game.

The ending got me thinking about possibilities for a sequel:
You play as Titus again. He is imprisoned by the Inquisition, and they are testing him and experimenting on him, to see what his resistance to the warp really entails. Obviously this goes wrong and then there's a possibility for the player to choose whether or not to fall to Chaos. So either he goes on a Chaos fueled rampage across the galaxy, or he stands fast in his duty to the Emperor and rejoins the Ultramarines. Where he will off course run into Leonidas again.
I'd buy it :)
Morphis said:
I finished the SP campaign this weekend. Had a really good time with this game.

The ending got me thinking about possibilities for a sequel:
You play as Titus again. He is imprisoned by the Inquisition, and they are testing him and experimenting on him, to see what his resistance to the warp really entails. Obviously this goes wrong and then there's a possibility for the player to choose whether or not to fall to Chaos. So either he goes on a Chaos fueled rampage across the galaxy, or he stands fast in his duty to the Emperor and rejoins the Ultramarines. Where he will off course run into Leonidas again.
I'd buy it :)

Witcher 2 style completely different paths? Except this time the ends don't converge.


Unfortunately, I feel that the chances that they will let you play in campaign as anyone other than Titus are terribly slim.


narcosis219 said:
Witcher 2 style completely different paths? Except this time the ends don't converge.
Haven't played Witcher 2, but sounds like what I had in mind, yeah. I don't really see these paths converge,
unless with some completely lame twist on Chaos side, some sort of redemption.

Salazar said:
Unfortunately, I feel that the chances that they will let you play in campaign as anyone other than Titus are terribly slim.
Maybe if they add in campaign co-op. Or different classes, as the original plan was iirc.






I really hope that Space Marine 1 was just a test run they rushed to release to get more funding to for Space Marine 2 which will have rpg-like skills, armor customization, varied areas and a hub space ship from which you can travel to different worlds from...I pretty much want Dawn of War 2 as a third person shooter.

Space Marine 1 just feels like a barebones third person shooter that could have been so much more.


AEREC said:
I really hope that Space Marine 1 was just a test run they rushed to release to get more funding to for Space Marine 2 which will have rpg-like skills, armor customization, varied areas and a hub space ship from which you can travel to different worlds from...I pretty much want Dawn of War 2 as a third person shooter.

Space Marine 1 just feels like a barebones third person shooter that could have been so much more.

What you describe is what early previews made the game out to be. It was supposed to have Diablo-style loot, hub world, and a bunch of other RPG elements such as a progression system.


Truant said:
What you describe is what early previews made the game out to be. It was supposed to have Diablo-style loot, hub world, and a bunch of other RPG elements such as a progression system.

I don't want to loot Chaos filth or xenos trash.

A prequel with Titus as an aspirant, training and receiving the geneseed, joining a squad, acquiring skills and choosing paths, taking on his first missions - culminating in some huge fuck-off brawl or perhaps defence of a fortress or cruiser.

That would be fucken rad. It would give a heap of scope to include enemies, environments, 40K lore.


Time ta STEP IT UP
I bought this game for $50 on Steam for some reason, already on Chapter 13 -- Wish it wasn't going to be over..

I thought it was a great time. Like mentioned above, it could use a few more RPG elements or modifications. But whatever. I couldn't put down the single player.


Salazar said:
I don't want to loot Chaos filth or xenos trash.

A prequel with Titus as an aspirant, training and receiving the geneseed, joining a squad, acquiring skills and choosing paths, taking on his first missions - culminating in some huge fuck-off brawl or perhaps defence of a fortress or cruiser.

That would be fucken rad. It would give a heap of scope to include enemies, environments, 40K lore.

Ultramarine recruitement is done as some sort of gladiatorial combat, right? That could be awesome, first third is fighting as an underaged kid warrior pleasing the crowd (and the masters of Ultramar), second third is training missions as a scout, finale is becoming a full fleged SM and and going on your first mission.


Different chapters have different recruitment and training methods. The Space Wolves jam a borked geneseed in you, kick you out into the snow, and bank on the 15% chance you will both survive and not turn into a crazy wolfy freak. Most of them do have trainng with a stupidly high fatality rate, and I think they all do pit candidates against each other.

It would be markedly better than Titus somehow getting out of his current jam. There's so much awesome potential in his past; fuck his future, for the time being.


Truant said:
What you describe is what early previews made the game out to be. It was supposed to have Diablo-style loot, hub world, and a bunch of other RPG elements such as a progression system.

really...I didnt know that. I guess they had to cut some stuff...hopefully they will bring all that back in the sequel, if there is one.


GAF parliamentarian
Man, once I finally learned how incredible interrupt was, I couldn't stop playing Assault/Raptor Marine. Especially now that I finalized my Night Lords Chaos skin. So damn fun!

I think Devastator/Havok might bemy favorite though. I like how weighty and powerful they are. The movement in multiplayer is so good, when it isn't lagging.


I've been using the Plasma Cannon as a Devastator and having fun with it. Downside is, I have a bad habit of killing myself sometimes.


Salazar said:
Different chapters have different recruitment and training methods. The Space Wolves jam a borked geneseed in you, kick you out into the snow, and bank on the 15% chance you will both survive and not turn into a crazy wolfy freak. Most of them do have trainng with a stupidly high fatality rate, and I think they all do pit candidates against each other.

It would be markedly better than Titus somehow getting out of his current jam. There's so much awesome potential in his past; fuck his future, for the time being.

Makes you wonder how Leonidas became a Space Marine since by the end of the game he is such a little bitch lol
Im at chapter 17 now, so I can see the end. Boooooooo. was not worth 50 Bucks at all.

they could have scrapped the tagged on multiplayer and added 4-5 more hours worth of single player, and rewritten the script a couple of time to escape the loophole of the predictable plot twist.

In it's defense, I am loving this IP. This is a really, really cool universe. Rarely have I seen such great framework with controls, combat and graphics. It's really really nice.

but screwwwwwwww this bullcrap about tagged on multiplayers! boooo boOOOOOOOOoooooo


Vigilant Walrus said:
Im at chapter 17 now, so I can see the end. Boooooooo. was not worth 50 Bucks at all.

they could have scrapped the tagged on multiplayer and added 4-5 more hours worth of single player, and rewritten the script a couple of time to escape the loophole of the predictable plot twist.

In it's defense, I am loving this IP. This is a really, really cool universe. Rarely have I seen such great framework with controls, combat and graphics. It's really really nice.

but screwwwwwwww this bullcrap about tagged on multiplayers! boooo boOOOOOOOOoooooo

The multiplayer is far from tacked on

just because there's a big single player campaign, and the main focus is on single player, doesn't mean that the multi is tacked on.

Play the multi a bit, it's incredible.

Also, people asking for a 12-15 hour action game are stupid. 8 hours of pure action are enough. This isn't padded at all, and it isn't like there isn't replayability (servoskulls +hard mode)

Basically you're completely stupid


will learn eventually
markatisu said:
Makes you wonder how Leonidas became a Space Marine since by the end of the game he is such a little bitch lol

Wasn't his name Leandros?

Anyways, just finished it. What a great ride. Short? Yes. Perfectly paced. Yes.
Worst line during the game? "Out of fuel"

I really loved everything about it, but I am a Warhammer 40k nerd lol.
Hard was really a great difficutly because you couldn't just waltz in with your melee and crush everything. One of the reasons why I never used the thunderhammer. (Except with jump pack combined) I loved the Lasgun too much.

Multiplayer is fun, but Relic needs to fix it fast. Better matchmaking, custom games, Final Vengeance and Lasgun need to be toned down, Meltagun probaly too.

Got this game for 18€ from a key site, so I feel like I got my moneys worth a LOT of times.


I beat single player and started multiplayer last night. The final stage on single player was amazing. The multiplayer was very addicting, my first match was laggy, but after that i played probably 10 more and they were pretty lag free (PC). I will definitely be playing the multi for a while. Side note, no Night Lords pre set, boo I say!
Second half of the game was great.

End game spoilers-

Man I really didn't want to kill Boss Grimskull. Dude was the best character in the game. Also RIP Sidonus, I knew it was a bad idea when Titus gave him the power cell.

Anyway, great fucking game overall, and I'm optimistic we'll see a sequel. It's obvious that they didn't get carried away with the budget and even used a lot of the DOW assets, so I don't think it'll have to sell millions to make a profit.

I do hope they introduce some more rpg/loot elements in the next game.


GAF parliamentarian
LocoMrPollock said:
Man I really didn't want to kill Boss Grimskull. Dude was the best character in the game. Also RIP Sidonus, I knew it was a bad idea when Titus gave him the power cell.
Yeah, he was great. Damn, I love orks. I joke the next game take a more third person approach to the story so we can see some orky cutscenes just for kicks.


Gold Member
I knew next to nothing about Warhammer 40k before I played this. Now I'm kinda loving the shit outta it. The orcs are freaking great. It's like their sole purpose is to antagonize the Space Marines at all costs.
The orc general is probably one of my favorite characters, he actually made me laugh. He's like a dim-witted pirate or something with massive brute strength and a burning desire to piss off Titus any way possible. He didn't take any shit from the Chaos guys either lolol. When he jumps back up on the ledge and is like "I ain't so easy to kill..." Then attacks Nemeroth, that was awesome. I really didn't want to see him go :( YOU WANT THAT SHINY THING SPACE MARINES?? THEN I WANT THAT SHINY THING."
I want more of this game badly, more Titan action, more locations, more enemy races, more orcs. I'm ready for SM 2 on the reg.

Awesome game overall. I would like to see the exploding jet packs and the laser snipers get toned done in multi though. The final stand perk needs a longer fuse I think. I can't get away even when I know its coming. And more maps.

This game also made me buy Dawn of War 2 just cause I loved the universe so much. Turns out that game is incredibly badass as well. Relic knows how to make you feel like a total killing machine.
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