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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine |OT| No mercy. No retreat. No remorse.


I actually got hate mail after a game today. I've never gotten hate mail in a shooter before (I'm really not that good). Dude called me some names and said my loadout was the cheesiest crap ever. Dev with Plasma Cannon, Iron Halo+faster armor regen perk. Butthurt assault players.
Anerythristic said:
Why? I figured they were not in there simply because the proper helmets for both warbands would have required more....everything.

Edit: Oh and another thing, if you would have included that standard Eagle head badge, players could have designed White Consuls, Mentors and even Black Consuls with just that single inclusion, I though that was odd. I know that White Consuls and Mentors are pretty popular.

Nailed it. That video capture is from an older build. And you're right about the Eagle badge, sorry :(. I did try to get a lot of esoteric ones that we didn't do in DOW1/2 etc., but we couldn't do 'em all.

I also underestimated the Flesh Tearers love out there, haha.

Mentors is a tiny bit different (they share the Raptors one), but if to the average player, it would've sufficed, for sure.
shrapnelmagnet said:
Nailed it. That video capture is from an older build. And you're right about the Eagle badge, sorry :(. I did try to get a lot of esoteric ones that we didn't do in DOW1/2 etc., but we couldn't do 'em all.

I also underestimated the Flesh Tearers love out there, haha.

Mentors is a tiny bit different (they share the Raptors one), but if to the average player, it would've sufficed, for sure.

Well there were alot of good choices too. Praetors of Orpheus, Doom Eagles, Storm Lords, Dark Hunters.. alot of pleasantily surprising stuff. So its not all bad. :)
Up to chapter 13 now. Combat has become a chore but the universe is very interesting. I'm probably go pick up one of the novels after I've finished this.

Also 40,000 kills for a gold trophy. Really? That's bloody ridiculous.


LocoMrPollock said:
I was happy about it. I was preparing myself to die about 10 or 15 times, and then I was like "woo hoo, fuckin bitch, didn't want none!"

Haha I guess, after those last battles to get to the boss, I was kinda relieved I didn't have to shoot the boss for 5 hours with bullets...
One thing I keep forgetting to ask. I just started the game today so...How do I get the Force Sword that I unlock by owning Kill Team? Is it just for multiplayer or what?
Playing through the single-player and running into some trouble against the larger orks. I'm trying to use Y to interrupt melees the same way I would in multiplayer, but I can't tell if it's working...


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
The Antitype said:
Playing through the single-player and running into some trouble against the larger orks. I'm trying to use Y to interrupt melees the same way I would in multiplayer, but I can't tell if it's working...

You can stun lock them with 1, 1, 2 just keep doing that over and over. Otherwise just turn on fury mode and slaughter them.


It takes longer but if you're still getting hit, you can get X Y (attack then stun) off before they can swing at you. Repeat.


I really like the different chapter mod for SP. Maybe I'm just easily pleased but a slight change in aesthetic can really enhance a game for me.

Man this game is so good. It gets the basics so right that the game is just a blast to play.

That's why even though it is a little repetitive, the combat is just so fucking good to the core that it doesn't wear out it's welcome. It also really points to how awesome an expanded sequel would be- it's one of those games. The weapon selection is already perfect, what I want to see is more enemy types (different races), more environments and more open world. Oh and vehicles as enemies.

P.S. Relic, I know I'm playing SPACE MARINE. Thanks for having the Orks, Imperial Guard, Inquisitor and every other character in that game point it out for me :p

P.P.S. The thunder hammer is pure sex. Also the Stalker Bolter is my favorite sniper gun in any game ever.
FieryBalrog said:
P.P.S. The thunder hammer is pure sex. Also the Stalker Bolter is my favorite sniper gun in any game ever.

Have you met Lascannon? If not, you should use it. If you have already met Lascannon, then he wants a talk with you.
narcosis219 said:
Have you met Lascannon? If not, you should use it. If you have already met Lascannon, then he wants a talk with you.
I did use it. I specifically swapped out the lascannon back for the Stalker Bolter even though it's weaker :lol

I did like it and get a bunch of use out of it but man, the sound effect on the Bolter is so beautiful.

Edit: Also with the lascannon you don't have to line up headshots which is lame =/


I wish multiplayer had a 5v5 mode where 5 people play Space Marines and 5 people play Orks in a Company of Heroes-styled RTS fashion where they can purchase different types of units to throw at the Space Marines.


Kahoona said:
I wish multiplayer had a 5v5 mode where 5 people play Space Marines and 5 people play Orks in a Company of Heroes-styled RTS fashion where they can purchase different types of units to throw at the Space Marines.

I hope Exterminatus can be solo-ed.

Relic/THQ still refuse to tell us.


Salazar said:
I hope Exterminatus can be solo-ed.

Relic/THQ still refuse to tell us.
Maybe shrapnelmagnet can tell us? :)

While it may be fun solo for a little bit, that is still where I will be spending most of my multiplayer in this game.


derFeef said:
While it may be fun solo for a little bit, that is still where I will be spending most of my multiplayer in this game.

Having some more single-player accessible content makes a bit of sense. What makes more sense is clarifying whether or not it requires 4 players. I mean, they let some media outlets do a preview of it - they said different and vague things about the issue - and when contacted the project lead and THQ's community manager declined to confirm or deny anything. It's moderately basic information about the mode; granted, people who've bought the game new aren't paying for it, but keeping silent on it for much longer will genuinely constitute dicking people around for no apparent reason.
One thing I really hope they get rid of in a sequel is the endless running down empty corridors and pressing switches to open doors/lifts/platforms which is just pure padding.


will learn eventually
Orgun said:
Man, fuck the last boss fight. Fuck it right in it's chaos infested arse hole.
Use lasgun for Chaos Space Marines, use Melta for the Bloodletters. Hind behind the crates at the back. Makes it really easy.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Hit 250 kills with the thunder hammer last night and set it down for a while cause i was getting kind of burned out on it after powering through to the extra xp. Starting wrecking shit with the chainsword again and trying out tac marines a little ...

Then today some lil bitch was acting all uppity running around refusing to die and threatening to cap my point... armory... assault one ... hammer doth smash!!!!

I fucking love this game.


GAF parliamentarian
duffyside said:
Anyone else having problems playing multiplayer on PS3? Such as, not being able to play at all?
Currently bugged. Apparently the patch is in testing at Sony, so it shouldn't be long.

The official forums has threads to exchange PSN IDs and do private matches though.
Still trying to decide between this and Dead Island as a purchase later today (paycheck day!).

Leaning towards Space Marine now, but I go back and forth :/ Is the netcode *really* that bad? Like so bad it's not fun?

I know I'll have a blast in the single player, that's no worry for me (loved the demo) -- but I want to at least be able to hop in the multiplayer and find a game when I want to (and not have to wait 10 minutes in matchmaking).
weekendCONFIRMED said:
Still trying to decide between this and Dead Island as a purchase later today (paycheck day!).

Leaning towards Space Marine now, but I go back and forth :/ Is the netcode *really* that bad? Like so bad it's not fun?

I know I'll have a blast in the single player, that's no worry for me (loved the demo) -- but I want to at least be able to hop in the multiplayer and find a game when I want to (and not have to wait 10 minutes in matchmaking).

I love the game, I don't seem to have many problems online (PC) so not everyone has it. I usually get put into a game within a minute or two. I would say get this game for sure but both are good :)
Snkfanatic said:
I love the game, I don't seem to have many problems online (PC) so not everyone has it. I usually get put into a game within a minute or two. I would say get this game for sure but both are good :)
Good to know.

Dead Island pushes me away because I hate the fact that they made users have to risk being VAC banned just to make the game playable.


weekendCONFIRMED said:
Good to know.

Dead Island pushes me away because I hate the fact that they made users have to risk being VAC banned just to make the game playable.
The game is playable, no problems here. People are "fixing" the game just because they think weapons should not brake etc. If you think altering main game mechanics is "making it playable" then the game is not for you anyway.


Weapons breaking is not a very fun mechanic because it forces you to find new weapons instead of holding on to the guns you like.
derFeef said:
The game is playable, no problems here. People are "fixing" the game just because they think weapons should not brake etc. If you think altering main game mechanics is "making it playable" then the game is not for you anyway.
I'm just talking about VSync and a FOV that doesn't make you feel nauseous. Not to mention disabling that horrendous Bloom and depth of field.

A game with screen tearing is unplayable to me, and CCC/D3Doverider doesn't work in a lot of cases. Not worth the risk.

I want to pick up both games, eventually, I just have to choose which is the wisest to pick up NOW in the shape they are in. I mean, Techland *has* to eventually add those graphical options....right? :/


Gvaz said:
Weapons breaking is not a very fun mechanic because it forces you to find new weapons instead of holding on to the guns you like.
Resource management, upgrading, switching. But that's the wrong thread to discuss this and I already said in the DI thread that I find such changes quite ridiculous. Takes the fun away.

Why not make my Space Marine invulnerable during executions also? I hate to think and plan my attacks!


GAF parliamentarian
Invulnerability? No. 75% damage resistance? Yes.

I do hate when I really, really need a block of health and I'm begging Titus to stomp on the guy's face faster.


Gvaz said:
For what reason would that example make sense?

Maybe in a fighting game or something
These are mechanics in two games, which are there for reasons. Take them away and the game changes significantly. But hey, people also change their health regeneration rate and dmg output because the game is "unplayable".


So, the Bolter with the Bolter Targeter & Kraken Rounds IS DISGUSTING. There is no reticule bloom, AT ALL, when you LeftTrigger in. I could snipe across the map with this thing, even Titus can't hold it this steady.

Also, why did they even call them perks? they should have just called them Wargear accessories, just like Last Stand gear which basically works the same way (accessories).

And Raph... was he always an outside contractor, or did he like, leave Relic right after Space Marine launched?

http://twitter.com/#!/RaphLife : Creative Dir. @ HELM Studio. Game director of Space Marine. Also: Company of Heroes, Dawn of War, Relic, Ubi Montreal, Radar. My opinions. www.helm-studio.com



weekendCONFIRMED said:
Good to know.

Dead Island pushes me away because I hate the fact that they made users have to risk being VAC banned just to make the game playable.

That avatar is awesome. Off topic I know. It needed to be said.
Beat the campaign last night. It's a solid action title. I'm totally down for a sequel with some added variety like space battles or rpg character progression.

Tried some multiplayer today up to level 5. I'm not feeling it. Too few modes and the ps3 version is plagued by some bad matchmaking and lag.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Beat the campaign last night. It's a solid action title. I'm totally down for a sequel with some added variety like space battles or rpg character progression.

Tried some multiplayer today up to level 5. I'm not feeling it. Too few modes and the ps3 version is plagued by some bad matchmaking and lag.

They've already announced the patch for the PS3 version is with Sony.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Been playing this game for a week now and I gotta say the singleplayer campaign is pretty fun. One thing I don't like though is that for the first two thirds of the game there is a good mix of shooter and melee elements, but towards the end of the game the melee element is diminished. If you try and charge into battle with the thunder hammer you'll get torn apart, even on normal.


Gig said:
Been playing this game for a week now and I gotta say the singleplayer campaign is pretty fun. One thing I don't like though is that for the first two thirds of the game there is a good mix of shooter and melee elements, but towards the end of the game the melee element is diminished. If you try and charge into battle with the thunder hammer you'll get torn apart, even on normal.

It's not so bad, just need to reduce numbers. Thankfully renegade militia explode easily.


God damn it, Devastation achievement wouldn't unlock for me. Went 12-1 and didn't get it, do you need an exact 10-1 kill ratio or something?
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