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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine |OT| No mercy. No retreat. No remorse.


Can anyone help me with the skins ? i feel like such a newb...but i cant get them to work.

I tried to follow the readme but the skin wont show up
I used Gamefly for this, but was thinking of getting the game at retail if the online is any good.

But I'm on PS3 and cannot even get into a game. Usually it tells me I was unable to host session, then sometimes it puts me in a little pre-search lobby I guess. I search on one of the two modes and nothing happens. I have let it sit for nearly 5 minutes one time and it still just said matches 20, potential matches 20 or whatever. Am I missing something? Is the MP even worth the hassle?


Mattdaddy said:
I knew next to nothing about Warhammer 40k before I played this. Now I'm kinda loving the shit outta it. The orcs are freaking great. It's like their sole purpose is to antagonize the Space Marines at all costs.
The orc general is probably one of my favorite characters, he actually made me laugh. He's like a dim-witted pirate or something with massive brute strength and a burning desire to piss off Titus any way possible. He didn't take any shit from the Chaos guys either lolol. When he jumps back up on the ledge and is like "I ain't so easy to kill..." Then attacks Nemeroth, that was awesome. I really didn't want to see him go :( YOU WANT THAT SHINY THING SPACE MARINES?? THEN I WANT THAT SHINY THING."
I want more of this game badly, more Titan action, more locations, more enemy races, more orcs. I'm ready for SM 2 on the reg.

Awesome game overall. I would like to see the exploding jet packs and the laser snipers get toned done in multi though. The final stand perk needs a longer fuse I think. I can't get away even when I know its coming. And more maps.

This game also made me buy Dawn of War 2 just cause I loved the universe so much. Turns out that game is incredibly badass as well. Relic knows how to make you feel like a total killing machine.
Good to read something like that. Very cool! Relic has really done a great job. You are going to enjoy Kaptin Bluddflagg in DoW II Retribution :)

Eppy Thatcher said:
*tip-o-the hat*

Rip some jaws off!

Bah, don't take that shit too seriously. I'm sure I'll jump back into multiplayer here and there, I just need a break after powering through to lvl 33 in 3 days.


Gold Member
^ Hahaha yes!! Rampaging maniacs are my favorite!

I just got the Dreadnaught in DoW, we're going to need some of that action in Space Marine 2 I think.
And the Space Marines should sue the Protoss for "lets entomb our maimed in war machines" infringement.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Hey guys I just got this game (PC) and the textures seem to not load, or be loading in super low quality, ive set everything to max, and stared at them for a while (in case it was just pop in) but they never load.

It isnt too much of an issue, cuz its only a few random wall textures, and the rest of the game is buttery smooth,.

But id love to fix that.

Also, are there any more advanced graphic options for the game, i feel like i could pull so much more from the engine than im getting right now?

P.S THis game was so worth it...im loving it to death.
The Voice acting has to be some of the best ive heard in a while


Thought I'd try online and hopped in a game just to hear breathing and keyboard clicks and clacks all the time.

Why is there no volume control for voice chat? No online for me I guess then. Can't stand people not using push-to-talk or shouting obscene things.
I'm surprised about all the complaints against Final Vengeance. Once you're aware of it, it's easy to avoid and I never bother wasting a perk slot on it. Just run or use the dodge key/button to get away from any assaults that you kill up close. If you're assault, just fly away right after killing them. I'm pretty sure that it makes a beeping sound as soon as they die and it also has its own indicator just like grenades.


erotic butter maelstrom
Black_Stride said:
Hey guys I just got this game (PC) and the textures seem to not load, or be loading in super low quality, ive set everything to max, and stared at them for a while (in case it was just pop in) but they never load.

Are they blacked out? I had an issue with that, but I couldn't figure out any fixes.

Tonza said:
Thought I'd try online and hopped in a game just to hear breathing and keyboard clicks and clacks all the time.

Why is there no volume control for voice chat? No online for me I guess then. Can't stand people not using push-to-talk or shouting obscene things.

Silence them. Tab opens up the player list, and you can click the volume icon to the right of their names to mute. I always mute everyone in multiplayer games, I don't want to hear some schmuck talking through my headphones.


Snuggler said:
Silence them. Tab opens up the player list, and you can click the volume icon to the right of their names to mute. I always mute everyone in multiplayer games, I don't want to hear some schmuck talking through my headphones.

Thanks. I will try that tomorrow. (I am also the same, mute on always if it's not a game with friends)


Neo Member
Narag said:
Final Vengeance would be a bit more tolerable if either damage was reduced or countdown was longer.

I'd even settle for a more prominent indicator. By now (rank 17) I'm a little more attuned to the beep and small flashing icon, but amidst all the noise and chaos at 1920x1080 it gets completely lost. I didn't even know what was happening as a new player.


Single player was a blast. The last boss battle was a complete and utter joke, it seems like they just tacked that on at the last second or something.


This might be the most fun I've had with a game in years. My wife said I had a smile on my face every time she looked at me while I was playing. I need more. This better sell well.
Tonza said:
Thought I'd try online and hopped in a game just to hear breathing and keyboard clicks and clacks all the time.

Why is there no volume control for voice chat? No online for me I guess then. Can't stand people not using push-to-talk or shouting obscene things.
You can mute people in the scoreboard by clicking the little speaker icon next to them.

Relic needs to get their shit together for PC multiplayer on the next Space Marine game. No dedicated servers, no server browser and always-on mics should not happen on the PC. Luckily, I bought the game for the single player campaign which was awesome.
hiverbon said:
I'd even settle for a more prominent indicator. By now (rank 17) I'm a little more attuned to the beep and small flashing icon, but amidst all the noise and chaos at 1920x1080 it gets completely lost. I didn't even know what was happening as a new player.
Now this I can understand. They should let you hover over perks to get a description on the death screen or something. You should also be allowed to read the perk descriptions before you unlock them. I didn't even know why the hell I was dying until I unlocked Final Vengeance. I thought I was just getting hit with some killer ground pound from another assault.

Once I was aware of what was going on though, I had no problem with it. Any time I kill an assault player next to me now, I run for a split second and then dodge away from their corpse.


GAF parliamentarian
Nah, Final Vengeance just needs to be removed from the game completely. "Fixing" it just means you're putting lipstick on a green puss of a perk.

Nothing says "I'm gonna mash buttons and hope it works" quite like a Killing Blow and Final Vengeance ASM.
Smash88 said:
Single player was a blast. The last boss battle was a complete and utter joke, it seems like they just tacked that on at the last second or something.

I was happy about it. I was preparing myself to die about 10 or 15 times, and then I was like "woo hoo, fuckin bitch, didn't want none!"


daedalius said:
So, anyone else think they should add Capture the Chapter Standard/Chaos Icon?

Maybe I just love CTF too much ;)

First I want Warboss Mode. (Ork deathmatch, kill the Warboss to become it)


GAF parliamentarian
Yup, my Night Lords are pretty much the same, except I used pattern colours to fade out the legs a bit (Regal Blue), and Enchanted Blue pattern on the right shoulder as some kind of fake lightning.

Ah, and Alpha Legion Blue pattern on backpack, because...well, it's shiny and really the only thing that stands out.
Haven't touched MP yet but having a ton of fun with the SP. I just love wading into a sea of Orks and just going crazy with the melees and stun/executions.
Yeah, sorry there's no Night Lords or Thousand Sons in the Warband list - couldn't be helped. But the badges are there :)

Disclosure: I set up the presets / badges.
shrapnelmagnet said:
Yeah, sorry there's no Night Lords or Thousand Sons in the Warband list - couldn't be helped. But the badges are there :)

Disclosure: I set up the presets / badges.

Sweet. Great job on the game man, the multiplayer customizer is probably my favorite part. Wish I could carry it over into the single-player.

Even if my Space Wolves marine keeps jabbering about Ultramarine beliefs.

Are you at Relic, in Vancouver?


Union Carbine said:
Haven't touched MP yet but having a ton of fun with the SP. I just love wading into a sea of Orks and just going crazy with the melees and stun/executions.

You are in for a treat! More and more people are joining the MP. Matches are just plain fun regardless of game mode.

Seize Ground gets my vote for favorite MP mode.


shrapnelmagnet said:
Yeah, sorry there's no Night Lords or Thousand Sons in the Warband list - couldn't be helped. But the badges are there :)

Disclosure: I set up the presets / badges.

But...they were in the Customizer video!

shrapnelmagnet said:
Yeah, sorry there's no Night Lords or Thousand Sons in the Warband list - couldn't be helped. But the badges are there :)

Disclosure: I set up the presets / badges.

Why? I figured they were not in there simply because the proper helmets for both warbands would have required more....everything.

Edit: Oh and another thing, if you would have included that standard Eagle head badge, players could have designed White Consuls, Mentors and even Black Consuls with just that single inclusion, I though that was odd. I know that White Consuls and Mentors are pretty popular.
Herla said:
Calling it now: in the sequel
you play as a Grey Knight Titus

They have their own gene seed and everything, they are their own chapter. It's not like being selected for the Death Watch or something like that. Relic stays on the source materiel pretty well.

Would it be cool to see them or fight with them, yes.


Debating on getting this or Gears 3. I really liked the first two Gears games but I have less and less tolerance for a shooter on a controller.
So will Space Marine on PC scratch my Gears itch?


GAF parliamentarian
Unity2012 said:
You are in for a treat! More and more people are joining the MP. Matches are just plain fun regardless of game mode.

Seize Ground gets my vote for favorite MP mode.
It's still got a few problems though, and I hope Relic will fix them (with patches or if possible, some kind of background fix).

Some matches Seize Ground matches get stuck and lose the timer and progress (which, strangely enough, makes for the best endless matches to get Grudge kills with - they're stupid impossible otherwise). And I just had to quit out of a match because host migration got stuck for 5 minutes.

And the perfect fix would be an all-around change to the netcode so hit detection isn't so flaky. Halo has spoiled me when it comes to P2P connections.
Reading this thread I literally cannot believe people play Seize Ground with randoms...I tired it LOLd quit match when my team was down 600-100 and I was the only one with captures and never went back.
Anerythristic said:
Reading this thread I literally cannot believe people play Seize Ground with randoms...I tired it LOLd quit match when my team was down 600-100 and I was the only one with captures and never went back.

I have won matches single-handedly by capping points...and I'm terrible at online games.

Looking forward to some GAF matches this week.


chixdiggit said:
Debating on getting this or Gears 3. I really liked the first two Gears games but I have less and less tolerance for a shooter on a controller.
So will Space Marine on PC scratch my Gears itch?

PC multiplayer is a bit spotty at the moment (from what I hear, though sometimes people say it is fine), seems to work great on 360 though.

And the perfect fix would be an all-around change to the netcode so hit detection isn't so flaky. Halo has spoiled me when it comes to P2P connections.

I haven't noticed anything too egregious on 360, other than sometimes have devastator rounds follow me through walls, lol. Mostly it seems pretty spot on, but not Halo ;)


Anerythristic said:
Reading this thread I literally cannot believe people play Seize Ground with randoms...I tired it LOLd quit match when my team was down 600-100 and I was the only one with captures and never went back.

I have had it go both ways, I had one match where the opposing team just shot over to our side and spawn camped us and won 1000 - 0. I have also had matches that were really close, just luck of the draw. Same thing in Annihilation, wish my friends were playing multiplayer.


chixdiggit said:
Debating on getting this or Gears 3. I really liked the first two Gears games but I have less and less tolerance for a shooter on a controller.
So will Space Marine on PC scratch my Gears itch?
I think Gears 3 is going to be great, but if you want a third person action game on the PC? Yeah, Space Marine is the one to get. Do not expect gears-like gameplay, though. The perspective is all those two games share.

ninja edit: The multiplayer in Gears 3 is clearly going to be better. Dedicated servers, coop, lot's of game types.


derFeef said:
I think Gears 3 is going to be great, but if you want a third person action game on the PC? Yeah, Space Marine is the one to get. Do not expect gears-like gameplay, though. The perspective is all those two games share.

ninja edit: The multiplayer in Gears 3 is clearly going to be better. Dedicated servers, coop, lot's of game types.
Sounds like I'll keep my Gears pre-order. I'll still pick this up when I get paid.



how can i get a k/d ratio like that with that terrible ping that produces crazy warps and shit like that?

you suck internet people!


SalsaShark said:
how can i get a k/d ratio like that with that terrible ping that produces crazy warps and shit like that?

you suck internet people!

Seeing as you're a CSM there, you're in your element.
derFeef said:
ninja edit: The multiplayer in Gears 3 is clearly going to be better. Dedicated servers, coop, lot's of game types.

All true. What you are forgetting about is the awesome online community that Gears 3 will have...




: /


derFeef said:
I think Gears 3 is going to be great, but if you want a third person action game on the PC? Yeah, Space Marine is the one to get. Do not expect gears-like gameplay, though. The perspective is all those two games share.

ninja edit: The multiplayer in Gears 3 is clearly going to be better. Dedicated servers, coop, lot's of game types.

Hey we get our horde mode soon, I think it also sounds way more interesting than horde as well.

No campaign coop tho, but that's pretty meh for me anyway; would play through it once with the wife and that'd be it.


Loved loved loved the demo, I was shocked by how good it was. I really don't have much Warhammer knowledge aside from Warhammer Online, so nothing from the 40K universe. I will be asking the wifey to get this for me for christmas, the co op horde mode sounds just awesome.
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