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what happened to pc master race?


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
So you're going to pretend to be shocked that multiplayer/battle royale games played by streamers are top of the charts? So you're either ignorant or being willfully stupid to really try and make this point.

Hey now, chill. He was previously a PC player, and knows about the daily struggle of I'm compatible drivers and blue screen of death.


Gold Member
They are, they're really into their console experience. Nothing wrong with that per se, most of us have been there.

Some people really like driving their Ford Focus too. It's chill.
Yea I didn't mean it in a condescending way, I like AAA console games too, I'm just surprised how rare it is to see people into hardcore PC stuff for NEEEERRRRDS on a forum like this


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Yea I didn't mean it in a condescending way, I like AAA console games too, I'm just surprised how rare it is to see people into hardcore PC stuff for NEEEERRRRDS on a forum like this
Me too, but gaming has has become more popular in recent years, so I guess it's normal to see people that are mostly attracted to AAA games and only see value in those.


It's not that they don't care, it's that they don't even have a clue. They're basic bitches.
We hear lots of thoughtful commentary from multi-platform gamers who present good subjective arguments in favor of PC.

Then there's lots of negative talking points which leave us scratching our heads, wondering what year we're in, from the console only crowd, who have no idea, but still want to venture an opinion.
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We hear lots of thoughtful commentary from multi-platform gamers who present good subjective arguments in favor of PC.

Then there's lots of negative talking points which leave us scratching our heads, wondering what year we're in, from the console only crowd, who have no idea, but still want to venture an opinion.

Agreed. All this talk about blue screens and driver issues, or people who pretend like playing on PC forces you to mess with settings all day. I can't help but wonder what the hell they're doing.

I've been playing PC since the late 90's/early 2000s era of classics like Myst, Diablo 2, Alice, Lego Island, Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, and MechWarrior 2; I literally have no idea what they're talking about.
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Agreed. All this talk about blue screens and driver issues, or people who pretend like playing on PC forces you to mess with settings all day. I can't help but wonder what the hell they're doing.

I've been playing PC since the late 90's/early 2000s era of classics like Myst, Diablo 2, Alice, Lego Island, Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, and MechWarrior 2; I literally have no idea what they're talking about.

I try and emphasize with their no fuss mindset too- and I only see how much time I save gaming on PC.

How much time have they wasted sitting through loading screens with no SSD in sight this gen alone?
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PC has always will have the best tech but they've never had a single exclusive to actually harness all those flops. Now they're praying all the Sony games go there for some reason...

Enjoy this gen, the next 2 gens will see the PC become obsolete. I say this as a PC owner who bought a 2080ti and realised that no games actually take advantage of it beyond frames. That even minecraft rtx cannot run properly at 4k 60fps because not of a lack of power but because of the nature of PC itself, all these fucking configs are so diverse that it's impossible to optimise any game.

Far Cry


Doom 3

Battlefield 1942

Unreal Tournament in it's non neutered 128vs128 player state

Counter Strike

Half Life

Half Life 2 (took over a decade for a true 1 to 1 port to consoles)

Everquest 2

Lineage 2

Duke Nukem 3d never got a 1 to 1 port to console

Deus Ex

System Shock

System Shock 2

Baldurs Gate 2



The Sims



Freespace 2

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 - Can not be replicated on console at the levels of a PC even today.

Jedi Knight II: Dark Forces

Black and White

Guild Wars

Guild Wars 2 (Could not be ported to consoles at time of release)

Age of Mythology


Max Payne didn't receive a proper port for years to consoles

Tribes 2


Warcraft 3

Farcry 3 never got the same treatment on consoles

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Theif II


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Today’s consoles are leaving PC gamers shell shocked. Seeing SSD, 4K, stuffing their lineups with AAA and overall progression PC thought consoles would take longer to develop, if I’m a PC gamer I’m taking notice, consoles have shown they’re able to hang with PC.


Gold Member
Today’s consoles are leaving PC gamers shell shocked. Seeing SSD, 4K, stuffing their lineups with AAA and overall progression PC thought consoles would take longer to develop, if I’m a PC gamer I’m taking notice, consoles have shown they’re able to hang with PC.
Same shit every single gen, consoles are powerful when they release, then get left behind soon after


advanced basic bitch
Today’s consoles are leaving PC gamers shell shocked. Seeing SSD, 4K, stuffing their lineups with AAA and overall progression PC thought consoles would take longer to develop, if I’m a PC gamer I’m taking notice, consoles have shown they’re able to hang with PC.
A rising tide lifts all boats. As a pc gamer primarily I'm happy to see consoles embrace SSD storage and not go with cheap laptop CPUs. This will benefit all games on all platforms.


My timing might be off, i just remember dipping in to PC when the DC died, but before the XBOX launched. I got Blade runner and Fallout (and some other games) with my first PC. Glorious games were glorious.

I think it stagnated after that, because i remember reading forum posts of how PC gamers were being left behind (i didn't notice, i was playing office 24/7 on a private server), then Crysis came out and jump started the PC market a bit.

I do miss the days when PC was chock full of RTS games. As soon as C&C started to flop around RA3, i knew it was going south from there.

Interesting about the SLI though, i've only ever seen little bits and bats as i haven't PC gamed with a serious rig for a long time. I wonder if the discussion is low key because 1) most people don't understand it and 2) it would damage card companies. Being able to pick up 4 1080TI's for cheap as chips that gives amazing performance would be amazing. Then i think, why can't i just buy two motherboards and CPU's and make them work together? Just daisy chaining a shit load of old, cheap PC's

After abandoning ms-dos and windows 9x legacy and bc, pc gaming had to reset.
I remember during that time many pc gamers had switched to consoles. I also got a Dreamcast and used pc mainly for old ms-dos games and emulation and unique games like virtual pool 3. Notice that prior to dosbox you had to use third party sound virtualization software on winxp for ms-dos.

It was that time where developers moved to consoles and arcade ports stopped for good..
PC Master Race died when Streaming became mainstream and Streamers relied on party games, quirky games, multiplayer games, indie horror games, and more to gain an audience.

That's what I think.

Not a bad thing, really. The PC's strength had always been diversity in games and the amount of different gameplays that you could only truly enjoy on a PC.
Yea I didn't mean it in a condescending way, I like AAA console games too, I'm just surprised how rare it is to see people into hardcore PC stuff for NEEEERRRRDS on a forum like this
What niche games do you like?

Yes, it’s unfortunate that GAF in general mostly seems to be into mainstream stuff. I’d encourage you to check out Metacouncil. They are refugees from Resetera but politics rarely come into the gaming section so I don’t think it’s a problem.


We hear lots of thoughtful commentary from multi-platform gamers who present good subjective arguments in favor of PC.

Then there's lots of negative talking points which leave us scratching our heads, wondering what year we're in, from the console only crowd, who have no idea, but still want to venture an opinion.

True enough. I'm all for the nuanced opinions, but sadly that's the exception versus the rule and frankly, it bores me to come here and see ridiculous ass clowns and platform shills talk smack about an arena they don't really have a scooby about.

Imagine some of these idiots trying to play Crusader Kings 🤭.

Indeed. I still think about the rabbit in the headlights thread MHK posted where having bought a PC the possibility space was seemingly all too much for his fragile little mind and he just shied away and sold it. The idea of throwing them into a full bore CKII or III campaign is definitely an amusing one. Personally I recommend Iron man Irish Count 867 start because it's the starting location for masochists. Even Streamers don't do that one because it's hard as Coffin Nails.


Gold Member
What niche games do you like?

Yes, it’s unfortunate that GAF in general mostly seems to be into mainstream stuff. I’d encourage you to check out Metacouncil. They are refugees from Resetera but politics rarely come into the gaming section so I don’t think it’s a problem.
Well when i say niche i mean by comparison haha. CRPGs, GSGs, RTS, simulators etc

That sounds pretty cool, though tbh I still enjoy Gaf thoroughly even with all the fanboy bollocks, I find it quite entertaining.
You guys are insinuating again, that in 2000 PC gaming died when just a year later (2001-2002) we got Max Payne, Wolfenstein, Undying, GTA 3, Civ III in 2001

Year before (2000) we got Deus Ex, Hitman, Official CS Servers, Giants Citizen Kabuto, Icewind Dale, Sacrifice

2002 we got Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, Geforce 4ti, Battlefield 1942, Warcraft 3, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Academy, Neverwinter Knight's, Tribunal, Hitman 2
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And here i thought i would be greeted with admiration and respect for funding and providing feedback for seven years on RE4HD.. turns out PC GAF hates masterpieces and classic genres anyway. What a bunch of hypocritical ungrateful whores.. :messenger_pensive:

We hear lots of thoughtful commentary from multi-platform gamers who present good subjective arguments in favor of PC.

Then there's lots of negative talking points which leave us scratching our heads, wondering what year we're in, from the console only crowd, who have no idea, but still want to venture an opinion.
I agree, totally. But you can’t blame fanboys for mocking obscure stuff they don’t understand if you’re constantly acting like an idiot by calling objective masterpieces “interactive movies”, because you sound salty and give them the impression of being detached from reality.

Just say “Would you like to play Silent Hill and Resident Evil games in 4K? Would you like to play Nvidia versions of the Arkham games much better than you chinese remasters? Would you like to emulate the entirety of console history in immaculate resolutions? Would you like to play The Witcher 3 modded to the point of looking ten times better than your poorman version? Would you like to actually download modifications of every kind for every game you can think of? Then buy a fucking PC. Oh and, by the way, i will play your games emulated anyway. :messenger_winking:"
I guarantee you they will understand.

I for one basically only use PC for retro gaming and nude mods ffs.

It's funny because even though games like Mafia, Max Payne and RTCW got console ports, I still consider them PC games because of how insanely superior they are on their original platform
Cinematic, interactive movies you mean. Fuck that basic crap anyway.
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Gold Member
You guys are insinuating again, that in 2000 PC gaming died when just a year later (2001-2002) we got Max Payne, Wolfenstein, Undying, Civ III in 2001

Year before (2000) we got Deus Ex, Official CS Servers, Giants Citizen Kabuto,

2002 we got Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, Geforce 4ti, Battlefield 1942, Warcraft 3, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Academy, Neverwinter Knight's, Tribunal, Hitman 2
It's funny because even though games like Mafia, Max Payne and RTCW got console ports, I still consider them PC games because of how insanely superior they are on their original platform

This notion that most PC gamers are playing at 4K 60fps with 2080ti Gpus in their rigs.

Not the case.
Some are, esecially on enthusiast gaming forums like this one
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It's funny because even though games like Mafia, Max Payne and RTCW got console ports, I still consider them PC games because of how insanely superior they are on their original platform
Oh they def got console port's

But they were so inferior they shouldn't usually be considered 100% port's. Some not even 50% ported faithfully.


It's funny because even though games like Mafia, Max Payne and RTCW got console ports, I still consider them PC games because of how insanely superior they are on their original platform

Some are, esecially on enthusiast gaming forums like this one
Yes definitely some are but most are not.
Listen, truth is - only people on these forums that think a high end PC is actually in fact a bleeding edge piece of kit are people migrating from console to PC. When the truth is

Now particularly that SLI works in the 2080ti's Case

A bleeding edge, cutting edge PC has at minimum 3 GPU's in SLI and one very expensive (5-7 thousand dollar) SSD in order to be considered truly cutting edge.

Otherwise you just have a high end PC.

So in other words, only at nearly 10k in PC parts have you actually built a bleeding edge PC.

And that pc you just built for 10k, will cost way more if you can't build it yourself.

And still probably wont run GPT-3.

But it will be able to simulate vast amount's of physics/collision data (youtube it) at insane resolution's the likes of which would make console gamer's cry - forever.


The problem is this stupid notion that "PC master race", as in people who want the best of the best, make up 100% of pc gamers, which is just not true. Most people playing on PC are casuals. Even most hardcore gamers don't care about having 3080 because they're playing niche games like dwarf fortress, crusaders kings, factorio, etc.

PC is about having options, which is great.


The master race is sitting on its throne, enjoying being at the pinnacle of gaming, while console peasantry fight list wars over new consoles with possibly the most lackluster launch lineups in the history of console gaming. You've spent months arguing about which console will play most powerfully games that don't exist and won't exist for the foreseeable future.

You done played yourself.

Oh, and you called Crusader Kings 3 a silly game for streamers. That puts somebody firmly in the ignorant category. But hey, what about Among Us and Fall Guys? Those look like the sort of party games that existed primarily on console only in the past. Wow, you can play that stuff on PC too, sweeeet.. Then we have the best new rogue-like experience in ages and a couple of new survival/adventure games with their own unique spin on things. Add some VR to the mix, an MMO expansion, and umm Sea of Thieves(OK, you got me on that one) and you're talking about great gaming spread across a variety of genres console peasantry could only dream about.
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SLI is now something to take very, verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry



Considering the latest 2080ti SLI Benchmarks show over 165% Performance increase and a standard increase of 45 Frames Per Second - the PC gaming community has been DYING to see this type of performance per extra card in SLI

and now, we have that performance.

That is a 7 year generational Jump per card added. Insane.

It only took 10 year's of optimizing and refining games for SLI to actually get SLI to work. I noticed the improvement about a year ago and now
the benchmarks are starting to flood in proving PC performance will improve by an order of magnitude with High End SLI Rigs per each card added.

I hope to see a lot more on this news now that it's been officiated.
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Gold Member
The problem is this stupid notion that "PC master race", as in people who want the best of the best, make up 100% of pc gamers, which is just not true. Most people playing on PC are casuals.
I'd add more and say the same can be said about console. The majority of players there could care less about exclusives and are playing FIFA, Fortnite, GTA online, and then only occasionaly trying one exclusive or another.


The problem is this stupid notion that "PC master race", as in people who want the best of the best, make up 100% of pc gamers, which is just not true. Most people playing on PC are casuals. Even most hardcore gamers don't care about having 3080 because they're playing niche games like dwarf fortress, crusaders kings, factorio, etc.

PC is about having options, which is great.
I think the meme is more about attitudes rather than actuality


So you're going to pretend to be shocked that multiplayer/battle royale games played by streamers are top of the charts? So you're either ignorant or being willfully stupid to really try and make this point.
So what you're saying is... most PC gamers are now kids trying to emulate their streamer idols?


Gold Member
I agree, totally. But you can’t blame fanboys for mocking obscure stuff they don’t understand if you’re constantly acting like an idiot by calling objective masterpieces “interactive movies”, because you sound salty and give them the impression of being detached from reality.
I mean, i cant help it if those "objective masterpieces" often feel like very basic games with basic stories attached. If the best thing they have to offer over other games is the cimematic experience, with the animations, acting, visual artistry, etc. then calling them "interactive movies" isn't far from the truth. Thats not a bad thing in itself and i honestly think those types of games might be better enjoyed through a TV. But not everyone likes those, and often see through their flaws. The whole "masterpiece" label is something brought by a small group of journalists and industries insiders in the first place, people that are only really into their own niche and promoting each other.


I mean, i cant help it if those "objective masterpieces" often feel like very basic games with basic stories attached. If the best thing they have to offer over other games is the cimematic experience, with the animations, acting, visual artistry, etc. then calling them "interactive movies" isn't far from the truth. Thats not a bad thing in itself and i honestly think those types of games might be better enjoyed through a TV. But not everyone likes those, and often see through their flaws. The whole "masterpiece" label is something brought by a small group of journalists and industries insiders in the first place, people that are only really into their own niche and promoting each other.
Calling basic gameplay God of War and Ghost of Tsushima, while praising Mafia and Max Payne and enjoying Witcher 3 combat and lite version of these games like Fallen Order.
Man this place can be such a fucking cesspool it makes Resetera look attracting. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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