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Why I bought a Nintendo Wii U and why you should too!

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Wii U has some really great games and is definitely well worth getting. I wish the games would get cheaper, as there are still some titles I'm missing (the 30% off sale helps, just not as much as I'd like), but that's Nintendo games; makes you feel a lot less bad buying them new at full price.

@ZhugeEX: If you haven't already, consider getting a 3DS as well. Tonnes of fantastic Nintendo games.


I got mine really cheap so I'm satisfied. If I paid $250 or whatever they're being sold at stores for now, I'd probably be kind of unhappy with it, especially considering that it seems like Nintendo is going to throw it in the ditch next year.

If you're not absolutely crazy excited for the games, just wait until they go on clearance next year.
I bought one in November 2013 and never regreted it. There's periods of weeks that I don't play it but that's natural since I'll be doing other things.


I want another price cut and/or a great bundle deal. Maybe we will get one or both of those this fall.

Also, Nintendo needs to start a Player's Choice line ASAP. They aren't the market leader this time around, but are instead a distant third place. Keeping games at full price in hopes that they get some evergreen sales is stupid outside of Maybe Mario Kart and a couple others. Give people fewer reasons to skip the system by offering your 2012 and 2013 titles for $29.99 MSRP.


Enjoyed that OP.

I come from a similar spot. PS1 was my first console and I've always grown up with PlayStation. All my nostalgia is there, not with Nintendo. Ive dabbled with Nintendo systems, but never seriously. I had a Gameboy, but exclusively for Pokemon. I bought a GameCube for Resident Evil Remake and 4, playing little else on it.

I'm loving the Wii U. In terms of the exclusives, I'm really enjoying everything I touch on it.

Don't be afraid of checking out the Virtual Console either, OP. I find SNES games especially hold up remarkably well. I've recently been playing Super Metroid and I'm pretty blown away by it. The game is great, but the music and atmosphere are amongst the best I've played in a game for years.


I'll echo the sentiments OP. It's a fun little console that's built up a surprisingly decent library. Granted, the future looks bleak, but with many current titles getting updates on a fairly regular basis, it takes a lot of the sting out of it.


Right I do have another game to recommend, Bayo 1+2(bayo 2 but comes with copy of 1) Zombi-u (its going to be cheap but its fun for a while and the price you can get it at should make it worth it) For Wii titles .. xenoblade obviously, TATSUNOKO VS CAPCOM (yes a fighter but its got ANIME VS capcom YATTA and very simple to learn and play) metroid collection (think thats on wii-u VC?) i'd have to think of other titles but those are some of my faves .

Ya know I never played Bayonetta so might as well try it out. Might wait for Zombi to come to PS4.

Everyone seems to be recommending Metroid haha.

I see. I hope the KT-Nintendo relationship furthers into giving more Musou games on their consoles, because I do love me some Musou. Or make another Pokemon Conquest game. But anyway, Nintendo's first party stuff is almost always great because they're just fun, pure and simple. Also, I do believe Super Smash Bros has a demo on the Wii U, so you should be able to try it out first.

Yeh, it'd be cool if they do more collaborations. But ultimately I play all Musou games on PlayStation. I played Pokemon Conquest via an emulator and thought that was a good game actually. Never played an actual pokemon game before myself though.

OP, apart from the WiiU gems you still have to play (DK: TF, Pikmin 3, Bayonettas...) you must go right now to the eshop and buy Metroid Prime Trilogy. And Mario Galaxy. And Zelda(Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess). And Punch Out. And Sin and Punishment. Really, the Wii has an awesome library, you should take the chance to experience it.

Will have a look at them :)

You haven't played the Prime games? Get on it. But be warded after playing Prime you will immediately be compelled to destroy all other inferior software in your possession... ie. all of it (including other Nintendo software).

I haven't played many Nintendo games. Like I said in the OP, my first Nintendo product was Wii U that I purchased one year ago and in that time I've played less than 10 titles.

I will check it out though. :)

@ZhugeEX: If you haven't already, consider getting a 3DS as well. Tonnes of fantastic Nintendo games.

I'm not a huge fan of handheld gaming (Vita was my first) and so I'm not too sure If I should get a 3DS as right now I don't see myself playing on it too often and there doesn't seem to be anything thats making it a must buy. At least in my opinion.
I bought a wii u and pretty much regret it. Even when a game I want is on it (and I own it) I am never really in the mood to play it. I just have little desire to turn on that console. Dislike the OS, the controller, etc...

Haven't played very many games. I guess I had fun playing the ones I did. I don't know. Wouldn't reccommend it to anyone who isn't a hardcore nintendo fan unless you have that kind of disposable income. If you do then it's a fine secondary for sure.

I can't even explain my negative feelings for it sometimes, they're just there.


Really wish I could have got as much joy out my Wii U as some have. I had all the games worth getting (to me), about a dozen, but the Wii U is probably my least used console of all time. 3DS was a coaster too. Just traded all my nintendo stuff in to amazon. I didn't even play Bayonetta 2 and I'ma huge action game buff. Beat Bayo 1 but never put in 2. I think I've learned my lesson with Nintendo products, an expensive one at that.
I'd love a Wii U, but the barrier for entry is much higher than I'd like to pay for a system that will be 4th on the list of priorities.

Unpopular opinion, but I feel like Nintendo could benefit from something like PS+ that gives you a constant supply of games to check out.

The thought of buying a Wii U and a bunch of $60 games doesn't sit well with me.

It's a great machine though, silly tablet controls aside.
Its a great console if you want plenty of Nintendo games and a few unique ones. I bought mine for Smash bros and Bayonetta 2 and haven't regretted it once.
I want another price cut and/or a great bundle deal. Maybe we will get one or both of those this fall.

Also, Nintendo needs to start a Player's Choice line ASAP. They aren't the market leader this time around, but are instead a distant third place. Keeping games at full price in hopes that they get some evergreen sales is stupid outside of Maybe Mario Kart and a couple others. Give people fewer reasons to skip the system by offering your 2012 and 2013 titles for $29.99 MSRP.

It would be nice to start reprinting a few more games like Pikmin 3.. Its ridiculous how its going for $70 new. Selling new copies for $30 would help increase it sales and meet demands.


I'm not against getting a Wii U sometime later when it's < $200 (new, not refurbished).

I think it would be worth it just to be able to play Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, and Smash Bros (now with Ryu!) New Zelda game looks neat and it'll be the first game in the series that I'll play.


I'd love a Wii U, but the barrier for entry is much higher than I'd like to pay for a system that will be 4th on the list of priorities.

This was a barrier for me as well. Hyrule Warriors was pushing me to buy a Wii U but having dropped £300 on a PS4 a few months earlier I didn't exactly want to do the same just for a new console with 1 game that I'd play and enjoy.

Luckily though I was able to get a wicked deal on the premium bundle with Super Mario Bro's U and Super Luigi U. All for £160. I planned on playing a few Nintendo games as I'd never played them before but never thought I'd be enjoying myself this much. The ultimate plan was to play hyrule warriors, play some other Nintendo games and then sell off the Wii U once I'd played Hyrule Warriors enough. But after experiencing all these other Wii U games the last thing I'd do is sell this console.

It's really become my secondary gaming device after PS4.


After buying an xbox one I've really realised how great the wii u is.

The controller, the OS, the games.... It's a thing of beauty


My advice is to make good use of the backwards compatibility for Wii games. That console has a really really underrated library.

If you're looking for a good place to start, you can't go wrong with the two Super Mario Galaxy games.

EDIT: As you're a Musou fan, what about Samurai Warriors 3, isn't that exclusive to the Wii outside of Japan?


It is a good console now, it wasn't at release when i got mine though, not enough games & too expensive, lesson learned though.


As someone who started following Nintendo and their games since the NES, it's always refreshing to read impressions of people discovering these titles for the first time.

Personally, I've been enjoying the Wii U way more than the Wii, since I was never really interested in the "blue ocean" type games; it is a shame that terrible, terrible, terrible marketing, a horrible first year and casual players moving to mobile condemned the console to being a financial failure. But if you are interested in playing some of the best games Nintendo has made in a decade, I think getting one now is totally worth it.


Great read OP. It's nice knowing that people who didn't grow up with Nintendo and their family friendly franchises can still appreciate that they make wonderful games. I've owned a Wii U since launch, an XBO since Titanfall and a PS4 for under a month and while all 3 consoles have their merits, the Wii U has been played the most on average and will likely remain my No1 console this generation until mid 2016 at the very least.


I got Samurai Warriors 3Z for PS3. :)

In that case, I would say the best games to play next are Super Mario Galaxy (when made available on eshop), Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Metroid Prime Trilogy. Collectively those 6 games are considered among the best ever made (for good reason) and can be downloaded for a reasonable price.

If you're looking for more past Nintendo games that have aged perfectly, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario 64, and Paper Mario are all available on the WiiU eshop and are still fantastic games. There are countless others too, especially when you include the Wii's Virtual Console, but those were the first three to come to mind.


Aryan mech phallus gun
You can't convince me into buying a Wii U. Please.

I bought mine the February after release, couldn't be happier.
If anyone wants to take mine. . .two years old. Pristine condition.

Yup same here. Play my Xbox and PS far more (and love vita too). Aside from 3d world (and only with a pro controller) I haven't been impressed.

thank goodness for the galaxy games and the Virtual Console store with my old favorites, otherwise it would have no place in the house.


I mostly bought a WiiU for the games and not the hardware. Hyrule warriors is one of my favorite games on the console and I played that game at least 400 hours so far since it released.


Yeah agree for sure. By far and away the best non-handheld current gen system. The other two aren't even in the same stratosphere IMO.
Oh ok haha. What would you recommend I play next?

Yup, that's what I'm thinking as well. But so many PS4 games to play first (and Splatoon), then I'll go back to Wii U.

I'll be honest. Not a fan of fighting games like this. So I even don't buy street fighter or Mortal Kombat.

Majora's Mask is the best Zelda game IMO.


I agree with there being a bunch of great games on the WiiU. I, however, got tired of it a few months after MK8 when it had been collecting dust for a while and sold it.
Probably the only console I'll never buy more than once, partly because of the archaic "account system" and partly because there's nothing I really want to play. Plus the direction Nintendo seem to be heading right now is definitely not for me.


Gotta say though, I'm definitely feeling franchise fatigue with The Nintendo staple franchises at this point, and other than Splatoon, I've barely turned my WiiU on this year.

I think that many of us go through gaming fatigue every now and then.
I think having a change of console can be refreshing.

Wii U really fills that void for many people dissuaded with thier current game collection.
I mean, Super Mario 3D World is amazing and all, but I can't believe OP hasn't even played the masterpieces that are Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 1/2. For shame. There are certainly some great games on the Wii U, either way! Feels like a great companion to PC gaming for me.
Feel like the writing is on the wall for the new Zelda. It's either moving development to NX and Wii U version will be cancelled or it will be ported to it.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Due to my tag I won't comment at length on how much I love Wii U, but yes, its library is pretty amazing for a Nintendo fan. I miss some sports games, no Wave Race, 1080 or Excite means I can't say it's the best Nintendo console since N64. But in many regards, it is. The games it has are among the best Nintendo has ever produced.
Got one of the $200 refurbs on Nintendo's website and haven't looked back. Nintendo's been on a roll putting out some incredible games. This really is the perfect second console.

Now if only their marketing wasn't horrendous...


Pretty happy with my console. Loads of great games

Been waiting for Yoshis Wooly world for a while, looks like a worthy successor to Yoshis Island. Finally. Thank fuck its out next week. Should have it on Wednesday if thegamecollection keep up their record of shipping games out early.


Got one on day one. Been a roller coaster. I mean on the one hand, it feels like a disappointment. But the content has been great once it came out, that I don't regret getting a Wii U in the larger context. I just wish the Wii U had a longer life span, and got more support on the level of Zelda U type games. Especially as they transition out into the NX.

The Wii U is a perfect system to buy right now, if you like all the content out on it. You can just go back and play everything that has been out. And you also won't feel the burn if the NX does come out in the next year and a half and the Wii U gets dropped support wise. Well, I guess you might have wanted to of waited for the NX if it has Wii U BC. But I think it will be less painful getting it now as opposed to having bought it Day One.

So the Wii U is worth buying. But it's left me very cautious of any major system Nintendo releases again. I'll wait to see if they fix their two platform support problem.
Two thumbs up for this thread. I love my Wii U and the game selection is more than amazing. My son and I are loving MK8 this summer. Splatoon is top tier fantastic too.


No regrets here. I love my wii u. Sadly My ps4 is collecting dust but The holy Trinity PC+ps4+wiiu is a best combo.

I'll be getting an xbone latter


Loved reading that the OP is enjoying WiiU. That kind of enthusiasm is rarely a bad thing, and it's a plus to not only be happy with your purchase... but to recommend it to others, as well.

That said, and despite the empassioned testimony in the OP, I'm content without dropping hundreds of dollars on a Nintendo box... especially since most of the IP that I'm interested in can be played on the 3DS hardware that I already own. Hyrule Warriors was the one game that really put me on the WiiU fence, but now that there's a 3DS version, I'm all set.

I don't have confidence in much of a future for WiiU software, with new hardware on the way sooner instead of later. If/when a significant price cut occurs, I may revisit the possibility of getting a WiiU-- but not at current MSRP.

It's admittedly weird to probably pass on a Nintendo console for what will be the first time, but I'm not having any regrets about it. Hopefully Nintendo wins me back with the NX-- or whatever its Gen9 console will be called.
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