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Wonder Woman set to pass $400M domestic today, after 68 days in release


Wonder Woman just missed the $400M milestone this weekend, with a total of $399.43M. The film earned $1M between Monday and Tuesday combined last week, putting it on course to hit $400.1M - $400.2M by the end of today.

We should start seeing official $400M stories when Monday's box office comes in. I will link some then.

Wonder Woman will become the 27th film to pass $400M, and the 23rd film to do so without a reissues (Star Wars, E.T., Jurassic Park, and the Lion King all hit $400M with 1-2 decade later re-releases).


Wonder Woman's next milestone will be passing Spider-Man to become the highest grossing superhero origin domestically. That should happen within two weeks.

Depending on late legs, Wonder Woman could reach as high as #20 on the domestic chart above. #23 or above is pretty much guaranteed at this point.

Wonder Woman is one of the slowest domestic grossers to hit $400M, taking 2 more days than Spider-Man 1.


However, its late run has been much stronger than most of the films on the list.
Good on it. Didn't love it as much as other people, but I still like what it represents.

Too bad it won't make it to $1 billion.


Now they just need to get the third act right next time. Great movie until that point.

I thought it was still pretty good in the third act (depending on where you consider that starting), it was really just the final overly CG'd battle
with Ares
that brought it down to me. Even then the other thread in the final battle sequence was good, but not enough to fully counteract the CGI mess.

I would appreciate less slo-mo too. Having super heroes do their thing at full speed always looks more impressive than when it's slow motion.

Anyways, glad to see it still chugging along. Best DCEU movie by a loooooong shot.
You can still enjoy a movie and critique it where deserved.

And I think "too much slo-mo" is an undeserved critique, especially for that movie.

It's often just pedantic nitpicking with not much basis behind it, so far as I've seen when people attempt to explain why they thought it was "too much."

You get a couple buzzwords and bad conventional wisdom but nothing that really suggests that it's bad beyond "I've been told this is bad"


Wrong opinion

No u.

I thought it was still pretty good in the third act (depending on where you consider that starting), it was really just the final overly CG'd battle
with Ares
that brought it down to me. Even then the other thread in the final battle sequence was good, but not enough to fully counteract the CGI mess.

I would appreciate less slo-mo too. Having super heroes do their thing at full speed always looks more impressive than when it's slow motion.

Anyways, glad to see it still chugging along. Best DCEU movie by a loooooong shot.

That's mainly what I'm talking about though I did have some issues with how it gets to that point as well. The slow mo didn't really bother me.
And I think "too much slo-mo" is an undeserved critique, especially for that movie.

It's often just pedantic nitpicking

Why is it undeserved? You can't really argue that it used slow mo a lot, and for some people (me included) it used it a little too much. And what do you mean by "that" movie?

Often when people nitpick, it means they liked a thing overall, and want to see the mistakes corrected in a future film. That's not always the case, but you can't just assume that everyone who has problems with something doesn't like it.


Like I said in the box office thread, I was thinking 400 million worldwide would have been a solid if unimpressive number for its total, now to see it pass it just domestically.

So well deserved.

And... I've helped with my 5 screenings!
Why is it undeserved?

Because I don't agree that its usage was overdone or detracted from the film in any way.

And what do you mean by "that" movie?

I mean that movie seems a weird choice to hit for "overuse" of slo-mo considering it didn't jump out to me as a notable or egregious example. It didn't even occur to me that it was being used all that much until I got here and saw people complaining about it, at which point I got confused like an old man. Which I am.

Often when people nitpick, it means they liked a thing overall, and want to see the mistakes corrected in a future film.

No, I get the point of nitpicking, or at least the point of why people do it. I'm not a stranger to indulging that bullshit myself, and have done it quite a bit. I just think complaining that a stylized action film containing slo-motion at the level Wonder Woman does isn't "overdoing it," and the ways it was used in the film weren't done poorly enough to be considered a "mistake" worth correcting.

Note that I'm not addressing or challenging the notion that the third act couldn't have done with some reworking.


comparing to previous films make no sense unless you take into account inflation

they made ET for 10 millions dollars


It seems utterly crazy that WW will be passing Frozen, state side. I know Frozen was a larger phenomenon globally, but goddamn Frozen's impact can still be seen and felt today.

It makes me happy to think that WW could have that same level impact in the US at least.
It will break $800M by the weekend of the Japanese release at the end of the month. At worst, the weekend after that.
If you'd ask me 3 months ago I would've told you WW would be lucky to make 400 m worldwide judging by WB's seemingly low marketing push and the mediocre to horrible reception towards the last three DCEU movies.


Why is it undeserved? You can't really argue that it used slow mo a lot, and for some people (me included) it used it a little too much. And what do you mean by "that" movie?

Often when people nitpick, it means they liked a thing overall, and want to see the mistakes corrected in a future film. That's not always the case, but you can't just assume that everyone who has problems with something doesn't like it.

"I didn't like it that way" is an opinion/personal preference, not a critique.

So your preference can't actually be wrong, but a critique could be baseless if it's just your preference.
If only the international market had been as nuts for WW as the US. Still, a phenomenal achievement for a film many thought would only make that much entirely.


Deserved success in regards to DC movies, but I thought the movie was a bit too boring. Nothing bad, but rather exciting that the sequel won't have to set things up.


Great to see this doing so well. I haven't seen it, but I'm tempted to still try to find somewhere showing this.

Also, I love that Star Wars is #1 when people here were calling me an idiot and fool saying that it would surely pass Jurassic Park. GAF seems to be always terrible when it comes to film opinions (NO SUPERHERO FILM IS GREATER THAN SPIDERMAN 2, etc). Anywyas regarding Star Wars, I got a lot of:

"it's just Star Wars though"

"it won't do well during the winter"

"no one cares about it overseas" (I know we are talking about domestic performance for this thread)"

"you're delusional if you think ______"


The 400 Million Dollar Princess!


“When Wonder Woman opened to such a terrific number in June, we thought, ‘This is truly a moment' — for the film, for our industry, for director Patty Jenkins and, of course, for Gal Gadot," stated Sue Kroll, president of worldwide marketing and distribution at Warner Bros. "Now, more than two months later, Wonder Woman has become a phenomenon, the must-see movie of the summer. Audiences have embraced this character and her story in such a spectacular fashion, and we couldn’t be happier for everyone involved in bringing this incredible property to life and to cinemas across the country."
Who would have thought the first major female superhero movie would do well? Should have been done so much sooner.

Was worried this would 'fail' because I can't help but feel execs would go 'welp, no more women.'
Good for WB that at least one of the DC movies has been a success with critics, audiences, and the box office. It was good, but I didn't think it was anything extraordinary. Looking forward to WW2 though.


Good for WB that at least one of the DC movies has been a success with critics, audiences, and the box office. It was good, but I didn't think it was anything extraordinary. Looking forward to WW2 though.

I know what saying, but always feels like we just ignore that Nolan's movies aren't that OLD

The Dark Knight Rises is only a year older than the universe...


Like I said in the box office thread, I was thinking 400 million worldwide would have been a solid if unimpressive number for its total, now to see it pass it just domestically.

So well deserved.

And... I've helped with my 5 screenings!

5 times?! That just seems crazy to me, you enjoyed it that much?
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