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World of Warcraft

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venison crêpe
Europe servers have all gone down just as I was about to turn in about 7 quests in the Marsh. So annoying when you know you've done something but can't hand it in!
yacobod said:
i agree that he is a tool, but rogues are not gimped, and are heavily represented at 2000+ in arenas, so i dont understand how they are gimped

i dont know how Hero thinks otherwise

Rogues are perfectly fine now. I've been one for over 2 years and I have no trouble at all in arena. He's probably using some stupid spec and gear.


Ive looked at the prices of S1 now, and damn, they arent that bad. Ive expected something WAY worse, over 20k per item with hell lots of mark, and the most expensive ones are 15k and 30 marks. Oh well, i guess with some effort i will be able to buy two of S1 items the day S3 starts (aka this wednesday), and then will set up some arena team with guildies (im rogue, so this wont be too easy, but i believe i might win at least one match:lol ).


BloodElfHunter said:
You still on demon soul?

Never was on Demon Soul..Eredar/Duskwood/Smolderthorn (current).

I'm also fairly certain I've never seen Hero do anything but complain about rogues being gimp in this thread. :p


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It's a fact of life that the chosen class you play as will always have several things about it that make the class gimped. As much as I sometimes complain about Shaman, and I've tried every other class, my true calling is still with the Shaman class because I enjoy that type of playstyle.

You take what you can get I suppose.
Ramirez said:
Never was on Demon Soul..Eredar/Duskwood/Smolderthorn (current).

I'm also fairly certain I've never seen Hero do anything but complain about rogues being gimp in this thread. :p

Opps, sorry was someone else in this threat with a horde 70 pally on Demon Soul.


Unless you have the most moronic people on the horde side, it is simply not possible for the alliance with the new scoring system to be in the game. This whole argument of "well now its real pvp duh duh duh" That wasn't the damn point of AV in the first place, the map is made for PvE playing, now trying to be AB, the map is a huge disadvantage for the alliance. You start, the horde can get SH bunker, SH GY or Snow before the first alliance with speed boost can get to anything.

So far I have been in 3 40 min+ games, that is highly unacceptable given the honor being put out. Sorry.

Fix the map to match the scoring system or fix the scoring system to include the Generals as a must to kill. It is ridiculous to take them out of the equation.
So 2.3 has me really wanting to give up on my Hunter. So much shit broke or changed it's really not fun to play anymore. Autoshot doesn't count as a spell anymore and won't work in /castsequences, making any spec besides BM have to go through a huge amount of bullshit to even come close to retaining similar dps as pre-2.3. FD not dropping combat on bosses is fucking lol-worthy too, as the survival huntard of the guild I felt it prudent to get a Badge of Tenacity which is now now little more than 1kg taking up a bank slot. Not to mention denying the single tick of water on every FD is a huge nerf to mana regen. Toss that in with the huge changes to how heroics are run (I'm sure things will get back to normal eventually, but still) and really 2.3 can go to hell.

I'm enjoying my pally alt so much more.
speedpop said:
But that begs the entire argument about why Blizzard didn't fix up the map with the old AV system.

Exactly. Now, most Ally with their heads in the game still race to Galv and the relief hut as they're the ones with bad topography. BRING BACK KORRAK.
CassSept said:
Ive looked at the prices of S1 now, and damn, they arent that bad. Ive expected something WAY worse, over 20k per item with hell lots of mark, and the most expensive ones are 15k and 30 marks. Oh well, i guess with some effort i will be able to buy two of S1 items the day S3 starts (aka this wednesday), and then will set up some arena team with guildies (im rogue, so this wont be too easy, but i believe i might win at least one match:lol ).
Um they delayed it until the 27th a week ago.
Ok guys , anyone whos played a new toon after 2.3

I plan on returning to playing again someday maybe.. after christmas. How big was the boost xp from 20-60? More exp and less exp needed to gain a level? Because I thought it was just plain awful grinding mobs. I used joana's guide back then!

So on a days basis , 20-60? Week maybe? 2 weeks? Days?

Also , Hows the dustwallow questing? I plan on going there for questing and completely avoided it like 3 years ago lol.

Retribution ok now? I leveled a belf a year ago... retribution sucked ass.
SuperAndroid17 said:
Ok guys , anyone whos played a new toon after 2.3

I plan on returning to playing again someday maybe.. after christmas. How big was the boost xp from 20-60? More exp and less exp needed to gain a level? Because I thought it was just plain awful grinding mobs. I used joana's guide back then!

So on a days basis , 20-60? Week maybe? 2 weeks? Days?

Also , Hows the dustwallow questing? I plan on going there for questing and completely avoided it like 3 years ago lol.

Retribution ok now? I leveled a belf a year ago... retribution sucked ass.
Days played? I doubt it's over two now to get to 60. And Ret is about the same while leveling, you don't even get sader strike till 50 anyways. Plan out weapon upgrades and it's not very painful.


SuperAndroid17 said:
Ok guys , anyone whos played a new toon after 2.3

I plan on returning to playing again someday maybe.. after christmas. How big was the boost xp from 20-60? More exp and less exp needed to gain a level? Because I thought it was just plain awful grinding mobs. I used joana's guide back then!

So on a days basis , 20-60? Week maybe? 2 weeks? Days?

Also , Hows the dustwallow questing? I plan on going there for questing and completely avoided it like 3 years ago lol.

Retribution ok now? I leveled a belf a year ago... retribution sucked ass.

I was 44 before the patch, with like 4 days played...I hit 60 tonight with 5 days, 13 hours or something like that. Horribly geared warrior too...I started a BE mage, interested to see how many days it will take, I assume not many. The buffs are ridiculously nice to answer your question on leveling.


Has problems recognising girls
I started up my Orc Shaman a few days before patch 2.3 was going to hit. Got him to level 16 by the time it was released on the Tuesday. I'm now level 30 after a week with a /played of 1 day 15 hours or so.

It felt such a breeze to go through 20-30 that I am hoping it will be the same for 30-40.


if you're gonna level up a pally, just buy a lot of blue 2h weapons that you can replace every 8 levels or so. Or instance for one if you can get a group going (you'll probably have to heal, like my enhance shaman does). the new xp curve is awesome though. On a typical day for me, I can spend like 4-5 hours and gain 2-3 levels depending upon how many quests I do. I wish I could play right now but I'm not at my apartment, and I can't find a download link for the vanilla WoW client that doesn't involve paying for it. Oh, and as far as content goes, they added a lot. Not because of new stuff (though the new dustwallow stuff is ok, it's mostly just quests to clear out the giant packs of beast mobs all over the zone to begin with) but because of all the "downgraded" elite quests that are now soloable. Virtually any azeroth outdoor elite quests, and elite mobs outside of instances, are now normal mobs, so that makes a LOT of quests soloable now. Like the stromgarde stuff, the trollbane questline, and some of the previously lame outside an instance crap where you had to grind elites or get drops around elites. So, add in the lower xp curve, higher xp reward from quests, and loads more solo content and you can level up super fast. There's seriously probably 2-3 levels of content added to arathi just with the elite downgrade, and it might be the same for some other stuff in azeroth now.

I should say that I'm not sure if all the outdoor elite stuff on azeroth is downgraded... I'm sure old outdoor raid trash like tainted scar mobs aren't, and I'm not sure about some of the winterspring guys either. I wonder if they downgraded darkwhisper gorge mobs... that would be hilariously awesome for me, since my new shaman is miner/engy and that would allow me to more quickly get on the rich thorium farm train.


As a shaman I always avoided Darkwhisper Gorge (those demons would eat me alive) and hit Azshara for a ton of rich thorium. Water walking made it a breeze, even though every now and again I'd have to swim or kill some murlocs for more fish oil. Plus it was a quick trip from Orgrimmar, and nobody was ever around. And if you don't feel like running around too much you can always use far sight to scout for nodes.

Right now I've been leveling up a hunter with my friend on a pvp server - damn 70s keep ganking us - and doing the daily cooking quest on another character. If I have to do that cannonball bombing run one more time I'll vomit.


So...I kinda like the new frost mage talent.

Icy Veins

3 minute cooldown

Increas your spell-casting of all spells by 20% for 20 seconds.

Takes the place of Cold Snap 11 points in, cold snap moves to ice block's place at 21 points in and ice block becomes trainable.


My mage alt will be a monster in AV now :D

Additionally, conjure mana (rank 6) will restore 1800-3000 mana and will now have three charges, meaning you can use it three times before having to create a new one.



I wanted to share with you some changes affecting hunters that are coming in a small patch. The effect of aspect of the viper is being increased. Pet leveling speed will be substantially increased. Lastly, it will once again be possible for two freezing traps to be in place at the same time.

oh wait a minute...

# Freezing Trap is no longer limited to one target at a time.

one trap up to 5 people.. Make it happen Blizzard!!!!!


is that cast speed? It just seems like a weird talent to have in frost, but it's a nice talent idea nonetheless.

I'm thinking after I get my shaman to 70 that I'll go resto with him, unless they buff elemental before then. I'd really rather go elemental, but what I think I'll do is just go resto and get a good healer set and a good elemental set so I can nuke if I want to. If I do arena I might even get the s3 elemental set (well, 4/5 of it) because with earth shield that would give me uninterruptable lightning bolts. I don't know, I guess I'll see. I figure if I go resto I can group more and get good elemental gear while still healing and kicking ass with caster damage. The most I will do is a 10 man raid, maybe, heroics, and arena/BGs because I just don't really have the desire to go into 25 man raiding. And I like my shaman as enhance spec, but I'm definitely making a DK when the next expansion hits, and it seems kinda redundant to have two melee dpsers when I'm still interested in playing a shaman as elemental dps.

My only real concern with resto is it takes so damn many points to get all the good talents... it could use some consolidation. I mean a typical resto build that covers all the bases uses like 51 points, and that's absurd. The most any other build I have seen any other class use and get all they want out of their new talents is like 45 points, and even that's pretty extreme.


my battlegroup is getting better at AV.

Ripclawe said:
my battlegroup is getting better at AV.


It's definately NOT possible for a group full of wall-candy munchers to win for the alliance, just like back before 2.2 it was hard for the same mix on Horde side. Le sigh...if only stealthers wouldn't go apefuckingshit ganking when they had their cooldowns and instead grouped up in deadly commando units to take and hold towers. Can you imagine that first poor schmuck to waltz in and eat triple Ambush? That sorta thing. That makes me kinda wanna play my guildmate's old Rogue main in there now; he don't use the account as anything other than a pair of AH mules anyways.

I still say BRING BACK KORRAK, though.


This is the definition of getting rolled in record time, no one could believe it. 40 man premade just rolled on Van capping nothing.

AV weekend + AV today's daily = "LOLZ I CAN HAZ BONOS HONUR?!?!" groupmates.

5 tries to turn in the daily.

Repeat after me, class: Alliance zerg TOWARDS objectives one after another, Horde zerg AWAY from objectives after others at once.


Ripclawe said:
This is the definition of getting rolled in record time, no one could believe it. 40 man premade just rolled on Van capping nothing.
How do you manage to get an entire 40-man premade into an AV game?

EDIT: Looking at the chat log, I guess you don't know either :lol


I know that me and my buddy used to join up at the same time and we'd get the same AV to pop up 95% of the time, dunno how that would work with 40 people though.


Has problems recognising girls
StinkyQueue for AV only really works when you have 35 in the group. Sometimes it may work for the full 40 but it's never 100% like it would with 35 or so.

Back before TBC hit on patch 1.12 we used to do it for hours on AV. Would usually finish a match in 15 mins at most as we wanted to do as much as possible from SH->onwards. Rogues would go up and cap the bunkers and graveyards and a group of 5 would take on Belinda. The best bit about it is we never wall-pulled Van hence the additional 5 mins otherwise it would've been 10 min games.

Being in an organised AV match is easily one of the greatest things about WoW.


My MMO partner quit, now I've got all of these majorly decked Alliance characters... After a few BGs, I still think I'm gonna reroll. You really come to hate the Alliance after awhile.

Son, you really shouldn't use cast sequences, even as BM, it clips your DPS by a fair bit. Hunters have *insane* PvE DPS that is rarely taken advantage of due to the type of people who play the class. We had an alt in Kara gear who picked up a Vashj bow and rocked over 1500 sustained DPS on Fathom Lord. 1500. Hunters rock so much face on raids, ranged fucking Rogues.


Alex said:
My MMO partner quit, now I've got all of these majorly decked Alliance characters... After a few BGs, I still think I'm gonna reroll. You really come to hate the Alliance after awhile.

idk i play alliance now, and usually just bg for the daily pvp quest, it usually only takes 1-2 games to get a win for me, but i only do wsg or ab, i hate eots and the new av


yacobod said:
idk i play alliance now, and usually just bg for the daily pvp quest, it usually only takes 1-2 games to get a win for me, but i only do wsg or ab, i hate eots and the new av
Just out of curiousity, what is it that you hate about EOTS and new-style AV? I like almost everything, and feel that only WSG needs a minor retooling to prevent excessive turtling. New AV seems pretty cool.....it's pretty much like all the other BGs, where there's the potential to put a pretty major burn on the opponents if you play it right.

Let me guess -- you are gnome warrior now? =)


Ramirez said:
I know that me and my buddy used to join up at the same time and we'd get the same AV to pop up 95% of the time, dunno how that would work with 40 people though.
We managed to make it work with roughly 20 people all just clicking on the thing at the same time. We took the majority, then everyone else dropped queue really and quickly jumped into whatever number we all got. StinkyQueue also worked, but then it stopped working ... I guess it works again?

Anyway, the best part was everyone racing towards the General, stopping for nothing. We'd cap the last CP and have everything wrapped up in 10-12 minutes.


Ugh, I guess I'm going to start playing this again, especially since S3 arena starts up tomorrow? Or is it tomorrow night, 27th?


border said:
Just out of curiousity, what is it that you hate about EOTS and new-style AV? I like almost everything, and feel that only WSG needs a minor retooling to prevent excessive turtling. New AV seems pretty cool.....it's pretty much like all the other BGs, where there's the potential to put a pretty major burn on the opponents if you play it right.

Let me guess -- you are gnome warrior now? =)

wish i was a gnome, but unfortunately i'm playing a female NE warrior, gotta take what was available to me, bought the toon from a friend on the cheap, and his pvp set was very good, so i can't complain, and now that escape artist has been nerfed its not as imba as it was, but its still the best w/out a doubt

i don't like EoTS because the alliance in my battlegroup dont know how to play/win, and id hate to waste 1h-2h playing a battleground i dont enjoy for 11gold, but basically thats it

i only tried the new AV once or twice, but the games seemed to last a lot longer than before, so i figured it wasnt worth the time/effort, and it seems the map is tilted very much in the favor of horde now, i know a complete 180 from before


Alex said:
EoTS is my favorite BG, since it's less darting around and more wanton violence.
:lol I feel the same. I find AB to be insanely boring, since you spend most of your time just standing around at a flag for 15-30 minutes. With EotS, there's a lot more room for action and I've also found that a group of 5 organized players can make a huge difference.


AV has turned into a race almost every time now since people figure getting 350+ in a 10 min game is better than dragging it out 30 mins for 500. I approve of this.:D


Just put another major burn on the Allies in AV -- 606 Bonus Honor for us, 0 Honor for them :lol How you can go the whole game and not even kill Galv is beyond me.....maybe because some douchebag capped Snowfall again and forced them into a turtle. Only a 30 minute match though....probably not the best honor/hour, but like I said I'd rather murder them then get stuck on some treadmill of quick losses merely justified by a quick honor/hour rate.

And with that victory, I have 73899 Honor -- more than enough to buy my warrior the whole Gladiator armor set, plus the PVP throwing weapon.

What should I do for a weapon? I have Thunder, but it seems like Mace Spec took a huge nerf. Most proc nerfs are almost undetectable, but this spec went from proc'ing frequently to barely proc'ing at all! Should I save up for the Gladiator Sword, or just switch to being a Swordsmith for my Lionheart Blade? Or is Mace Spec still worth it? I doubt I'll be bothered enough to collect the Nethers for Deep Thunder or Lionheart Champion....
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