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Xbox could be a more compelling proposition going into next gen (from a PS fan)


The only game I hear people keep complain about is Fallout 76. The Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises (minus 76)has always been great.

Until now.
Fallout 4 was good now? and Young Blood? Rage?

Skyrim was nearly a decade ago.

Doom 2016 is the only thing in recent memory that they got right and I heard it went off the rails in Doom Eternal. I had my fill in the first one anyway.

Not saying that they won't make something good in the future but they miss a lot more than they hit.


I think if you are looking to spend less money on gaming in general, going the Gamepass route is a good option. It is still about $180 annually I believe if you want Gamepass Ultimate. Keep in mind also that many third-party games will not be releasing on the service, maybe until much later if at all, so if you like playing new third-party games soon as they release you will still have to purchase many of them in addition to your Gamepass subscription.

For me, the prospect of missing out on Sony’s first-party output for the entirety of the generation is too much to ask. When Xbox comes out with some killer first-party games, a Series X purchase will be considered. I don’t see anything coming out from a first-party perspective at launch or in the near future for Xbox. But, with the Zenimax acquisition we could start to see a compelling lineup in a couple years.
This is probably what Phil Spencer wanted to achieve with his comments about future games being on Xbox and PC, other consoles case by case.

It guarantees that you get all their games if you play on PC/Xbox while the threat of taking them away is looming over you and your purchase should you choose a PS5.

Spencer is not an idiot. With that statement he is casting doubt and confusion over any Bethesda fan who is thinking about buying a PS5.


I personally really think that Game Pass is an absolute fantastic and affordable Service and Microsoft will constantly improve Game Pass and the Value with new acquisitions of beloved Studios and IP's.
PSNow is cheaper (Unless on offer) and has seven times more games. You can download now.
Don't understand this perception problem... I was not impressed by GamePass lineup.

Unless you REALLY like Gears of War and Halo.
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No, PS5 is my choice of console, all the games i like is on playstation, all kind of jrpg + sony first party studios, And i have a high end PC, no need for xbox.

You don't even need a high-end PC in the future because of the series S. If one game is released on game pass that you really like, pay $10 for that month and then unsubscribe afterwards. Then continue gaming on your PS5.

As for me, I still keep up with a mid-tier PC. I still play Dota2 with my college friends from time to time. And my PC specs is powerful enough for me to pay $10 when Starfield comes out, unless it turns out it's not really my cup of tea.
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PSNow is cheaper (Unless on offer) and has seven times more games. You can download now.
Don't understand this perception problem... I was not impressed by GamePass lineup.

Unless you REALLY like Gears of War and Halo.
No one said that PSNow is a bad Value.

But Game Pass and PSNow are different Services. One huge benefit of Game Pass besides many others is that you get 1st Party Games as whole as many 3rd Party Games on Game Pass Day 1 for no additional cost while you have to pay $70.00 Dollars for each new 1st or 3rd Party Game on the PlayStation platform.

Can you see the difference? ;)


No one said that PSNow is a bad Value.

But Game Pass and PSNow are different Services. One huge benefit of Game Pass besides many others is that you get 1st Party Games as whole as many 3rd Party Games on Game Pass Day 1 for no additional cost while you have to pay $70.00 Dollars for each new 1st or 3rd Party Game on the PlayStation platform.

Can you see the difference? ;)
Yes except Xbox 1st party really do nothing for me..... they have nothing like Bloodborne, GOW or Spider-man etc etc.
So it really doesn't make up for that, even if they are 'free'.
The new Xbox X is very interesting in its power and the gamepass option. I didn't get a xbox s because it was a mess (and 360 RROD experience) and not worth it but I am getting an X this time as well as a ps5.

I'll give MS another shot and see how it goes but in no way am I looking at something like the Bethesda buy as a motivating factor because

1) yearly release of 1- maybe 2 games really don't mean squat
2) I hate their engine and 1st person fighting mechanics and buggy buggy garbage
I would switch to MS in a heartbeat if they bought FromSoftware. I’m not really interested in any of the Sony 1st party IPs.
Yes except Xbox 1st party really do nothing for me..... they have nothing like Bloodborne, GOW or Spider-man etc etc.
So it really doesn't make up for that, even if they are 'free'.
It's absolutely fine if Microsoft's 1st Party Games aren't for you and not a single normal human being would think otherwise. We are all different and we have all different tastes in gaming which is absolutely fine :)

But Game Pass is because of this not a bad Service, it's just not for you, and maybe this will change one day who knows ;) Play the games you like, it doesn't matter on which platform, the most important part is that you have fun regardless of the platform you are playing on :)


It's absolutely fine if Microsoft's 1st Party Games aren't for you and not a single normal human being would think otherwise. We are all different and we have all different tastes in gaming which is absolutely fine :)

But Game Pass is because of this not a bad Service, it's just not for you, and maybe this will change one day who knows ;) Play the games you like, it doesn't matter on which platform, the most important part is that you have fun regardless of the platform you are playing on :)
I agree, it brings value to Xbox gamers but I must represent and give perspective from a PlayStation gamers point of view... that is all I aim to do. :)

hemo memo

PSNow is cheaper (Unless on offer) and has seven times more games. You can download now.
Don't understand this perception problem... I was not impressed by GamePass lineup.

Unless you REALLY like Gears of War and Halo.

PSNow is not comparable because it’s not available worldwide and it’s a streaming service mostly and 1st party games aren’t there day 1.


It's an interesting theory but it still comes down to the games. Sure, the core are discussing this acquisition but the potential momentum will only be a factor when XBOX starts delivering on actual great games.

I haven't seen the mindshare change one iota here in Europe since the announcement. Obviously that's just my perspective, but I'm confident in that assessment based on the continuing conversation here.
The issue here is I don't think their main games like Avowed and Fable will be out for ages. Same goes for the new The Initiative game. Not interested in Forza and Tell Me Why. Sony seems to have a much bigger slate for 2021-2022.


I am not necessarily singling you out but this is just an example for a point i want to make.

Anyone who is limiting themselves to just PS5, Xbox or PC and just the big AAA games such as the ones that you see on the list here are really missing out on so much that gaming has to offer. I've played a lot of AAA games and i've played a lot of games outside of that AAA sphere over the years. Although I have enjoyed a lot of the AAA games i've played, the vast majority have a certain feel about them, they feel safe. Although they look amazing the actual gameplay is rarely as amazing and they have a feeling as though every part of them has been worked on by hundreds of people and the outcome is the average of all that input. There are one or two AAAs that buck that trend but that's the general feels i get from them. Not to say that there is anything wrong with that if that is what you want from your games. For me I want to play games that do something new, that explore fresh new ideas and are not just a fresh skin on age old gameplay loops and mechanics. Let's face facts here, AAA games cost a hell of a lot of money to make and as such they want to be sure that they are going to appeal to as wide an audience as possible and look as amazing as possible to stand out from the crowd. They are not as prepared to take risks as you will find in lower budget games.

If we look at lower budget games, there are way too many coming out to ever play all of them and the majority of them are boring and derivative of the big AAA games that they are trying to copy but, there are a surprising amount that are really excellent games in their own right doing something different to any other games out there. But, how do you figure out which of these games are going to appeal to you and your own tastes? How do you figure out which games are worth buying and which aren't?

This is where a service like Gamepass comes into it's own. It allows you to explore a lot of different games without having to invest a lot of money to see if it appeals to you. If you download and play a game for 5 minutes to realise it's not for you then you've not lost anything other than a little bit of time, delete it and try another. Download a dozen games and skim through them quickly, you might find something that really interests you. Try games in genres that you wouldn't normally go anywhere near or that you have never played before because you think you may not like them. There may be some AAA games that are on there which have passed you by, you can try those as well.

On Gamepass I have found loads of smaller games or games that have come out without the AAA marketing budget that i've really enjoyed playing. I've had some fresh, memorable experiences that would have otherwise passed me by. Ive come to the conclusion over the years that generally AAA games are far from the best games out there and the ones that win all the awards each year are maybe good but cannot be taken as gospel that they are the greatest. Gaming is also really subjective and a game that one person finds amazing will be something that someone else hates.

If you do not try a lot of games and just stick to the critically acclaimed blockbusters then you are missing out on games you would love. Gamepass allows you to try out lots of games. And with the addition of Xcloud you don't even need to download them to try them. Use Xcloud to try even more games then download the ones you thin you might like to invest more time into. It's like with movies, books, art or music, if you don't experience lots of them and explore then how do you really know what is good and what is derivative?

I get what you mean and its just which the player prefers I guess. Gamepass it totally worth it if thats what you want

Ive been playing games for 30+ Years so I dont just go for the big titles and names. I buy all Sorts, but I know the games I love more than others so I Save up for those.
PS PLus and Now have introduced me to new games but I know what I prefer to spend my moneys on most the time lol.

Gamepass is a great choice better than PS Now but the games that Nintendo and Playstation produce for the last 20+ years are what I love. I end up buying like 4-8 games a year.

Next year its Elden Ring, Hoizon 2, Final Fantasy 16, God of War, Resident Evil 8 and Ill spend the rest on some smaller titles unless theres another developer of game I really enjoy. Then theres probably Zelda BOTW 2 and Shin Migami V and Disgaea 6.

If I buy a mid range Pc in 2020 for Total War and indies Ill probably get gamepass on months I have spare moneys But Im happy with whats been offered by Playstation and Nintendo


The point is you don't need to buy a PS5 to play those games.

As for GT7, any source re: release date?

Your reaching dude. 2 of those games are on PS4. The rest on PS5 plus unannonced titles?

Want to mention what games MS is releasing in the next year?
You can play gamepass on your Xbox 1 and X so need for a series S or X....

GT7 has been rumoured for launch window. I doubt its 2022
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PSNow is not comparable because it’s not available worldwide and it’s a streaming service mostly and 1st party games aren’t there day 1.

Why would they put it on day one when they can sell it and makes loads of money. There not in the same position where Xbox games dont sell like they use to


I've never understood 'tribalism' in gaming. Some people regard their console like their football team.

You don't owe your loyalty to a company. It's okay to like more than one!


Fallout 4 was good now? and Young Blood? Rage?

Skyrim was nearly a decade ago.

Doom 2016 is the only thing in recent memory that they got right and I heard it went off the rails in Doom Eternal. I had my fill in the first one anyway.

Not saying that they won't make something good in the future but they miss a lot more than they hit.

Dude check how many people hated bethesda. Someone collected all the comments and posted it on the last page lol



Dude check how many people hated bethesda. Someone collected all the comments and posted it on the last page lol

The truth is revealed by history itself.
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The Alien

Dude check how many people hated bethesda. Someone collected all the comments and posted it on the last page lol

Phew!!! I guess Sony dodged a bullet.


I get what you mean and its just which the player prefers I guess. Gamepass it totally worth it if thats what you want

Ive been playing games for 30+ Years so I dont just go for the big titles and names. I buy all Sorts, but I know the games I love more than others so I Save up for those.
PS PLus and Now have introduced me to new games but I know what I prefer to spend my moneys on most the time lol.

Gamepass is a great choice better than PS Now but the games that Nintendo and Playstation produce for the last 20+ years are what I love. I end up buying like 4-8 games a year.

Next year its Elden Ring, Hoizon 2, Final Fantasy 16, God of War, Resident Evil 8 and Ill spend the rest on some smaller titles unless theres another developer of game I really enjoy. Then theres probably Zelda BOTW 2 and Shin Migami V and Disgaea 6.

If I buy a mid range Pc in 2020 for Total War and indies Ill probably get gamepass on months I have spare moneys But Im happy with whats been offered by Playstation and Nintendo
Ive found some crackers on PC Gamepass, I've probably spend more time playing Gamepass games on PC than I have Xbox recently. Currently i'm loving Crusader Kings 3 which I would never have taken a gamble on buying due to the rep of the previous games (I bought CK2 and was baffled!). Wasteland 3 is also a recent one that's superb along with other stuff like Demon's Tilt, Void Bastards, Infinifactory, Frostpunk and Carrion that would have gone by un-noticed for me.


If I were in your shoes, I would wait a few years and then pick it up at a cheaper price. As a Xbox first guy, that's what I do with PS systems. You get a better value.


Ive found some crackers on PC Gamepass, I've probably spend more time playing Gamepass games on PC than I have Xbox recently. Currently i'm loving Crusader Kings 3 which I would never have taken a gamble on buying due to the rep of the previous games (I bought CK2 and was baffled!). Wasteland 3 is also a recent one that's superb along with other stuff like Demon's Tilt, Void Bastards, Infinifactory, Frostpunk and Carrion that would have gone by un-noticed for me.
Only Wasteland 3 and Crusader Kings 3 appealed to me... saw Carrion being played, it's cool for a few minutes and then gets old fast.
But yeah...they were some of the 5 games that I saw on GP that I actually wanted to play. Not a whole lot...after all the talking up I expected more.


To me, Microsoft would need to make very compelling first party games in order to get an Xbox. They have the means, but so far they haven't shown anything I like.

Gamepass is a great value, but we'll have to see how many third party devs accept to launch on it day 1. Microsoft can't rely on old(er) games forever.


Neo Member
Sure there will be people who take the carrot for the ‘all you can eat’ more = better approach. When I look through my PS4 collection it’s mostly exclusives and Rockstar.
However, there are plenty of people who will bite at gamepass. SS and gamepass is the cheap, tasty cake to tempt even PS5 owners into the MS ecosystem.
Sony just need to keep the AAA exclusive content coming.

Agent X

Gold Member
This is where a service like Gamepass comes into it's own. It allows you to explore a lot of different games without having to invest a lot of money to see if it appeals to you. If you download and play a game for 5 minutes to realise it's not for you then you've not lost anything other than a little bit of time, delete it and try another. Download a dozen games and skim through them quickly, you might find something that really interests you. Try games in genres that you wouldn't normally go anywhere near or that you have never played before because you think you may not like them. There may be some AAA games that are on there which have passed you by, you can try those as well.

On Gamepass I have found loads of smaller games or games that have come out without the AAA marketing budget that i've really enjoyed playing. I've had some fresh, memorable experiences that would have otherwise passed me by. Ive come to the conclusion over the years that generally AAA games are far from the best games out there and the ones that win all the awards each year are maybe good but cannot be taken as gospel that they are the greatest. Gaming is also really subjective and a game that one person finds amazing will be something that someone else hates.

If you do not try a lot of games and just stick to the critically acclaimed blockbusters then you are missing out on games you would love. Gamepass allows you to try out lots of games. And with the addition of Xcloud you don't even need to download them to try them. Use Xcloud to try even more games then download the ones you thin you might like to invest more time into. It's like with movies, books, art or music, if you don't experience lots of them and explore then how do you really know what is good and what is derivative?

This is a good post, in terms of describing how this type of service could be a great benefit to someone looking to play a large number of games without having to purchase them.

I would like to add that if someone is already inclined towards a PS4 or PS5, then the PS Now service easily satisfies this need.


C'mon, that's a really silly thing to say. Xbox games where never on par with Sony or Nintendo games, that's for sure, but mate... With 10 fucking bucks you have a huge library to choose from. Never thought about playing Alan Wake, Gears, Halo, Forza, Rare Replay, future bethesda games or other games included? Honestly, that's a no brainer. You can end the subscription when ever you want.

If you still have an axe to grind... ok.
I played Alan Wake about ten years ago. Gears and Halo haven't been interesting for a decade. You guys seem crazy desperate to get people to subscribe to your thing. It's like reading the automated message that begs to yoy sign up with prime whenever you order something from amazon.
PSNow is cheaper (Unless on offer) and has seven times more games. You can download now.
Don't understand this perception problem... I was not impressed by GamePass lineup.

Unless you REALLY like Gears of War and Halo.

PSNow is Very good and big real, Just doesnt have the se marketing as gamepass becau thats what every Xbox user has left to promote Xbox.

But lets not forget PSPlus that hás been giving plenty of good games lately. I have purchases so many good games for "free" bit couldnt enjoy thanks to broken PS4.

Theres also PS Collection giving You 18 games right away, they are not cheap games in the slightest.

If You count all this plus all the good games comming like spiderman mm, Demons Souls, ratchet and Clank, gt7, Horizon Forbiden West, God Of War Ragnarok, FFXVI, Returnal, Kena etc, You know You made the right choice.


Phew!!! I guess Sony dodged a bullet.

Lol no, but I think the better buy was ID the rest.
Its great to have them of course, but the way people are talking about them when the same people were dissing them as one of the worst companies of the generation shows alot.

Dr Kaneda

It's all about games for me. Not fussed about specs, price, services etc.. If Xbox has great games that you can't play anywhere else then they'll be compelling.


So much of this truly does come down to personal preference and context.
For instance, I'm waiting for a PS slim, because I misses out on the last generation of Xbox. Buying a Series X for now to catch up on all the games I missed and play a few third party titles at peak performance.
In a couple years, I'll be reunited with my PS library and be swimming in quality first party titles.

That works for my situation.


As said above, Xbox has a very different demographic.... much younger, kids and teens who game there because of game pass and not being able or their parents not wanting to pay for full price games.

Playing online is painful dealing with obnoxious people, while PSN is mostly quiet.

The games situation is night and day and Bethesda are in a state, I don't know why people suddenly think they are good now.... go to youtube and you can find hundreds of videos ripping them to shreds for the poor quality of their games and anti-consumer moves they have consistently made.

If you don't have enough to play on PlayStation between free games from PS+ and f2p games like Genshin Impact or Apex legends or Warframe...... subscriptions such as PSNow which is only 60 a year VS the more expensive Game Pass and PSNOw had 700 games vs 100 on GP.

Then consider PlayStation exclusives mentioned above and what is coming in the future, for me...I look at the XBox lineup and there is not 1 game I am excited for....not a single one. They all look like things I've played before, the same skyrim like aesthetics regurgitated over and over again, the same sci-fi shooter crap over and over.
If xbox studios had any imagination, things might be different.... but all their output is uninspired and dull.

Is this what runs through the head of the average fanboy or just the hardcore fanboy?


Gold Member
I only have a laptop for PC, and I've considered getting both consoles many times during the present generation. But, I'm getting both consoles for the first time this go round.


Not for me. I'm not interested in game pass because I prefer to buy physical as much as possible. I'm also not interested in any of their first party games. The Zenimax acquisition did not change that although I'm still waiting to see what comes from the other studios they bought in the next 2-3 years. The games I want to play are on Playstation so that's where I'll be going.
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I am not necessarily singling you out but this is just an example for a point i want to make.

Anyone who is limiting themselves to just PS5, Xbox or PC and just the big AAA games such as the ones that you see on the list here are really missing out on so much that gaming has to offer. I've played a lot of AAA games and i've played a lot of games outside of that AAA sphere over the years. Although I have enjoyed a lot of the AAA games i've played, the vast majority have a certain feel about them, they feel safe. Although they look amazing the actual gameplay is rarely as amazing and they have a feeling as though every part of them has been worked on by hundreds of people and the outcome is the average of all that input. There are one or two AAAs that buck that trend but that's the general feels i get from them. Not to say that there is anything wrong with that if that is what you want from your games. For me I want to play games that do something new, that explore fresh new ideas and are not just a fresh skin on age old gameplay loops and mechanics. Let's face facts here, AAA games cost a hell of a lot of money to make and as such they want to be sure that they are going to appeal to as wide an audience as possible and look as amazing as possible to stand out from the crowd. They are not as prepared to take risks as you will find in lower budget games.

If we look at lower budget games, there are way too many coming out to ever play all of them and the majority of them are boring and derivative of the big AAA games that they are trying to copy but, there are a surprising amount that are really excellent games in their own right doing something different to any other games out there. But, how do you figure out which of these games are going to appeal to you and your own tastes? How do you figure out which games are worth buying and which aren't?

This is where a service like Gamepass comes into it's own. It allows you to explore a lot of different games without having to invest a lot of money to see if it appeals to you. If you download and play a game for 5 minutes to realise it's not for you then you've not lost anything other than a little bit of time, delete it and try another. Download a dozen games and skim through them quickly, you might find something that really interests you. Try games in genres that you wouldn't normally go anywhere near or that you have never played before because you think you may not like them. There may be some AAA games that are on there which have passed you by, you can try those as well.

On Gamepass I have found loads of smaller games or games that have come out without the AAA marketing budget that i've really enjoyed playing. I've had some fresh, memorable experiences that would have otherwise passed me by. Ive come to the conclusion over the years that generally AAA games are far from the best games out there and the ones that win all the awards each year are maybe good but cannot be taken as gospel that they are the greatest. Gaming is also really subjective and a game that one person finds amazing will be something that someone else hates.

If you do not try a lot of games and just stick to the critically acclaimed blockbusters then you are missing out on games you would love. Gamepass allows you to try out lots of games. And with the addition of Xcloud you don't even need to download them to try them. Use Xcloud to try even more games then download the ones you thin you might like to invest more time into. It's like with movies, books, art or music, if you don't experience lots of them and explore then how do you really know what is good and what is derivative?
Ps + allows You to experience lots of games, like fall guys, rocket league, furi, etc.
I just took a look at Game Pass and there is at least 20 games in my backlog. Unfortunately, I already own them, but there’s another 20+ games that look interesting to me. If this is any indication of what the service will provide, call me interested. This is from a physical collector perspective. I could very easily see myself trying stuff that I would not normally have bought and ending up increasing the breadth of my collection after enjoying the games.

If MS bought FromSoftware, I would drop Sony in a heartbeat. I don’t care for Sony 1st party games, and most SQE games that I like come to Xbox.


Only games I ever played from Bethesda. were fallout 3, fallout:NV, the elder scrolls: skyrim, and fallout 4. other than fallout new Vegas which i enjoyed the most. Fallout 4 was a buggy glitch filled mess, played a little of fallout 76 and deleted it. Yeah I'm good without them.

Out of four Bethesda games I've owned, I've only finished one. I wanted to try them because everyone said they were so good. I tried on PS3 and PS4, but the bugginess and performance issues just make them tiring to play over time.


You guys seem crazy desperate to get people to subscribe to your thing.
"Our thing?" What are you smoking pal? :messenger_grinning_squinting:

I was responding to the claim that gamepass has nothing worthwhile on offer, which is just silly. There is enough good content on offer to justify fucking 10 bucks. I just use it sporadically though. Want to play the new Halo, Gears, Forza or some old shit? It's 10 bucks a month. I pay the fee and immediately unsuscribe. One month is long enough to play a game or even a whole collection.

I never claimed that Xbox games are on par with Sony exclusives or Nintendo exclusives. They are not. But good enough for a Series S and 10 bucks when appropriate.
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