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Xbox E3 Possibly Fully Leaked.

Gameplay or just title cards/cgi?

I can see gameplay on the first three plus FH5. Not sure about the others.
I think Halo and Starfield are pretty much a given, Forza will probably have at least some ingame stuff. And about the others... I'm not so sure.
If we take what Jez said on Thursday about how he was "doubtful" that we were going to see some graphical showcase on the Xbox's E3 conference, maybe he was hinting at some announcements being just a CG trailer.


I think Halo and Starfield are pretty much a given, Forza will probably have at least some ingame stuff. And about the others... I'm not so sure.
If we take what Jez said on Thursday about how he was "doubtful" that we were going to see some graphical showcase on the Xbox's E3 conference, maybe he was hinting at some announcements being just a CG trailer.
Well doubtful means he has no clue, or there would be no doubt to begin with.
Besides i just want to see some new games, i dont care about the dick measuring over graphics. I just want to see some good new games that we can see on Xbox and PC over the next year or two.
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Do we expect some of those games this year?
i can think Halo Infinite might do it but I’m not convinced for the other.


Kojima is dead to me if he is making a game for Xbox. I'll lose all respect for him.
gonna cry tobey maguire GIF


Kojima game would be huge if it was exclusive. But my guess is it would be a timed exclusive if anything. But looks interesting. MS are making all the right moves this gen, has me seriously considering getting an Xbox in addition to my PS5.


Do we expect some of those games this year?
i can think Halo Infinite might do it but I’m not convinced for the other.
Possibly Starfield, that was the old rumour. But would Microsoft want Starfield and Halo launching so close together?, doubtful.
Forza Horizon 5 has been rumoured for this fall for a while now. Avowed will be 2 years away, if not more. Its impossible to say with the IO and Arkane games as we dont know how long they have been in development.
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Besides i just want to see some new games, i dont care about the dick measuring over graphics. I just want to see some good new games that we can see on Xbox and PC over the next year or two.
Yeah that’s me too, I just want to get out of this vacuum, they’ve been silent for far too long considering they had nothing at launch. As it is I’m more excited about the future on PS5 than XSX and it could be years until I have that console for all I know. MS needs to open the floodgates!

Dr Bass

Seems like an ok list but it depends on execution. I haven’t liked a Kojima game since MGS3. I bought Death Stranding and thought it was … not good.

Halo is Halo. Wolfenstein is another shooter. Starfield could be good. Forza, couldn’t care less. I know it’s popular though. So the big ones would be the new properties. Do they look good and how close are they. If they are announcements with CG trailers it will be another dud show. If they are far along, look good and have a lot of gameplay it could be a good show. More Halo and Forza with Starfield just isn’t going to cut it.


Fully leaked but only 5 games in op?

Did ntkrnl pay you?
Eh?, 8 games in the OP. Plus there will probably be at least 1 or 2 that no one knows about, and a few smaller AA's or Indies.
The show is only 90mins, and i wouldnt be surprised if Starfield and Halo take up nearly half of that time on their own.
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This is great.

Usually the runup to E3 is too quiet, but this list ensures an "insider" war, "leaks" out the wazzoo, and a guaranteed outpouring if salt and flame after the show regardless of who was right. Gonna be a fun ride.

I'm not a big Kojima fan (I haven't played much if his work either), but IF this turns out to be true, it will be funny to compare the post-reveal comments of diehards in both camps to what they said back when Death Stranding launched.


As other have mentioned, surely CrossfireX single player must be out this year and therefore it makes sense to have an update.

I think that the internet and some on this forum might not like it but there are a couple of indies that need dates, Gunk, 12 Minutes, Scorn, Tunic. I would hope that they announced them here.

I also expect to see FS 2020 update and a in-game clip of FM8.
This list looks kind of plausible, but I’m still wondering about some of the release dates of these future games. IF Hideo does unveil a game, I’m wondering if it’s that episodic game that was rumored that was pitched to Google and Sony or something totally new.
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From what I heard Kojima wanted another game with Sony, but Death Stranding did not meet their sales numbers and Jim Ryan said no.

He then went over to Stadia and they said no too, he went to MS and they said yes. Again, don't take it verbatim its what I read from a few peeps on the interwebz

Jim chose Jade Raymond for reasons. 🤷‍♀️
What were they thinking with a Jade Raymond photo in their IR slide? Omg we got a big catch!?
Jimbo's team have a hardon with her, what was her output since the first AC?
I would be disappointed too if i was Kojima-sama

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Gold Member

E3 2024: Project Dragon finally has an official name!

E3 2027: Project Omen is being reworked, now referred to as Project Phoenix
Are you dumb?

They'll just drop the Project from the tiles.

Dragon and Omen are top tier games in the future.


Neo Member
Reddit and Klobrille ninjas are at it again. For quick context Klobrille has been leaking stuff since 2018 and has been very accurate for the last few years and tends to leak most of the E3 stuff for MS.

Note - Mods pls fix the spelling on title kthxbai <3


- Starfield
- Halo Infinite
- Wolfenstein 3
- Kojima Game
- Project Dragon RPG by IO Interactive (New IP)
- Project Omen (Dracula/Vampires New IP) by Arkane

- Forza Horizon 5 with this year release date and set in Mexico

- Awoved (Game is in great shape and is almost fully on schedule for release)


Bonus - Female Artist at Playground games also stated that we should be seeing the game/Fable soon (she's a outsourced artist) However, no word from Klobrille on this particular title. I would not hold my breath.
This Isn't Real! - Microsoft E3 has alot of really cool indies, we gonna see a teaser of starfield, hellblade 2 will steal the show along with another PROJECT that's currently unnamed, XBOX GAME PASS and EA has something special to share, and FORZA will be a major wow factor. Other than that i have no clue of anything else.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Reddit and Klobrille ninjas are at it again. For quick context Klobrille has been leaking stuff since 2018 and has been very accurate for the last few years and tends to leak most of the E3 stuff for MS.

Note - Mods pls fix the spelling on title kthxbai <3


- Starfield
- Halo Infinite
- Wolfenstein 3
- Kojima Game
- Project Dragon RPG by IO Interactive (New IP)
- Project Omen (Dracula/Vampires New IP) by Arkane

- Forza Horizon 5 with this year release date and set in Mexico

- Awoved (Game is in great shape and is almost fully on schedule for release)


Bonus - Female Artist at Playground games also stated that we should be seeing the game/Fable soon (she's a outsourced artist) However, no word from Klobrille on this particular title. I would not hold my breath.

Most of that is accurate. I'm not expecting the Project Dragon RPG by IO Interactive as it's only recently been green lit and I highly doubt that they have anything ready to be shown nor should it be. Not expecting Kojima as he's still working out a contract with Microsoft as far as I know. The Game Awards is much more likely. The only thing I could see is Phil Spencer announcing that they've agreed on a deal and introduces Kojima via video similar to Andrew House/Kojima back in early 2016. I would add the Project Typhoon game which is said to be 2022 and from Avalanche Studios but im not 100% certain on if the studio is accurate even though it will be three years since they released a main game with Just Cause 4.

All of that is good. I'm expecting more to be shown including some Indies/AA titles (most or all of which will be on Game Pass day one) and a few third party titles. Overall, as long as I get a lot of gameplay, I will be happy. :)


Jim chose Jade Raymond for reasons. 🤷‍♀️
What were they thinking with a Jade Raymond photo in their IR slide? Omg we got a big catch!?
Jimbo's team have a hardon with her, what was her output since the first AC?
I would be disappointed too if i was Kojima-sama

The most hilarious thing about that is how old that pic is, it’s from her popular days. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s 10 years old now. Imagine being her and see that pic posted 2021 😂
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Kojima cares too much about Japanese players to release on Xbox, he would sell less than 5 copies in his motherland and that's if every japanese xbox owner bought one.


Gold Member
If Kojima makes an Xbox game I will take swift and brutal vengeance on him and his best friend Geoff Keighley

They will not see me coming, I am trained in the noble art of the samurai sword *tips hat*
Not personally what I'm into. I'm a Sony fan and their games speak to me a lot more. But if this is true then it seems it would satisfy loads of Xbox fans. Happy for u Xbox fans 👌
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