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Yuji Naka likes the Revolution


News from Leipzig. This morning, I interviewed Yuji Naka, creator of Sonic. I asked him just how revolutionary the upcoming Nintendo console really was and he answered: "I am under a strict NDA, so I can´t really say much. But I have seen the Revolution and I think everyone will be very pleasantly surprised, when Nintendo reveal everything."

In a few days I will be able to view the tape and write down the entire answer he gave. But this excerpt is good news already. Sorry for the lack of posts while I´m at the Games Convention - but please hang on in there.



Hardly post-worthy, when asked directly about a future console. Did you ask if he breathes oxygen as well? I mean he's hardly going to respond with "Its fucking atrocious. Honestly, I don't know why they're bothering!"


Luckett_X said:
Hardly post-worthy, when asked directly about a future console. Did you ask if he breathes oxygen as well? I mean he's hardly going to respond with "Its fucking atrocious. Honestly, I don't know why they're bothering!"

Igarashi did recently say he felt 2-D was for DS. Japanese game designers, or game designers in general can be quite open about their preferences.

But it doesn't always translate into game, and depending on the person, they can also just be diplomatic as you suggested.

Knowing Mr. Naka's tastes however, I wouldn't be surprised if he was speaking his mind on this issue.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Luckett_X said:
Hardly post-worthy, when asked directly about a future console. Did you ask if he breathes oxygen as well? I mean he's hardly going to respond with "Its fucking atrocious. Honestly, I don't know why they're bothering!"

Well it is, given how many developers don't seem to have a clue what the Revolution is.

Thank you for posting this Jacobi. And Luckett sucks cock. Badly.


Luckett_X said:
Hardly post-worthy, when asked directly about a future console. Did you ask if he breathes oxygen as well? I mean he's hardly going to respond with "Its fucking atrocious. Honestly, I don't know why they're bothering!"



Mama Smurf said:
Well it is, given how many developers don't seem to have a clue what the Revolution is. Thank you for posting this Jacobi.
BTW A moderator in a German TV games show asked Peter Molyneux once if he has seen "it". He had and liked it.

Thank you for thanking me, but I didn't do the interview.
The hype for Revolution is largely withheld. A thread speculating wildly with no basis might reach hundreds of posts, but there's usually nought but stupidity and negativity within.

A good price and something that kills the Gamecube Turbo moniker might turn the underdog around.

It's good to read these kind of things about Ubisoft, and straight from the mouths Molyneaux and Naka.


AniHawk said:

Yeah, and those developer comments are all western devs, and they break clearly along the lines of who stands to make money, and who doesnt have a stake.

The question Jacobi asked was pointless because maintaining a good relationship is probably objective one for Yuji Naka. I wouldnt be surprised if the Nintendo moneyhats to his team dont pay for a sizable chunk of development. Jeapordizing that would be ridiculous.

Its like asking Itagaki that same question and expecting to get a straight answer.


Gold Member
Luckett_X said:
Hardly post-worthy, when asked directly about a future console. Did you ask if he breathes oxygen as well? I mean he's hardly going to respond with "Its fucking atrocious. Honestly, I don't know why they're bothering!"

Not post worthy? Since they are hardly ever any tibits on Revolution, I welcome every tiny little piece, and jr, I suggest you to change the attitude or it wont last long here.


I see Luckett's point.

This would be like asking Itagaki what he thought of Xbox 360 sometime last fall. Do you think he's gonna say its a fucking piece of trash while he's got several games developing for it?


Yuji Naka confirmed to JeuxFrance that Sonic NextGen will be presented at the Tokyo Game Show (and some other nextgen games).


dog$ said:
Let's play a game. Fill in the blank:

It is currently 2005 and it's been 12 years since Yuji Naka has made a game I liked.

Now you try.

Did you just put the hate down on Samba di Amigo?

not worthy!


what's up with this?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I don't think some of you get why this is news worthy. It's not the fact that he said he likes it, it's the fact that he's actually seen it. Now you'd hope he would have, but we've had many a comment from developers (some big names even) which indicated they didn't even know what it is, so this is good stuff.
Read the text under those pics and you see:"They are the winning entries to the ´Grand Space Opera Challenge´, a computer art challenge".


Gold Member
Mama Smurf said:
I don't think some of you get why this is news worthy. It's not the fact that he said he likes it, it's the fact that he's actually seen it. Now you'd hope he would have, but we've had many a comment from developers (some big names even) which indicated they didn't even know what it is, so this is good stuff.

Well yeah and that it's from a non biased 3rd party developer. I wouldn't say that SEGA is up Nintendo's ass like itagaki and TECMO is up Microsofts.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Whats the point of attacking someone who posts tidbits?

I think it is good news to hear, thank you also.


Not attacking as such, just saying its pretty inconsequential. I guess it is good news that someone has seen it, but still, individual posts for "man uses word Revolution in sentence" is getting a touch annoying.

Also, going through that revolution blog-spot gave me an almost fatal brain annuerism of annoyance at 'Revolution news'.


The fact he ikes it means it isnt under powered as previously thought. Developers dont get excited about hardware that isnt impressive.


nightez said:
The fact he ikes it means it isnt under powered as previously thought. Developers dont get excited about hardware that isnt impressive.

Must explain the rampant developer support for the DS.


nightez said:
The fact he ikes it means it isnt under powered as previously thought. Developers dont get excited about hardware that isnt impressive.
Well we don't really know the hardware. The Revolution could actually be in a very unique postion of being the only console that is released in one format, especially if Sony chickens out and goes the MS route of two models.

And with a 500 MB onboard flash-memory, it would ironically be superior to the basic Xbox 360 model and perhaps the PS3 basic model and may lead to more developer exploitation of the download/net/demo possibilities on the Revolution than the other two consoles.
nightez said:
The fact he ikes it means it isnt under powered as previously thought. Developers dont get excited about hardware that isnt impressive.

"Pleasantly surprised" could mean just about anything. Maybe we will be pleasantly surprised they didn't go all-out-super-whacko with it.


Deku said:
And with a 500 MB onboard flash-memory, it would ironically be superior to the basic Xbox 360 model and perhaps the PS3 basic model and may lead to more developer exploitation of the download/net/demo possibilities on the Revolution than the other two consoles.
It wouldn't work with caching or something like harddrives can be used for because hdd can be rewritten much more often than flash but I guess it would work well with patches online games.


Ruzbeh said:
It wouldn't work with caching or something like harddrives can be used for because hdd can be rewritten much more often than flash but I guess it would work well with patches online games.

I never said caching though. It's just that everyone has at least 500 MB on their Revos, which means developers would feel more confident releasing little nuggets, mini games, demos or even just promotional media files for people to look at.
Ruzbeh said:
It wouldn't work with caching or something like harddrives can be used for because hdd can be rewritten much more often than flash but I guess it would work well with patches online games.

not a techy, but wont more ram and bus speed be more useful for cache and loading. and flasj memory is more easy to access than HDD.


Deku said:
I never said caching though.
I know. I'm just posting it so everyone knows.
ThunderEmperor said:
not a techy, but wont more ram and bus speed be more useful for cache and loading. and flasj memory is more easy to access than HDD.
I think so, more ram is better and stuff, but flash can't be rewritten very often so caching wouldn't work.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Vieo said:
There was some footage of Sonic shown at E3. Some people say that it's from Revolution. =)

I hope not.

At least, I hope it was on a very early dev spec.

Because it was awful. (And I don't say things like that often)


I'd honestly be shocked if we don't see Sonic on Revolution.

I wonder how Lindbergh stacks up against Revolution?
Luckett_X said:
Hardly post-worthy, when asked directly about a future console. Did you ask if he breathes oxygen as well? I mean he's hardly going to respond with "Its fucking atrocious. Honestly, I don't know why they're bothering!"

if your going to make a living by trolling, at least make it funny


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Luckett_X said:
Hardly post-worthy, when asked directly about a future console. Did you ask if he breathes oxygen as well? I mean he's hardly going to respond with "Its fucking atrocious. Honestly, I don't know why they're bothering!"

seriously man, stop that cheap as shit trolling you do here, you never say anything positive and you always post only on Nintendo related threads just to troll. drop the act or like Santa said you won't last too long here.

As for Naka comments on Revolution clearly developers must know the basic layout of the system, fucking NDA won't let them say shit :(
Luckett_X said:
Hardly post-worthy, when asked directly about a future console. Did you ask if he breathes oxygen as well? I mean he's hardly going to respond with "Its fucking atrocious. Honestly, I don't know why they're bothering!"

For you, anything Nintendo related is hardly post-worthy dont you think?
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