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Yuji Naka likes the Revolution


The guy writing that blog seems to works for a german television. A german magazine printed an interview with the "Nintendo On" video creator from his blog, and credited him saying he workes for RTL2. This RTL2 channel got something they call news, mostly made of ads for they shows and "celebrity X break up with celebrity Y" kind of stories, but sometimes they talk about gaming news.
They are covering the Games Convention now, so it's possible that he is there making interviews.
The blog seems quite reliable, he mostly collects rumors and tries to find out if they are blatant fakes or not. The only time I know he was the source of something, was this Nintendo on Inteview.


Blimblim said:
In the plane from Frankfurt to Leipzig, Yuji Naka was sitting right behind me. I did not want to bother him so I did not try speaking with him (does he even speak english?). I must have seen him wandering the Game Convention at least 10 times on the first day. He was taking lots of photographs of about anything and everything, be it games or booths or even the buildings. I don't know if people recognized him or not because I have never seen anyone talking to him except other japanese people there.
Someone from a German forum recognized him :) Some Pics


Until the day Burning Rangers shows up on a compilation disk for a Nintendo console some of you crazies will continue to ignore the other stuff Naka has done,typical.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Apenheul said:
No, because the platform is launching in one year there have to be a few titles in the works. I think for instance John Carmack knows a thing or two about the Rev. A while ago I read Jeff Minter's blog about his NDA on xbox 360, he was already working on the visualizer thing for quite a long time, when we didn't know about the specs yet.

You;ve completely misunderstood what he's laughing about. Now let's move on.


Gold Member


Well, apparently Yuji was in London today (Friday) 'coz he visted where a friend of mine works as a tester.

I get the feeling I would probably start running around and jumping on people's heads if I ever saw Mr Naka.

The same person that claimed to have interviewed Yuji Naka apparently also spoke with Peter Molyneux.

"There is a line at the end of the book ´Game Over´ and it is: ´Never underestimate Nintendo´. That is all I can say about the controller."


I have interviewed Yugi Naka for JeuxFrance, he said that Sonic must be presented in Super Smash Bros Melee on GameCube, but Nintendo have no time to include him. He said too it's not impossible to see sonic in next with Nintendo. He aslo very intersting by the revolution but can't talk about projetcs now. I know that Sonic next will be show at TGS

Sorry for my bad english, I'm french.
Is it so hard to believe that REV controller might be good?^^
I bet, if there would be an Interview with him saying "this controller is the shittiest crappiest crap I have ever seen from Nintendo" everyone would give up any hope (if there ever was hope).^^


DieNgamers said:
Is it so hard to believe that REV controller might be good?^^
I bet, if there would be an Interview with him saying "this controller is the shittiest crappiest crap I have ever seen from Nintendo" everyone would give up any hope (if there ever was hope).^^
Just a fool's hope.
Ixtense said:
I have interviewed Yugi Naka for JeuxFrance, he said that Sonic must be presented in Super Smash Bros Melee on GameCube, but Nintendo have no time to include him. He said too it's not impossible to see sonic in next with Nintendo. He aslo very intersting by the revolution but can't talk about projetcs now. I know that Sonic next will be show at TGS

Sorry for my bad english, I'm french.

Naka said they wanted include Sonic in SSB:M ages ago. It's almost a dead cert that he'd be in it this time. Just wonder what other stuff he might be working on for Rev, and whether its gonna be any good...


the man who sold the world
"Any news on the afewdaysoratmaximumaweekafterLeipzigaton?"

I still don't understand why he said that. . . it's pretty much standard information as far as journos are concerned that TGS is where we'll find out the good stuff (just as most journos knew months ago that Zelda would be delayed). . . and TGS is four weeks after Leipzig.


Zerodoppler said:
The same person that claimed to have interviewed Yuji Naka apparently also spoke with Peter Molyneux.

"There is a line at the end of the book ´Game Over´ and it is: ´Never underestimate Nintendo´. That is all I can say about the controller."

Oh good, because Molyneux never overhypes anything.


force push the doodoo rock
okay wait

can i get a link to sonic being in ssbm-r and did peter molyneux actually say that?


sp0rsk said:
okay wait

can i get a link to sonic being in ssbm-r and did peter molyneux actually say that?

Supposedly what Naka said was that Sonic was supposed to be/shoulda been in SSBM, but there wasn't enough time, and that he'd like to see Sonic in SSBR


Gold Member
Ixtense said:
I have interviewed Yugi Naka for JeuxFrance, he said that Sonic must be presented in Super Smash Bros Melee on GameCube, but Nintendo have no time to include him. He said too it's not impossible to see sonic in next with Nintendo. He aslo very intersting by the revolution but can't talk about projetcs now. I know that Sonic next will be show at TGS

Sorry for my bad english, I'm french.

anyone know why this SEGA dude seems so close to Nintendo?

Supposedly what Naka said was that Sonic was supposed to be/shoulda been in SSBM, but there wasn't enough time, and that he'd like to see Sonic in SSBR

not enough time? pffft seems like a bad decision. I could see even more sales if sonic been there.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
SantaCruZer said:
anyone know why this SEGA dude seems so close to Nintendo?

All those Miyamoto comments about rather playing Samba than having sex with his wife I suspect.

Wasn't Sonic supposed to be in Double Dash? I thought Naka said something about that, only they didn't use him as they couldn't get it to work (probably because Sonic was supposed to just run and that just wouldn't play the same as the vehicles).


Gold Member
AniHawk said:
You really don't know who Naka is?

yes I do, I just reprashed him sega dude cuz it sounded fun, but that wasn't the question :p

I just found it odd that the unthinkable is reality these days. But it's really great.


SantaCruZer said:
yes I do, but that wasn't the question :p

I just found it odd that the unthinkable is reality these days. But it's really great.

Yet for the last four years, nothing's happened except for the new 2D Mario/Sonic games on the DS, and it's driving me crazy.

I want my Sonic/Mario crossover game (platformer), damnit.


Gold Member
AniHawk said:
Yet for the last four years, nothing's happened except for the new 2D Mario/Sonic games on the DS, and it's driving me crazy.

I want my Sonic/Mario crossover game (platformer), damnit.

baby steps! I think it's all coming together next generation. Out of all 3rd parties, SEGA seems to be the one that praises Revolution the most so far, and are vocal about it. My guess is that the low cost production of games that revolution will offer really benefit a company like SEGA. Maybe SEGA might make use of the download of old classics on it too.

And as you said, it's probable that next Super Smash Bros has sonic in it.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I still can't believe Sonic Team hasn't worked on one of Nintendo's franchises. I'm sure the discussions must have come up as they're so close, but maybe Sonic Team want to work on their own games.
Blimblim said:
In the plane from Frankfurt to Leipzig, Yuji Naka was sitting right behind me. I did not want to bother him so I did not try speaking with him (does he even speak english?).
He does.
I spoke to him at The Nintendo Show in London, in 2001 I believe it was.
Nice guy too


Gold Member
Mama Smurf said:
I still can't believe Sonic Team hasn't worked on one of Nintendo's franchises. I'm sure the discussions must have come up as they're so close, but maybe Sonic Team want to work on their own games.

True, but atleast one SEGA division has made a classic Nintendo franchise game this generation. FZERO GX.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'm not sure what Nintendo game they'd be right for anyway. The games they make don't really match up with Nintendo's classics...maybe a 3D Yoshi platformer? I'm thinking of Billy Hatcher of course, not that I've actually played the game.


Mama Smurf said:
I'm not sure what Nintendo game they'd be right for anyway. The games they make don't really match up with Nintendo's classics...maybe a 3D Yoshi platformer? I'm thinking of Billy Hatcher of course, not that I've actually played the game.
That's a good idea, a 3D Yoshi from that team could be VERY interesting (and fresh).


Gold Member
Mama Smurf said:
I'm not sure what Nintendo game they'd be right for anyway. The games they make don't really match up with Nintendo's classics...maybe a 3D Yoshi platformer? I'm thinking of Billy Hatcher of course, not that I've actually played the game.

I'd like to see them make us of an old ip from Nintendo. a 3D startropics with mike maybe?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It'd be nice to see something like that, but Nintendo tend to pass on franchises that there's a large demand for. They can't really not make a sequel, but they want to work on new games or ideas themselves, so a third party (or even somewhere else within Nintendo) gets it. Star Tropics, while no doubt commanding a small following, is way down the list.


Gold Member
Mama Smurf said:
It'd be nice to see something like that, but Nintendo tend to pass on franchises that there's a large demand for. They can't really not make a sequel, but they want to work on new games or ideas themselves, so a third party (or even somewhere else within Nintendo) gets it. Star Tropics, while no doubt commanding a small following, is way down the list.

yeah, It sucks that it seems that Nintendo will never dust off those old classics :/

kid icarus, punch out and star tropics.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
That video sucked.

I wouldn't be so certain about Punch Out and Kid Icarus. If we don't see at least one of those next gen (or on the DS), I'd be very surprised.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Oh yes, I would be very happy about it, but Nintendo has to make the camera system, because Billy Hatcher's camera is horrible.

Amusement Vision made 2 classics this generation, Super Monkey Ball and F-Zero GX, with Monkey Ball 2 following short after.

EDIT: I've thought about it again and after playing DKJB, I wpould be a bit more happy when EAD Tokyo was making a 3D Yoshi game for Revolution. Nevertheless, I'd be happy about a Sonic Team Yoshi game, too ^^. I really hope, Revolution will get a Yoshi game, unlike GameCube, as it's quite a while yet, since the last major Yoshi game was released :(.


Gold Member
Mama Smurf said:
That video sucked.

I wouldn't be so certain about Punch Out and Kid Icarus. If we don't see at least one of those next gen (or on the DS), I'd be very surprised.

true, atleast Matt C did one thing right, and that was when he pushed Miyamoto (at E3) about why there hasn't been a new Kid Icarus


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Just wondering, has Microsoft ever fully funded a Sega title?
Sega always funds their own development 100%. They've only been fully compensated on games for which Microsoft acquired the publishing rights -- like the Xbox versions of Phantasy Star Online Ep 1&2, Shenmue II, OutRun 2 -- but instead received strong publishing incentives like lower royalty fees and marketing funds for the SEGA published Xbox exclusives such as JSRF, HOTD3, World Series Baseball, TJ&E3, PDO, Crazy Taxi 3, and Sega GT. GUNVALKYRIE didn't release for any other platform but still wasn't an Xbox Xclusive.
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