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Yuji Naka likes the Revolution

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
This is totally off-topic for a minute, but I had to post this somewhere, and it isn't "post worthy" of me just to make a new thread for it.


From the new movie "40 Year Old Virgin", its a scene from the flick.

..... I had no interest in the movie at all till this moment.
Now, I'm seeing it.

Ok, that is all.
Carry on.


John Harker said:
This is totally off-topic for a minute, but I had to post this somewhere, and it isn't "post worthy" of me just to make a new thread for it.


From the new movie "40 Year Old Virgin", its a scene from the flick.

..... I had no interest in the movie at all till this moment.
Now, I'm seeing it.

Ok, that is all.
Carry on.

:lol Geez, gives us gamers a bad name.


John Harker said:
This is totally off-topic for a minute, but I had to post this somewhere, and it isn't "post worthy" of me just to make a new thread for it.


From the new movie "40 Year Old Virgin", its a scene from the flick.

..... I had no interest in the movie at all till this moment.
Now, I'm seeing it.

Ok, that is all.
Carry on.

He should get Nintendogs if he wants some chicks.


dog$ said:
Let's play a game. Fill in the blank:

It is currently 2005 and it's been 12 years since Yuji Naka has made a game I liked.

Now you try.

Wow, you didn't like Chu Chu Rocket, NiGHTs, Sonic & Knuckles, Samba De Amigo, Feel the Magic, pr Astro Boy? Hell, even Sonic Pinball Party was fun.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Always nice to hear another developer say they like the Revolution. Now I don't feel too worried that Nintendo tried something totally weird like the gba connectiviity or those dumb drums.


Dang its just a little tidbit, why are some getting so mean about it? There some prozac shortage I dont know about? :lol
Oblivion said:
Always nice to hear another developer say they like the Revolution. Now I don't feel too worried that Nintendo tried something totally weird like the gba connectiviity or those dumb drums.
Take that back right now!
Jungle Beat rules all, and don't you forget it.


John Harker said:
This is totally off-topic for a minute, but I had to post this somewhere, and it isn't "post worthy" of me just to make a new thread for it.


From the new movie "40 Year Old Virgin", its a scene from the flick.

..... I had no interest in the movie at all till this moment.
Now, I'm seeing it.

Ok, that is all.
Carry on.

Considering how this game sold/scored, I wonder what made them choose it.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Oblivion said:
Always nice to hear another developer say they like the Revolution. Now I don't feel too worried that Nintendo tried something totally weird like the gba connectiviity or those dumb drums.
Yeah, its some good news for everyone really. I feel slightly relieved that some people have actually seen it and have come out and said that it is good, but in previous years, Ive learned not too ever get exited by anything said by Nintendo because I just end up getting disappointed after I see it. Hopefully this time will be an exception.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Speevy said:
Considering how this game sold/scored, I wonder what made them choose it.

Ha, it was prolly the directors kid's idea.

Hmm, now I'm curious who the writer/directors are, maybe its UWE?!


psycho_snake said:
Yeah, its some good news for everyone really. I feel slightly relieved that some people have actually seen it and have come out and said that it is good, but in previous years, Ive learned not too ever get exited by anything said by Nintendo because I just end up getting disappointed after I see it. Hopefully this time will be an exception.

Naka works for Sega...

Glad to hear he's very pleasantly surprised


dog$ said:
Let's play a game. Fill in the blank:

It is currently 2005 and it's been 12 years since Yuji Naka has made a game I liked.

Now you try.
Yup, Sonic3 was the last for me. And I thought Sonic2 was the best game he ever made. PS2 second on that list? He's fallen off since then. Sonic Adventures was better than Luigi's Mansion and Mario Sunshine, but that's not really saying a whole lot. PEACE.
hey, i can agree with this for the most part. but you gotta give credit where credits due, and ChuChu and PSO are the shit. that aside, yeah, Sonic Team may as well not exist.

p.s. don't care for rhythm games. but if i was, i could definitely see the apeal behind samba.
Samba is god like.

Those pics look like Sonic green hill zone trees and phirana plants coming out of pipes, and possibly the most offensive grass I've ever seen. Fitting for a Yuji Naka / Revolution thread really.

I like the 3d Mario World era gigantic bullet bill... why Lakitu though?
Is "NDA" a code to mean the news is made up?

Not that it matters, I'm sure Sonic Team's garbage will goto Rev, too. But they haven't made anything worthwhile for me since the first PSO, over four years ago.


Pimpwerx said:
Yup, Sonic3 was the last for me. And I thought Sonic2 was the best game he ever made. PS2 second on that list? He's fallen off since then. Sonic Adventures was better than Luigi's Mansion and Mario Sunshine, but that's not really saying a whole lot. PEACE.

Sonic Adventure better than Mario Sunshine? The hell? Sunshine's still one of the best platformers this gen.


Mr. Blonde said:
Is "NDA" a code to mean the news is made up?

Not that it matters, I'm sure Sonic Team's garbage will goto Rev, too. But they haven't made anything worthwhile for me since the first PSO, over four years ago.

NDA=Non Disclosure Agreement. It means they can't talk about what they've seen until a certain date. I would imagine alot of developers that are working on Rev are under them.
lordmrw said:
NDA=Non Disclosure Agreement. It means they can't talk about what they've seen until a certain date. I would imagine alot of developers that are working on Rev are under them.

I know what NDA means. But it seems more like a code that crappy fansites use so you can know not to trust their news.
lordmrw said:
NDA=Non Disclosure Agreement. It means they can't talk about what they've seen until a certain date. I would imagine alot of developers that are working on Rev are under them.


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Mr. Blonde said:
I know what NDA means. But it seems more like a code that crappy fansites use so you can know not to trust their news.

um. the site.. or the guy that posted this news mentioned nothing of an NDA. it was Yuji Naka who mentioned it.


krypt0nian said:
Yes because you are right up there with him, huh?

No, because the platform is launching in one year there have to be a few titles in the works. I think for instance John Carmack knows a thing or two about the Rev. A while ago I read Jeff Minter's blog about his NDA on xbox 360, he was already working on the visualizer thing for quite a long time, when we didn't know about the specs yet.
I've come to the conclusion that I will only buy a Rev if GTA4 comes to that system and THAT system only. come on Nintendo, I double dog dare you to bring it over. :lol
VictimOfGrief said:
I've come to the conclusion that I will only buy a Rev if GTA4 comes to that system and THAT system only. come on Nintendo, I double dog dare you to bring it over. :lol

since when is that up to Nintendo?

EDIT: BTW, when Rev new originates from blogs, that usually means it's bogus.
Someone should ask him to post the video.

He's posted news before and been on the ball at updating when its fake, so he's potentially quite honest. In this case he's saying he's been to GC himself and interviewed the guy. He is German... and the blog wasn't started for the convenience of the GC event, it's been going on for some time... so it's feasable he planned to hit the event. We'll see...
like many others have said, it's hard to see Naka not supporting the machine, but these comments would be good none the less if real.

There's quite a fanatical following and analysis of tiny bits of Revolution news here:

I'd lend either of the above mentioned blogs more credence than this one.. which if you were to believe it would mean there would be big Rev news today:

That person sounds like he/she/it is actually insane.


No additional functions
radioheadrule83 said:
I'd lend either of the above mentioned blogs more credence than this one.. which if you were to believe it would mean there would be big Rev news today:

That person sounds like he/she/it is actually insane.
Isn't he the same guy that was given a cease and desist by Nintendo shortly after E3? He does sound kind of out there, but if he throws enough shit around, somethings bound to stick eventually. Oh well it's entertaining at least.


radioheadrule83 said:
I'd lend either of the above mentioned blogs more credence than this one.. which if you were to believe it would mean there would be big Rev news today:

That person sounds like he/she/it is actually insane.

"Nintendo fans of the world, unite!" is the only thing missing. Although I would like this psycho to be true and read some substantial Revo information.


The Inside Track
In the plane from Frankfurt to Leipzig, Yuji Naka was sitting right behind me. I did not want to bother him so I did not try speaking with him (does he even speak english?). I must have seen him wandering the Game Convention at least 10 times on the first day. He was taking lots of photographs of about anything and everything, be it games or booths or even the buildings. I don't know if people recognized him or not because I have never seen anyone talking to him except other japanese people there.
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