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Zelda has slipped to 2006


hyperbolically metafictive
has it really? looking through your post history, you seem to write for edge. well, better a polished and complete zelda than a compromised rushjob like wind waker.

you gotta be kidding!!!

I know I won't play the game until mid DEC, but I hope this isn't true



Oh well... the last time they delayed a game we got Pikmin 2. A bad business decision, but I'll definitely take the better game.

Ouch. I wasn't expecting that. I was forgetting what it felt like to own a N64.

EDIT: This will be AFTER their fiscal year. So April 1, 2006 at the earliest.

Jeeeeeeezus christ.


hyperbolically metafictive
eurogamer have some new screens, showing a gorgeous water area and what looks like the town outside hyrule castle.


Fuck Bitch.

My original plan was to get Zelda first, then get a X360. I have a feeling that getting a X360 first will somewhat degrade my experience with Twilight..


Dear Nintendo,





huzkee said:
So is Gamecube getting any games for Christmas? Better bring Puzzle Collection and anything else they're holding off...

Nintendo will have to use Pokemon XD then, which can prove to be a good replacement. Fire Emblem, too. Hopefully Nintendo compensates with Kirby or something. Or a distributed playable demo.
huzkee said:
So is Gamecube getting any games for Christmas? Better bring Puzzle Collection and anything else they're holding off...

The statement went on to point out that Mario Smash Football (née Super Mario Strikers), Battalion Wars, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness would all be out in time for Christmas.



(more a nerd than a geek)
Well, this should make the year a bit more interesting. With a delay, I'm now expecting some sort of weird preorder promotion for Zelda this winter...
Although there's nothing that can replace a Zelda title in the release schedule, I think Mario Smash Football will be a big title on GameCube, in Europe at least, and will shift quite a few units - the quality of the game is surprisingly high for a Mario sports title - incredibly fun, better than Mario Power Tennis.

And the new screenshots of Zelda are amazing, don't you think? Just check out that town........and apparently that's just the tip of the iceberg........


As a represenative of the Drinky Puppy Club, I ask Nintendo to soothe my pain with a nice complimentary title of Nintendogs.

love n hugs



Will start substantiating his hate
That's nice of them. GameCube will be dead by then (well, even more than it is now) but their dedication to quality is admirable.


8bit said:
Well, March isn't bad, I suppose. Wind Waker was a Feb release, IIRC.

TWW was a March release, though this will be later.

I love those shots.

I want this game.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity fuck. Fuck.



Wooo! The fall is pretty crowded already.... :D

Hopefully the extra months can help them fix those crap texture problems...
Mr. Aonuma and Mr. Miyamoto have promised GameCube owners that Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be on their format, and will not go back on that promise be switching it to Revolution.


Dont switch to Revolution!

It looks great on Gamecube. Let the Revolution have its own new Zelda.

This news is really dissapointing. I was really hoping to play this by christmas. I saw this coming. After clocking Wind Waker I would say let them have all the time they want.


Wow. Just fucking....wow.

I don't mind waiting a few more months since it seems like we waited so much more longer for OoT and every Rare release.

But this is probably going to be a huge blow to the Gamecube this holiday season. Pokemon XD is going to be the central game this Christmas, but console Pokemon can't rival console Zelda releases.

I guess it doesn't matter, GCN sales don't seem to be important to them at this stage of the game.

And I have to go back and find the exact bet. I forget who I made it with too.


This really, really sucks.. =(

However, I'm confident Nintendo really will use that extra time to polish the game into a classic.

Releasing new screenshots really pours salt on it though, doesn't it? :(


DSN2K said:
switch to Revolution... whats the point of a GC release in 2006 ?

same as releasing FFXII on PS2 around PS3 launch. Its called a large userbase (well, in the case of PS2....). And you can still play the game on Revolution


drohne said:
well, better a polished and complete zelda than a compromised rushjob like wind waker.
Yeah, this is actually a little comforting.

I'd probably be more disappointed if I had been anticipating TP, but recently I have to see new media or information of a game to so much as think about it. Besides, there's going to be a great deal of games this holiday.... just not for Gamecube!

I really like the new screens. The town looks busy and interesting. I hope the characters aren't too scripted.

Plus, snow!

Kuroyume said:
Hopefully the extra months can help them fix those crap texture problems...
You're going to be "disappointed".
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