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DOOM Gameplay Demo (E3 2015)


Didnt like it too much.

It felt a bit slow and the colors of the game were basically brown and some yellow. It looked more like Doom3 than Doom2.
The trailer looked better, but still as someone said, the enemies are not the best designs ever. Would rather see more similarities with the originals. Also, is it really necessary to make them shine like fuck to show you can finish them?


time to take my meds
man that gameplay trailer looked amazing. i don't know what you guys want from a doom game.

this definitely gives me OG doom vibes, with some next gen feels.


Ugh, boring, bland and SLOW. That's not the DooM i remember. I am disappoint.

Those enemy designs are so incredibly bland and characterless, you really have to TRY to get that boring. Just another brown/piss yellow shooter where you shoot grey zombies to add to the pile. We really don't have enough of those yet.


I like that they kept a lot of the original sound effects.

Otherwise looked a bit... servicable. Way too many melee / locked-animation kills.


Slow mo weapon switching? God of War executions? I guess that's to appease the console crowd? I don't get the logic. At least there's no regenerating health or cover, which would have been reaaaaally awkward.

Rest looks decent, but it needs to be faster. Dude looks like he's casually ambling around in comparison to Doom/Quake.


time to take my meds
Just another brown/piss yellow shooter where you shoot grey zombies to add to the pile.



yeah, so much color.

i think some of you guys are confusing quake 3 with doom 1&2.
They should have kept the atmospheric/horror based environments from Doom 3 as that was something the game actually did fairly well and just combined it with the frantic & fast pace of the first 2 games.


I enjoyed it.

The footage seen today shows promise, there's still about a year till release.

Find it odd that people are making generalisations about the entire game based purely on 2 levels, the indoor foundry style and the hell level, such as poor colour palette (there's plenty of scenes in the other doom games which have really poor levels) and also that it looks very scripted, (has no-one watched an E3 demo before, of course it's scripted, they can't even die; hell level, the player drops down to 10 health, gets hit again but doesn't drop any further)

For myself:
+ I enjoyed that it looks like an amped up version of Doom 3, there's more enemies on screen (whether this is true for the final product remains to be seen) and faster

+ Still retains health pickups instead of health regen

+I like the weapon design

+Finishing moves/takedowns I enjoy, though I do think there should be a reason to them instead just for show, like someone mentioned as a way to regain health.

+iDTech 6 engine looks good, especially in the first indoor demo

+Enjoyed the extra traversal modes like clambering up boxes

-Enemies need to display more feedback when hit or at the very least, an indicator like on the reticle to show that the enemy has been hit as it isn't always clear.

-Enemy design could do with tinkering, just to make then stand out apart from each other a bit more.

Overall, looking forward to it.
The map maker could be this DOOM's saving grace though.

Truth, I think an "easy" editor like this is going to be very welcoming. They need to replicate the explosion of mods/custom levels that the original Doom supposed.

That said, I hope the UI is different in pc! Having to pass through a slow, clunky UI done for controllers while building a level has to be.... hell.


yes it has, doom has had large outdoor arenas full of enemies since the beginning


I'll just put my original post here again. Hopefully you'll take the time to read it fully this time:

Uh, no. Doom has never* been an arena shooter. Far from it. I don't understand where this common misconception comes from?

*apart from few special instances in Doom2, and ever there it was just a part of a more complex map structure.


Hey, not looking too bad! I fucking hate the finishers though, hope you can turn those off. They showed those off way too often and I hate having control taken away fromme in games like this. I also hope there's a bit more of an exploration element than shown in the gameplay demo's, I want to find obscure secrets and wander aroudn expansive levels.

Still though, I liked what I saw, the action looks amazing and the gunplay looks to be incredibly satisfying.
I knew there was something wrong with the gore. Yeah, the enemies are cut and blown up in pieces, but there are blood splatters in the ground or in the walls!


The Amiga Brotherhood
Slow or fast when was the last fps with this kind of atmosphere and enemies? Today's fps are all about soldiers and zombies...


Considering the reveal is bound to be scripted and it was played with a pad rather than a m/kb, I thought it looked decent.

The one major thing I have beef with are the finishers - this should be reserved for 'beserk' mode only - in the demo they occur far too frequently and lose their satisfaction pretty quickly.

I'm also not a massive fan of some of the enemy designs - for example, the CyberDemon didn't look as terrifying as I had hoped.

Still, job done I guess as the game is now on my radar.
Overall I think it looks quite cool, but the AI seems a bit stupid, enemies stand around as you dodge/move around them. I was kind of hoping they'd go down the same road as doom 3, more scary atmosphere.

But this one really does have the original Doom feel, which is good. I just dont know about all the jumping and punching around.


Neo Member
Well, making a Doom sequel/reboot/remake is about the most difficult thing you can do as a developer (Uhmm, well maybe after a Half-Life sequel). Just read this thread and man, the stuff people expect is just crazy.

I was also there Day 1 with the first Doom and if I want a step-by-step remake of that game I'll just play that game with some mod I guess. It's a timeless classic!

This game looks fantastic to me. Seriously great! I first read the comments and was terrified TBH, but man...the shooting part IS Doom. The guy is running, strafing, shooting, changing weapons for different enemies, it's what Doom 3 should have been. And good on them for adding some stuff to the plate. The player actually emphasized that cinematic killings aren't a necessity by just blasting some "blue" demons to hell when he could have ripped their arms off. I thought the addition was f*cking great! Don't like it? Don't use it!

What they need to show next is the maps, because that's the other half of Doom. The shooting part is there, but now we need to see some map design. If that's at least on par with the worst classic Doom levels then we have a winner here!
I find the polarizing opinions fascinating.

If you read in between words, there are people

a) that find the game boring, because it's too much like the old Doom ("just run and gun, killing demons? boring, stale, old!")
b) that find the game boring, because it isn't enough like the old Doom ("not fast enough! not enough enemies! melee animations kill the game's flow!")
c) that liked what they saw.


Looks pretty.
Doesn't look fun.


*Enemy projectiles are too fast for a fun dodge gameplay. This was core gameplay in original Doom saga.

*Similar enemy shapes and colors prevent having a strategy gameplay based in the differentiation of AI behaviors. Again a main aspect in older Doom saga.

*Melee animations take the player control for too much seconds preventing an agile gameplay.

*Guns do not seem to impact the enemies until we see they have died.

*Overwhelmed and helpless feeling is completely destroyed because it seems that we control a super warrior bigger and stronger than most of our enemies.

*Gibs and blood are brown instead of bright red.


I like the faster pace (at least compared to Doom 3) and greater emphasis on action. I like that they used the old door sound effects.

Really dislike most of the character designs. Really generic. I'm not even sure, are those supposed to be the zombie soldiers? I can't even tell. There's no defined silhouettes.

The Reverent design is okay and I like the idea of making them more agile with the jetpack. The Mancubus though really should look more like an extremely obese human, sorta like the original, a Hellraiser-esque reflection of various sins. And the colors they chose for the Cyberdemon make it hard to discern where its flesh ends and the cybernetics begin, sorta ruining the impact.

And that's the main problem, I think. The lack of color. The what I assume was a Baron Of Hell should have been pink. Keep the exact same design, but make him pink and he stands out as something unique. I don't have much hope for the redesigned Cacodemons, but they should be bright red with blue and green. Evoke the colors of the originals even if you play around with the designs.

Pulse rifle looks satisfying. Chainsaw seems like it's actually viable. I think it's a decent design for Hell, though that was never the problem with Doom 3 (loved the floating blocks that assembled themselves into walkways).

I wish they'd bring back enemy type specific death animations. When all the enemies simply ragdoll or explode in gibs it's not as fun. It seems like they're trying to channel a bit of Brutal Doom in this reimagining with the context sensitive kills, but one of the cool things in that mod is the enhanced death animations, which was of course also one of the coolest things in the original game (the end credits where it let you cycle through every enemy type and get a good look at them).

It's just hard to *see* stuff in these videos. Everything ends up looking really brown and muddy. Contrasting bright colors would help a lot with that, I think.

Still optimistic, though. They're trying something different with this one, in stark contrast to the direction most modern FPS games have went.


I want to love everything about this but the highlighted/contextual takedown effects on enemies are really, really killing the immersion for me.


Looks pretty.
Doesn't look fun.

Yeah, quite pretty, but certainly not fun. I only just made it to the end of the vid.

While far from perfect Doom3's linear, shock horror has far more appeal than this arena style gameplay.

Oh well :(


I think people are making a way bigger deal out of the melee finishers than they should be. They stopped to do them every ten seconds for the same reason they spent most of the gameplay demo walking around at 'the analog stick is barely out of the dead zone' speeds: Because it's a demo they're showing off to a massive theatre full of people, and the best way to make it exciting for those people is to spend as much screen time as possible looking at "cool things", even if it means playing the game in a totally ridiculous, artificial way.

Serious Sam 3 had basically the exact same mechanic, and that game was a whole hell of a lot more hectic (if not strictly 'faster') than Doom I and II ever were. In practice, you just never use them unless you know you've got the time and you actually want to see them (or in some cases because you want to conserve ammo). It certainly doesn't make the game slower.


Why would there be a weapon wheel in a PC exclusive game?

Still, the PC version could just use keybinds. And if you plug in a controller it automatically switches to a wheel.

You pretty much said what I meant. Weapon wheel doesn't mean it's console-tarded, like other posters in this thread have claimed. Keybinds + wheel.


As someone who is a huge fan of Doom and made Quake 2 his first online FPS, I approve of this new Doom.

I don't understand the people that complain about the gameplay. Its run and gun. What else can they do? You want them to place gimmicks like CoD and Titanfall? In that case, its going to be considered a "gimmicky game". Personally, I enjoy the takedowns, though they need a bit more variety so they don't get a little old.
Whoa at all the negativity in here. I thought it looked pretty damn good, gamepad controls and corridors aside. I was kind of expecting there to be more wide open areas as a reveal at the end of the demo, but yeah. They nailed the most important thing in a Doom game: there are no hitscan enemies. You can dodge every projectile. That's the single most crucial thing with these games imo, and I'm glad to see they realize that.


Looks like crap. No originality whatsoever. Even Doom 3 had that though some people hated on it for this reason. And why is everything brown? Days of 256 color palettes have ended a long time ago.

And do you actually have to use finishers to get medpacks and ammo? Bleargh.


May I have a cookie?
I find the polarizing opinions fascinating.

If you read in between words, there are people

a) that find the game boring, because it's too much like the old Doom ("just run and gun, killing demons? boring, stale, old!")
b) that find the game boring, because it isn't enough like the old Doom ("not fast enough! not enough enemies! melee animations kill the game's flow!")
c) that liked what they saw.

Anybody who claims they didn't like it because it's too similar to old Doom doesn't know old Doom.

*Enemy projectiles are too fast for a fun dodge gameplay. This was core gameplay in original Doom saga.

*Similar enemy shapes and colors prevent having a strategy gameplay based in the differentiation of AI behaviors. Again a main aspect in older Doom saga.

Yes! Thank you for putting it into words
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