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Original Snake Voice David Hayter Has No Love For Hideo Kojima (Kotaku)

I felt it was annoying for Hayter because as fans we were expecting a Kojima "twist" with all of his denials for voicing snake again, that he would be involved somewhere. But it wasn't to be.
For me personally, I felt it would have been good if
Hayter would have voiced real snake during the replay of mission one.
For me, Hayter is snake. The voice is iconic for the character. Yet I appreciate what Kiefer brought to the role.


I'm not sure about that, but they do seem close. He actually seems quite friendly with a number of VO's. I fully expect that Otsuka, Stefanie and Donna will be part of whatever Kojima is working on next.

Yeah he reuses his voice talent a lot. Kikuko Inoue in particular stands out as she's gotten used in ever Metal Gear game Kojima has done since 2 (and Policenauts) and was given a new and unrelated role in each game except for 5 (Rose, The Boss, Sunny, Chico) which also shows how versatile she is.

She's far from the only one but she stands out to me as she's always reused and there's no real call for it like how Snake and Otacon's VAs get used for Boss and Huey and such.
Hayter will always be snake to me (and tomahome) but if someone HAD to replace him Kurt Russell would be the only acceptable person. Keifer.... feels unnatural to me.



You are not proving your point with those. None of them come out as "angry" or "salty".

The dude was just having fun.
While I think how they replaced him was shitty, Hayter needs to move on and stop being that clingy ex who just cant get over someone and trashed them on twitter every weekend after a few drinks.

Dude is doing more VO work these days so that is nice and I hope it continues.


"A little voice acting on the side" means you do a few radio commercials. Hayter performed maybe THE most iconic VO role of all time, spanning more than a decade. If he said that, he was being very modest.

You misunderstood my intention. I'm not saying the previous statement was accurate, I'm just trying to clarify that the voice work isn't his main source of income/main career. A lot if people in these threads seem to overlook that.

He's pretty clearly joking in all if those tweets aside from the poll which was prior to the knowledge of him being replaced was common. I'm not even sure if he knew for sure at that point.


Your initial argument was comparing MGS to a sitcom, which was wrong as there are already 3 Snake protagonists and god knows how many clones not voiced by Hayter. You than suggested that because smoking, aging and dying hasn't affected two people and that Hayter shouldn't have had to change his voice or be replaced when he did it badly in the first place. I don't think I've argued anything further than saying it would make much more sense for a dying old man to sound different, it fits with themes of the game. It must have been very frustrating for you seeing what they did to Eva's and Ocelot's voices.

Have a nice night dude because I am tired of arguing with you especially when you just keep going in circles.


I felt it was annoying for Hayter because as fans we were expecting a Kojima "twist" with all of his denials for voicing snake again, that he would be involved somewhere. But it wasn't to be.
For me personally, I felt it would have been good if
Hayter would have voiced real snake during the replay of mission one.
For me, Hayter is snake. The voice is iconic for the character. Yet I appreciate what Kiefer brought to the role.

Yeah I think it would have worked better for everyone if he had just voiced Big Boss
in Ground Zeroes and been "replaced" in TPP with the exception of that one scene.
I honestly think that twist would have been accepted better if they had.

I personally liked it regardless though, it made a lot of earlier stuff make more sense too.
He's pretty clearly joking in all if those tweets aside from the poll which was prior to the knowledge of him being replaced was common. I'm not even sure if he knew for sure at that point.
Looks more like he's being snarky as fuck to me, which is usually something done out of spite.


Hayter might not be the best va but I always felt like his over the top performances were self aware and it matched the quirkiness of the mgs games. You get the impression in mgsv that Kiefer thought he was voice acting a cod or deadpan war simulation game.
It will be interesting to see if kojima can create another iconic character in his future endeavours or if we'll end up with something more forgettable and dialed back like Kiefers performance.


Except in those tweets you can clearly tell that's not the case.

And lol yeah, making fun of someone losing a job is sure fun.

Well I mean when it's the guy that fired you it probably is pretty fun. Sorry Ishida he does seem pretty bitter in several of his tweets but he does get asked about it constantly it's probably like poking an old wound.


While I think how they replaced him was shitty, Hayter needs to move on and stop being that clingy ex who just cant get over someone and trashed them on twitter every weekend after a few drinks.

Dude is doing more VO work these days so that is nice and I hope it continues.

He really doesn't bring it up all that often. I think I've seen him clarify more that he *REALLY* wasn't going to be in MGSV than complain about being replaced or make jokes about it.

Even that last tweet with him calling it karma that Kojima got fired?

Yes, it was a pretty obvious joke. I think he made a tweet the same day denying that he had a voodoo doll or something.


Snake is dead (thanks Konami), and this is ancient history.

Dude is eating sour grapes after all this time still


I think Kotaku published this hoping Kojima or someone in the know would reply. Kind of hope something comes up.
I think Kotaku published this hoping Kojima or someone in the know would reply. Kind of hope something comes up.

Well, i'd say one things for certain and it's that Kojima won't be getting back to them. He's not longer on the series and seemingly never even made the effort to meet Hayter at any time. He doesn't care about the dude.


Such lust for karma.

Hey it's not a great human trait but seeing someone who shit canned you get shit canned probably feels pretty good. But I have to agree with you he is bitter about the whole thing but it will probably not matter after a year or two.
MGS is not 'high quailty/brow' in terms of writing. I love the games incredibly for the ideas and themes explored from 1-3 (especially 2). nevertheless they are presented in a campy way and Hayters campy ruff n tuff voice added to that and helped immerse me in Kojimas world. MGS felt 'off' with sutherland because he tried to make something serious where it never was before (this goes with baker too, Miller/huey was good)


Well, i'd say one things for certain and it's that Kojima won't be getting back to them. He's not longer on the series and seemingly never even made the effort to meet Hayter at any time. He doesn't care about the dude.
He's probably thinking 'who?' Not much has surfaced about the Konami fallout either so maybe nothing will from this. Still feels like Kotaku trying to start something.


I mean if you can't tell that those tweets are rooted in his bitterness from getting fired then I don't know what to tell you.

Ditto if you can't tell those tweets are just fun.

Anyways. Don't worry, David, don't forget that you exist in the Metal Gear world/canon. As YOURSELF.



He doesn't seem that salty, more annoyed that everyone was egging him on for two+ years when he was actually replaced without notice on a franchise he was pretty important in making iconic.

MGS wouldn't be as big if Snake wasn't Snake, and Hayter has a lot to thank for that.

I've read a lot about Kojima in the last six+ months after MGSV. A lot of info, plus the fact that the last three games of his have been less than stellar story/script wise, lead me to think that what I liked about MGS 1-3 isn't all about Kojima. We'll see how truly great he is being let go and free to do his own thing.
Finally, someone with common sense.
By the way, they tried to replace him from MGS2 on. Not MGS3. Yes, Hayter said they tried to get Kurt Russell (nice use of the budget Hideo), but they held auditions for Snake for MGS2 according to Debbie May West.


You know what/who else needs to get over stuff? This freaking forum regarding MGSV. It has some of the greatest sandbox gameplay of all time. The fact this game is dragged through the mud because of its story is preposterous.

Patrick S.

Honestly , Hayter dodged a bullet not being cast in MGS5. Game is by far the worst metal gear solid title and it's just generally an unfun slog even compared to other bloated next gen fetch quests. MGS has still hasn't topped the original MGS on the playstation- perfect mix of fun stealth gameplay , fun boss fights , entertaining story and cutscenes that didn't hit you over the head with a message , etc etc.

MGS5 might as well be 50 hours of Hideo fellating himself. It's bad enough that people who enjoy it should feel bad. It has no respect for your time commitment and infect actively disrespects your time.

For the record Kiefer sounds like he phones in his performance too , would Hayter have helped MGS5 for me ? nah, it would have made snake sound like snake at least , and since every other character in the game is doing a kiefer sutherland impression I might have been able to tell 2 actors apart during the tape story play back at least. Wouldn't have made the game enjoyable though.

Viva la hipérbole! MGS V is one of the best games I've played in years.


You know what/who else needs to get over stuff? This freaking forum regarding MGSV. It has some of the greatest sandbox gameplay of all time. The fact this game is dragged through the mud because of its story is preposterous.
You need to learn that a bad plot twist can ruin 50 hours of stellar gameplay.


You know what/who else needs to get over stuff? This freaking forum regarding MGSV. It has some of the greatest sandbox gameplay of all time. The fact this game is dragged through the mud because of its story is preposterous.

Plot is like, the biggest thing in the Metal Gear franchise, though...


You need to learn that a bad plot twist can ruin 50 hours of stellar gameplay.

I'm sure we can agree to disagree. Replaying the Hospital sequence was lame, but I don't think it warrants the slandering it gets, as if we were all entitled to some kind of grand resolution. Artists make the art for themselves, not the consumers.


Plot is like, the biggest thing in the Metal Gear franchise, though...

No doubt it is a pillar. And I'm invested in the plots so much so also, getting V spoiled for myself in a thread was "devastating" for me. Maybe that softened the blow, honestly. I didn't have that sense of loss due to my expectations being destroyed.

I can say, however, that I was halfway through when it was spoilt and I had a inkling that what I wanted out of the story wasn't just magically going to start happening. Big Boss wasn't just about to begin spouting off one-liners again halfway through. Or that my actions as Big Boss were never going to be determined by a choice to be insanely evil. The game was never structured to be that. =/ The marketing threw everybody off. I think that's where the expectations came from, placed on top of the fact it was the last Kojima MGS game to be created. I don't think he would've seriously ended it all like that had he known he was going to be forced out.
And he's :) about it because salt.

Oh but no, he's just joking. Having fun.

Is he? It seemed pretty sarcastic to me. I only say that cause he doesn't need to be salty or happy. Not with MGSV being what it turned out to be. Vindicated maybe, if he wanted to take it there and relish in it all.
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