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Original Snake Voice David Hayter Has No Love For Hideo Kojima (Kotaku)


This is just my speculation but didn't Konami and Kojima have their fallout because MGSV Ground Zeros and Phantom Pain had crazy budgets that Konami was no longer willing to pay after those games came out? To me they just said enough's enough.

No one is doubting that at all, but that was because it took 5 years to make the game, not because Kojima asked for gold-plated workstations. AAA gaming is fucking expensive.
I like Kiefer, much better than any of Hayter's recent Snake performances but I agree Kojima was a dick with how he went about replacing a guy who gave and meant so much to the series.


hayter's voice was so overexaggerated that it seemed cartoony.

Let's not get it twisted but Metal Gear is basically a high budget realistic Anime mecha military game with fan service sprinkled here and there. I love it for that reason.


This is just my speculation but didn't Konami and Kojima have their fallout because MGSV Ground Zeros and Phantom Pain had crazy budgets that Konami was no longer willing to pay after those games came out? To me they just said enough's enough.
Meh, pretty sure its budget was lower than the Witcher 3's. And it sold a similar amount excluding GZ and the atrocious dlc/microtraactions. MGSV made them money.


I've got no idea how people are defending the va in MGS4 and PW. Every single VA was abysmal and the dialouge the whole way through was pain inducing. Otacon, Sunny, Raiden, Naomi even Ocelot in MGS4, the moment they opened there mouths it was complete unispried drivel or nonsense mixed with 'emotion'.

I love the games but after 3 (and even during) i completely noticed the va taking a nosedive. I don't know what happened but there is a huge divide in script quality and pacing. MGS1 and 2 had scenes that are great to rewatch the later games I really struggle not to just skip them they so miss the mark and its more than just Hayter, it's a fundemental flaw in the script that just wants to throw techno jargan, out of the blue emotion and intrigue and fails spetacularly.

I've only played the first 5 hours of MGSV and still found nothing special va wise from all the main players so far. Its all just so fucking dull and pointless.


how is it a dick move tho????? kojima isnt friends with him? hayter himself said he has no personal connection to the man so? why would kojima have one to him????????

Dude didn't even get a phone call to tell him he wasn't getting the role again. Sucks they didn't even give him that courtesy when he has been so involved with the series.

Meh, pretty sure its budget was lower than the Witcher 3's. And it sold a similar amount excluding GZ and the atrocious dlc/microtraactions. MGSV made them money.

Reports have the development budget for MGSV at 80mil which would be about the same as the Witcher 3's entire budget which includes promotion, translation and dubbing in 15 languages.
Well on one hand it's nice to see a VA being passionate about a role they did. But David comes across as a little bitter to me.

Tho I remember reading something where the voice actors for Skullface and Zero in MGSV don't even remember recording their lines for the game. Why would you want to hire people like that for a project?


Well on one hand it's nice to see a VA being passionate about a role they did. But David comes across as a little bitter to me.

Tho I remember reading something where the voice actors for Skullface and Zero in MGSV don't even remember recording their lines for the game. Why would you want to hire people like that for a project?

It's actually a lot more common than you think. Nolan North didn't even know he was recording for Portal 2 until the game actually came out.
I don't think people realize how often Hayter gets asked about MGS and Kojima. This isn't so much him being salty as it is being honest when he's approached about it again and again.

dude changed his profile pic on twitter to a picture of keifer at one point. he's totally bitter AF because he's beloved by the fanbase and the only reason he's approached by fans is because he was solid snake. because of that, he felt he had cart blanche to negotiate for the role with konami, so he did that and got a ton of money for MGS4. he said it himself. he "pushed the limits of what voice actors are paid for video games". that fact, combined with his inability to act as a an older big boss with frog/garbled voice in PW. they replaced him. it's really not that crazy. they brought in a significantly better actor who did a significantly better job in a roll for probably a similar amount of money. not much more about it than that. he readily admitted these facts


Meh, pretty sure its budget was lower than the Witcher 3's. And it sold a similar amount excluding GZ and the atrocious dlc/microtraactions. MGSV made them money.
I'm sure, but the suits there are probably thinking how can we make this same amount of money by spending even less?

Reminds me of U.S. Trickle down economics.
Kojima not informing Hayter he wasnt coming back for the last MGS game was a dick move. Hayter is in the right here.

i don't disagree with that. but i think we're overestimating the relationship between hayter and kojima. they only met a small handful of times. it's not like he betrayed a good friend or something


The way Kojima handled it was pretty gross considering how iconic Hayter's voice was in the series. Also, Kiefer sucked ass as Big Boss. Horrible decision.


I'll reiterate, it's not his character.

The various Batman actors don't rant about Kane and Finger or some subsequent film director.

This isn't a situation where you need to have done something wrong to justify not returning.


I'll reiterate, it's not his character.

The various Batman actors don't rant about Kane and Finger or some subsequent film director.

This isn't a situation where you need to have done something wrong to justify not returning.

Each of the batman movies had completely different directors and were completely unrelated why would they think they would be back for a second one? This is like a long running sitcom changing the main character without even bothering to give them a heads up until they announce season 6.


Still without luck
The way Kojima handled it was pretty gross considering how iconic Hayter's voice was in the series. Also, Kiefer sucked ass as Big Boss. Horrible decision.

There's also the ridiculous thing in the game when it used familiar voices to bring back memories, but then has that slug of a Snake voice.


I'll reiterate, it's not his character.

The various Batman actors don't rant about Kane and Finger or some subsequent film director.

This isn't a situation where you need to have done something wrong to justify not returning.
It's kind of different in the live action department but look at Kevin Conroy with animated Batman , him and Mark Hamill they basically owned the Roles of Batman and Joker for over 20 years and we're only replaced by different actors when the decided to retire from the role. When an animated Killing Joke adaption was announced Conroy and Hamill expressed interest and were instantly given the roles again after they decided to come out from retiring.


Each of the batman movies had completely different directors and were completely unrelated why would they think they would be back for a second one? This is like a long running sitcom changing the main character without even bothering to give them a heads up until they announce season 6.
There are like 3 Snake protagonists ranging from 35 to 70 years old...
Well on one hand it's nice to see a VA being passionate about a role they did. But David comes across as a little bitter to me.

Tho I remember reading something where the voice actors for Skullface and Zero in MGSV don't even remember recording their lines for the game. Why would you want to hire people like that for a project?

Skullface and Zero sounded great, so why does it matter if they're attached or not?

Pretty sure that thought process is true for most voice acting performances. I doubt Troy Baker remembers half the characters he portrays in TV shows or games.
Skullface and Zero sounded great, so why does it matter if they're attached or not?

Pretty sure that thought process is true for most voice acting performances. I doubt Troy Baker remembers half the characters he portrays in TV shows or games.

america is a country of liberty a meeting of immigrants rather than ismply assimilating its people live alongside others WORDS


There are like 3 Snake protagonists ranging from 35 to 70 years old...

And? My parents sound almost exactly the same in their sixty's as they did in their 30's. Most people's voice's don't change drastically with age.

Yes a dying smoker should sound exactly like he did as a rookie.

My mom's a smoker and she still sounds the same. Also it's not the smoking killing him in MGS4.


Each of the batman movies had completely different directors and were completely unrelated why would they think they would be back for a second one? This is like a long running sitcom changing the main character without even bothering to give them a heads up until they announce season 6.

This isn't like a sitcom at all, these games weren't weekly episodes where any discovery that you'd not return would be extremely short notice, a maximum term of months. There'd be years in between any such negotiations. More pertinently, Kojima isn't obligated to simply give the guy the job just because he's worked on the prequels. At all.

Hayter wouldn't have ever been in any position of certainty that a sequel was ever coming up before being hired for it anyway. He'd have been doing other jobs in the meantime. Timescale and ownership, it actually is much closer to the idea of Michael Keaton presuming WB would have kept him on for Batman Forever.


This isn't like a sitcom at all, these games weren't weekly episodes where any discovery that you'd not return would be extremely short notice, a maximum term of months. There'd be years in between any such negotiations. More pertinently, Kojima isn't obligated to simply give the guy the job just because he's worked on the prequels. At all.

Hayter wouldn't have ever been in any position of certainty that a sequel was ever coming up before being hired for it anyway. He'd have been doing other jobs in the meantime. Timescale and ownership, it actually is much closer to the idea of Michael Keaton presuming WB would have kept him on for Batman Forever.

But it's nothing alike since Keaton only did one batman movie. What if he had gotten 4 deep and they were all super successful.


It's kind of different in the live action department but look at Kevin Conroy with animated Batman , him and Mark Hamill they basically owned the Roles of Batman and Joker for over 20 years and we're only replaced by different actors when the decided to retire from the role. When an animated Killing Joke adaption was announced Conroy and Hamill expressed interest and were instantly given the roles again after they decided to come out from retiring.

Because the powers that be wanted them back. Kojima evidently didn't want Hayter back. Ergo...

But it's nothing alike since Keaton only did one batman movie. What if he had gotten 4 deep and they were all super successful.

Keaton did two Batman movies and they were not only highly successful, they basically resurrected the character on screen...

It is an apt analogy.


For shame, I still cringe at Keifer's voice in MGV

I only had a problem with him in Ground Zeroes, I had no issue with his performance in The Phantom Pain because
I imported the Japanese version of the game so I had Akio Otsuka instead of him.


Because the powers that be wanted them back. Kojima evidently didn't want Hayter back. Ergo...

Keaton did two Batman movies and they were not only highly successful, they basically resurrected the character on screen...

It is an apt analogy.

Ahhh I looked it up you are right but apparently he quit because he was asked to just be a producer for the 3rd one. So he quit after the second one not that he was recast like Hayter.
Dick move by Kojima but Sutherland did a solid job standing in for Hayter.

The better question to ask is if Sutherland really the bankable star Kojima thought he was getting? He's no DiCaprio / Martin Sheen / Idris Elba / Christian Bale level actor to be honest. Just a guy who's really good at TV work.


Can't blame him for being bitter. You give so much to something for so long, just to end up being replaced in unceremonious fashion during the final stretch. It sucks. Replacing him with Sutherland was a cold, strange move, and the game didn't benefit from it whatsoever.
Naw it was a shitty performance and was basically worthless. The game would have been exactly the same if he was completely silent

Not shitty at all, he was actually really good in MGSV. And I agree with some people here, Hayter sounds salty as f* in those quotes.
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