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HBO Boss Regrets Announcement of ‘Confederate,’ but Not its Concept


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
if something as plainly and obviously transformative as the right to vote or the goddamn abolition of slavery don't count as meaningful measures of progress in your eyes, then I don't know what to tell you.

I agree that this country is basically taught to never give a shit about Native Americans.

Giving people their basic rights is not addressing the problem, its acknowledging that was the problem in the first place. Guess what happened after the slaves were freed and got the right to vote? Share cropping popped up, then Jim Crowe laws were introduced and then KKK came about and started killing and intimidating people and so on and so forth. Just because we did the bare minimum after fighting one of the worst wars in our countries history isn't addressing the problem if you ask me.


if something as plainly and obviously transformative as the right to vote or the goddamn abolition of slavery don't count as meaningful measures of progress in your eyes, then I don't know what to tell you.

I agree that this country is basically taught to never give a shit about Native Americans.

What good is the right to vote if you've been warned not to vote for threat of violence, your ballot office is five hours away, they need three forms of id, etc.

Right to Vote only as useful as your ability to do it unimpeded.

Abolishment of slavery only useful if you're no longer a slave in the eyes of your oppressor.

Meaningful measures on paper ain't worth shit.


No-where did you say Confederacy before. I thought we were talking about slavery.

Reconstructionism is how the Confederacy was dealt with. The 13th, 14th, & 15th amendments.

Before you attempt to attack me again. I am making zero claim on how effectively the Confederacy was dealt with.

Where did I attack you, what are you talking about?


if something as plainly and obviously transformative as the right to vote or the goddamn abolition of slavery don't count as meaningful measures of progress in your eyes, then I don't know what to tell you.

I agree that this country is basically taught to never give a shit about Native Americans.

What happened when the Nazis lost?

We shot many of the survivors, their home nation banned them, and we turned them into universal baddies. Villains who anyone from anywhere and any culture can kill without remorse because they're fucking nazis.

What happened when the Confederates lost?

We let them back into office, allowed them to operate their own terrorist groups unimpinged, and built statues in their honor. Please tell me where in Germany there are places where a Daughter of Nazis group would hold any honor at all?

How do these two things even begin to compare?
They aren't the same.


Wait, people are against this? The premise sounds amazing to me.
Its easy to see why after reading this.

We don't need a show about how "the confederacy won" when we're still dealing with the fallout of the civil war and the lack of commitment to really enforce it.

Black people were freed and America has been spending countless amounts of time trying to make them regret it.

The end of slavery and the south's idiocy was dealt with kids glove. We don't need an alt history "boy, we really dodged the bullet eh?" show when the state and public is all too willing to turn a blind eye when black people get mowed down and dehumanized to this day.


Giving people their basic rights is not addressing the problem, its acknowledging that was the problem in the first place. Guess what happened after the slaves were freed and got the right to vote? Share cropping popped up, then Jim Crowe laws were introduced and then KKK came about and started killing and intimidating people and so on and so forth. Just because we did the bare minimum after fighting one of the worst wars in our countries history isn't addressing the problem if you ask me.

What good is the right to vote if you've been warned not to vote for threat of violence, your ballot office is five hours away, they need three forms of id, etc.

Right to Vote only as useful as your ability to do it unimpeded.

Abolishment of slavery only useful if you're no longer a slave in the eyes of your oppressor.

Meaningful measures on paper ain't worth shit.

I don't know what to tell you guys anymore. I feel like I've made it pretty clear in this thread that I am in full agreement about how the ways we deal with racism, both in the past and today, has still left things on every level far below satisfactory for black people in this country, from voting access to socio-economic status to the goddamn police. I feel like I have made this point clearly many times in many posts already. But if you don't believe that, or believe that the United States has literally done nothing in its history to address racism and slavery -- which is the only statement in this argument that I took issue with -- then fine. I give up. I can't keep writing the same thing over and over again, and if I haven't been able to convince you that I am truly in agreement with you on everything but the idea that we've done literally nothing to address racism or slavery in our history, then I guess I can't do it.


I don't know what to tell you guys anymore. I feel like I've made it pretty clear in this thread that I am in full agreement about how the ways we deal with racism, both in the past and today, has still left things on every level far below satisfactory for black people in this country, from voting access to socio-economic status to the goddamn police. But if you don't believe that, or believe that the United States has literally done nothing in its history to address racism and slavery -- which is the only statement in this arguement that I took issue with -- then fine. I give up.

So do you still think Man in the High Castle an apt comparison?
You seem to think I did, so by all means point out exactly where I was attacking you.

I just said I moved past that.

It appeared to me that you were ascribing some viewpoint to me that I didn't hold. And attempting to bait me into some sort of gotcha. Just by the tone of your posts. If you deny that then I accept that. But then I am still curious what your objective was?


Same old shit. I enter one of these threads and there's still posts of 'Well..is it REALLY that bad of a idea guys?' 'But but...nazi alternate history!'

Do people not fucking learn? Looking at the stupid ass post beneath me I guess not.


Its just a fictional tv show, people really have the time nowadays to be butthurt about everything? If you dont like it dont watch it -easy as that


I just said I moved past that.

It appeared to me that you were ascribing some viewpoint to me that I didn't hold. And attempting to bait me into some sort of gotcha. Just by the tone of your posts. If you deny that then I accept that. But then I am still curious what your objective was?

I asked you a simple question and nothing more, yet my "tone" made you think I was baiting you? Yeah I am sure it was my "tone" that you have issue with.


Same old shit. I enter one of these threads and there's still posts of 'Well..is it REALLY that bad of a idea guys?' 'But but...nazi alternate history!'

Do people not fucking learn?
I thought it was interesting at first but after looking into it, started to turn against it pretty fast myself.

If you're a pasty white guy like me, it sounds kind of harmless at the beginning but if you're black and still understandably pissed about getting fucked over in 2017 by the government and police, I imagine not so much.


Seems to me like people ran with the hypothetical potential problems of these depictions and basically then complained about those made up hypothetical issues. The show has potential to be terrible, tasteless, and insensitive. But all the complaints I see about it are made on assumptions of what the show will be. For example , "cool slave hunters". Like where did people get that the show will have slave hunters that are portrayed as awesome, and that people will idolize them? Or that the hero of the story will be white? I see where y'all are coming from and I agree that odds are it's gonna be handled horribly, but I don't get how you go from this cautious pessimism to outright complaining about these things that we made up as things that could easily go wrong. It could very easily end up being that it shits on white people and they are the ones that get pissed off and complain that the show is reverse racist when it airs, labeling it as more liberal propaganda. IDK maybe I'm just out of the loop on this one


deflection tactic. The dominant society loves to play victim.
Boy, don't they ever.

Also, regretting the announcement of this piece of shit, WS What-If WETDREAM, but not the ACTUAL show doesn't seem like much in the way of regret, TBH.
Its just a fictional tv show, people really have the time nowadays to be butthurt about everything? If you dont like it dont watch it -easy as that
Because TV media, in no way, has ever had an influence on the masses. Stop playing dumb.


Seems to me like people ran with the hypothetical potential problems of these depictions and basically then complained about those made up hypothetical issues. The show has potential to be terrible, tasteless, and insensitive. But all the complaints I see about it are made on assumptions of what the show will be. For example , "cool slave hunters". Like where did people get that the show will have slave hunters that are portrayed as awesome, and that people will idolize them? Or that the hero of the story will be white? I see where y'all are coming from and I agree that odds are it's gonna be handled horribly, but I don't get how you go from this cautious pessimism to outright complaining about these things that we made up as things that could easily go wrong. It could very easily end up being that it shits on white people and they are the ones that get pissed off and complain that the show is reverse racist when it airs, labeling it as more liberal propaganda. IDK maybe I'm just out of the loop on this one
With D&D running this, there is a good chance the star of the show will be white. Most likely the white savior trope.
Please spell it out then. What are you accusing me of?

The only person doing the accusing is you. There was clearly no "tone" to my posts yet I am somehow bating you? You okay am I sure my "tone" was the issue. Anyway I am done responding to this nonsense.


Its just a fictional tv show, people really have the time nowadays to be butthurt about everything? If you dont like it dont watch it -easy as that

I would've hoped in the world of Trump people would realize that something being fictional doesn't mean it's innocuous.


With D&D running this, there is a good chance the star of the show will be white. Most like the white savior trope.

The only person doing the accusing is you. There was clearly no "tone" to my posts yet I am somehow bating you? You okay am I sure my "tone" was the issue. Anyway I am done responding to this nonsense.

Yeah.... probably...

Same old shit. I enter one of these threads and there's still posts of 'Well..is it REALLY that bad of a idea guys?' 'But but...nazi alternate history!'

Do people not fucking learn? Looking at the stupid ass post beneath me I guess not.

You're making the mistake of thinking that NeoGAF threads reflect the evolving intellect of a single mind when in reality it's a bunch of people with different opinions joining different conversations at different times and who don't read all previous threads nor even posts within a thread. Why don't you just explain to them why you think its wrong, instead of assuming your opinion is a foregone conclusion that was already reached by consensus on NeoGAF and that everyone is stupid that hasnt reached that consensus along with you by reading arguments in a previous thread? I've been in quite a few of these threads and I've yet to see some definitive subjective answer that should have halted everyone asking about why this is frowned upon and having the audacity to compare it to other alternate history tv shows, like that's crazy for them to dare to do.


For example , "cool slave hunters". Like where did people get that the show will have slave hunters that are portrayed as awesome, and that people will idolize them? Or that the hero of the story will be white?

If there isn't going to be a anti-hero white slave hunter that's also attractive; if there isn't attempts to show emotionally strained slave owners who don't do shit but are more or less relatable, I'll stop coming to this site. Straight up.
I could understand that point of view IF the show was going to be pro-slavery, but it's obviously not (they'd be nuts to do that). The slaves will be the protags and the slavers will be the villains. Which is literally how almost any slavery movie (12 years a slave, etc) is and not a single person complains about them for the sake of "modern" pro-confederate nuts.

Do you have a problem with Haindmaid's Tale? Which is a fictional story about women being placed back into subservient roles ruled by men while the main character tries to overcome it and survive?

How can you complain about people criticising this show without having seen it, then say that it's "obviously" not going to be pro-slavery...without having seen it?


If there isn't going to be a anti-hero white slave hunter that's also attractive; if there isn't attempts to show emotionally strained slave owners who don't do shit but are more or less relatable, I'll stop coming to this site. Straight up.

Ok, I mean it's likely, but where is this coming from? Lol Im just confused as to where people are getting all this info


Ok, I mean it's likely, but where is this coming from? Lol Im just confused as to where people are getting all this info

Their body of work in GoT as well as their statements regarding the show so far make a pretty good case to me about what will happen.


Ok, I mean it's likely, but where is this coming from? Lol Im just confused as to where people are getting all this info

It's a slow about slavery, do you think there won't be slave hunters?
Also, I remember there being talk of handling both sides with "nuance" so I think that's where people got the whole "sympathetic, conflicted slave owner" thing.


I still dont get the hate, I mean it depends what they do with it. They need to be extremely sensitive with a concept like that, but if done right it can be very interesting.

The man in the high castle is a good implementation of a similar ideia, but that could have gone sideways very easily.

Will cautiously watch.


Seems to me like people ran with the hypothetical potential problems of these depictions and basically then complained about those made up hypothetical issues. The show has potential to be terrible, tasteless, and insensitive. But all the complaints I see about it are made on assumptions of what the show will be. For example , "cool slave hunters". Like where did people get that the show will have slave hunters that are portrayed as awesome, and that people will idolize them? Or that the hero of the story will be white? I see where y'all are coming from and I agree that odds are it's gonna be handled horribly, but I don't get how you go from this cautious pessimism to outright complaining about these things that we made up as things that could easily go wrong. It could very easily end up being that it shits on white people and they are the ones that get pissed off and complain that the show is reverse racist when it airs, labeling it as more liberal propaganda. IDK maybe I'm just out of the loop on this one

D&D took the only House in GOT/ASOIAF that had brown people (House Martell) and wrote them like trash outside of Oberyn. The Dothraki, who are all brown, are all pretty interchangeable, barely get lines, and are never developed past being portrayed a bunch of raping savages until Dany, who is basically treated almost like a white savior on the show, comes along and somehow magically stops this. It's especially noticeable when comparing Jon's journey with the Widlings which almost parallels Dany's journey with the Dothraki except for the fact that the Wildings are actually developed and treated like characters (and surprise they all happen to be white! Although this is also a problem with the Dothraki and the books too).

There was also this:


So yeah...I think people have valid concerns about being worried.


I still dont get the hate, I mean it depends what they do with it. They need to be extremely sensitive with a concept like that, but if done right it can be very interesting.

The man in the high castle is a good implementation of a similar ideia, but that could have gone sideways very easily.

Will cautiously watch.

You should read the thread.
Anyone else remember that the descendant of a confederate general named for confederate generals who was once deemed to racist for office is now the Attorney General?

Yeah, the confederacy really lost


I have to say, I've written at least two paragraphs at least three times trying to argue in favor of the show only to constantly re-evaluate my thoughts in fear of shooting myself in the foot.

I agree, the title is.... maybe a little inaccurate, but I'm giving the show a chance because I love alternate history.
I have to say, I've written at least two paragraphs at least three times trying to argue in favor of the show only to constantly re-evaluate my thoughts in fear of shooting myself in the foot.

I agree, the title is.... maybe a little inaccurate, but I'm giving the show a chance because I love alternate history.
I believe the point that people are making is that alternate history implies that the world presented isn't like our own, that it presents something worse or better or different, that lets us reflect upon our time through contrast.

Except our world today and the kind of alternate history where slavery and the Confederacy still exists today are so similar, that presenting such as an alternate history, distant and different from our own history, comes across as a tone-deaf slap in the face


I don't think this is guaranteed to be awful, but I'm surprised that they're sticking with after so much backslash.
Well duh.

Is that even a question; Of Course that's exactly who they're aiming at.
Now that's something I very much doubt. This is hardly going to celebrate racism


I don't think this is guaranteed to be awful, but I'm surprised that they're sticking with after so much backslash.

Now that's something I very much doubt. This is hardly going to celebrate racism

From a cynical perspective, no show the year Confederacy comes out will have more think pieces written about it. It will be the show everyone is talking about which, from HBO's perspective, is good. As long as you subscribe to the theory that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

Now, will it last more than one season? Who knows. But I'm guessing it's worth the financial risk for one season.

I don't really get the backlash. Seems over the top. Personally I'm keen to see how the show turns out.

Read the thread.


How can you complain about people criticising this show without having seen it, then say that it's "obviously" not going to be pro-slavery...without having seen it?

Do you honestly think HBO would even let the idea move forward if that were the case?

No way in hell would they touch it with a 10 foot pole if they thought it was a pro-slavery show or story idolizing slavery and the people for it.


Do you honestly think HBO would even let the idea move forward if that were the case?

No way in hell would they touch it with a 10 foot pole if they thought it was a pro-slavery show or story idolizing slavery and the people for it.

They probably wouldn't pitch it like that. However, to say that a work cannot eventually take on unintended messages through the framing of its characters and conflicts is silly. Like, seriously, no one sets out to make shit, but magically shit gets made all the time.
HBO has seriously been struggling to make compelling TV for years. They made stuff like Westworld from a super interesting idea to a by the numbers drama. My guess is that they’ll just never mention the show again or change the name because first impressions are everything and this doesn’t bode well for it.


HBO has seriously been struggling to make compelling TV for years. They made stuff like Westworld from a super interesting idea to a by the numbers drama. My guess is that they'll just never mention the show again or change the name because first impressions are everything and this doesn't bode well for it.

Westworld was a by-the-numbers drama? HBO struggles to make compelling TV? This post is the exact opposite of reality. I don't know how you came to either of those conclusions. How many sex robot cowboy shows with
hidden flashback sequences
are there. Good or bad, Westworld is far from standard. And if Veep, Big Little Lies, Game of Thrones, and Curb Your Enthusiasm aren't "compelling" I don't know what is.
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