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4Chan Rumor: The Last of Us Part 2 is rumored to be a story of revenge...

I mean theyre are conservstive Christians blamimg a global pandemic on gay marriage right now
So what? There are always going to be crazy people. Do you really believe that if you removed all Christians from existence that you wouldn't be able to find one person blaming the gays for the worlds problems? Do you seriously believe that homophobia would be quashed? I know super duper atheist people who also can't stand gays.

I grew up in a Penticostal church. They are very strict in their views and homosexuality was not accepted as ok. Yet time after time I'd watch the members go out of their way for people in need who weren't members of the church. Food drives and deliveries. Community house repair. etc. I vividly remember some of the citizen "staples" they'd always help out where gay. I always wondered why and when I asked the pastor he just said, "because they are all God's children."

There are even entire "Christian" organizations helping refugees, many who are Muslim... Who are coming from Muslim countries that are actively killing Christians... Yet, they take them in, even though they don't agree on a moral or religious level. That is the majority of Christianity of today.

This is why this is so freaking hard on me. It became a passion of mine to go out of my way to help people in need, no matter who they where. I and many others I know would literally lay down our lives for you. Especially if we thought you weren't "saved."

And again, I don't care if you show the crazies. Really, I don't. But it's become a stupidly tired sneaky/open narrative that "Christians bad" just like "orange man bad" for liberals. And I see this in almost all media on TV. And it's even bleeding into gaming now in that, I don't see a comparable counterweight where it's shown in a good light. That's the issue.
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Bearing in mind this is from ND based in California. The question is whether the studio have people who could produce a story (or draw from experience) from having lived in that part of the world.

Is it not easier to tell a good story from pulling from what you know.

Regardless, this is only a rumour at this stage.
No one at ND has experience with a religious group trying to kill them. Christian groups from America or otherwise.

If ND were to make a game based on their worker experience, it would be influenced by their own self loathing.

Shit maybe this rumor is true...


Why do gay characters in gaming always seem to have one personality trait, that being that they are gay?

What do you mean "in video games"?

That is the defacto personality of most gay people I meet in real life. There's no substance or further personality underneath "IM GAY!". I.. Don't care.. Why dont you tell me something about yourself that doesn't include a rainbow?
Unironically sounds better and more interesting than what the base game ever was but I know it's gonna be filled with cringy dialogue. I was on board until it brings in Ellie's mother, sounds bad that you know. Plot threads from that particular part of her left should be let go and move forward. Losing Joel is also a massive L since he's a MUCH better character than Ellie ever was or will be.

I don't really see the Christian usage as a negative, it's not exactly fresh though, it COULD be good but every Naughty Dog game is so safe as the plot unfolds it's like having sex with a condom on, it's fun but not thrilling since there's no actual real sense of danger or suspense.
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Well, the asian dude wasn't exactly super attractive neither.

To be honest even Ellie looks weird as fuck in TLOU2. It's like they took TLOU1 Ellie's face and morphed it onto an older/larger face, like in those deepfake videos where one actor replaces another.

TLOU1 Ellie looks a hell of a lot better/like a real person.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
First game: Puts you the edge of the seat to deal with canibals, emotional father-daughter stuff, human decision making

Second game: you live in a opressive non gay place

I believe that this could be a part, not the big picture of the game. But if is the base, yeah, it's dead


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I mean if you wanna ignore any and all context and the fact that the people helping her were also mostly white people, sure.
I know that was exaggerating, I am well aware of that. Back in 2013 I was pure soul, which does not suspect anything wrong with the story, however...looking back with current climate in mind, I can help but feeling sarcastic over some things.

2013 was a good year.


To be honest even Ellie looks weird as fuck in TLOU2. It's like they took TLOU1 Ellie's face and morphed it onto an older/larger face, like in those deepfake videos where one actor replaces another.

TLOU1 Ellie looks a hell of a lot better/like a real person.
It's funny how Christians are always depicted as religious homophobes, yet there exists another religion where homosexuality is literally illegal and punished with death......
Ah yes, the dominant religion in America is definitely this other religion.

Great Hair

We went from "asking our-self, how far would we go to save humanity, as far as to sacrifice our own daughter for the greater good?" to "GOGA in this case LOLA".

Have they forgotten how TLOU ends? The implications of Joel´s actions? Are they not going to address that?

Mass Shift

This franchise was always going in that direction. I simply can't believe people needed a rumor to cultivate thought towards that understanding.

I intend to still enjoy it. Religious quacks need killin too ya know.
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I mean theyre are conservstive Christians blamimg a global pandemic on gay marriage right now

Israeli rabbi: Coronavirus outbreak is divine punishment for gay pride parades

An Orthodox Israeli rabbi has claimed the spread of the deadly coronavirus in Israel and around the world is divine retribution for gay pride parades

If this rumor is true, then TLOU2 is about an atheist white girl that is in love with a Jewish girl who are being hunted by homophobic Christians.

- Jews
- Lesbians
- Evil Christians.

The perfect trifecta of persecution.

Edit: I fully expect a concentration camp of sorts to make an appearance.

I will be more surprised if this is not true.
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There’s probably a kernel of truth to it, but I’d expect the execution to be less absurd than how it’s presented on 4chan. Woke or not, they’re in it to make a successful mass market product.

Plenty of entertainment products are designed as a mass market offering and still end up full of woke ideology, just look at Hollywood. Druckmann is a bit unhinged with this stuff and the trailers have focused HARD on the lesbian stuff, so it seems very plausible.


King Snowflake
IF true (it's 4Chan after all), could this angle have contributed to the indefinite delay with that sort of story not going over well around Easter and when everyone is isolating?

Really? So you think Sony just decided to delay a game that has been in development for years with it's story known by those in the loop because it's near Easter/People are home? What is Iron Man VR's delay, just a smoke screen so we won't suspect they did this?
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Some you are just plain boring, a lesbian revenge knifing some gay hating fundamental christians sounds refreshing compared to just knifing some random bad guy that just happens to be evil. I mean some of you are rolling your eyes like every game out there is about lesbians brutally killing fundamental Christians.
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Gold Member
Sounds pretty standard for post-apocalyptic societies. You've got corrupt former government, religious nutters, zombies, cannibals and so on running about. Seeing as how we still have religious nutters in the modern era, their presence is not unexpected in the apocalypse and I doubt that homophobia is their prime characteristic.

My guess it'll be closer to the Ori from Stargate where these groupsare used to emphasize dogmatic, cultish extremism rather than be based around any specific ideological bigotry like homophobia or racism.

These kind of controversies almost invariably end up being nothing other than clickbait. I remember all the controversy over the Far Cry games and it ended up being immaterial once you actually played the games and their respective stories.
Some you are just plain boring, a lesbian revenge knifing some gay hating fundamental christians sounds refreshing compared to just knifing some random bad guy that just happens to be evil. I mean some of you are rolling your eyes like every game out there is about lesbians brutally killing fundamental Christians.

How can you write this sentence out and not have a light go off in your head.
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The alleged leak sounds at least compatible with the official promo material released so far, especially the 2017 trailer.

But I'd say it's more probable they'd go with a generic fictional sect, with no ties whatsoever to any existing real-world religious group. Who knows. I thought that 2017 trailer was bloody amazing. Some of the best filmography in a video game. I'm excited to see where Naught Dog takes this.


I think you people are overreacting to this. I mean, its a 4chan rumor , they get some shit right, but most of the time? I'm sure thats not the case. And I want to understand how absurd it is to have an extremist group attacking people that differ from their ideology in an anarchic USA, that's what I expect. (Its my first post here, so if I did some shit wrong sorry).
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There are even entire "Christian" organizations helping refugees, many who are Muslim... Who are coming from Muslim countries that are actively killing Christians... Yet, they take them in, even though they don't agree on a moral or religious level. That is the majority of Christianity of today.

And as proven by how muslims treat Christians in middle east, the Christians helping these "refugees" will not be afforded the same compassion when those Christians become minorities in their own countries.

They dont integrate not because theyre not given support, they are and plenty, they choose not to integrate because they dont want to change how life was back where theyre from, they simply want to change the way other people live and have those people pay the bill for them all the while living in first world living standards that Europeans died for over multiple world wars to protect and provide for future generations.

Kindly fuck off with your dead end virtue signalling. Ever heard of a Trojan Horse?

You cant help those who dont want to be helped and your compassion is weakness in their eyes.

Edit: Theres a reason why theyre not running to Israel or Saudi Arabia.
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