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Ukraine calls on PlayStation, Xbox to stop supporting Russian markets


Plotting The Simpsons GIF


Yes, I know, but the fact is that crazy man is using the whole Russian Satate to invade other country and kill civilians, while threatening the rest of us with nuclear weapons, and the only option we have left is let Russia know in a peaceful way that we don't support that behavior and that it has consequences for them too.

I have nothing against Russian people so if someone from Russia is reading me I want to make clear I mean no offense to them, but what's happening is just unacceptable and we can not and should not tolerate it.
Don’t excuse yourself for not accepting an invasion. I have a russian coworker, she angrily explained that russian people don’t want this, never wanted any of this, the countries are like siblings, she has relatives in Ukraine and her cousin called from shelter crying and talking about bombs. It’s awful all of it.


Gold Member
Everything is going to cost Russians a bajillion amount of rubles anyway, money they're going to need to use for food and water thanks to Putin.

Sony and Microsoft might as well pull out.


Gold Member
Russia hasn’t had the best history with games, movies, music, etc. They didn’t get the NES, so they had the Dendy. Most of their music in the early 2000’s were or still are MP3 audio discs with folders of pirated albums. Video Games were basically pirated versions sold at markets. It’s not like they had it made to begin with. It’s also not the Russian people doing this. It’s their leader. My wife is from Russia.


Imagine getting that copy of GT7 and being ready to tune out the world for a few months and pretend your “president” isn’t a fat old jerk….

…. Then the internet gets pulled. Yikes! I’d be so pissed.


Pretty sure that has more to do with their currency dropping like an old lady descending a mountain.
Not to mention if you're using local banks to do transactions and so on then you might be screwed if they're on the sanction list and you won't want to do business somewhere where you can't extract your cash for the products you're selling.


This war sucks. Its suck for the people of Ukraine losing their homes and lives but it also sucks for the people of RUSSIA, who will have to live with the consequences of a decision they didn't make.

I honestly don't know what to do. Any blockage of goods are just going to be felt most by regular people, while the people in government will get what they want via other means anyhow.

All this pain and destruction for what?
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You don't travel much, do you? Moscow alone is very expensive to live in, more expensive than Madrid and Copenhagen and like 15 million people live there, so yes, yes they can. It will definitely hurt them, though NVidia and AMD leaving the market would have more of an impact.

That's nowhere near being the same thing.

Sure, tell that to my father friends killed and abandoned in ground.


The Falkland Islands are British, and have been since 1833. The first settlements were French, Spanish and British. ‘Return’ suggests ownership of the land and people, that the Argies have never had.

No politics allowed, so Ill keep it here.


The world should sanction Israel for the invasion of Palestine, also should sanction USA for the invasion of Afghanistan.
Oh please edge lord. Get out of here with this.
Indeed. We've transitioned from asking companies to censor our domestic rivals to asking companies to cancel our geopolitical enemies.

There's an argument to be made for sanctions, but we're at the point of trying to inflict pain on an entire population which is a moral grey area for sure. If the sanctions actually work, and provoke a change in policy, then maybe it could be argued that they were the lesser of the two evils, and that it's preferable to war. But sanctions don't have a long history of effective results. This will just make lives of ordinary people miserable. Maybe some of them go protest against their government, at great risk to themselves. Or maybe some of them just grow to resent the west and allow Putin a propaganda victory by correctly assigning their misery to his rivals.
It’s a difficult question for sure…. But ultimately, it’s their country…. And their country has invaded another sovereign democracy. I don’t have a lot of sympathy.


Please, the UK is NOT currently invading any country nor killing civilians. Whatever the controversy might be you just can go around destroying other people's lives, only self defense could justify something like that. Is it really so hard to understand.

And let me be clear, my own country also claims a territory under sovereignty of the UK (Gibraltar in this case) and I would never embarrass myself by comparing that situation to Ukraine. It's has nothing to do with it, in fact.

But yes, if the UK were bombing and invading Argentina, killing people and threatening the rest of the world with a nuclear war I would say the same I'm saying now about Russia, if that's what you mean. Same rules, indeed.

No politics allowed, so Ill keep it here though go read a bit about nuclear bombs, UK and Argentina and you will get surprised. Let google help you there.


I'm Russian and heavily oppose the war. My family currently living in both Russia/Ukraine obviously oppose it as well. Most of Russia does. Putin is a POS with a small dick.

Thank you so much, dude. I think it's important that you guys step up and say clear and loud "We are the Russian people and we DON'T endorse these actions", like you've just done. At the end of the day your stance is worth way more than ours for obvious reasons. First because you are the ones to pay for the consequences (including the loss of Russian lives) , and second because if Putin doesn't want to listen to the rest of the world he'll have to listen to his own people.

It's ridiculous seeing Russians and Ukrainians killing each other when you're so close in every possible way. I hope all this nightmare will be over soon, another war in Europe is the last thing we need.

My best wishes for you and your people.


This war sucks. Its suck for the people of Ukraine losing their homes and lives but it also sucks for the people of RUSSIA, who will have to live with the consequences of a decision they didn't make.

I honestly don't know what to do. Anything blockage of goods are just going to be felt most by regular people, while the people in government will get what they want via other means anyhow.

All this pain and destruction for what?
It is in a sense for absolutely nothing. In another sense it’s a strategic and economic rationale for Russia. Real life lore on YouTube has a good explainer.

All that said, this isn’t 1905, and the strategic rationale seems foolishly outdated. Russians need to “devote” out the outdated leader.


i think that civilians have nothing to do with what's happening now... they were already hit by EU restrictions.... which was inevitable as that's the only ways to hurt the gov... but what's the point ot blocking PSN and XBL?? lol it doesn't make any sense to me... yeah that might 'increase' the hate toward their leader, but might do the opposite too.
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Go suck Russian dick somewhere else.
I'm too busy standing with Taiwan. I decided to stay ahead of current trends. I like being on the cutting edge. I'm eager to see what the bleeding hearts say and do when China makes their move. I'm waiting for the Commies to explain to me how this one is different.

How long until you become bored with this current trend? Maybe until the medical experts turned foreign policy experts in the media wave the next shiny thing in front of you while the politicians rob you blind.
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How am I an edge lord, USA literally destroyed that place based on lies.
oh leave it be, people are way too high on war-time propaganda to realize the utter hypocrisy of this whole situation.

In the end, the one suffering the most are the normal populace in these proxy-war zones who have to suffer the consequence of US's, EU's, Ukraine's and Russia's governments little selfish games.
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Gold Member
...if Putin doesn't want to listen to the rest of the world he'll have to listen to his own people...

This isn't exactly true though. Russia isn't technically a dictatorship, but they don't have freedom of speech or free press, and it's essentially become a dictatorship. Putin made sweeping changes to the Russian constitution back in January of 2020. There is immense propaganda to keep Russian's compliant with Putin, and you cannot oppose his political regime. A good leader listens to the voice of the people. A dictator tells the people what they're allowed to voice. Putin is definitely the latter.


Neo Member
EVERYONE should stop supporting the Russian market until Russia puts an end to the invasion. What's happening is just crazy.
This. I don't know if its possible but cell phone companies should deactivate all their service. Completely cut them off from every facet of the world and modern life.


Thank you so much, dude. I think it's important that you guys step up and say clear and loud "We are the Russian people and we DON'T endorse these actions", like you've just done. At the end of the day your stance is worth way more than ours for obvious reasons. First because you are the ones to pay for the consequences (including the loss of Russian lives) , and second because if Putin doesn't want to listen to the rest of the world he'll have to listen to his own people.

It's ridiculous seeing Russians and Ukrainians killing each other when you're so close in every possible way. I hope all this nightmare will be over soon, another war in Europe is the last thing we need.

My best wishes for you and your people.
Appreciate it, Russian eco is a bit fucked atm. It'll bounce back once Putin is out. There's no way he gets out alive now. There are millions of Russians with sniper rifles that want his head. That's why he had to run to a bunker and hide.


Neo Member
I'm Russian and heavily oppose the war. My family currently living in both Russia/Ukraine obviously oppose it as well. Most of Russia does. Putin is a POS with a small dick.
Right now no one blames the Russian people, but if they keep "just following orders" you know where that ends up....


They should invite Valve not xbox and PlayStation as f2p games are the most popular, like csgo and Dota. Although xbox and PlayStation could do it too.

Hari Seldon

This isn't the place to discuss.

(But Afghanistan was harboring a terrorist who orchestrated the most deadly attack on Americans since pearl harbor...and there were coalition forces..not just the US. People seem to forget what 9/11 was like...you must be too young to remember).
Yeah unfortunately we are going to have to suffer a lot of hot takes from people born in 2010.


Gold Member
Shit loads of sanctions lately from governments and corporations.

I'm not so interested in who does it, but HOW LONG they will last.

Obviously they will last at minimum as long as the fight happens. But at some point the war will stop in which case every country and corporation will have to decide how long it goes for beyond the end of the war. Might be right away, might be an extra year, might be an extra 10 years. Who knows.
I like that people love sanctions now. Hope we won't hear people complaining about sanctions on Iran and other countries.

Though if they wanted to ban the countries invading other countries, they could ban a whole set of those, but the markets there are just too lucrative :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Obviously Russians are being fed major propaganda and sanctions might be the only way to communicate with them at this point. I'm sorry, you invade a sovereign nation you should feel enormous pressures of war. Especially since you're the aggressor.

While Russian people are being punished by the sanctions because of their government, meanwhile Ukrainians are fighting to stay alive as a nation. No comparison.
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