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Baldur's Gate 3 Community goes crazy after studio reveals Bear Romance Scene


Dude, i've seen visual novels with far more fucked up stuff. Try looking for Saya no Uta.
oh I'm not saying there isn't f*d up stuff, just that many/most journalists, sjws, western devs, Console platforms ect will give this a pass, or even praise it all while saying something like Dragon's Crown should be censored. Like the cheering on of Skull girls censorship just recently, the cancelation of Gal Gun on Xbox, and the death of the Senran Kagura series. There is a clear double standard for 'attractive'/Asian games having fan service, and 'ugly'/Western games having sexual content like this and tlou2. One is cheered on in mainstream, and the other is censored and called out as 'wrong'
I saw someone on Twitter say that the venn diagram of people complaining about fanservice in anime/japanese games and people cheering on the bear scene is a near perfect circle
That's hilarious, true, and tragic all at the same time. It'd be a lot less annoying if they at least complained about both. Like bear bestiality is not for me, I don't like or want it in a game. So I am just gonna pass on the game. Not gonna complain or say it should be censored for me. I'm absolutely going to complain about the double standards going on here though.


oh I'm not saying there isn't f*d up stuff, just that many/most journalists, sjws, western devs, Console platforms ect will give this a pass, or even praise it all while saying something like Dragon's Crown should be censored. Like the cheering on of Skull girls censorship just recently, the cancelation of Gal Gun on Xbox, and the death of the Senran Kagura series. There is a clear double standard for 'attractive'/Asian games having fan service, and 'ugly'/Western games having sexual content like this and tlou2. One is cheered on in mainstream, and the other is censored and called out as 'wrong'

That's hilarious, true, and tragic all at the same time. It'd be a lot less annoying if they at least complained about both. Like bear bestiality is not for me, I don't like or want it in a game. So I am just gonna pass on the game. Not gonna complain or say it should be censored for me. I'm absolutely going to complain about the double standards going on here though.
I'm guessing you saw this one too...

But yeah I agree. For me it's not so much the content but the hypocrisy. Why are sexual/sensual looking female characters so forbidden and maligned these days?
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You basically answered your own question. For you murder and drugs are just fine in videogames. Having consensual sex with an intelligent Druid that shapeshifted into a bear isn't. For some of us that's a no brainer either, plus it's played for gigles anyway. So why is one fine for you but not the other? Where's your limit?

Also, is it OK to have sex with aliens, like in Mass Effect and Star Trek etc? Does that count as bestiality too?

As for necrophilia, isn't that what every character that has sex with a vampire does? What about sex with a ghost?

On the other hand, anything that smaks of paedophilia is a limit for me, even though technically the character in your example is 400 years old and therefore not a "minor" except in physical outlook. However, as @lughnasadh123 pointed out, paedophilia and minor abuse is an extremely problematic issue that our world still has to deal with every day, with people who have extreme psychological damage because of it. There's nothing funny about it. Joking about consesual bear sex isn't even remotely in the same ball park. But that's me.
I would disagree because even within the context that the game provides, the end result is still sex with an animal - this is still contributing towards normalisation of bestiality, similar to how fucking a 400 year old loli in a video game would be normalising pedophilia. We're talking about real life animal abuse by clearly mentally ill people who should be treated and not encouraged to explore their fucked up sexual perversions.

The only way a scene like that should be put in anything is if it's played for comedy, like when a guy got fucked by a gorilla in Ace Ventura.
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I would disagree because even within the context that the game provides, the end result is still sex with an animal - this is still contributing towards normalisation of bestiality, similar to how fucking a 400 year old loli in a video game would be normalising pedophilia. We're talking about real life animal abuse by clearly mentally ill people who should be treated and not encouraged to explore their fucked up sexual perversions.

The only way a scene like that should be put in anything is if it's played for comedy, like when a guy got fucked by a gorilla in Ace Ventura.

Given the context, it is mostly played as comedy in this case. Rather explicitly, to be fair, but then again...I've seen more offensive things happening in the likes of South Park.

Aside from the simple fact that humanity has been telling stories about people (or deities) transforming into animals (and vice versa) for thousands of years.
It is not a "new" or "woke" concept at all. Some of those ancient tales also included a romantic or sexual element. For example:

You can easily find more such legends by using any search engine, but I digress. Should those ancient fantasy stories also be banned or censored?

There are also multiple differences between the two situations. Media has essentially zero effect on animal behavior, while children can be very much influenced by what they watch or read.

I'm guessing you saw this one too...

But yeah I agree. For me it's not so much the content but the hypocrisy. Why are sexual/sensual looking female characters so forbidden and maligned these days?

First, that's very much a fallacy. Not everyone who is fine with the scene automatically has a problem with "sexy" female characters. In fact, not even the game itself is conveying such a message (quite the opposite).

Second, you shouldn't base your opinion about something on whether other people are being reasonable or not about a completely different subject. It's not a very solid line of reasoning.
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Given the context, it is mostly played as comedy in this case. Rather explicitly, to be fair, but then again...I've seen more offensive things happening in the likes of South Park.
The fact that it's a consensual kinda makes it sound like it's gonna be more wholesome kind of humor and the message being sent still remains as "it's okay to have sex with animals."

The kind of comedy that I'm referring to is the kind of stuff you'd see in South Park, or as in my example, Ace Ventura. I.e. something raunchy and intended to ridicule any character who's subjected to animal sex, and the source of the humor is that it's actually something taboo and wrong.

Also, I'd like to think that we've made some progress since the ancient times to understand that bestiality isn't normal.


If it's played for laughs then whatever... nothing new. Nothing worse than what's in family guy or any adult cartoon

But if it's beastiality designed to get the purple crowd all hot n bothered then yeeeeeaaah... let's not be encouraging those creeps
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The fact that it's a consensual kinda makes it sound like it's gonna be more wholesome kind of humor and the message being sent still remains as "it's okay to have sex with animals."

The kind of comedy that I'm referring to is the kind of stuff you'd see in South Park, or as in my example, Ace Ventura. I.e. something raunchy and intended to ridicule any character who's subjected to animal sex, and the source of the humor is that it's actually something taboo and wrong.

Also, I'd like to think that we've made some progress since the ancient times to understand that bestiality isn't normal.

In this case, the player can immediately back away and just have a typical sex scene between two dudes. It's not like the game is somehow unaware of the hilarity behind the concept. I also don't believe that even erotic stories about werewolves and vampires represent any real, credible threat to the animal rights of wolves and bats. It's not normal to think too much about doing such things, sure, and trying to make them actually happen would be a crime. Yet 99% of people aren't going to act on such an alleged message here...no more than they ever did after, say, watching Beauty and the Beast.
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If it's played for laughs then whatever... nothing new. Nothing worse than what's in family guy or any adult cartoon

But if it's beastiality designed to get the purple crowd all hot n bothered then yeeeeeaaah... let's not be encouraging those creeps
I’d say it’s all very carefully crafted to pass all the right filters and get people talking. If they had a chosen a woman about to get it on with a horse it would’ve pulled other strings and the talk wouldn’t have been about the comedy anymore.
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In this case, the player can immediately back away and just have a typical sex scene between two dudes. It's not like the game is somehow unaware of the hilarity behind the concept. I also don't believe that even erotic stories about werewolves and vampires represent any real, credible threat to the animal rights of wolves and bats. It's not normal to think too much about doing such things, sure, and trying to make them actually happen would be a crime. Yet 99% of people aren't going to act on such a message here...no more than they ever did after, say, watching Beauty and the Beast.
But now you're talking about pure fantasy and creatures that don't even exist. Not to mention that in a typical werewolf or vampire story sex isn't even on the table unless both characters are in their human form. It's a bit of a different energy from two characters consummating their relationship by having one of them turn into a real life animal, lol.


I’d say it’s all very carefully crafted to pass all the right filters and get people talking. If they had a chosen a woman about to get it on with a druid shapeshifting into a horse it would’ve pulled other strings and the talk wouldn’t have been about the comedy anymore.
Exactly. So if it's really more made around absurdity rather than "resetera look how hot this is grrr" then I don't see any issues with it.

I personally won't make the choice in game because it is still creepy. But if it gets some streamers a few laughs from their audience or whatever then who cares 🤷‍♂️


Comparing fucking a bear with pedophilia

I dont even know what to say, man

Comparing a real life problem with an absurd thing like that.

How many people do you know have fucked a bear? A shark? An alligator?
It is with debate that one advances in society. If you want a debate you have to get involved. Otherwise we are just wasting time. Do you agree that video games are a form of entertainment that can have a reflection on ideas, habits, and behaviors on society? If you deny this, you are poorly informed. If you confirm it, then you understand why fucking a bear is not a good idea.


Off-Site Inflammatory Member
Bestiality is with a normal animal -- this is a druid. I understand this is the equivalent of 'it's a 900 year old dragon loli' -- but this is clearly meant for laughs. Anyone who's taking this seriously needs to take a step back, and realize 1) not all jokes may be 'funny' to you, and 2) jokes =/= reality. inb4 someone shares that stupid ass x-men comic about 'that's how it starts' because no it's not. That's some Ree level critical thinking there.


Exactly. So if it's really more made around absurdity rather than "resetera look how hot this is grrr" then I don't see any issues with it.
Without knowing the details I’d say they’re mostly pulling some strings that will get people talking. It’s made to be funny but we’ll see if they include a romance option if you play as a female character too.


oh I'm not saying there isn't f*d up stuff, just that many/most journalists, sjws, western devs, Console platforms ect will give this a pass, or even praise it all while saying something like Dragon's Crown should be censored. Like the cheering on of Skull girls censorship just recently, the cancelation of Gal Gun on Xbox, and the death of the Senran Kagura series. There is a clear double standard for 'attractive'/Asian games having fan service, and 'ugly'/Western games having sexual content like this and tlou2. One is cheered on in mainstream, and the other is censored and called out as 'wrong'
Just wait until twitter realizes you can do this scene with a sexy looking woman instead of gay vampire guy.

Fools idol

did everyome forget themselves or what? Romance threading and quests was always a large part of baldurs gate.

It's a videogame bois. Relax no gaybearsex for me personally but I will 100% do the quests for the lols and I'm glad it's in, take that censorship crying over to era
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I would disagree because even within the context that the game provides, the end result is still sex with an animal - this is still contributing towards normalisation of bestiality, similar to how fucking a 400 year old loli in a video game would be normalising pedophilia. We're talking about real life animal abuse by clearly mentally ill people who should be treated and not encouraged to explore their fucked up sexual perversions.

The only way a scene like that should be put in anything is if it's played for comedy, like when a guy got fucked by a gorilla in Ace Ventura.
I'm sorry I'm trying to follow the logic here, this game is bad because it has a hinted sex scene with a bear that is played for laughs while Ace Ventura is OK because it has a sex scene with a gorilla that is played for laughs? How is that any different? Hell the Ace Ventura thing is actually way worse as in BG3 its not a real bear but a Druid that is shapeshifted. Its certainly not a real life animal, not even in the context of the game.

Oh and the argument that video games normalize anything is dumb as hell, after playing GTAV I had no more urge to run out and gun down hookers, be racist, commit domestic abuse, and rob a bank.

Hell I played Saya no Uta and that is way more fucked up then anything this game is doing.
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I would disagree because even within the context that the game provides, the end result is still sex with an animal - this is still contributing towards normalisation of bestiality, similar to how fucking a 400 year old loli in a video game would be normalising pedophilia. We're talking about real life animal abuse by clearly mentally ill people who should be treated and not encouraged to explore their fucked up sexual perversions.

The only way a scene like that should be put in anything is if it's played for comedy, like when a guy got fucked by a gorilla in Ace Ventura.

Well, I see it differently, so we'll have to agree to disagree. But do notice that the scene they showed is played for comedy. It's a play on the "bear culture" and then there's the squirrel at the end:



Well, I see it differently, so we'll have to agree to disagree. But do notice that the scene they showed is played for comedy. It's a play on the "bear culture" and then there's the squirrel at the end:

I did some googling, internet say you can romance the druid guy as a female character too, the bear form sex is a choice, there is a line that size might be an issue in there and you get asked if you still want to do it.
If that’s true then it’ll be interesting to see if it’s still regarded as comedy when those scenes are up on the net.
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