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Xbox One: Details on Connectivity, Licensing (24 hour check-in) and Privacy Features

I would be clapping so hard if Sony just flat out states in their conference: "If you buy the disc, it's yours to keep, lend, or sell to anyone or any store."

But I have a feeling they'll have a similar policy to this, but entirely up to the publisher and without the online check-in BS.

Could you think of a way to have functionally the same DRM but without online/account activation? I can't.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I think EA is spearheading this new policy and many other pubs will follow suit like they did with "online passes".

I suspect this as as well, and I'm starting to think there is something to the idea that EA's Nintendo support went the way of the dodo bird when Nintendo said no thanks.


"Xbox play Halo 5!"

Vrrrrr (kinect zooms and focuses)

- "I see you have a friend with you, please provide semen samples in order to verify familyrelation"

Xbone is not looking so hot :(
This sounds awesome!

but Microsoft is being too nice. I can already see the exploits. I can already see Little Jimmy adding his friends Kyle and Kenny to his "family" on Xbox, now instead of all 3 of them buying Forza Motorsport 5 to play together, Little Jimmy, Kyle, and Kenny just split it up, pay $20 each and all play the game using one copy at the same time, thanks to the "family" system.

Horrible. Hope Microsoft has a system in place like "Family" can't play games at the same, unless everyone owns a license. That was Turn 10 isn't screwed out of 2 more potential sales, or worst case scenario, 9 sales.

So many people actually believe this is going to be possible. Naive doesn't even begin to describe it.


force push the doodoo rock
I'm guessing the whole family thing is you can add 10 people, but you cannot remove them for a period of time.
So you can't just cycle in and out new friends that can access your library.

No I'm sure you cannot play the same game at the same time.
You only own one copy, your "family" just 'borrows' it.

I believe this is just a complicated way of saying up to 10 IDs tied to your xbox can play a game you bought. Or there has to be some sort of home sharing (ala video sharing through itunes) that only works within the home network.


i have the feeling the 10 family member deal is they would have to login under your live account (similar to netflix).

I hate this steam/PC game argument. PC gaming adopted the cd key/drm way early because of how easily it was to distribute and copy games (and still is somewhat). Consoles are more of a closed system and it is a huge hassle that most people do not even bother with. Console gaming shouldn't be evolving towards PC/digital copies because ultimately it does nothing benefit the customer and makes the product they own held hostage by the very people who are trying to make money from them.

Steam was a response to that so that it was more CONVIENENT and easy to buy games on that service. I have no faith that microsoft will do the same.


Is the tar and feathers ready?
I didn't realize Microsoft hired Cliffy to do their PR.


So the most important thing here is you cannot purchase used games. Period. You can "trade-in" your game to select retailers, which really is just revoking the license from your account. But they never mention purchasing used games whatsoever.

You can trade, you can trade-in. You cannot purchase.


who would buy used games if you couldn't re-sell them...
Why are people getting so knotted up about this? It is basically Steam but with stricter online requirements (24 hour check) and the ability to actually trade your games. We've been doing this for years now, welcome to the digital age people.

A console with none of the advantages of PC gaming and all of the disadvantages? Sign me the fuck up, yayyyyy!


Wow, convoluted much?

At first I thought this wasn't as bad as what they mentioned after the reveal, but reading it more carefully it's confusing as hell.


So basically, if microsoft turns off the servers when Xbox Two is out, then this entire generation of games is wiped out permanently?


Hell, if they have server issues, people can't play their games (ie you're close to the 24h limit and try to connect and... Live doesn't respond). Fuck that.


never heard about the cat, apparently
HOW CAN... ANYONE be happy about this situation at all? .
i don't buy used games or sell my games and prefer digital content over discs. (same date is awesome, never buying a game on a disc again)

my internet connection very rarely goes out for over 24 hrs and it only happens with a power outage, and could always use my phone if i need the internet for the xbox. Also never travel with my home consoles.

the family sharing feature sounds awesome if it works outside of your local connection. If me and my brother can share our games easily even when we are in different parts of the US then it will be awesome.

basically, none of the online stuff or used stuff affects me and the bonuses for having this stuff tied to your account benefits me.


Time to add random strangers to my friendlist just to sell some vidya games


With the expanded friends list it maybe worthwhile GAF revisiting and publishing a list of our Gamertags. This way gaffers who think they will be interesting in selling or buying games from gaf have got the 30 day condition covered.

Not sure how practical an idea this is mind you.
I buy a lot of games. and then dump a lot of games on ebay/give away when i decide i didn't really like/dont have the time to play them. If I can no longer do that, I'll just buy the franchises i know i like and cut my game purchases by 2/3. I suspect many others will as well.


No renting? Fuck.
No re-selling private? Fuck off. That's how I recycle my money to buy more new games.

God damnit.

Me too. The reality will be that there will be a greater reluctance to buy new IPs
Why are people getting so knotted up about this? It is basically Steam but with stricter online requirements (24 hour check) and the ability to actually trade your games. We've been doing this for years now, welcome to the digital age people.

Steam does not constitute the majority of global gamers you know...
Its pretty clear. One at any given time.

It's not clear at all. The OP says "Up to 10 family members can play your games from any console at any time", which isn't true. It's not "Up to", its only one of a any time. Also, people in this thread are wondering whether it means all 10 at the same time.

So no, it's not clear.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
So this is interesting I guess. I can share my games with my brother, who lives in another city, if he and I both own an XB1. That's pretty cool. However the whole used games thing really needs to be clarified because I'm not really clear on how it works. It would seem that I can't sell used games to other people directly, but rather I have to go through retail stores, which is complete crap. That alone would kill any interest I have in this system.

This isn't helped by the fact that the system seems to be at a massive, massive hardware disadvantage to PS4. I'm kind of sad to say this as I've really enjoyed the 360 this gen, but I don't think I will be picking up an XB1 as long as these rules are in place.


Or maybe it's time for a good PC ...
I hope you realise that by choosing PC you are basically shifting to the same usability. There is only GoG that offers DRM-free service, everyone else requires either Steam or Origin (uPlay kind of doesn't do it anymore). What you get is the inability to trade your games, a good social system and cheap sales. You also need an Internet connection to play some games, and you can go offline at times.

How is this any different to what PS4 and Xbox One are offering?


People saying this isn't bad must have fucking brain cancer or some shit. This is just as as bad, if not worse than what was said after the initial reveal.

MS can fuck right off.

The next Gears can be the best thing ever. I don't give a single shit. Cliff could take me out to dinner, pay my rent for a year and tickle my balls for 15 minutes....and I still wouldn't buy this awful thing. HELL NO!

Mr Swine

So can publishers force this kind of stuff on Sonys console? I mean that they say that they won't release games if it doesn't offer the same or similar options
Why are people getting so knotted up about this? It is basically Steam but with stricter online requirements (24 hour check) and the ability to actually trade your games. We've been doing this for years now, welcome to the digital age people.

Again - can someone link me to the part where Microsoft said they'll be having huge sales? Because that's a massive part of why Steam's so successful, and it's one of many things that make the comparisons ridiculous.
lol what the fuck this is even worse

instead of you being able to play used games for a fee, it's now up to the publisher's discretion to make that even possible!

That means that EA and Activision can lead the way to our no used game future, and all the little publishers will follow. It's like the $60 PC game all over again. Fucking hell.


Well I saved up enough for a PS4 and Xbox One.

Now I think I'm just going to get a PS4 and Xperia Z smartphone.

Thanks Microsoft, looks like I'm upgrading my phone sooner than expected.
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