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Alan Wake 2 to be published by Epic


Would be awesome. Really liked the first game but it had the potential for so much more.
Epic is good enough, at least they usually have great regional pricing. Besides this is the right way to have exclusive content, actually go and publish games instead of just paying others to not release their stuff on Steam

errr GOG Galaxy natively supports EGS games?
Whats your beef?

I don't really mind the Epic store, but to be fair GOG galaxy natively supporting EGS isn't the same as buying on GOG.
It will still be tied to your Epic account, it will almost definitely not be DRM free nor will they give you the option to download an offline installer.


Tag, you're it.
100% multiplatform nextgen only.
So PS5 version is a given.

errr GOG Galaxy natively supports EGS games?
Whats your beef?
I don't support an editor that moneyhat games to unsure it's not coming out elsewhere and then say "Epic love competition, we do this for the gamers (LOL)".
The day Epic will start to make games again (and don't mention Fortnite plz) like, I don't know, UNREAL FREAKING TOURNAMENT then we'll talk.


Didn’t know the game had been green lit? Since when? Loved the first game so excited its finally getting sequel


Gold Member
Ok Fine, no buy then. I haven't bought a single Epic exclusive yet and won't happen anytime soon either. Fuck you Tim.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I don't support an editor that moneyhat games to unsure it's not coming out elsewhere and then say "Epic love competition, we do this for the gamers (LOL)".
The day Epic will start to make games again (and don't mention Fortnite plz) like, I don't know, UNREAL FREAKING TOURNAMENT then we'll talk.

But EPICs publishing deal is one of the best?
Sony and MS do arguably worse publishing deals do you boycott them too?



Tag, you're it.
But EPICs publishing deal is one of the best?
Sony and MS do arguably worse publishing deals do you boycott them too?

You are totally missing my point. Indeed Epic is a publisher now (and I'll wait a few years to get a final judgment on their practice), so the only way for them to get games on their platform is by buying them for full exclusivity.
They use the art of wording to get people on their side like what they did against Apple and all this online campaign. And I have to say, they know this shit better than anyone it seem.

I think like this: Ubi has their own games, so if I want to play one of them I install Uplay. Same goes for EA, Battle.net etc...
On the other side Epic had Unreal, Gears, Bulletstorm and more but it's all gone. I look at what they want to do now and I'm just not interested in encouraging their practice.
And that's without mentioning Tencent, the shitty launcher which is a gaz factory etc...

The day Epic is building gaming studios to support their effort and stop playing the easy card by buying loved IP's, I may (or not) reconsider this.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
You are totally missing my point. Indeed Epic is a publisher now (and I'll wait a few years to get a final judgment on their practice), so the only way for them to get games on their platform is by buying them for full exclusivity.
They use the art of wording to get people on their side like what they did against Apple and all this online campaign. And I have to say, they know this shit better than anyone it seem.

I think like this: Ubi has their own games, so if I want to play one of them I install Uplay. Same goes for EA, Battle.net etc...
On the other side Epic had Unreal, Gears, Bulletstorm and more but it's all gone. I look at what they want to do now and I'm just not interested in encouraging their practice.
And that's without mentioning Tencent, the shitty launcher which is a gaz factory etc...

The day Epic is building gaming studios to support their effort and stop playing the easy card by buying loved IP's, I may (or not) reconsider this.


Microsoft was very foolish to not greenlight a sequel back when they still had the IP.

I'm very excited for whatever comes next for AW, hopefully closer to the first game not so much like American Nightmare or AWE.
WEEEEEELLLLL... technically Control is set in the Alan Wake universe... so yeah. basically they're creating their own MCU lol
Yup. I almost added that to my post.
But Control is still very different game from Alan Wake.

And the vanilla game has pretty loose ties with AW.
Hope this is not some April's fools crap.

I honestly don't care on which plattform it comes out, just hope it finally gets made. AW was such a great game.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
good news to me, this means that its not xbox exclusive, may come to ps5 : D


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Microsoft was very foolish to not greenlight a sequel back when they still had the IP.

I'm very excited for whatever comes next for AW, hopefully closer to the first game not so much like American Nightmare or AWE.

Microsoft never owned the IP.
Its been Remedys from the jump.....no one wanted to publish Alan Wake 2 when MS refused Remedy still tried to shop it around......the entire industry was against it.
I bet without Epic this game would still be be the plague......thank god for FortNite....now Epic Publishing can fund all that weird shit the industry "thinks" wont work.


so funded by epic ? not clear with this 'best publishing deal' ...
anyway if it's funded by epic it will be the first good reason to buy something on epic game store.


Microsoft was very foolish to not greenlight a sequel back when they still had the IP.

I'm very excited for whatever comes next for AW, hopefully closer to the first game not so much like American Nightmare or AWE.

After the commercial success of Control I think Remedy will avoid exclusivity at all cost. Control wasn't their best creation, but just being available on so many platforms made it so much more financially successful than their previous titles.


Im not bothered who publishes it as long as the game actually happens, I loved the first game so will look forward to the sequel.


Probably April joke right.

But given Kojima new horror IP. And budget horror game generally does good too. It's not too weird a news that Remedy could make Alan Wake : <title name> as an exploration action title.


Probably April joke right.

But given Kojima new horror IP. And budget horror game generally does good too. It's not too weird a news that Remedy could make Alan Wake : <title name> as an exploration action title.
They are publishing a game from Remedy and I think their next game is supposed to be in the Alan Wake universe


You are totally missing my point. Indeed Epic is a publisher now (and I'll wait a few years to get a final judgment on their practice), so the only way for them to get games on their platform is by buying them for full exclusivity.
They use the art of wording to get people on their side like what they did against Apple and all this online campaign. And I have to say, they know this shit better than anyone it seem.

I think like this: Ubi has their own games, so if I want to play one of them I install Uplay. Same goes for EA, Battle.net etc...
On the other side Epic had Unreal, Gears, Bulletstorm and more but it's all gone. I look at what they want to do now and I'm just not interested in encouraging their practice.
And that's without mentioning Tencent, the shitty launcher which is a gaz factory etc...

The day Epic is building gaming studios to support their effort and stop playing the easy card by buying loved IP's, I may (or not) reconsider this.
but but but it's building long term partnership for organic growth /s


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Remedy seems capable of making actual games now, so this might be interesting as I did like the atmosphere of Alan Wake, but it was like 50% finished as a game.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
How was the original 50% finished?
Just my opinion; it felt really incomplete.. from a gameplay perspective mostly, but they also modeled areas of the world that you could go to that had nothing in them.. and it wasn't like it was truly an exploration game.


Nextgen exclusive Northlight powered Alan Wake?
RTGI everything......computers need to be melted!

Fucking in, in, in!

Remedy have been independent since the jump.

Loser detected.

So I had an Epic account for years before the EGS was thing because I was developing a game, the trick is they had no 2FA of any kind and all someone needed to fuck me out of using my account was to have my email and just repeately fail getting into it and that would lock me out for 24 hours, whoever the fuck does these things kept trying forever it seemed and I literally was ALWAYS locked out of my account even though I knew the correct password.

This happened primarily because they compromised user data to hackers no less than 3 times in a year and I was already pretty fed up with how badly they ran the system before they even started taking steps to be a shitty wanna be monopoly. Their actions since have done nothing to make me even consider using their platform, Tim is constantly contradicting himself and playing victim after doing one stupid thing after another.

The store hasn't improved one iota.

"But you can just play the games on GOG!!"
If I were able to just buy them on GOG that would be awesome, but if I have to financially support that fuckery it goes against everything I believe in..
I'm a Capitalist, and If a company does things I strongly disapprove of I voice my opinion by not doing business with them.
If you choose to that's your right, but don't go around calling people losers just because you can't comprehend why someone would have standards and principals and want to stand firmly by those.


Does that mean exclusivity to EGS as it's published by Epic and not some limited deal? Oh well, I actually can live without another Alan Wake - Remedy's output is pretty hit-and-miss lately.


Microsoft never owned the IP.
Its been Remedys from the jump.....no one wanted to publish Alan Wake 2 when MS refused Remedy still tried to shop it around......the entire industry was against it.
I bet without Epic this game would still be be the plague......thank god for FortNite....now Epic Publishing can fund all that weird shit the industry "thinks" wont work.
Oh you're right, the article I read stating otherwise had an edit clarifying that they only had publishing rights. Even still, it was foolish for MS to not pursue a sequel. It could've grown into a heavy-hitter franchise if they had the chance to iron out some of the kinks of the first game back when it was still fresh in people's minds. Either way, I'm just happy it's getting made (if this is true). There hasn't been much else like it since.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Oh you're right, the article I read stating otherwise had an edit clarifying that they only had publishing rights. Even still, it was foolish for MS to not pursue a sequel. It could've grown into a heavy-hitter franchise if they had the chance to iron out some of the kinks of the first game back when it was still fresh in people's minds. Either way, I'm just happy it's getting made (if this is true). There hasn't been much else like it since.

The thing is at the time, it was a commercial failure, the definition of a cult classic.
An Alan Wake 2 in 2011/12 would be just as cult status as AW if not even more obscure.........it would have been fighting:

  • Arkham City
  • Dark Souls
  • Skyrim
  • Uncharted 3
  • Gears 3
  • The Witcher 2
  • Dead Space - Directly
  • Mass Effect 3
  • Halo 4
  • Assassins Creed III

And a bunch of other really good games buried by the murderers row that was 2011/12.

Its no wonder why no publisher wanted to touch it let alone MS after already taking a hit on the first game.
The industry has changed alot and now shelf space isnt that big a deal, but you were never going to see AW2 posters anywhere.
But an X360 exclusive AW2 2011/12 would have vanished into the ether so hard MS probably dodged a bullet not publishing then.
Launching with the Xbox One? Maybe but then we would have lost Quantum Break.......the universe is in order if we are indeed getting AW2 this is the time....multiplatform so more people can play and so it makes enough to lead us into Alan Wake 3 as originally intended.


Just my opinion; it felt really incomplete.. from a gameplay perspective mostly, but they also modeled areas of the world that you could go to that had nothing in them.. and it wasn't like it was truly an exploration game.
I definitely get ya when talking about the open areas. I haven't played it in so long, basically when it first came out, so maybe I'm just looking back on it fondly but I remember absolutely loving the gameplay. Those firefly-esque pops when you hold your flashlight on an enemy, the slow motion evades/enemy deaths, and a few fun environmental puzzles made it an incredible experience for me.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I definitely get ya when talking about the open areas. I haven't played it in so long, basically when it first came out, so maybe I'm just looking back on it fondly but I remember absolutely loving the gameplay. Those firefly-esque pops when you hold your flashlight on an enemy, the slow motion evades/enemy deaths, and a few fun environmental puzzles made it an incredible experience for me.
Yeah don’t get me wrong, I played the game almost all the way through until that “platforming” section and I enjoyed it.

It just also felt like a game missing things. The gameplay was rather simplistic and the world fairly empty.
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