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ALL of these “Direct” shows SUCK. PERIOD.


I keep fucking telling you guys this is what happens when you kill e3. You get a trickle of shit when before we'd get one large splooge of content at one time with no filler. Now it's all just filler shit.

E3 was there for a reason and now we have gamescom but companies don't care enough


Nothing wrong with Directs as a format, the human element part of MS developer direct made it cringe. "wow, we are so diverse and relatable!"
Have an introduction, roll the tape and show new trailers with in-game footage for 30 minutes.

Wow! Best Direct EVER! It's not rocket science.


What time is it?
The best Directs were with Iwata and they now feel dry in comparison, but are still better than the competition. I don't think Sony's ever found the proper footing for theirs and while Microsoft's are better it isn't by much. I like that we get them more frequently and are thus shorter and more focused.


I do miss the hype from E3, made these game announcements, gameplay trailers a lot more exciting. Sony and Microsoft directs are pretty lame.
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I hope E3 never comes back. Bloated bullshit to feed gaming “journalists.”

These directs are too long with too much generic marketing talk. They showed off 5 games. Should have taken 25 minutes.

I’m fine trimming the fat and keeping them short and sweet. This goes for all major publishers.
No, please.
Clean presentations, no shouting fuckers, pyro or strippers.
I just want a clean and to the point presentation of games, not all that surrounding bs. Suprises? Yes, sure!
Stuff like the Hi-Fi Rush / Metroid Prime Remastered shadow drops are awesome.
But yeah, directs are brilliant.
I don't need to see sweaty fanboys cheering and screaming to get hyped for games.

The odd thing here is that even today we still have multiple live-style conferences throughout the year:
  • ONL
  • Summer Games Fest
  • Media Indie Exchange
  • Tokyo Game Show
  • Xbox Games Showcase/Extended *usually live*
  • ID@Xbox
  • Steam Next Fest
  • PAX
  • Blizzcon
  • Nintendo Treehouse
  • TGA

Some of these are even viewable with other people at local public areas, hangout spots, and theaters.

The complaints on GAF just don't add up.

-People here want live events. They exist.
-People here tune in to these live events and complain all the way through. They also don't attend them in public.
-Direct shows exist partly because of the live show complaints.
-People here tune into direct shows to complain all the way through.
-To top it off, they barely or don't even watch the smaller/indie/AA conferences and directs

It makes for an unsolvable riddle that I try really hard not to chalk up to 'They just miss their younger years/childhood/nostalgia' but man some of you here make it really difficult to not think this. I think some others out there know exactly what the real problem is, but they keep persisting on pointing fingers at everything else.


Live shows definitely had a unique vibe that is now lost. No matter how good your lineup of trailers is, it's not going to be as hype as hearing the GOW 2018 theme for the first time performed by a live orchestra to then give place to the gameplay reveal to a cheering crowd when Kratos shows up.

That said, I think people look back at these live conferences with rose tinted glasses. While there were highlights, most live conferences sucked too

Blame the people who killed E3!! I miss the big showcases. But I believe the problem now is the “I want it now!” generation of gamers.

I think a big problem is also that games take forever to make now.
Having exciting conferences and events was easier when your devs were releasing games on a 2-3 years cycle.

It used to be
Year 1 announce game
Year 2 show game
Year 3 announce new game

Now it's like
Year 1 announce game
Year 2 show game
Year 3 show game again
Year 4 nothing
Year 5 announce game

People want a lot of new announcements, but also there must be gameplay and not CGI, and also hopefully the game is out within the next year. You are not going to get that when every AAA games takes 5 years to make
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The DIRECT thing needs to go. Yesterday.

The flat delivery of the line “and we’re so excited for you to get your hands on game x when it launches on October 2” has become a joke and totally uninspiring of any excitement whatsoever.

I’m sorry… is it not “cool” to be enthusiastic about anything anymore? These are GAMES. Remember the build ups? The hype teases? The actual effort in marketing? We may as well bring AI straight into marketing now because the last 6 or so years has felt like we’ve had it there already. The answer isn't more generic-ass trailers. No amount of repetitive orchestral bass drops can fix this issue.

Bring back live audiences, surprises and hype that matches the grand vision of your game… no more flat “hey we hope you like it.”

I miss E3 2015.
Sad Michael Scott GIF
I still remember the MTV unveiling of the Xbox 360. That was an event, nothing like that these days.


Due to gaming being more popular than ever and people being more pathetic and offended than ever we will only ever get soulless shows.

In 2024 you can't have a personality because you'll make someone mad.

If you have a Reggie saying my body is ready it would be "fatphobic". If you had a Kevin butler doing his thing or Peter Moore unveiling new tattoos people will find issue with it.

Unfortunately we all sleep in the bed that losers made now and gaming has been infiltrated by some of the biggest losers 🤣


I miss the E3 hype, staying up til 3am to watch the Playstation conference and then go to work tired as hell, all excited with nobody at work to discuss it with.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Why aren't these companies hiring actors to do these things? The Xbox show today was particularly bad about this - these people should not be "the face of the company", even if they do actually work there.


They are probably terrified of doing live shows cuz the gaming scene is so creatively bankrupt they're afraid no one will clap at their shit.So They'd rather do their behind the scenes look how diverse our studio is garbage trailers and post them along 4 other of the same shit trailers and then pat themselves on the back on how great a job they've done.
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People get news in real time, E3 felt very silly.
Why even do directs at all then,people get news all the time right? Just post that garbage on the internet on a sunday no?

Tip for you, don't ever get a job in marketing,you suck at it!
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It’s really bad. They are just talking and talking and talking. I know what fucking civ is and I dont need to hear “now you can be the ruler and yield the power” for 10 minutes.
More show not tell


I am sorry, but artificially hyping a release is just cringe.
I'd take these DIRECTS any day. Present to me your offers like a catalog, I will decide how to react.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I can't imagine a E3 with the type of people in the industry now, you'll need a Ricky Gervais moment to put them in their place
plus the games media would actually have to do some work, remember what that is?
But then again if Game Journalists was actually active like they was year's ago they wouldn't have time to think of those opinion pieces let alone write them.


I think MS has the best direct format I love how you get to see the developers, their workplace and how everything is presented, is so elegant and well framed.
It’s really bad. They are just talking and talking and talking. I know what fucking civ is and I dont need to hear “now you can be the ruler and yield the power” for 10 minutes.
More show not tell

I’m Really amazed by that presentation. We want to build something really unique (describing civ). You can choose a leader that has special stats (describing civ). You can build the wonders of the world (describing civ). It went on and on and on. It was incredibly cringe.

total recall line GIF


Game presentations from console manufacturers matured like apple’s keynotes. They should either be scrapped or truly direct, resembling promotion of books at current stage.


Gold Member
If "build ups" like Sony used to do after 2015 at 3am Euro time are what you're missing, you should count your blessings.

With Directs, gamers now only have to blame themselves if they get hyped for obviously mediocre/unconvincing stuff.


Nah, nowadays E3 press conferences would be even fucking worse. They were already fucking garbage cringe fests most of the time. Why would you want a fucking live audience screaming at every little bullshit thing for what is essentially a fucking commercial?

The Direct format is OK, because it's more true to what it actually is: An ad. You just have to make it not suck ass, which Sony consistently have trouble with.
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If your show/presentation/awards/whatever are going to take more than 10 minutes, I'm not gonna watch it because I know it'll be padded with filler. Usually garbage adverts. (Apparently the recent VGAs had a lot of ads and celeb ass kissing? Don't know. Didn't watch it.)
I'll just look at the summary articles that spring up a matter of minutes after the event ends. I get the same info but don't have to suffer through your marketing spiel.


The only thing that's 100% sure is that in this industry there will NEVER be anything but moaning and hating on everything. Nothing is good, everything used to be better, everything could and should be better. Doom and gloom and a bunch of miserable cunts.

I've never been more positive about the industry than the last few years.
SO much amazing stuff in every genre, something for everyone.
But there will be these echochambers of hate and moaning, making it seem like the industry is a sinking ship because for example developers shows LOTS OF GAMEPLAY of their new, exciting games in the "wrong way".
You can bet that if they had a E3-ish presentation with live interviews and shows, many of the same people would moan about it being cringe and terrible in every way. (Like the hate G Keighly gets when he's doing his thing)
Ignore and enjoy the games.
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They have just become an excuse to show how many women and alphabet people the devs have working for them(not the Nintendo ones,obviously,lol).


usual deluded thread after a show edition 1547

it was a dev direct so the interviews and all that stuff was expected
if the games are not up to part with your dreams that's a different issue


better than old sony conferences with 30 minutes of "here's our sales numbers, we sold a lot and we are the best" before announcing a couple of games that would eventually come out 3 years later


Gold Member
The problem with these presentations is that a lot of devs think people are here to listen to them talking about how good they are.
When in reality, people are here to see the games.
Just shut the f*** up and show the games.


It's a great way to showcase people behind these games. Sure, they are nerdy and not always smooth talkers, but they pour years into the game we are going to play and it is fun to see their excitement. Also, it helps better understand the decisions they do for the game to look and play a certain way. I always watch all the supplementary stuff they put on movie discs so this is very familiar to me.

If you don't like it or triggered that some of them don't look hunks or babes, don't watch it. It is as simple as that.


Gold Member
If you need a live show with clowns trying to act to get you excited, then maybe you need to find yourself a new hobby. I just want to know about the games being released.


The problem with these presentations is that a lot of devs think people are here to listen to them talking about how good they are.
When in reality, people are here to see the games.
Just shut the f*** up and show the games.

It doesn't exactly sell the game seeing devs talk over it. Narrating over constant gameplay is a better way of doing it. Rather than cutting from developer to developer whom's names we'll forget as soon as they're off screen.


Yep it’s pretty shite, not really worth it when everything looks like a mid 7/10 game nothing is really massive anymore.

MS sat on Halo, Gears, Banjo, Perfect Dark and decide to show their latest shovelware.

Sony no angels either focused on third party deals and this live service push and people just don’t care whilst they have huge studios seemingly working on nothing (rumours sure but nothing announced or teased).

Nintendo sat on switch 2 , holding it back.

No wonder PC gaming is kicking off more , can’t rely on these platform holders to supply anything hype worthy so we go play the latest trending social game that costs like a fiver then ditch it in a week.


Gold Member

It doesn't exactly sell the game seeing devs talk over it. Narrating over constant gameplay is a better way of doing it. Rather than cutting from developer to developer whom's names we'll forget as soon as they're off screen.

And the problem is not just that they are just talking. Is the way they are talking.
They all have this similar, pre-determined, sanitized, commercial discourse. Constantly regurgitating the same concepts, of player engagement, user experience, diversity, etc.
It's like watching a shareholders meeting, with little love for the craft, for games or for the gamers.


Just give me trailers and gameplay. Everything else is most likely a giant pass from me, for the most part.


Why don't threads like this just get removed. Honestly, no one cares about your opinion and you don'tspeak for everyone, it's about the games.
Yes, let's remove everything you disagree with. I care about OP's opinion, so you are wrong. Imagine people sharing their opinion on a gaming forum, just unbelievable.
Nintendo started that format. I blame them.

But it is probably not even the format(s) itself. Increased media training toned down humanness in speakers. eg Carmack always sounded like acknowledging difficult tasks and that some good stuff still was not as perfect as he wants it, while it is too much sunshine and rainbows talk even with games that don't turn out well at all. Openly critical talk was never usual though, so it is not really the best example of what went missing in the talking people. Then leaks destroy almost all surprises. There were always some rumours or speculative predictions, but now we often get exact schedules and specific title drops, screens, artwork or whatever. Partially even the shows announce their content in advance since without knowing what we will get, some would complain that title xyz hasn't appeared and that the show was shit because of that. I'd rather don't know anything before it starts and be thrilled by every first trailer scene, the studio logo and figuring out what is happening. Trailers are probably all quite high quality but in return nothing stands out anymore. Even mediocre stuff looks nice (even if faked. And a lot is spread out over every month too, making even the sorta E3-successor the VGA trailer parade, also not standing out that much. Those who don't get the bigger stage release theirs then of course in pockets where they are not overshadowed by all the other announcements.

Overall the games are probably better than ever, even if open world drowned other stuff and reduces quality quite a bit by its inherent bloated design, but excitement before a reveal shrunk and when even good games get review bombed or boycotted for nonsense or devs threatened on social media the fun factor in the whole games media discussion circus diminished.

It is disappointing, but teenage version of me would be envious about having a little sub fee for a huge collection, while struggling with the not owning bit, and also other stuff in the game themselves that should be more important than the accompanying celebration and hype. Maybe it is a good exchange.
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