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Am I Alone in not buying the Elden Ring hype?

You should really see someone about all that repressed anger and passive aggressive behaviour. ;)
He doesnt like the game and wanted to talk about it. Thats fine too. People have to accept that fact that people love souls game and vise versa. In no case is it necessary to behave hostile (however clever the hostility is disguised.)

Be happy - spread the joy. :)
Maybe I’m just too cynical at this point, but I don’t buy it. If he really just wanted to talk about how these games don’t appeal to him, why the whole “Surely I can’t be the only one” shtick? There are already multiple threads about Elden Ring and other Souls games on this board, and they’re not just full of fanboys. There are people just like him with identical complaints in all of them, and it’s been like that for as long as these games have existed. There's no way he doesn't know that, no matter how disinterested he claims to be.


"being that From software games are not my style. "

I think I solved it boss!
The Daily Show Lol GIF by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

EDIT: Y0ssarian Y0ssarian - beaten to it!
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I think the patronising attitude of fans of Souls-type games is what grates me most. The condensenation of the 'git gud' brigade coupled with an immediate assumption that those who don't get the hype are 'ignorant' speaks of the worst of gamers. Reminds me of many types of groups - Anti-vaxxers, Apple envanglists, religious zealots etc. Not a good look. With that said - I hope everyone enjoys ER who is playing it. Personally not for me - if I wanted to be a maschocist I'd pop down to my local S&M bondage dungeon and get my bollox thwacked by a leather clad matron. Each to their own I suppose.
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King Snowflake
It is hype, unless you are a fanboy. There are people who love these games and are delusional about how great they are to everyone else, and then there are people who don't enjoy them at all, who are frequently disregarded and often insulted by the fanboys. Sadly only fanboys will agree to review the game because other reviewers really do not enjoy them at all so we have a bunch of outlets incorrectly signaling that the game is one of the best out there period because they biased the reviews. It's probably the best Souls-like game, but if you pick someone off the street who is an avid gamer, chances are they will not like it. I think it will end up being the most disliked, highly rated game out there. People will buy it because of the scores and GRRM and be disappointed, fanboys will call them pussies, and it will be annoying online just like it has been for the last few years.


Not feeling this game at all. A bit boring to be honest.

Start game - head off in some direction or other - kill a few groups of enemies - realise you've took a wrong turn so backtrack - enemies who you killed moments ago have all returned?
I didn't get much from killing them so why bother killing them in the first place? Once that realisation kicks in you tend to say "fuck it" what's the point of risking death and losing everything if I can just walk passed everything and collect the flowers?

Runs a bit janky @4k on max settings with a 3090. Runs ok when I lower settings to high.

the unanimous 10/10 reviews across the board should signal in another gamer gate moment for reviewer corruption.
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I really really want to get into this game but I don't think I'll be able to. Reason being, I lack the patience and skill to play it. I have DS and DS 3 and just cannot get far without losing my patience and quitting. I'm embracing my full membership of the GGB* (Git Gud Brigade). Elden Ring's world truly captivates me in its scale. The beauty of the artwork is truly on point. I just can't click with the Souls combat at all. A shame. :(


If you're just looking from the side, it can start to feel a bit overdone and derivative at this point. Game design is way too familiar after all the games with the same formula.

It gets a pass from the fans, but if you're not one, it can really look like that.


Looks like open world Dark Souls. So it should be good fun.

But yeah the whole idea of like its some revolutionary idea or a GOTG masterpiece... idk. Remains to be seen.

For nows its Dark Souls 4: Bigger Map Edition. And that seems good enough for a fun game.
You are definitely not alone. I personally think many of these so called reviewers give it a high score because it gives them gaming cred or something. This game if great for those that love these souls game but almost everyone I know hates these games. One good benefit is you can get this game really really cheap after one week on ebay. hahaha from those that hate it and bought it on hype. This game was already cheap for being preordered but you can find it cheaper used.


I don't care about it.

From Software games have been buggy shit every time I played them, and George RR Martin has been distracted from finishing ASOIAF for more than a minute due to it, so I will likely hate it until I get old and stupid.


Yea,you need a certain frame of mind to enjoy these games for sure.I've played and finished Dark Souls,Dark Souls III and Bloodborne and had a great time with them,but I don't really have the patience for them any more.Although being open world Elden Ring does look a bit more accessible.

It definitely seems more accessible.

I'm tempted to give it a try, I'm just concerned I'll get part way in, hit a wall regarding the skill level, and get frustrated.

I hear that can happen with these games.


Gold Member
Not feeling this game at all. A bit boring to be honest.

Start game - head off in some direction or other - kill a few groups of enemies - realise you've took a wrong turn so backtrack - enemies who you killed moments ago have all returned?
I didn't get much from killing them so why bother killing them in the first place? Once that realisation kicks in you tend to say "fuck it" what's the point of risking death and losing everything if I can just walk passed everything and collect the flowers?

Runs a bit janky @4k on max settings with a 3090. Runs ok when I lower settings to high.

the unanimous 10/10 reviews across the board should signal in another gamer gate moment for reviewer corruption.
Killing enemies gave you experience and sometimes loot, what do you want more from killing them? Also the combat itself is fun so you fight for fun AND rewards.

Try the latest zelda if you really wanna see a game where combat is actually avoidable for the best.
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Not feeling this game at all. A bit boring to be honest.

Start game - head off in some direction or other - kill a few groups of enemies - realise you've took a wrong turn so backtrack - enemies who you killed moments ago have all returned?
I didn't get much from killing them so why bother killing them in the first place? Once that realisation kicks in you tend to say "fuck it" what's the point of risking death and losing everything if I can just walk passed everything and collect the flowers?

Runs a bit janky @4k on max settings with a 3090. Runs ok when I lower settings to high.

the unanimous 10/10 reviews across the board should signal in another gamer gate moment for reviewer corruption.
Imagine getting half way through the undead berg in DS1 and writing off the whole game.


I want to play it but apparently the PC port is ass?
Well the reviews on Steam for this game are at "Mixed" now so yea, its pretty bad apparently. The hype convinced me to be interested in this game but the crappy PC port made me wait for a discount, or untill I get access to another platform. Whichever comes first.
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i'm not a big fan of the soul's games, the boss battles in Valhalla and other games annoy me rarther than make me enjoy them more, i was hoping when it said open world, it would be more like the open world games i like to play, so it seems from what i'm seeing it's a normal Souls game but set in a bigger world, which isn't for me but enjoyable for fans of those games, so no i'm not hyped.



These Souls type games long ago stepped over the line from something to be enjoyed to something to be endured.

That and the distinct impression of elitist gaming snobbery from those who revel in the challenge, the whole 'we're real gamers and you're not' vibe they give off.



These Souls type games long ago stepped over the line from something to be enjoyed to something to be endured.

That and the distinct impression of elitist gaming snobbery from those who revel in the challenge, the whole 'we're real gamers and you're not' vibe they give off.
I kind of agree.

There's definitely a kind of snooty "git gud" attitude.

Personally, while I like a challenge, I have no desire to spend hours trying to beat one boss.


Gold Member
I’m glad that what seems to be a high quality game for the most part has been released for the fans that like it’s sub genre. I’ll be curious how the open world is received by gamers vs reviewers over time. It seemed to the detriment of Halo and Gears. It will be good getting the average or low skilled gamer reviews on this one regarding difficulty. For me, I’ll need to wait until it’s $10 to $15 or so, in case I can only get a few hours of enjoyment until I hit a skill ceiling. Hopefully by then there’s an established way to cheese it. And perhaps being open world will give me more game time until the likely skill ceiling hits.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
I agree. Even though I'll get it, I think if you gave this to 10 casual gamers that only 3 or so would love it. 10/10 means it is a masterpiece and most would love it. Most who reviewed it are 'souls' fans. So of course they would cream over it and give it a 10. In fact I have been hearing that reviewers got their copiers 5 days ago and a lot never came close to finishing it. How can you give a 10 to a game you don't finish?

And yes, the graphics aren't amazing. I was watching the walking and horse animations last night and those, to me, looked a bit janky.

So, yeah, it's universally praised by 'souls' reviewers but I guarantee not most of the other reviewers on staff.


You are definitely not alone. I personally think many of these so called reviewers give it a high score because it gives them gaming cred or something. This game if great for those that love these souls game but almost everyone I know hates these games. One good benefit is you can get this game really really cheap after one week on ebay. hahaha from those that hate it and bought it on hype. This game was already cheap for being preordered but you can find it cheaper used.
every game ever is great for people that like that kind of game but not for others.
there's literally no game in existence that will be liked by everyone regardless of taste.
Sorry but the "this game doesn't deserve the praise because some people will not like it" it's frankly an absurd statement..nobody is telling you to like it even if it has high scores...if you already know the game is not for you pass on and look elsewhere, plenty of fishes in the sea.

also if someone buys a game in a genre he/she doesn't like just because of an high metacritic score, then he is frankly speaking just dumb
I can totally see how the combination of Souls fandom and Metascore-based hype could get on somebody's nerves :D Don't worry, the inevitable backlash (about how it is actually the worst of the games, because it waters down the tight level design for an open world) will come. I myself enjoy a little silly collective pop culture excitement every now and then, especially with all that's going on in the world right now.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
If you don't already dig the Souls formula, you probably won't like it here. It's the same thing, just open world. The checkpoint system feels a bit less punishing, since you're basically just losing unspent XP, and the open structure means if you're bashing your head against a boss for too long you can fuck off and do something else and level up a bit, so those make things more approachable, but the game feels like it assumes you have played their games before.


Moderated wildly
As someone who has waited 5 years for this game and bought it on all platforms I don't blame you.

As a huge fan it's disappointing that it's running like shit. Just waiting for my ps4 version to turn up so I can play a last gen version on my shiny nice ps5....joke fromsoft

Don't feel bad the games not for you. It's fine to have different tastes. Even fans are hurting right now.
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I feel the hype, I just suck at these games. Even without that, when I watch someone else play on Twitch, it doesn’t really interest me.

FOMO can no longer exist when I’ve already missed out on enjoying Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro. It’s over for me. Elden Ring could be a game I end up loving but it’s too late, the boy has already cried wolf too many times.
I’m sure it’s great but I’m holding off on it for now. By the time I get it there may very well be a patch for Xbox loading times too. It seems their games have had slow loading times on launch (which got fixed later via patches) since they switched to the BloodBorne engine.


No, I'm waiting. I learned it's best not to pre-order and then wait for initial patches before making game purchases.
Only people on this board who hate on Souls games or Miyazaki games are people who frauded The Witcher 3 and play ignorant to that it's the third game in a trilogy but will sing praise for it all day.

I'm going to collect my pre-order later today, I've had no long running hype for this game but had faith it'll have been good from the start. It's nice the day is upon us.

"Oh boo hoo I'm not included in the hype." Sounds like a you problem. Stay mad.


As someone looking from the outside looking in, it seems to me that the hype is real for the fans of souls games, while everyone else is getting hit with the hyperbole like "Greatest game of the generation." Matter of fact, I think I recall hearing the same about Bloodborne.

This too will past.

I will say, if you aren't a fan of souls games, just step aside and left the wave rush by.


As someone looking from the outside looking in, it seems to me that the hype is real for the fans of souls games, while everyone else is getting hit with the hyperbole like "Greatest game of the generation." Matter of fact, I think I recall hearing the same about Bloodborne.

This too will past.

I will say, if you aren't a fan of souls games, just step aside and left the wave rush by.
The same happened with BOTW. Why does that game gets a pass and this doesn't? And this is better than that one anyway.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Only people on this board who hate on Souls games or Miyazaki games are people who frauded The Witcher 3 and play ignorant to that it's the third game in a trilogy but will sing praise for it all day.

I'm going to collect my pre-order later today, I've had no long running hype for this game but had faith it'll have been good from the start. It's nice the day is upon us.

"Oh boo hoo I'm not included in the hype." Sounds like a you problem. Stay mad.

it looks like an open world demons souls with awful combat no story and awful graphics. 10/10 best game of all time. please


Git gud.

From Software is delivering amazing games since 2009 and the praise emerged naturally from the players. Different of some other game franchises where journalists artificially hype and give perfect scores just because it is franchise "X" or "Y".

Graphics may be nothing special but the gameplay is top notch.
Honestly I never understand this 'git gud' mentality. I enjoy From Softwares games mainly for the mystery and lore but I still haven't completed one yet, mainly due to the fact I'd rather 'git gud' at something that actually betters me in life.


Honestly I never understand this 'git gud' mentality. I enjoy From Softwares games mainly for the mystery and lore but I still haven't completed one yet, mainly due to the fact I'd rather 'git gud' at something that actually betters me in life.
Understandable, but one thing doesn't anulate the other. People can 'git gud' at real life things and at video-games.

Even because From Software games are not even that hard.
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