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Amazing Race - August 17

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Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The Charla-Mirna/Collin-Christie feud gets physical tonight. Supposedly, C&M convince the airport people not to sell plane tickets to the other competitors!!

Christie just blocked the airport door to prevent Mirna from passing and Mirna was like



The teams are now breaking into Mirna faction and a Collin faction.


Mirna and Charla are gone
I never had the hate on that most people had for them but I'm sad to see them out of here. Chip and Kim are going strong and I hope they can pull it out.


Ladies and Gentleman, I will now teach you the "
Charla and Mirna are gone
" Dance. Stay with me.

Put both of your hands in the air, palms out.

Then, dance around in a circle, alternating feet as you spin.

After they threw me a "Non-Elimination" Bone, with Phil not stating it was an elimination leg, they had me. I had a "
Mirna and Charla are Losing all their Money
" Dance all set, it had to be put on the back burner.

This episode was not the greatest...I found that the Airport setup was all too simple for my liking, and didn't make enough room for terrible mistakes or lobbying (The big blowup was entirely the doing of their hatred, not the setup of the race) and the Detour seemed easy with the help of locals. And, the Roadblock was too similar to the Caviar. But the elimination was...beautiful. Awesome location.

In other news...Fuck you Mirna, bitch. Fuck you for making Charla do the Egg task. Colin, who has also said to have a weak stomach, at least stepped up to the plate (pun intended) and did the task after Christie came through. Get your head out of your ass and carry your own fucking weight.

Rant over. Dancing commences.

And...blocking a doorway? Not against the rules. It's a race. Get over it.


This is worse than when Omarosa got fired,and almost as bad as Tamyra getting kicked out:(

Guess I'll be crossing this show off my towatch list.


Tortfeasor said:
Call me crazy, but I think Mirna is hot.

Someone Tag him with "I'm Crazier than Michael Jackson" right now.

Or not...but still, you're nuts.

JC10001 said:
Christie just blocked the airport door to prevent Mirna from passing and Mirna was like


I actually think that was Charla.
Next week's episode looks awesome.

Things don't go Colin's way when he gets a flat tire, so of course he flips out and goes into psycho mode. And what's this I hear? "I'm getting thrown in Jail"or "I'm going to get arrested" or something? Hope so. :)


She is part American, part Turkish, and part Lebanese... That gives her a kinda exotic look, and coupled with the blond hair, makes her pretty attractive.

And I am not talking about the midget... I mean the tall one. The midget is about as attractive as an oompa-loompa.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Next week's episode looks awesome.

Things don't go Colin's way when he gets a flat tire, so of course he flips out and goes into psycho mode. And what's this I hear? "I'm getting thrown in Jail"or "I'm going to get arrested" or something? Hope so. :)

God I fucking hate that guy. I hope he loses.

The only two decent teams in this race are the moms and chip and Kim, and I hope one of them wins it and not mr out-of-control.
Yeah, I'm definately rooting for the moms and Chip and Kim. Chip and Kim in particular are such upbeat, genuine people, and they've been doing well for weeks now. The moms are cool too, and hopefully now that they've had a taste of a better position than second last, they'll do better.

The other teams? Twins? Duuuuuuuh no. Mr."I'll win if it's God's plan, but who knows if it is, because God doesn't let me drink vodka, but he lets me get vastly overcharged for a busride"? No. And I better keep my feelings about Colin to myself, since I know some people think he's "intense" and not "dangerously close to flipping the hell out".


Nerevar said:
God I fucking hate that guy. I hope he loses.

The only two decent teams in this race are the moms and chip and Kim, and I hope one of them wins it and not mr out-of-control.

I'm on the Chip and Kim train, flat-out, with a little bit of bowling moms thrown in there for good measure.

Colin is intense...if intense is defined as seriously close to fucking blowing a fuse. Otherwise, just the definition.

And, I know you mean the tall one...and after watching this show, she will never be sexy to me. Nobody that intolerable can be anything but repulsive.


That one dude really annoys me. The angry dude. He such an angry man. I liked that group at first, but he is such an ass. His girl is kinda hot though.
That was some good ol' race baiting television! God damn, thank goodness that
Team HiLo
got kicked out. I really thought it was going to be a non-elimination race!

Phil got all choked up *snif*


Grandma's Chippy
Thank god they are gone is all I can say....see my last post in a Amazing Race thread to see what I really think of them ;P

And despite Colin's anger, I am rooting for him, the twins, and Chip & Kim...any of those teams win, and I am fine.

Hey, someone has to root for the others :D


Get your head out of your ass and carry your own fucking weight.

She has had to drive and get all the good flights for this team. If this race had more physical tasks like in the previous ones, she would have had to do those roadblocks too.

And...blocking a doorway? Not against the rules. It's a race. Get over it.

I can't help but think you were one of those people that yelled at them for taking Colin and Christie's cab over at Television Without Pity (that place and Miss Alli is a shitfest).

The problem I have with most Charla and Mirna haters is that a handful of them are bitching, whining, and complaining about a team that bitches, whines, and complains. In response to the rudeness they claim to despise, they go off and post drivel such as "I'd put a bullet in her head if I could".


Am I the only one who had evil giggles when Chip & Kim ate watermelon with the villagers? I was like "no. No, they aren't...oh my they are"


I just don't like Charla and Mirna. They're using more dirty, nasty and underhanded tactics than any of the other teams. Half the stuff they do is BEYOND childish, like pulling faces at the camera (not to mention the "I told them these people are violent!") -- though yes, Christie blocking the door is also quite stupid and childish.

It was a fairly fun episode, though not the best. I liked Chip being thoroughly happy to be in Africa, I liked watching Colin almost snap, I liked just WATCHING Christie, and though I hate them I liked watching Charla and Mirna get ever-more-annoying. The airport fiasco was kinda cool but the best was the bus and seeing the Christians and Twins get hustled. That was funny as hell, especially since in some ways it was so predictable (Africa having that reputation), but just... the level of it... $3... $5... $200. Awesome.

I will be sad to see Charla and Mirna go though, because they were setting up this titanic clash with Colin and Christie. I dunno, I just felt they were a lock to be one of the last teams in it. And again, as much as I hate them... well, that's the point. It's not the winners and the feelgood stories that really make reality TV watchable, it's the assholes, the people you hate. THAT'S good TV. So I'm happy... but I'm also a little sad. Go figure.


etiolate said:
Am I the only one who had evil giggles when Chip & Kim ate watermelon with the villagers? I was like "no. No, they aren't...oh my they are"

Huh what for, Black people can't eat watermelon?


That was a sweet show. I really disliked
and was glad to see them go. When they arrived at the finish I had a bit of worry that it might be a non-elimination leg, but as soon as he said "you've both been eliminated" I raised my arms and cheered as if I just watched an OT goal in the Stanley Cup playoffs.

What was up with the host getting all choked up? Gimme a break.


ShadowRed said:
Huh what for, Black people can't eat watermelon?

No...people should stop in the middle of a race to snack on local fruit.

MoccaJava -

You know, I AM one of those people. And, in pretty well every case, agree with the general view of TWoP. Why? Because I think they're right. So sue me.

Yes, Mirna drove everywhere. And yes, she got all of their plane tickets. HOWEVER...Charla ate that Caviar. Charla put herself through hell for Mirna, and all she did was yell at her to finish faster. Then, it comes to another eating task, and Charla obviously didn't seem to happy about doing it, but Mirna did not exactly say "Oh, here, I'll do it, you did the Caviar" like Linda and Karen and Colin and Christie both did. They stepped up, even though it wasn't their strength, and it was a kind thing to do from a team standpoint.

Mirna just threw Charla to it again. Sure, the airports and the cars may be Mirna's domain, but Charla has been stuck doing numerous roadblocks, not because it would be stronger for her to do it, but instead because Mirna didn't want to. That is an unfair burden to set on ANY team member, not just a dwarf.

My problem with the team is Mirna; Charla on her own is in no way a terrible person. But, Mirna was intolerable. It wasn't that I feel she ran a bad race; the exact opposite is true. Getting in Colin and Christie's Taxi while their bags were still in it was simply not something you do; taking the taxi AFTER they remove their bags is fine. They were trying to be strategic, but they were too strategic in that instance.

I think what Christie did was childish; I think it was stupid. But, as someone said on the "Shitfest", that is the type of move you don't do not because it's illegal, but because it's going to piss off the other team; at this point, they don't really need to worry about that rivalry, as it was already at a fever pitch.

My problem, you see, is that they didn't really do anything to redeem themselves. I generally find her to be intolerable. I wouldn't shoot her; any death threats against her were purely figurative. I was happy to see them go because, simply, I found that their idea of racing was so damn hypocritical. They're all too willing to attempt to stop a ticket agent from selling tickets to other by saying that the people are violent (A stretch of the truth), but then get pissed when another team tries smething similar against them, such as blocking a doorway. Charla says she was in this to prove she can do anything for herself, and then she starts complaining that nobody is helping her because of her size? Mirna gets horribly offended when Lance and Marshall call her a bitch, and then one of them throws it at Christie later? I understand that it was an annoying move...but still.


they call me "Man Gravy".
etiolate said:
Am I the only one who had evil giggles when Chip & Kim ate watermelon with the villagers? I was like "no. No, they aren't...oh my they are"

You, sir, are a racist!

And anyway, why all the hate on Charla and Mirna? Yeah, they were annoying, but they certainly weren't "underhanded" and "dirty." The only time they really tried to screw people over was when basically every team but the moms formed an alliance against them. This is in direct contrast to both the models AND Colin and Christie, who on numerous times have made promises to other teams and broken them or snuck away from the pack to get ahead. Yeah, Mirna reacted terribly when confronted, but they're also the only team I know of that kept their word on an alliance (when the model's car got stuck - whereafter the models then proceeded to screw over Charla and Mirna). I just don't get you people, you pick the people who are without morals over the annoying ones.


etiolate said:
Am I the only one who had evil giggles when Chip & Kim ate watermelon with the villagers? I was like "no. No, they aren't...oh my they are"

I thought that was pretty funny too. I don't know why though.


Nerevar...if this was Survivor, Alliances matter.

In the Amazing Race, Alliances are MADE to be broken. You can't expect, in such a competitive field, to keep an alliance with a team. Colin's "Anti-Mirna" alliance was an absolute corck pot. ALLIANCES DON'T WORK!


I personally loved how the twins, staying true to form, pushed the cart with the chairs the whole way instead of pulling it like they were supposed to.


You know, I AM one of those people. And, in pretty well every case, agree with the general view of TWoP. Why? Because I think they're right. So sue me.

I knew, that's why I mentioned that. I also do not think they're right.

Yes, Mirna drove everywhere. And yes, she got all of their plane tickets. HOWEVER...Charla ate that Caviar.

Then I suppose it just boils down to whether you think eating a bowl of caviar that Charla really didn't have too hard of a time with is more work than constantly getting ahead of the pack by working that airport counter and not even needing to go to a travel agent. Always having to drive I'm sure got quite annoying as well.

Charla put herself through hell for Mirna, and all she did was yell at her to finish faster.

Of course, but Charla had no problems doing this to Mirna when Mirna was having trouble digging up the scarab. That is just the way the two of them communicate, per their insider video.

Then, it comes to another eating task, and Charla obviously didn't seem to happy about doing it, but Mirna did not exactly say "Oh, here, I'll do it, you did the Caviar" like Linda and Karen and Colin and Christie both did. They stepped up, even though it wasn't their strength, and it was a kind thing to do from a team standpoint.

This is where your logic is flawed I believe. The thing not to do is to do a task when you know your partner can do it better. Colin eating the eggs may have cost their team first place. Linda and Karen likely have similar strengths so it is not a big deal. But Charla is clearly the stronger eater than Mirna, who would probably have as difficult a time at it as Kami and Karli did. Besides, it was also a pre-race strategy for Charla to do the eating tasks. I get the feeling Charla didn't really want to do it, but knew she was the woman for the job.

I also cannot help but think that you would rag on Mirna anyway if she had decided to do the task and flopped, because she would have been called stubborn.

Mirna just threw Charla to it again. Sure, the airports and the cars may be Mirna's domain, but Charla has been stuck doing numerous roadblocks, not because it would be stronger for her to do it, but instead because Mirna didn't want to. That is an unfair burden to set on ANY team member, not just a dwarf.

You also have to consider that Charla and Mirna did not know how many eating tasks there would be coming into it, and that Mirna would have to do anything which required quick legs. Charla only did one more roadblock than Mirna, but all of them were eating.

My problem with the team is Mirna; Charla on her own is in no way a terrible person. But, Mirna was intolerable. It wasn't that I feel she ran a bad race; the exact opposite is true. Getting in Colin and Christie's Taxi while their bags were still in it was simply not something you do; taking the taxi AFTER they remove their bags is fine. They were trying to be strategic, but they were too strategic in that instance.

I think this was blown way out of proportion. They thought they could use the next team's cab and that was all they thought of it. They get in the cab, unaware of Colin/Christie's bags in the trunk, and then Colin goes over and yells at them, probably flipping the defensive switch inside Charla and Mirna's mind, essentially having them go "Gee, if you had been nicer I would have gotten out, but now? No way."

I think what Christie did was childish; I think it was stupid. But, as someone said on the "Shitfest", that is the type of move you don't do not because it's illegal, but because it's going to piss off the other team; at this point, they don't really need to worry about that rivalry, as it was already at a fever pitch.

It was childish. Just don't hold one team to a double standard. Charla and Mirna doing things to piss off Colin and Christie really shouldn't be considered more hateful than when Colin and Christie do it. That's all.

They're all too willing to attempt to stop a ticket agent from selling tickets to other by saying that the people are violent (A stretch of the truth), but then get pissed when another team tries smething similar against them, such as blocking a doorway.

Even though blocking the airport door isn't directly a block from the ticket line, I would agree with you here except that Christie blocked the door before Mirna did anything with the tickets. If anything, Colin/Christie should not have been pissed after what they did to Mirna.

Charla says she was in this to prove she can do anything for herself, and then she starts complaining that nobody is helping her because of her size? Mirna gets horribly offended when Lance and Marshall call her a bitch, and then one of them throws it at Christie later? I understand that it was an annoying move...but still.

I'm not going to go into the size issue because I am one of the people that feel they have to make up for their weaknesses by using them and turning them into strengths (which is a very clever thing to do), but I don't recall Mirna getting horribly offended at Lance and Marshall calling her a bitch. Whether or not she actually knew it was them, the only thing we saw her do was look around confused.



While I can fully understand the logic behind getting Charla to do all eating challenges, she didn't seem overly happy about it. It just seemed like, every single roadblock, Mirna would have some sort of fear.

If I was Mirna, and the Roadblock was to Climb down a Ladder and then carry a satchel back up it, I wouldn't think "Charla should do this one". In fact, I'd think "My goodness, it would be a lot faster for me to do this one". Too often, it was about Mirna's inability to do anything. While I respect the work she did outside of roadblocks, and feel that they were GOOD racers, strategically, it just seemed like Mirna went to Charla more often than the others.

Chip and Kim have the same problem; Kim has done only one Roadblock, the Scarab one. However, Chip has been willing to do them all; he actually jumps right in. Charla always seemed almost pensive, like "Ok, Mirna..." and I would have expected Mirna to notice that Charla was likely getting frustrated.

They didn't just think they could use the next team's cab; they specifically used the term "stealing". And, they didn't approach the driver as Colin and Christie were heading into the building. They got into the cab before Colin had even paid him. Yes, they were not intending to actuall hijack the cab; they wanted to take the cab as they left. However, they became overzealous, went too soon, and caused a problem. While not malicious, common sense dictates that you don't get in someone else's cab that they were still paying for.

Christie blocking the door...what double standard? I would have said the same thing if Mirna had done it. It wasn't dirty play that turned me off of Mirna; it was her intolerability. Like, in the Insider clip, where Bob moves her bag and she said it was "disgusting". An old man touching her bag, disgusting.

Colin not adhering to the number line at the bus station? Criminal Activity. Colin was a Criminal for that.

Colin bumping into her while turning out of the ticket booth in Luxor? Violent. Colin was a Violent person for that (She was closer on this one, I'll admit).

I simply could not stand the person. They ran a helluza race, only relying on luck once (Catching the ferry in Paraguay after the Foam Club), and for the rest of it generally racing well. They always looked for better flights than the one they were on (What eventually put them in the back of the pack in this leg) and were unable to make it up. Whereas Linda and Karen were similarly behind, they ended up third through a stronger performance with the Carts and the eating competition (Although I'm guessing Mirna and Charla were further behind than Editing made it seem...they never seemed to say "There go the twins" or anything). As much as I might have despised Mirna, they deserved the position they got.

And...I think she thought being called a bitch was "disgusting". Heh.


Memlas, I'm glad we can have this discussion. I'd probably be banned at Television Without Pity for this pro-argument.

While I can fully understand the logic behind getting Charla to do all eating challenges, she didn't seem overly happy about it. It just seemed like, every single roadblock, Mirna would have some sort of fear.

True, she did seem kind of wimpy on this. But you do have to consider that if someone is claustrophobic, going into a tomb would not be high on their list of things to do, plus she also did not know what the tomb looked like. I was a little surprised at how easy the roadblock was, considering that Mirna expressed how she felt bad about it (which I think redeems her), if she had seen that it was not going to be a huge deal I think she would have done it. Remember, hindsight is 20/20. We know what the tomb looks like. Mirna did not.

They didn't just think they could use the next team's cab; they specifically used the term "stealing".

They didn't actually say we'll steal their cab, they said they'll take the next team's cab. Rewatch the tape, I've seen the episode plenty. It was a bad choice of words but I fully believe they were not intending to be malicious or anything and just wanted to use the cab so they didn't have to flag one down.

And, they didn't approach the driver as Colin and Christie were heading into the building. They got into the cab before Colin had even paid him.

They did not know that he was unpaid, and Colin/Christie were walking away from the cab at that time, probably to check if they were at the right place.

Christie blocking the door...what double standard? I would have said the same thing if Mirna had done it. It wasn't dirty play that turned me off of Mirna; it was her intolerability. Like, in the Insider clip, where Bob moves her bag and she said it was "disgusting". An old man touching her bag, disgusting.

I meant to not (which I don't know if you are or are not I just hope you aren't) find Charla/Mirna's actions against Colin/Christie more hateful than Colin/Christie's actions against Charla. They both have been awful. I don't understand how buying seats to keep a team off the bus and blocking the doors to an airport purposely is childish, yet it is an actual crime to use another team's cab.

With Bob, he actually has gotten on Chip's nerves before even (episode four). However, I suspect people wouldn't have minded it so much had Mirna been talking about Marshall and Lance.

Colin not adhering to the number line at the bus station? Criminal Activity. Colin was a Criminal for that.

Oh, but Colin IS a criminal! Just look at the previews for next week! See, Mirna was right. ;)

I simply could not stand the person. They ran a helluza race, only relying on luck once (Catching the ferry in Paraguay after the Foam Club), and for the rest of it generally racing well. They always looked for better flights than the one they were on (What eventually put them in the back of the pack in this leg) and were unable to make it up. Whereas Linda and Karen were similarly behind, they ended up third through a stronger performance with the Carts and the eating competition (Although I'm guessing Mirna and Charla were further behind than Editing made it seem...they never seemed to say "There go the twins" or anything). As much as I might have despised Mirna, they deserved the position they got.

Remember that the destinations for the detour last episode were different. Some were farther away than others. Charla and Mirna might have gotten an unlucky one, putting them behind Linda and Karen.

And...I think she thought being called a bitch was "disgusting". Heh.

She said "What? Who was that? The people that we deal with are disgusting." Warranted, in my opinion.


It'd get lost in the thread at TWOP anyways. ;)

I'm not saying that Colin and Christie's actions are any worse than Mirna's...their whole feud is pathetic. However, I am likely less outraged by Colin and Christie's actions because of how grating Mirna has been on me.

Bob was out of line when he moved her bags, don't get me wrong...but disgusting? How the FUCK is that disgusting? I mean, a little bit unnecessary maybe, but just because he touched your things it was disgusting. Idiotic choice of words.

Colin and Christie did get out of that cab to make sure they were in the right place. If you got out of a cab to make sure you were in the right spot and then BAM, you turn around to see other people sitting in your cab, it can surely be a bit of a shock.

Mirna was claustrophobic, had a weak stomach, and wouldn't stick her hand up a cow's ass. What is she good for? ;)

Buying Seats to keep a team off a bus...in reality, it was more of Colin taking the teams he liked the most, and was friends with. He saw a nice later bus, he felt he had earned the right to give tickets to who he wanted to. He also kept a lot of other teams off that bus, who werre just as screwed over as Charla and Mirna. It was likely more of an added bonus of the move, to Colin anyways.

Getting in their cab wasn't criminal. It was maybe misguided, considering their timing, and if you're going to try to take someone's cab so quickly, make sure it's a team that doesn't despise you.

Pfft...Disturbing the Peace and Screaming at a Local isn't a REAL crime like buying tickets for other teams and disrupting the always sacred "Numbered Line Process". ;) Both are kind of farfetched, but I agree on the Criminal part, anyways...although I'd put it more in line with "Violent".

I know the destinations were different...but I doubt their pushing and Charla's inability to really assist Mirna maybe hurt their speed as well; we saw no other team really lose a lot of ground, but it seemed like the Moms really got a good draw. On that note...why did nobody do the bees? It seemed so easy.

Don't think I'm defending Marshall and Lance...I was offended despite my dislike for Mirna. Yet, they threw it out too, and I was almost disappointed that they'd stoop to such "disgusting" levels. I also hated the way she said disgusting. She just annoys me period.


Bob was out of line when he moved her bags, don't get me wrong...but disgusting? How the FUCK is that disgusting? I mean, a little bit unnecessary maybe, but just because he touched your things it was disgusting. Idiotic choice of words.

Shrug. Better than Mirna cursing at him.

Colin and Christie did get out of that cab to make sure they were in the right place. If you got out of a cab to make sure you were in the right spot and then BAM, you turn around to see other people sitting in your cab, it can surely be a bit of a shock.

Right, but I absolutely guarantee you that if Colin had asked nicely, there almost definately would have been no problems.

Mirna was claustrophobic, had a weak stomach, and wouldn't stick her hand up a cow's ass. What is she good for?

Well, is it her fault they put eating roadblocks in episodes 3, 4, and 7, with a deep dark tomb in episode 6? I put more of the blame on CBS for having so many eating challenges this early. Too many.

Buying Seats to keep a team off a bus...in reality, it was more of Colin taking the teams he liked the most, and was friends with. He saw a nice later bus, he felt he had earned the right to give tickets to who he wanted to. He also kept a lot of other teams off that bus, who werre just as screwed over as Charla and Mirna. It was likely more of an added bonus of the move, to Colin anyways.

I strongly disagree with this. It was just the opposite, because Colin said specifically on the show that he bought all the other seats to keep Charla and Mirna off the bus. He gave the tickets to teams he liked because, what else was he going to do with them?


MoccaJava said:
They didn't actually say we'll steal their cab, they said they'll take the next team's cab. Rewatch the tape, I've seen the episode plenty. It was a bad choice of words but I fully believe they were not intending to be malicious or anything and just wanted to use the cab so they didn't have to flag one down.

Ooh, I don't know about that -- I saw the episode last night and it sounded an awful lot like they said they wanted to steal someone's cab.


I'm pretty sure they used the word take, but it doesn't really matter. They were going to take the next team's cab (it didn't matter whether it was Colin's or Chip's or Linda's) when they were done so they didn't have to wait to get one. They weren't intending to start a conflict, but unfortunately Colin/Christie were the next team to the airport.


MoccaJava said:
I strongly disagree with this. It was just the opposite, because Colin said specifically on the show that he bought all the other seats to keep Charla and Mirna off the bus. He gave the tickets to teams he liked because, what else was he going to do with them?

We've pretty well settled the rest, we're getting into semantics with those...this I think is different.

I do not think he bought all of the seats on the bus to "Keep Mirna off". I think it was more of an added bonus; something extra that he could have. For the record, 10 hour bus drive with Mirna? Not exactly my cup of tea. And Colin likely thought the same. He passed them out to the teams that were in a similar situation to him. The teams that weren't harping about the "Numbers" and the teams that weren't cursing him.

I, personally, would have not gotten tickets because I think the numbered line system was fairly entrenched, and would have at least tried to follow it somewhat, but I don't think Mirna's reaction of "Criminal" was justified, and I don't think Colin was out to get them at this point. It was more of a "Not wanting to be on a bus with Mirna for ten hours" reaction.

Also, they weren't going to a travel agent until AFTER he bought tickets; the buses got in at the same time, pretty well, it was only that they had pre-booked tickets. They did not seem to have that plan before the tickets were purchased, thus couldn't have been screwing Mirna and Charla out of that opportunity.


I do not think he bought all of the seats on the bus to "Keep Mirna off".

I'm sorry, but Colin directly states right at the ticket counter in a confessional that "I wanted to ensure Mirna and Shmirna were not going to get on that bus, so I bought all the available tickets and gave them to Brandon and Nicole, the brothers, and Chip and Kim." That's exactly what he did. Rewatch the tape.


Nerevar said:
You, sir, are a racist!

And anyway, why all the hate on Charla and Mirna? Yeah, they were annoying, but they certainly weren't "underhanded" and "dirty." The only time they really tried to screw people over was when basically every team but the moms formed an alliance against them. This is in direct contrast to both the models AND Colin and Christie, who on numerous times have made promises to other teams and broken them or snuck away from the pack to get ahead. Yeah, Mirna reacted terribly when confronted, but they're also the only team I know of that kept their word on an alliance (when the model's car got stuck - whereafter the models then proceeded to screw over Charla and Mirna). I just don't get you people, you pick the people who are without morals over the annoying ones.

What???? Mirna was constantly cutting people up in her private interviews saying stuff like "Colin is jealous of me, he's a control freak etc etc" They also tried to steal their taxi and had run-ins with more than one team. How can you say they had morals??? They were just as ruthless as any other team but were more annoying.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Tool said:
What???? Mirna was constantly cutting people up in her private interviews saying stuff like "Colin is jealous of me, he's a control freak etc etc" They also tried to steal their taxi and had run-ins with more than one team. How can you say they had morals??? They were just as ruthless as any other team but were more annoying.

when did they buy all of the tickets so other teams couldn't compete?

When did they even try and block other people from buying tickets at all (noting the one time they did this was AFTER all the other times formed an alliance against them)?

When did they go out of their way to slow down another team?

When did they actually hit an opposing team?

These are all things that crazy-ass has done. And please, stop bringing up the taxi. We've pretty much covered this. Their intent wasn't to take the taxi while it still had Colin and Christie's bags in it or to "steal" it form them. They were going to take the first taxi that arrived, and they knew it would be another team's taxi (who else was at that airport? As far as I can tell, the things they are guilty of are:

1) Being annoying **

2) Using Charla's disability to their advantage

**why everyone seems to hate them unequivocally.

... I don't know what else, sneaking away at the airport while everyone else was sleeping to hop an earlier flight? Granted, their not the best of everyone (not as nice as the moms or the old internet dating couple, let's say) and they can get on your nerves, but to even put them in the same league as Colin and Christie (who basically play dirty as much as they can to get ahead) or even the models (who went on a 3-episode run where they just screwed everyone they could) is ridiculous.


MoccaJava said:
I'm sorry, but Colin directly states right at the ticket counter in a confessional that "I wanted to ensure Mirna and Shmirna were not going to get on that bus, so I bought all the available tickets and gave them to Brandon and Nicole, the brothers, and Chip and Kim." That's exactly what he did. Rewatch the tape.

For some reason, I have a feeling he said something before that in his after-race interview that could have been edited that way. I do think he kept "Mirna and Shrmina" off the bus on purpose, but I don't think it was his only motivation.

Did you just say Charla was fluent in many languages?

"I need a Doctor-o" or her Charlades (Spinning around like an airplane). THAT is so fluency. *Rolleyes*


Both of them used a pathetic accent to try and talk to the locals. Everyone else just spoke normally, while Mirna and Charla spoke to the locals as if they were complete idiots.


Nerevar said:
As far as I can tell, the things they are guilty of are:

1) Being annoying **

2) Using Charla's disability to their advantage

I see, so using a little person's disability to their advantage, while maintaining in interviews that Charla was as "capable as anyone and would prove it to the world" isn't bad enough? They wanted it both ways. They wanted to have people help them because Charla was at a disadvantage, yet state that Charla could do anything that a tall person could do and didn't need any help. That's the lowest form of low.
Memles said:
Did you just say Charla was fluent in many languages?

"I need a Doctor-o" or her Charlades (Spinning around like an airplane). THAT is so fluency. *Rolleyes*
Actually, I was referring to Mirna. Their bio on CBS.com says that "between the two of them, they speak a variety of languages, including Armenian, Turkish, French and Spanish".
Did anyone get racist vibes from Brandon's girlfriend when she threw the money at the dude? I certainly didn't feel that way (that guy fucked them over in a serious fashion!) but there's an ongoing battle going over on twop.com regarding it.


Spike Spiegel said:
Actually, I was referring to Mirna. Their bio on CBS.com says that "between the two of them, they speak a variety of languages, including Armenian, Turkish, French and Spanish".

Ah...misread that. But I don't believe that Spanish one even a little. Some things it seemed like Mirna knew what she was talking about; little quips. Otherwise, in dealing with locals, both were terrible and used accents to speak in English.

Saint Cornelius said:
Did anyone get racist vibes from Brandon's girlfriend when she threw the money at the dude? I certainly didn't feel that way (that guy fucked them over in a serious fashion!) but there's an ongoing battle going over on twop.com regarding it.

The reason I stay out of the episode thread on TWoP outside of offering my initial comment in the first ten pages, is because I can't keep up with them. Too long.

I personally, in no way, got racist vibes from the guy. Black or White, Africa or Austria, she would have done the same thing. I personally might have done better because I would have opened with "Hey, you have a Canada hat. I'm from Canada. Do you want a hat?" *Note to Self: If ever on Amazing Race, bring Hats*, but I can understand her frustration. No racist vibes to me.
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