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Amazon Is Sending Mails Telling Consumers They Won't Receive Their PS5 At Promised Date Due High Demand


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
This is where physical Retail stores still matter. I Physically went to my local gamestop and preordered instore. I will pick it up at launch, not as convenient as online shopping, but still more reliable.

Those places are not exempt from this happening. They don't have PS5s in the storeroom right now. I've had local stores fuck up and oversell games before, not consoles, but it's not impossible.


I bet everything I own that THAT GUY who always smashes a PlayStation in a video will be able to get one at day one.


Note that "may not" does not mean "won't."
They probably had a number of units from Sony but they let it pre-order way more to tell Sony "We got all these pre-orders so you need to send more units to us".

Basically retail business... sell what they don't have to force the provider to send more.

It's alright guys. You'll just get it when the guys from Europe get it. It's only a week long wait after all.
Sony will allocate Europe shipment to US :D
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How does this even happen with an initial preorder shipment? Did they manufacture like 10 PS5s per retailer?

MS might win the holidays by virtue of Sony kicking themselves in the nuts—simply having available boxes for Cyberpunk and Call of Doody.
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This is where physical Retail stores still matter. I Physically went to my local gamestop and preordered instore. I will pick it up at launch, not as convenient as online shopping, but still more reliable.

The reason I didn't as hitting Nov could see a spike in COVID and regional/local lockdowns in the UK.


How does this even happen with an initial preorder shipment? Did they manufacture like 10 PS5s per retailer?

MS might win the holidays by virtue of Sony kicking themselves in the nuts—simply having available boxes for Cyberpunk and Call of Doody.
Demmand > Supply.

There is no way to know the second phase because Sony could be shipping way more units than MS.
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Yield issues? Surely Amazon knew their number - has it been cut back?

Looking more and more like Sony wasn’t even close to ready for this launch... Fingers crossed Target comes through for me.


They’ve been manufacturing these things for months now though. I don’t think it’s that simple “if” there turns out to be supply issues. (We don’t know yet so let’s not Chicken Little.)
And probably won't be enough.

They produced for months PS4 and it was not enough... PS5 is expected to have a bit more units available but a bit more is not enough.

Whatever Sony ship will be sold.
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Gold Member
that's why I always preorder consoles in person in a retail store near my home...

I feel sorry for everyone that may lost it's pre-order... but even if I preordered it in person none can tell me that when the release date arribes the shop won't be closed and I'll be quarantined again due covid...
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Texas Pride

The honest thing to do would be to cancel all the orders from retailers that allowed preorders before the date Sony set it for. Sony is rightfully catching shit for it and I've seen quite a few pissed off Amazon customers including me.


LMAO I am just thinking, we have yet to see a physical instance of the console, a tear down or many other things and we're all in here bitching about our PRE orders possibly not being fulfilled. Sigh...
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Those places are not exempt from this happening. They don't have PS5s in the storeroom right now. I've had local stores fuck up and oversell games before, not consoles, but it's not impossible.

Definitely have seen brick and mortar stores overselling games. As for consoles Gamestop and EB-games both oversold their in-store PS2 preorders back in the day.


Gold Member
LMAO I am just thinking, we have yet to see a physical instance of the console, a tear down or many other things and we're all in here bitching about our PRE orders possibly not being fulfilled. Sigh...
we'll see ppl tear each other down to get a preorder before we see the console tear down.

Stores tend to oversell the number of consoles they are gonna get... to compensate the ppl that pre-order in many places to secure a launch unit.
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Lone Wolf

Just think about how many people will cancel their pre order, or will not have the funds when Amazon has to charge them. Sit tight and most of the orders will be fulfilled


Sony sent me a pre-order invite, so cancelled my Amazon order and went with PlayStation Direct. Not taking any chances.


I got the e-mail as well. I think everybody who pre-ordered did.
I did not get this e-mail from Amazon Germany, where I have my backup pre-order. So it is strictly a US thing.
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I also got this mail, and ordered via the link to add to cart before the damn console page was even active. Pretty fucking special.


Gold Member
Amazon just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about preorders (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like lining up at the store on release day where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw a customer over with a preorder, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is that gamers, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase either system from Amazon, nor will they purchase any of Amazon's prime subscriptions. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Amazon has alienated an entire market with this move.

Amazon, publicly apologize and cancel every preorder except mine or you can kiss your business goodbye.


What probably happened was 10,000,000people hit the site at the same time and the site didn't cut them off in time. This is the problem with online preordering. There has to be a smoother method of either giving existing customers with verified psn/xbx accounts first dibs or making some kind of lottery like how comic con does it.
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Neo Member
What probably happened was 10,000,000people hit the site at the same time and the site didn't cut them off in time. This is the problem with online preordering. There has to be a smoother method of either giving existing customers with verified psn/xbx accounts first dibs or making some kind of lottery like how comic con does it.

I don't understand that logic. Admittedly I am coming from a position of ignorance on how these things work but shouldn't the Amazon computers have an inventory limit and once that's reached, orders are cut off? I am in the hospitality industry and hotels routinely oversell room inventory as there is always attrition from cancels and no shows, but even if Amazon oversold to a degree, you would think they would have been savvy enough to cut off the orders at a certain threshold.
What probably happened was 10,000,000people hit the site at the same time and the site didn't cut them off in time. This is the problem with online preordering. There has to be a smoother method of either giving existing customers with verified psn/xbx accounts first dibs or making some kind of lottery like how comic con does it.

I don’t think it was quite that many lol but you may be right - weren’t the Amazon orders all made through some shady leaked link?

And you are absolutely right, there has to be a better way.


I honestly think it’s not them. There are so many things that could cause a delay. Sony could not get them the proper quantity, they just wanna warn people.
they aren’t canceling orders. They are just warning


I don't understand that logic. Admittedly I am coming from a position of ignorance on how these things work but shouldn't the Amazon computers have an inventory limit and once that's reached, orders are cut off? I am in the hospitality industry and hotels routinely oversell room inventory as there is always attrition from cancels and no shows, but even if Amazon oversold to a degree, you would think they would have been savvy enough to cut off the orders at a certain threshold.

I agree they should have some type of governor in place to cut off after a certain # of sales but it's possible because what how fast the site got hammered they their server just couldn't deal with so many clicks on the same page. Look at what happened to best buy, the site was dead for hours. It's also possible they sold preorders they don't actually have yet but being they are amazon they know they will have eventually and since they don't charge the cost upfront no one actually loses any money in the process if the preorder falls through


I don’t think it was quite that many lol but you may be right - weren’t the Amazon orders all made through some shady leaked link?

And you are absolutely right, there has to be a better way.
My order was made through that link 🤗. I think we sold it out before the ps5 actually went live
They should just sell as many as they can and fulfil them in order... Why is that so hard? All this ‘sold out in a minute, back on sale, sold out again’ small batch shit is just annoying af.


Neo Member
I agree they should have some type of governor in place to cut off after a certain # of sales but it's possible because what how fast the site got hammered they their server just couldn't deal with so many clicks on the same page. Look at what happened to best buy, the site was dead for hours. It's also possible they sold preorders they don't actually have yet but being they are amazon they know they will have eventually and since they don't charge the cost upfront no one actually loses any money in the process if the preorder falls through

I believe most of us will receive it Day 1. Amazon is hedging their bets.

If I don't, no big deal. I have years of backlog across PC/Switch/PS4/XB1X. There isn't even a launch game I'm excited about. I won't be paying $70 for Miles Morales. That'll be $30 within 6 months when Spider-Man 2 is released.


Mine's expected to arrive Nov 26th, but knowing Amazon Brazil's efficiency, I'm pretty sure I'll get it on the 19th.

No surprise at all. They left their pre orders open way too long.
I was under the impression they never actually opened their pre-orders to begin with, someone figured out a backdoor to hit a pre-order screen and it spread around the net.

If so, then it may not have even been updated with the "real" number of pre-orders they'd get before people started ordering.

My preorder isn't with Amazon, but I'm still operating under the assumption there's a significantly less than 100% chance I get it day one. Something just felt off about the way pre-orders went down for the PS5.
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