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Assassin's Creed III: American Revolution setting confirmed [Game Informer/Box Art]

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Well, I've just got some new (small) informations about the game...

The new main character is supposed to be darker, stronger and more violent than Ezio. That means the game will also follow this new artistic direction. The gameplay could also be more "athlectic based" like Prince of Persia.

Well, we will have the first answers on monday anyway.

Ugh. I hope this doesn't turn into Assassin's creed: warrior within
He means emphasis on stealth and planning out a strategy rather than rushing in with a meat cleaver and pistol and taking on 5 guys.
And hey, I'm not saying the Crossbow hasn't allowed for pretty much insta-win action play rather than said emphasis, I just feel this is another indication that stealthy assignations may be even less of a priority to them. Which is sad.


So is anyone worried they may have toned down the Assassin'y ness even further? It's the axe and gun in the cover that make me wonder about the "theme"/design philosophy.

No, not really. People have said that about the previous two games, but I see enough flexibility in the fundamentals to play the games the way I want. It isn't always perfect, but I go for low-kill/high-stealth at every available opportunity. Feels pretty Assassin-y. The freedom to go gang busters is there if you want that too, and that may suit others better. As long as the flexibility is there, I'm sure I'll find a way to play according to the 'Creed'.
Free avatar

taken thanks


So is anyone worried they may have toned down the Assassin'y ness even further? It's the axe and gun in the cover that make me wonder about the "theme"/design philosophy.

Don't forget the bow. Moving silently through the forest and among the tree tops while picking your shots with a bow sounds plenty Assassin-like to me.


Why is there a young Assassin and one who looks older with the beard? Are they the same?

It's the same guy. The 'older' version is a comic artist's take on the character. GameInformer is using that art on a special edition of next month's mag.


True, but I don't want it to be the one-hit OP wonder the Cross-bow is.

Guess we will just have to see. I am really curious to see how much they are adding or "overhauling from the ground up," as the Game Informer article said. Beyond that, I am just happy to see what appears to be an exciting new direction.


True, but I don't want it to be the one-hit OP wonder the Cross-bow is.

really it's not the power that matters. They simply need better planning. Things need to do more damage to you during high profile assassination missions, and there needs to be more enemies... so that getting to your target is a significant challenge, planning still matters. One simple way to do this is simply to make a basic 'mission fails if X amount of people see you' or whatever. A true assassin could kill someone in one hit with a crossbow

this is about the highest a building got during Revolutionary War America, just fyi. This is the governors palace though, most of the buildings were single or double story locations and much less densely packed than your typical AC city.

And this is exactly why Im not sold on the concept of this game. Unless they take major artistic liberties with the cities I can't see this game being that fun to explore. I am sure with snow that they can deliver on a good atmosphere, and while conceptually this is unique, it just seems weird to be AC3. I would have preferred something more grand, or possibly a mainly modern timeline. This game, conceptually, sounds better for one of the spin offs.

Time will tell I suppose, and Monday should be a blast between this and Halo 4.
This better happen at least twice.

Maybe just replace the hidden blade with a little American flag?

Edit: Has anyone been making jokes about the Patriot? I haven't been paying attention, but that should probably be top priority.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I can imagine a native american brought into the crazy bullshit of the revolution would be pretty keen to hatchet a face or two.

And as far as the feel of the game without BIG sprawling architecture i think it'll be ok. As long as they get the atmosphere of these smaller American towns right with some real character to them stalking your way through the streets should still be badass. And as i said earlier and has been mentioned a few times since... sneaking your way through the forest in snow and fog to come upon some redcoats just chillin with their general only for you to quick kill 4 guys then execute the general and disappear back into the forest or up a tree... could be suitably epic.

Then of course... they need that one instance where you walk up over the top of a hill and the two sides are lining up opposite each other to take their shots... and you sneak behind them and kill the officer. So many possibilities... i'm excited.


And this is exactly why Im not sold on the concept of this game. Unless they take major artistic liberties with the cities I can't see this game being that fun to explore. I am sure with snow that they can deliver on a good atmosphere, and while conceptually this is unique, it just seems weird to be AC3. I would have preferred something more grand, or possibly a mainly modern timeline. This game, conceptually, sounds better for one of the spin offs.

Time will tell I suppose, and Monday should be a blast between this and Halo 4.

This is exactly why I am excited. Am flip in level design will bring with it some incredible innovations and refreshing set pieces to the series. I feel that the Large
cities were kinda boring after a while. And the little injections of linear dungeons kinda felt weird too.
Have all the time-zones checked in yet? This thread gets pathetically repetitive when new waves come in complaining about: America, lack of tall buildings, hood and get-up aren't suitable, thinking they're first to say fife bands, Ben Franklin is the new da Vinci, Tommy Hawk amirite?, The Patriot scene Etc etc.

Don't mind me. I just want new info and screens and the like.


Have all the time-zones checked in yet? This thread gets pathetically repetitive when new waves come in complaining about: America, lack of tall buildings, hood and get-up aren't suitable, thinking they're first to say fife bands, Ben Franklin is the new da Vinci, Tommy Hawk amirite?, The Patriot scene Etc etc.

Don't mind me. I just want new info and screens and the like.

Lol it happens, I have probably seen the same avatar handed out 3 times now. Happened again on this page actually ;P


This is exactly why I am excited. Am flip in level design will bring with it some incredible innovations and refreshing set pieces to the series. I feel that the Large
cities were kinda boring after a while. And the little injections of linear dungeons kinda felt weird too.

I'm anxious to see how they reinvent the gameplay in the absence of tall buildings too, but I won't lie....I'll miss those exhilarating climbs. There just isn't anything like scaling the tallest structure in an AC game, balancing precariously on 4 inches of flag pole while the people below shrink to inconsequential specks and the bustling sounds of the city are drowned out by the whistling wind. Gives me butterflies every time, and I really love that feeling.

rdrr gnr

Yeah, to the posts a few pages back, NO MULTIPLAYER TROPHIES. I have every trophy in Revelations, except all the multiplayer ones because they all blow. But, I would expect them. How else is Ubisoft going to convince people to try to multiplayer? Like, make it compelling? Lol.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Then of course... they need that one instance where you walk up over the top of a hill and the two sides are lining up opposite each other to take their shots... and you sneak behind them and kill the officer. So many possibilities... i'm excited.

oh i think you'll get your wish


Yeah, to the posts a few pages back, NO MULTIPLAYER TROPHIES. I have every trophy in Revelations, except all the multiplayer ones because they all blow. But, I would expect them. How else is Ubisoft going to convince people to try to multiplayer? Like, make it compelling? Lol.

The MP trophies are super easy in Rev. Just didn't dig it much? Admittedly it is hella broken.
It looks like it'll play exactly the same, despite the drastic change in setting.

Was expecting a pretty big overhaul :/ Disappointing.
At first I was like :| but now I'm like :)

This is a great opportunity for them to do something new and different. I'm kind of surprised to see people so upset about them not being able to do the same old shit they have done 5 times before. This could be fresh and not the same rehash. At least I hope they do something fresh and good, of course it could turn out shit.


I know they are easy, but a few of them require time (reach level 20, or something). I did not enjoy it, so I did not put in the time.

I put some time into the MP with friends, but have had my fill. They've somehow made it worse than Bro's. I'd be fine with them doing away with it completely at this point, though I suspect it's here to stay :(


I'm alittle confused by something, I see some complaining about the MC's outfit but I was under the impression that the uniform was handed down similar to the way that ezio got his from his father? It would not be that far fetched that a group like the assassins would not change their uniform just to fit in. I mean by the end of most ac games pretty much everyone of any importance knows who you are anyway. I think it would be more out of line for a native american to dress like a "white man".
Any new news? No.

Well everyone already knows I think this setting is a giant cock up, but I'm just praying and hoping most of the founding Fathers end up to be Templar controlled puppets and the last mission or one of the last missions is slipping in the "Assassains" version of the Declaration of Independence or Bill of Rights which would be vastly different to what the founding fathers had initially intended.

Do it Ubi. I want a shit storm of epic proportions.


Any new news? No.

Well everyone already knows I think this setting is a giant cock up, but I'm just praying and hoping most of the founding Fathers end up to be Templar controlled puppets and the last mission or one of the last missions is slipping in the "Assassains" version of the Declaration of Independence or Bill of Rights which would be vastly different to what the founding fathers had initially intended.

Do it Ubi. I want a shit storm of epic proportions.

Again, looking at the picture of assassin creed guy in front of an american flag could have been a parody. Some joke by clever Gaf for AC3. But no, this is serious, right? I simply can not tell when this industry is joking and trying to be serious anymore. I can't.


Again, looking at the picture of assassin creed guy in front of an american flag could have been a parody. Some joke by clever Gaf for AC3. But no, this is serious, right? I simply can not tell when this industry is joking and trying to be serious anymore. I can't.

I don't see the problem.


I don't see the problem.

Because American flag in the background instantly equals lunatic right-wing patriotism AMERICA FUCK YEAH for some people. Even though... it's kinda appropriate for the era and the setting.

... I don't get it either.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I haven't played any of the AC games, but this one has me extremely interested. I'll probably try to play the first two (I have them on my backlog...), at least, before eventually getting to this one. Since I've never played the series, I couldn't care less about the mechanics — it's the setting that has me interested as it's one that's been really underutilized in games.


brazen editing lynx
If Ubisoft will avoid the standard "MURICA FUCK YEAH!" stuff, then I'll probably be happy with whatever angle they take with the setting and story. I'd love for them to challenge the widespread idea that the founding fathers were perfect individuals. Many people on GAF know they weren't, but a lot of the general public subscribe to that idea. It would be a good way to give people a history lesson while still remaining entertaining. Hell, it being set in America will probably generate some extra sales just because of the setting. If Ubisoft really has been working on this since AC2, then I have faith AC3 will turn out well.
If the pic would have been a new Assassin in front of a French flag representing the French Revolution everyone would have been okay. But, since it is an American in front of the US flag (of the time) everyone seems to be saying it is overly patriotic and just "America F**k Yeah!" Do you not remember that this game is being developed in a studio in Canada and the publisher is based in France. People need to calm down, this isn't going to be Duke Nukem.


Looking at his post history I can't tell if he's just trolling or really hates himself and has some personal issues going on:

I can't tell when hollywood is mocking itself and when it's trying to be serious. Damn trailer can just as easily be a parody as it is an actual preview of a movie.




This is crap even for gamer standards.

Would get Journey if I had a PS3.

And the rest is more generic heartless overly produced trash....the same stuff you'll see a month from now and then the next month and then the next until something actually changes in this industry (never).

Again, looking at the picture of assassin creed guy in front of an american flag could have been a parody. Some joke by clever Gaf for AC3. But no, this is serious, right? I simply can not tell when this industry is joking and trying to be serious anymore. I can't.


Because American flag in the background instantly equals lunatic right-wing patriotism AMERICA FUCK YEAH for some people. Even though... it's kinda appropriate for the era and the setting.

... I don't get it either.

Yeah, after thinking about it for a bit, I really can't think of one single item that could describe the American Revolution more than the original US Flag :lol

What else were people expecting?


Yeah, after thinking about it for a bit, I really can't think of one single item that could describe the American Revolution more than the original US Flag :lol

What else were people expecting?

Probably something set in europe....again.

Personally I love the concept of the setting being the american revolution. There are so many iconic moments that you could take part in that could make for a fantastic experience. I also think its great that the protag seems to be of native desent, I just hope that ubi uses this oppritunity to explore some of the great, and terrible aspects of the time. The founding fathers were great men, but as with us all still flawed, can't wait to see what they are doing with this.
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