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Batman: Arkham Knight |OT| Protect Gotham Racing


You think they'd change it based on a 4chan leak? lol no. That's not how development works.

It revealed the Arkham Knight, which back then Rocksteady was using that as a marketing ploy. Plus, Rocksteady was claiming it was a brand new character....at the time


I dont understand how to get back to the stupid batmobile from where I am...doing the Riddler part where I have to save Catwomen...got the third key for her collar and the next part is one of those doors you have to get in with the Batmobile...got there on foot because I didnt know before hand so he says I need to go to the bridge to bring the batmobile there...? what bridge ? I went back to a batmobile but I cant cross back to that entrance...

I hate this batmobile shit so much,ruining the whole game for me...


Near the main game's end, there's a not very good stealth based boss battle with
Jason Todd.

At the end of the serial killer sidequest, you fight
Professor Pyg
, but like Firefly and the others, it's so fast and closer to a normal encounter that I don't know if it really "counts" as a boss battle.

Black Mask has a fight at the end of the Red Hood DLC, Nightwing at the end of the Harley. I think everything else is a tank battle- Arkham Knight's bosses were a huge letdown for sure, though. Even if Mr. Freeze was really the only stand-out fantastic boss from the other games, the encounters were at least really memorable character moments, and made them feel unique and cool.

I still can't believe they wasted fucking
Deathstroke of all people
on a tank battle. What was Rocksteady thinking?

The only DLC I've played is the Harley one, which I received with the game, and that was underwhelming... And I guess that's a boss fight at the end. As for the others, that you mentioned, they are so lack luster and forgetable it's pathetic. And you're totally right, at least Poison Ivy and Killer Croc and even Joker at the end of AA was memorable. They may not all get the best acclaim, but they were memorable at least. The fights in AK are a joke
I dont understand how to get back to the stupid batmobile from where I am...doing the Riddler part where I have to save Catwomen...got the third key for her collar and the next part is one of those doors you have to get in with the Batmobile...got there on foot because I didnt know before hand so he says I need to go to the bridge to bring the batmobile there...? what bridge ? I went back to a batmobile but I cant cross back to that entrance...

I hate this batmobile shit so much,ruining the whole game for me...

Continue the story. The bridges get lowered during the story and you can then continue with the Riddler bollocks.
PS4 Update


I can't believe it's been a whole year since the original announced release date (before the delay) and I still can't play this game on pc. And there isn't even a final re-release date yet.


Don't know if this has been brought up recently but what happened to the Super Villain invasions DLC or whatever they called it that was announced when everyone kicked off about the season pass price? It seems to have gone very quiet on that front.


Don't know if this has been brought up recently but what happened to the Super Villain invasions DLC or whatever they called it that was announced when everyone kicked off about the season pass price? It seems to have gone very quiet on that front.

Its still on its way, its the last DLC that will come to Arkham Knight.

And that DLC is called The Season of Infamy.


I just cant wrap my head around the gliding section in the Riddler puzzles to rescue Catwomen,where you have to glide and hit the switch...managed 2 switches after 20 minutes but theres more so I stopped and now I will probably have to redo the first 2 again next time...sorry Catwomen lol,I had enough,on with the story.


Picked this up last week and, Jesus Christ, people weren't kidding about all the Batmobile stuff were they?

Rather than use it a means of getting Batman from A to B, Rocksteady seem to want to crowbar the bloody thing into every aspect of the game, from combat to puzzles. You can't go more than ten minutes without being forced to use it for something or other.

And it's especially galling when the regular on-foot Arkham gameplay has been honed to such a perfect degree - the level of polish is insane for a game of this scope.
Picked this up last week and, Jesus Christ, people weren't kidding about all the Batmobile stuff were they?

Rather than use it a means of getting Batman from A to B, Rocksteady seem to want to crowbar the bloody thing into every aspect of the game, from combat to puzzles. You can't go more than ten minutes without being forced to use it for something or other.

And it's especially galling when the regular on-foot Arkham gameplay has been honed to such a perfect degree - the level of polish is insane for a game of this scope.

The puzzles and combat with the Batmobile are polished too. It's only fault is that it shows up a lot, and for some that's too often. It being used in puzzles is a non-issue since those puzzles would still be as contrived as ones from previous Arkham games (e.g. line-launcher puzzles that are solely to justify the gadget's existence) — puzzle solving is the same as it always has been in the series, just now with a different set of gadgets within the Batmobile. It controls fine, it doesn't get caught on scenery any more than vehicles in other games (or Batman himself), it has use in in tandem with all other facets of gameplay (hand-to-hand combat/traversal/puzzle solving) and outside of main story moments, the player has the choice of whether/when to use it for traversal, taking out checkpoints, etc.

It would be a waste for it to be merely used as transport. Everything about the Batmobile is good and is implemented about as well as it ever could've been, but some people were always going to take issue with anything involving it, regardless of quality. That goes for a lot of games though.

The Arkham series has always been linear on a macro-scale with little choice given to the player as to how they approach a situation overall (which entrance to take, whether to engage in a fight or use stealth, etc.) despite there being a lot of choice within a given situation. The only big improvement I could see being made to Knight is always giving the player at least a few options of where to enter a building, whether to use the Batmobile at all, whether to get into a big brawl or use stealth, and so forth.

As it is, the Batmobile offers more options to the player, and, like with any feature ever made for a mainstream game, it gets used frequently in the main story/campaign. No sequence in this game is hard, least of all the Batmobile ones, and those involving the Batmobile take upwards of five minutes apiece. I see people say how much of a deal-breaker those sequences were — if someone is a huge fan of the other types of gameplay
in the series, then Knight still consists mostly of hand-to-hand combat and stealth. If someone is just lukewarm on the series/game, then sure, if they hate those segments, by all means, drop the game. It's when I see purportedly huge fans of the series say they dropped the game because of them that I'm skeptical considering they can make up a small amount of the overall play time (if the player so chooses) and the gameplay has never been better than it has been in Knight. Even when chalking all this up to individual priorities, objectively gameplay works fine in Knight and problems with the Batmobile are typically matters of personal taste, outside of the want for greater diversity in tank battles (which are about on the level of, or a step above Arkham Asylum's basic combat system, which a lot of people still keep on a pedestal for some reason).


Spring-Loaded said:
The puzzles and combat wi....

All very lovely I'm sure, but you miss the point that the Batmobile isn't half as enjoyable as simply running and gliding around as Batman.

Jumping in and out of his car to solve puzzles doesn't make them any better, just more fiddly and clumsy. Fighting enemies by strafing around in the Bat tank isn't as fun as punching them in the face with your Bat fists.

If it was simply a way of giving the player another, ignorable option for them to use I'd be all for it, but you can't ignore it when the game is constantly stuffing the damn thing down your throat every five minutes.
All very lovely I'm sure, but you miss the point that the Batmobile isn't half as enjoyable as simply running and gliding around as Batman.
For you — I know for damn sure it's fun as hell to use the Batmoible, smash through stuff with it on it's own and use it in tandem with running and gliding around as Batman. Chasing an enemy in it, sashing their car and and hopping out to kick their ass is some of the most fun I've had with this series. And that's because of how functional the controls are. I can call it in the middle of a fight, have it crash into dude and either hop in or keep beating them — all that in addition to everything you can do while "running and gliding around as Batman." It's all at the player's fingertips and having the Batmobile in addition to the character's entire repetoire from past games is awesome. IT doesn't take anything away form the rest of the gameplay.

If you want to say you personally don't like it, that's one thing. Your "point" that it's not as fun doesn't hold much water since it's purely a matter of personal taste. If you want to try to say why it's supposedly less fun, by all means, go ahead. There's no denying everything in this game controls well, including everything about the Batmobile. If you have a problem with the puzzles involving the Batmobile, then you also have a problem the puzzles in past games since it's the same thing with different gadgets. No more contrived, no more obtrusive, no less as polished as anything else in the games. Switching in and out of tank-mode in the Batmobile is smooth in either control scheme, moving it in tank-mode allows movement in any direction, you can glide or grapnel back into it while it's hanging vertically from a wall (in a Riddler puzzle and in a late game one) and you can control it remotely. The puzzles in the main game are no more complex than before and they're all easy, so functionally, it's as fine a distraction from the main gameplay loop as any spatial puzzle from past games, no more intrusive. The contrived "I can't grapnel in this huge room" stuff form Asylum was worse as it limited the player's abilities arbitrarily while these give you something new to use.

Like, if you're trying to prove that you don't like it, then I can just take your word for it. If you're trying to prove it's actually bad, is there anything remotely specific abut the game you can mention? You keep saying it's "clumsy" and "not as enjoyable" and nothing more as if it's a universally accepted fact. You hold a flawed notion that the Batmobile is at odds with the rest of the gameplay when everything about it complements the rest of the game.


Spring-Loaded said:
You keep saying it's "clumsy" and "not as enjoyable" and nothing more as if it's a universally accepted fact. You hold a flawed notion that the Batmobile is at odds with the rest of the gameplay when everything about it complements the rest of the game.

I would have thought it was a given that someone saying they found parts of a game 'unenjoyable' or 'not fun' on a gaming forum was them expressing their opinion. This thread is full of many similar opinions and if we all had to write a thesis examining why our brains rejected certain game mechanics we'd be here all year.
I would have thought it was a given that someone saying they found parts of a game 'unenjoyable' or 'not fun' on a gaming forum was them expressing their opinion. This thread is full of many similar opinions and if we all had to write a thesis examining why our brains rejected certain game mechanics we'd be here all year.
And I thought it was a given that people provide something to backup the point they're trying to make. If I say Devil May Cry 4 or Super Mario 64 had wonky controls and they're "unfun" on this forum, I'd be laughed out of the thread if I just left it at that. It wouldn't take three posts for a person to just say they "don't like the controls." After that, people could discuss what that person's problems with the controls are, and then they'd actually get somewhere.

Actually discussing games rather than saying "I like/don't like ____" happens all the time on this site (a discussion forum) and it doesn't take years. Doesn't make sense to get indignant when people ask what you mean beyond "I don't like thing," in a thread about a specific subject. You don't have to, of course, and you can just say "I'm not alone in this" and leave it at that, but that only asserts the obvious that people have differing opinions. Which is a given. A lot of people like what you don't like — is discussion supposed to be one side saying "I like this" and the other saying " I don't like this," and then nothing else?
I just think that they should have cut the tank battles by half. Everything else is okay with the Batmobile.
I agree, if only because the tank battles were more one note than most other combat. If it had more options and approaches for the player, they'd be more welcome.


I agree, if only because the tank battles were more one note than most other combat. If it had more options and approaches for the player, they'd be more welcome.

I was thinking about this the other day: It would have been a nice addition to jump out of the batmobile mid-combat or sneak up on foot on a tank to jump on it and destroy it's system Batman-style. (similar to how the flying drones high up can be destroyed by spraying them with explosive gel after landing on them)


Spring-Loaded said:
And I thought it was a given that people provide something to backup the point they're trying to make...

Very well then, lets forensically examine why I think what I think.

Trumpets said:
Rocksteady seem to want to crowbar the bloody thing into every aspect of the game, from combat to puzzles

I reached this conclusion by playing the game for many hours, and noticing the high frequency of Batmobile sections.

Trumpets said:
You can't go more than ten minutes without being forced to use it for something or other

This is hyperbole to a certain extent, and I didn't note down the lengths of time between each batmobile section, but I wouldn't be surprised if ten minutes was a fairly accurate guesstimate.

Trumpets said:
And it's especially galling when the regular on-foot Arkham gameplay has been honed to such a perfect degree - the level of polish is insane for a game of this scope.

With this statement I am expressing my admiration for the base Arkham gameplay, honed over three games to (in my opinion) a very polished state. I use the word 'galling' the suggest that, given the excellence (again, my opinion) of this base gameplay I didn't believe that the batmobile sections were a necessary inclusion. You may disagree.

Trumpets said:
Jumping in and out of his car to solve puzzles doesn't make them any better, just more fiddly and clumsy.

This is an opinion which I hold. I could have prefixed the statement with 'In my opinion' but, in my experience of talking to people both in person and via the internet, I assumed this was obvious.

As to why I find these sections 'fiddly and clumsy'. Possibly it is due the the large number of buttons required to control both Batman AND both car modes, or maybe it is having to continually switch control schemes between the three, both 'in person' by jumping in and out of the car, and via remote control, selectable via a menu. Remember, this is in the context of a core game which I find ample entertainment on its own, without any of the batmobile stuff, which I find dilutes the core experience rather than compliments it.

Trumpets said:
Fighting enemies by strafing around in the Bat tank isn't as fun as punching them in the face with your Bat fists

Another opinion. I find the core Batman combat, again honed over three games, to be some of the best multi-enemy combat that I have personally experienced. By contrast, I find the Bat-tank combat to be functional but limited in scope, and not able to sustain my interest given the frequency of such sections.

Trumpets said:
If it was simply a way of giving the player another, ignorable option for them to use I'd be all for it, but you can't ignore it when the game is constantly stuffing the damn thing down your throat every five minutes.

'stuffing the damn thing down your throat' is meant figuratively, as in making me use the car more often than I would ideally wish. I also express regret that these sections are mandatory, since if they were optional I would not have had to do them, which I would prefer since I do not like them.

Trumpets said:
This thread is full of many similar opinions and if we all had to write a thesis examining why our brains rejected certain game mechanics we'd be here all year.

'All year' is again hyperbole, meant to express that a lot of time (relatively speaking) would be taken up explaining in detail every opinion we hold. It is my belief that simply saying that you don't like something, or that you don't find it 'fun', or that you wish it wasn't included in a product, is perfectlly acceptable in an informal context, such as on a videogame forum thread about a game where you play a man who fights crime dressed as a bat.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Quick question -

Who's developing all the DLC, past, present and future? Is it Rocksteady or WB Montreal? Thanks.


They could of made the Cloudbust tank fight a little harder...jesus,what an annoying part,fuck this Batmobile crap all the time...going to keep trying.


They actually patched the game today,on PS4 anyway,with little Halloween stuff all over,like pumpkins etc etc...kinda cool.

On Demand

Oh lol,never really noticed and since I got a 1GB or so patch today,I thought it was that...must of went to a place where theres more of them...

Looking at the update on PS4 it was for the crime fighter challenge pack 2 bug. Something about messing up saved games.

Remember the game was originally suppose to come out in October, so those Halloween decorations were always designed that way. I always thought it looked weird, and didn't fit the mood, playing the game in the summer seeing all those Halloween themes.


There should be new DLC coming out on Oct 27th no? Looking at the list the 1970's Batman stuff for October is still missing.


OMG,that Excavator fight,with the Arkham Knght screaming in your ears all the time,so awful,what where they thinking lol...


LTTP but I'm really enjoying this. Can't believe the hate batmobile got. It rocks. Easily the best new feature of the game. It controls super well, it's satisfying and fun to use and it gives a new perspective to the puzzles.

Honestly, if it wasn't for that I would probably get a little bored by the game, as it would be too similar to AC and Origins. The combat is old and tired by now (they really need to ditch that) and the stealth sections in Arkham games were always mediocre (though the fear take out addition was cool), so the batmobile shakes things up.

Gameplay is improved on all fronts though, which is nice. I like how you start the game with the old suit and it feels like AC until you get the new suit and notice some very nice improvements. It's still the same, but it feels nicer now.

And boy oh boy, does this game looks gorgeous or what.


If I plan to 100% the Riddler stuff, should I do that before completing the story to see/do everything? I assume so, but I'm locked out of one area (unless a glitch) to collect one and I'm very close to the end.


LTTP but I'm really enjoying this. Can't believe the hate batmobile got. It rocks. Easily the best new feature of the game. It controls super well, it's satisfying and fun to use and it gives a new perspective to the puzzles.

Honestly, if it wasn't for that I would probably get a little bored by the game, as it would be too similar to AC and Origins. The combat is old and tired by now (they really need to ditch that) and the stealth sections in Arkham games were always mediocre (though the fear take out addition was cool), so the batmobile shakes things up.

Gameplay is improved on all fronts though, which is nice. I like how you start the game with the old suit and it feels like AC until you get the new suit and notice some very nice improvements. It's still the same, but it feels nicer now.

And boy oh boy, does this game looks gorgeous or what.

It only gets worse further on. Just wait until you reach a certain point, where it forces the Batmobile on you several times consecutively.


If I plan to 100% the Riddler stuff, should I do that before completing the story to see/do everything? I assume so, but I'm locked out of one area (unless a glitch) to collect one and I'm very close to the end.
You can 100% riddler stuff post game.

What exactly are you locked out of? Because any areas with trophies will never be, though re-entering the area might not be as obvious right away for some places.


It only gets worse further on. Just wait until you reach a certain point, where it forces the Batmobile on you several times consecutively.

For me the Batmobile only got better. I actually started the game ready to hate the thing, but as I got used to how it handles I started liking it more and more. Opinions, right?


You can 100% riddler stuff post game.

What exactly are you locked out of? Because any areas with trophies will never be, though re-entering the area might not be as obvious right away for some places.

OK, thanks, but doesn't getting 100% give you the better ending?

I seem to be locked out of the top of the clock tower, but maybe it's below which I can get to now.


OK, thanks, but doesn't getting 100% give you the better ending?

I seem to be locked out of the top of the clock tower, but maybe it's below which I can get to now.
After you finish the Arkham Knight main story quest there's nothing locked out for you. You need to 100% the trophies for the better ending if you care about that.

Clocktower sadly isn't an indoor area/dungeon so IIRC you kinda just have to roll with the world map. A few trophies or riddles are spread out between the top floor and the lower floors underneath it.
For me the Batmobile only got better. I actually started the game ready to hate the thing, but as I got used to how it handles I started liking it more and more. Opinions, right?

Some can't fathom that people would enjoy it, despite it being three/four different things in one. It's not forced upon the player any more than hand-to-hand fights are, and those have gotten long in the tooth in this series.

OK, thanks, but doesn't getting 100% give you the better ending?

I seem to be locked out of the top of the clock tower, but maybe it's below which I can get to now.

Long story short, if you're certain you want to get all Riddler stuff, you may as well do it all before finishing the game.


Long story short, if you're certain you want to get all Riddler stuff, you may as well do it all before finishing the game.

Well, New Game + is also perfect for scooping up any riddler trophies you missed during the first playthrough since they're always shared and you start with most gadgets.

In any case, it is worth keeping in mind that you dont get a "bad" OR a "good" ending, they are sequential. And you are never locked out of the 100% complete ending.
Hey guys am I missing something? I'll activate a side mission, like "find the firefighters" and nothing shows up on the map. Am I actually supposed to FIND them? With no real clues?


Un Rama
Hey guys am I missing something? I'll activate a side mission, like "find the firefighters" and nothing shows up on the map. Am I actually supposed to FIND them? With no real clues?

Fly around in detective mode. You'll see clusters of enemies and should hear them talking about it. Either that or use a guide.
Hey guys am I missing something? I'll activate a side mission, like "find the firefighters" and nothing shows up on the map. Am I actually supposed to FIND them? With no real clues?

Take out drones and police helicopters will be able to spot them, and other stuff. Or use a guide


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Some can't fathom that people would enjoy it, despite it being three/four different things in one. It's not forced upon the player any more than hand-to-hand fights are, and those have gotten long in the tooth in this series.

Long story short, if you're certain you want to get all Riddler stuff, you may as well do it all before finishing the game.

LOL. You're still hanging around this thread praising the batmobile.

Maybe in time I will think more fondly of it.

Im still bitter about the removal of the batswarm.
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