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Batman v. Superman RT Thread: like standing ovations in rain

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Hell, I'll just come out and say it right now that not only is B&R not that bad a movie, but, if it were to come out today, people would probably actually appreciate it, since it isn't really that far off from the MCU films.

yeah no. It was trash then and is trash now. Forever towed the camp line while still being somewhat enjoyable.
Forever was a fun movie. I fucking hate that neon aesthetic Schumacher introduced tho. Was ugly as hell.

Batman and Robin is the most irredeemable one. NOTHING is good in that. Except for Alfred I guess.
There is a real chance Suicide Squad will be horrible.
It's like some people here haven't seen Ayer's last few movies.
Fury was good, but none of the characters were likeable. Amazing stylized shooting and INCREDIBLE music though.
Sabotage...I won't even talk about that one.

You get Ayer to do your superhero movie, and you're taking a real fucking risk in terms of quality. But at least its a risk, and it should be applauded.

WTF. All this time I thought David Ayer was legit because I thought he directed Training Day. But I just looked at his wiki and he didn't and his only good movies were End of Watch and Fury? Holy hell now I'm worried and I was dead sure Suicide Squad was going to be the shit!


Hell, I'll just come out and say it right now that not only is B&R not that bad a movie, but, if it were to come out today, people would probably actually appreciate it, since it isn't really that far off from the MCU films.

Hell, I'll just come out and say it right now that not only is B&R not that bad a movie, but, if it were to come out today, people would probably actually appreciate it, since it isn't really that far off from the MCU films.
A little extreme at the end, but I somewhat agree. However, Batman Forever is underappreciated and was a fun movie.
Can we at least all come to an agreement that B&R is a better Batman movie than the actual worst Batman movie (at least before BvS) Edward Penguinhands? At least B&R actually has Batman in it in a role beyond a glorified cameo...

The Beard

Can we at least all come to an agreement that B&R is a better Batman movie than the actual worst Batman movie (at least before BvS) Edward Penguinhands? At least B&R actually has Batman in it in a role beyond a glorified cameo...

Lol no. Hell no.

B&R isn't better than any movie.
Can we at least all come to an agreement that B&R is a better Batman movie than the actual worst Batman movie (at least before BvS) Edward Penguinhands? At least B&R actually has Batman in it in a role beyond a glorified cameo...

This thread has made you go straight loopy, son.

There is no universe, alternate or otherwise, where B&R is considered better than Returns.
Returns is what I'd like to see more of, which is filmmakers crafting their own interpretations of these characters. I'd honestly prefer that to an extended universe. Imagine if WB could be like "Hey George Miller, want to make a Superman movie without any baggage of an EU? Go for it". "Oh hey Lord and Miller, want to create a modern take on Batman '66? Cool." Just go crazy with it. Let that be their "universe".
Returns is what I'd like to see more of, which is filmmakers crafting their own interpretations of these characters. I'd honestly prefer that to an extended universe. Imagine if WB could be like "Hey George Miller, want to make a Superman movie without any baggage of an EU? Go for it". "Oh hey Lord and Miller, want to create a modern take on Batman '66? Cool." Just go crazy with it. Let that be their "universe".

Been saying that for a minute now. Marvel universe is cool and everything but I don't care that much about dc following suit

Want a justice League movie? Just make it. Already established characters and all.

Batman movie? Separate from that if you have to. Or have him cross over whatever. Superman? Do his own thing etc.

Suicide Squad seems kinda like they are doing this (Hell they let ayer stamp his vato tattoo shit onto their prized villain) so I'm looking forward to it.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Returns is what I'd like to see more of, which is filmmakers crafting their own interpretations of these characters. I'd honestly prefer that to an extended universe. Imagine if WB could be like "Hey George Miller, want to make a Superman movie without any baggage of an EU? Go for it". "Oh hey Lord and Miller, want to create a modern take on Batman '66? Cool." Just go crazy with it. Let that be their "universe".

This has literally been the case until 2013. And guess what? We only got a few superhero movies every so often, and half of them would end up being shit anyway. Heck, some of the worst were made in that era.

The best thing for the MCU AND the DCU is the notion of ensemble movies and their tie ins. There is literally no reason to separate their properties.
Returns is what I'd like to see more of, which is filmmakers crafting their own interpretations of these characters. I'd honestly prefer that to an extended universe. Imagine if WB could be like "Hey George Miller, want to make a Superman movie without any baggage of an EU? Go for it". "Oh hey Lord and Miller, want to create a modern take on Batman '66? Cool." Just go crazy with it. Let that be their "universe".

I concur. Then we could get all the Elseworlds adaptations and weird stuff we want and have no movies dragged down by other bad extended universe films. And then we wouldn't even be freaking out about Batman V Superman.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
By the way, what the fuck is up with reviewers fucking straight up spoiling shit?
I've been spoiled several times now.
This has literally been the case until 2013. And guess what? We only got a few superhero movies every so often, and half of them would end up being shit anyway. Heck, some of the worst were made in that era.

The best thing for the MCU AND the DCU is the notion of ensemble movies and their tie ins. There is literally no reason to separate their properties.

I totally get why they do it, in terms of marketing and merchandising and creating one cohesive movie brand that let's people know what to expect, I just wouldn't have minded not having it that way.


By the way, what the fuck is up with reviewers fucking straight up spoiling shit?
I've been spoiled several times now.

They seem to genuinely don't think that the plot is worth the effort of not spoiling it.

This thread made me want to watch MoS with the mindset that the main character is an alien fascist who is actually kind of confused about these hoo-mans.


Hell, I'll just come out and say it right now that not only is B&R not that bad a movie, but, if it were to come out today, people would probably actually appreciate it, since it isn't really that far off from the MCU films.

This dude can't possibly be smack-dab in the middle of his right goddamn mind.
Hell, I'll just come out and say it right now that not only is B&R not that bad a movie, but, if it were to come out today, people would probably actually appreciate it, since it isn't really that far off from the MCU films.

I have a feeling that nowadays anything might be liked by someone. Just look at those spoof movies made by the Scary Movie ensemble. They have regular customers, probably some people who enjoy those as well.
People appreciate those movies. That doesn't make them good movies.

Reviewer and movie critics are lurking at every corner now. Every one thinks of themselves nowadays as connaisseurs of movies, even if they don't know shit. I'm guilty as charged as well. Never went to film school, don't know shit about how to write a review yet I've written about movies on GAF and elsewhere constantly. Opinions and impressions. Some times even scores.

Yeah yeah. Art is subjective and shit but movie making is not 100% art, there is an amount of craftmanship involved, and if you don't have that your movie suffers.


Batman and Robin is amusing.

It's silly it's absolutely fucking silly.

I'll take it over the Nolan borefests anyday.
Returns is what I'd like to see more of, which is filmmakers crafting their own interpretations of these characters. I'd honestly prefer that to an extended universe. Imagine if WB could be like "Hey George Miller, want to make a Superman movie without any baggage of an EU? Go for it". "Oh hey Lord and Miller, want to create a modern take on Batman '66? Cool." Just go crazy with it. Let that be their "universe".

Hearing Jeff Nichols talk why he passed on Aquaman made me wish it were the case. His analogy of jumping on a moving train is apt.
Batman and Robin is amusing.

It's silly it's absolutely fucking silly.

I'll take it over the Nolan borefests anyday.

The Dark Knight? borefest? Either you have high standards for action scenes or your attention span was short and you couldn't sit through the dialogue.
The dialogue is by far the best part of the movie

Lol this thread is basically marvel too.

This narrative does not exist here as far as I've seen. I didn't like MoS and I think BvS looks terrible and I'm glad critics are destroying it.


I absolutely hated every single bit of BB,TDK,TDKR dialogue.

I hated MOS's dialogue too so...

I'm probably going to hate this movie's dialogue.

Did everyone know how much Batman destroyed Gotham in those movies? He's worse than superman but I hear no whining about it from you posters.


I absolutely hated every single bit of BB,TDK,TDKR dialogue.

But oh please tell me how I should appreciate it all.

I hated MOS's dialogue too so...

Did everyone know how much Batman destroyed Gotham in those movies? He's worse than superman but I hear no whining about it from you posters.

How do you feel about the dialogue in The Great Dictator?
I absolutely hated every single bit of BB,TDK,TDKR dialogue.

But oh please tell me how I should appreciate it all.

I hated MOS's dialogue too so...

Did everyone know how much Batman destroyed Gotham in those movies? He's worse than superman but I hear no whining about it from you posters.



DerZuhälter;199081572 said:
Reviewer and movie critics are lurking at every corner now. Every one thinks of themselves nowadays as connaisseurs of movies, even if they don't know shit. I'm guilty as charged as well. Never went to film school, don't know shit about how to write a review yet I've written about movies on GAF and elsewhere constantly. Opinions and impressions. Some times even scores.

Movies are the easiest to consume and so much easier to watch movies constantly at home ghan it used to be. The amount of j formed conversations have gone up, but so has the amount of crap as well.


However, Henry Cavill seemingly doesn’t need anyone else’s help to tank his own interviews. The star of the cumbersomely titled “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has been on a charm offensive to promote his upcoming film, which lands in theaters Friday. The problem is that his press appearances have been more the latter than the former—clumsy, off-putting, and increasingly painful.

Jezebel’s Madeleine Davies offers a helpful rundown of a press tour that’s been a total “disaster.” Cavill has repeatedly reminded everyone that he doesn’t care about what he’s doing, he’s just in it for the money. “I’m not just doing this for the art,” he told Man of the World. “The money’s fantastic and that’s something which I deem… very important.”

Such a remark would seem refreshingly honest if he didn’t go on and on about his lavish lifestyle (spoiler: he loves first-class!), casually lament that NO ONE RECOGNIZED HIM while he trotted around in Times Square, and refer to #OscarsSoWhite as “racist.” “Maybe the solution is to have more diversity in the members,” he remarked to Man of the World. “But does that mean we are saying that to have more black Academy members would result in more black nominations? Is that not racist itself?”

As if to finish off Henry Cavill’s scorched earth campaign against, well, himself, he further told Britain’s The Sunday Times that there’s a “double standard” when it comes to catcalling. “I mean, if a girl shouts something like ‘Oi, love, fancy a shag?’ to me as I walk past I do sometimes wonder how she’d feel if a builder said that to her,” he said. “Although, of course, I wouldn’t feel physically threatened, as she might.”


It all makes sense now.
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