yeah i saw that review too and i can agree with all the points he has. Lets wait and see what happens.
Im playing BFV till than.
9,99 on origin btw! i highly recommend it
That is a classic BF that I feel will never get the respect it deserves because of all that crazy PR shit behind it. I felt the fortification system made a lot of sense as you are in a war and building trenches and defense is part of that. A lot didn't get to hear or get all of those positive aspects as they just bashed the game to death based on those PR statements. I like the mix of small and large maps, but people just cherry picked the small maps, scream it wasn't "real bf" and never looked back. It just never really got a fair chance based on that reveal, how it was marketed and how management dealt with those statements and the 18 months given to develop.
I am happy that after all of this, many are giving it a second look as I feel many missed out on a classic. Out side of the whole TTK thing, it launched pretty smooth, but the controversy was just too huge. Its ironic that it launched smoother then 2042, but sold less based controversy of story elements of a mode most don't even play, only to have that mode removed from 2042, yet 2042 have more issues then BFV, but sell 4x better in a week. Controversy hurt BFV, more then tech issues hurt 2042 on sales. That to me is very surprising.
Did you watch that review, he went into things others havn't and it wasn't just technical issues
I'm not disagreeing with those issues, simply that I don't see enough to make it sound like Mass Effect or Anthem as the game has just moved too many units to put it in that area, the game is being patched faster too which brings me to my next point.
. Game modes where attackers can't win because the objectives on a roof
That has been patched.
Highlights for Battlefield 2042 update 3.1 include an answer for those absurd rooftop capture points and a simple cross-play toggle on Xbox.
I'm not saying this was ok, I'm saying its weird to over react and make this doom and gloom idea based on a few weeks, we lived with BF4 server issue for over 7 to 8 months and the game turned out just fine over time. I just can't rate a game from a few weeks that I know is a MP game, I need those 200 to 400 hours to truly get a feel for how I'll see it stacked up with the other BF titles. As many BF titles started out with many issues like this, which brings me to my next point
If a friend is playing you can't just join them
^ That was an issue at launch with BF3, I couldn't join my friends, I had to literally go on the same server, switch teams, go in their squad etc That was later patched. I don't think I can play any BF titles based on what we review from the first week of any BF title. BF3 didn't have the server browser working, voice chat working, BF4 didn't have tons of shit working lol Yet those are games i put 400 plus hours in, but I rate them based on those years of playing it, not 1 week. I just can't do that on any MP title knowing how they'll update, get more content, patched....which brings me to my next point lol
Anthems biggest problem was lack of content and performance and we have the same issue here.
^ I agree greatly, but it was also a new IP, sold worse and was more so an MMO. I agree content is an issue, but quality is a bigger one. We are even talking about 2042 for the state that it released in, not solely the content count alone.
If I had to pick, I'd rather have them delay this game, thus I'd rather have them delay that content and GET IT RIGHT instead of rush it out to get more sales at full price as it will feel cheap, rushed and tone deaf, which....brings me to my next point.
even if they fix it all up they wont be able to relaunch it at full price
I don't believe they ever had some intention to sell this at full price, no BF stays full price and has no history of ever doing that. They'll do a bunch of sales to increase the user base like they always do, probably come out with some gold, GOTY lol, ULTIMATE etc edition or something. I'm 99% sure they did that with BFV.
(ok it was called BFV 2nd year edition) it was 49.99 aka not full price. If EA can have a game move about 1 million in its first week compared to 3 or 4 million and still put it out the next year at 49.99 as some "2nd year edition) and they still moved 9 million units, I feel the 2042 stuff is waaaay over blown as I don't even see it as bad as what we saw from BFV in terms of negative response, low sales etc. Not enough to worry or make it sound like Mass Effect or Anthem, if BFV can live from all that shit, 2042 is simply not in that ball park, its moved too much millions.
You could be right and I could be way too pessimistic, but it's EA
I mean, I agree its EA...but we have a blueprint for what they are ok with, what can cause them to leave a game behind etc and we've seen worse and still got BFV support.
I could see them pivot into the titanfall universe
Maybe, but I see EA as wanting both pieces of the pie on this one, they'll want the BF user base and Titanfall user base.
At least he provides evidence to combat arguments when you guys just spew from ignorance.
I play everyday and the game isn't a complete mess like this hyperbolic thread.
Agreed, but I don't even know what to tell him.
He made a thread to talk about this, gets mad that someone is talking about it and providing data to question some of those points.
this very same person is so hyperbolic, they literally stated BF2042 was 100x better then BFV from playing it a few times, now its 100x the worst game in history.... but if someone is going to say this type of weird shit in such a short time frame, how can any of the things they say be believe with such an exaggerated, knee jerk reaction to everything? The person can't have a measured response, they want you to react to something vs understand the context and provide evidence, its like they just want the hot take on it, they don't want any real discussion regarding any of this, yet they made the thread. So you know you did something right when in their own thread they now don't want to discuss their topic lol =)
You again display your insane lack of logic. This can be applied to those who create threads and jump into every one to shit on the game when they aren't even playing it, to me that's even worst.
You're spending time on something you deem to not be worth your time yet you give it so much of it, you come across like a sour ex bf, just move on. At least someone like him is actually invested and playing the game he's discussing.
Agreed, I even kept from giving any type of full breakdown of the game until I've put in a decent number of hours and with lots of patches. I can't just tell someone "BEST BF EVER" I can't tell them "WORST BF EVERZ", who knows at this point and I don't want to give a knee jerk reaction. Even in favor of 2042, it needs patches, it needs work, it needs updates, but that can be stated about all BFs that have ever released, I simply can't tell someone don't buy this BF or that BF based on a few weeks. I need to have more hands on time with it, a few months and we'll see how it stacks up against other BF titles.
I give such responses like this because they might be long, but their not knee jerk reactions telling you its "100x better then BFV". I don't think anyone should listen to such wild responses for or against this early in a MP games life.