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Blizzard Representative Endorses Harassment of Popular Wow Streamer Asmongold and Calls Him an Asshole

Asmongold is a popular WOW streamer who is known for his harsh criticism of Blizzard. He recently decided to give FFXIV a try, prompting many haters on Twitter to clamor for his removal from the game. In this context, Blizzard Lead Product Manager Adam Holisky endorsed a tweet by one such Twitter user who was openly instigating a harassment campaign against Asmongold. Said Twitter user asked his followers to keep reporting Asmongold in order to run him off quickly.


As a Blizzard employee, insulting your customers is one thing, but condoning their harassment is really crossing a line. If that mindset is in any shape or form representative of Blizzard's current corporate culture, is it any wonder they are slowly circling down the drain? Think of Asmongold what you will, but he's certainly never harmed anybody or engaged in the kind of disgusting ostracism on display here.

I'll let Asmongold speak for himself. His response is mature, level-headed and says it all really:

Let me just say as a FFXIV player, that he's certainly welcomed to play the game and I hope he enjoys it as much as I do. I know many people in the game who are happy to see him try it out.

P.S.: Like Asmongold said, don't engage or harass these people over social media. While I think their behavior towards Asmongold is horrific, I wish them no harm and we should not stoop down to their level. Critical discussion and valid criticism in this thread is fine though.
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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
This is not going to go well at all for anyone. Reminder Asmongold just came out a week or so ago saying how his mental health is not good.
He doesn’t give a crap about that dude


I have no idea who any of these people are, but from the screenshot I have two points to note:

1. Thread title is misleading. He replied to a tweet saying those things and expressed an opinion without passing comment on the tweet itself. There was no endorsement, so only “Calls him an asshole” is true.
2. His Twitter bio, in the screenshot, says “Views expressed are my own” which means he’s speaking for himself, not on behalf on Activision.
I have no idea who any of these people are, but from the screenshot I have two points to note:

1. Thread title is misleading. He replied to a tweet saying those things and expressed an opinion without passing comment on the tweet itself. There was no endorsement, so only “Calls him an asshole” is true.
2. His Twitter bio, in the screenshot, says “Views expressed are my own” which means he’s speaking for himself, not on behalf on Activision.

1. Said Blizzard employee is clearly in tacit agreement with what's being said in that tweet. Otherwise what's the point in adding fuel to the fire and calling Asmongold an asshole?
2. His views might be his own, but then he maybe shouldn't proudly advertise his position at Blizzard in his bio.


At least that horrid person admits they are on the far left, I wish more would admit that. But we now have a Blizzard lead siding with a fascist (that's what antifa are, if you haven't cottoned on yet). Wow (pardon the pun), glad I cut that company out of my life several years ago tbh. I wonder how many other Blizzard staff side with the far left? Go woke, go broke, looks like that proverb is playing out there considering how fast they are hemorrhaging talent and customers!


Rage Bait Youtuber
At least that horrid person admits they are on the far left, I wish more would admit that. But we now have a Blizzard lead siding with a fascist (that's what antifa are, if you haven't cottoned on yet). Wow (pardon the pun), glad I cut that company out of my life several years ago tbh. I wonder how many other Blizzard staff side with the far left? Go woke, go broke, looks like that proverb is playing out there considering how fast they are hemorrhaging talent and customers!

Have you seen the key art for the new Hearthstone expansion?
At least that horrid person admits they are on the far left, I wish more would admit that. But we now have a Blizzard lead siding with a fascist (that's what antifa are, if you haven't cottoned on yet). Wow (pardon the pun), glad I cut that company out of my life several years ago tbh. I wonder how many other Blizzard staff side with the far left? Go woke, go broke, looks like that proverb is playing out there considering how fast they are hemorrhaging talent and customers!

This is kinda cringe bro, especially when you look at the political leanings of Asmons chat. People are horrid no matter if they're far left or far right.
Maybe it's because people expected Diablo IV on the PC and you retards trolled everyone with a mobile game from a Chinese developer who just reskinned an existing Diablo clone with Diablo III classes?
No, dummy. The WORLDWIDE reception to Diablo Immortal was negative because of the American president, alone. Even to those who couldn't give a shit about American politics. It makes perfect sense. - Adam Holisky, probably
He said that he doesn't care about being called an asshole, but he vehemently condemns Blizzard employees condoning mass flagging and reporting to get him banned.
I'm assuming he said that on stream? I didn't watch his stream intro, so I guess I missed it if so.
Edit: Scratch that, I see the video response in the OP now. My mistake lol
This is kinda cringe bro, especially when you look at the political leanings of Asmons chat. People are horrid no matter if they're far left or far right.
What political lean have you seen in his chat? I haven't seen anything of the sort since I started watching him yesterday. How does a chatroom of 140k MMO players have a "political lean" anyway? There is no one lean and saying otherwise is pure stupidity.
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Patrick S.

Asmongold is a gem. His video about why he's not living the "typical rich Youtuber life" made me really really like him. I had only found him through his reaction videos on the Internet Historian's No Man's Sky video.

"I don't give a shit about driving a Lamborghini, my old Ford works fine. I don't need fancy clothes or fancy stuff. I still live with my mum because I love her. Nobody should aspire to being like me. I'm a degenerate animal living an ulhealthy life, and all I want to do is play videogames and hang out with my friends."

Like, how much more humble and sincere can you get? I've watched a few more of his videos since, and yeah, the last thing I'd call Asmongold is an asshole.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Asmongold is a gem. His video about why he's not living the "typical rich Youtuber life" made me really really like him. I had only found him through his reaction videos on the Internet Historian's No Man's Sky video.

"I don't give a shit about driving a Lamborghini, my old Ford works fine. I don't need fancy clothes or fancy stuff. I still live with my mum because I love her. Nobody should aspire to being like me. I'm a degenerate animal living an ulhealthy life, and all I want to do is play videogames and hang out with my friends."

Like, how much more humble and sincere can you get? I've watched a few more of his videos since, and yeah, the last thing I'd call Asmongold is an asshole.

Yea I think I only sub to him and the WoW Warriors guy (who has a server full of max-level warriors).


Gold Member
2. His Twitter bio, in the screenshot, says “Views expressed are my own” which means he’s speaking for himself, not on behalf on Activision.

That clarification doesn't necessarily mean anything depending on the situation. The CCP made Blizzard ban Blitzchung when he's not even an Activision employee. His views on Hong Kong were clearly his own. The CCP made Blizzard ban him anyway.
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Uh yea that doesn't work that way.

I’m not a fan of people being attached to their employer for their views outside of work. I’m not saying I’d do the same, and I’m not saying it’s the smartest choice in the world, but it’s hardly a PR rep making an announcement on behalf of Activision.
1. Said Blizzard employee is clearly in tacit agreement with what's being said in that tweet. Otherwise what's the point in adding fuel to the fire and calling Asmongold an asshole?
2. His views might be his own, but then he maybe shouldn't proudly advertise his position at Blizzard in his bio.
I prefer to not assume he agrees with the entire statement. I’ve seen enough people who don’t speak clearly and just pass comment, regardless of whether or not it’s a good idea. It could be that just as much as it could be an endorsement, which is to say we don’t know. I definitely don’t, I know nothing about the man. Maybe you have more insight.

I don’t think you should stop having opinions on people because you have a job. The way people act on Twitter in general is pointless to me, but that’s what people do.

I just don’t see this situation as a big deal. It feels empty. If someone on this forum doesn’t like me, they can call me an asshole. Isn’t going to ruin my day. I’m sure the opinion isn’t going to ruin a YouTuber’s day or income if he’s big enough for recognition. He’ll probably get more subscribers off the back of this, if anything.
I feel sorry for whatever server he's placed on.

Bryan Cranston Reaction GIF

It was fucking hilarious watching him try and make a character. So many of his fuckheads in chat were ready in the first server he picked, but since it was full at the time because of everyone waiting there he went to a completely different one. They got jebaited. Only YoshiP knows how much money they've made in the last 24 hours with everyone paying for server transfers. Cucks, the whole lot of em.


You keep forgetting that Asmongold has been one of the biggest WoW streamers for years, clearly he's helped advertise that game much more than FFXIV. That didn't stop Blizzard from crapping on him though.
Unless I'm missing something else, your comparison seems flawed. You're comparing an official PR account of a company with an individual that happens to work for another company.
I just don’t see this situation as a big deal. It feels empty. If someone on this forum doesn’t like me, they can call me an asshole. Isn’t going to ruin my day. I’m sure the opinion isn’t going to ruin a YouTuber’s day or income if he’s big enough for recognition. He’ll probably get more subscribers off the back of this, if anything.
Again, watch the video. This is not about him being insulted, but a Blizzard employee condoning report spamming a streamer in order to get him banned.

How is this in line with Blizzard's draconian moderation policies and their commitment to fostering an inclusive open community? If anything it shows the double standard that's at play here. Asmongold is considered persona non grata despite not hurting anybody, hence it's okay to instigate a witch hunt against him?
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I dno't watch him but that video is good! I agree with him. blizzard has gone to shit and they are indeed ruining the games.
He is so right about "those type of people". Described resetera sjw warriors perfectly
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Blizzard are funded by a facist country who run torture camps and are responsible for ethnic cleansing. Blizzard do anything they want including censorship, just to get that Chinese money.

Being called an A Hole by Blizzard is a good thing. Because who the hell wants to be part of that corrupt morally bankrupt Company/China.
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