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Blizzard Representative Endorses Harassment of Popular Wow Streamer Asmongold and Calls Him an Asshole


Rage Bait Youtuber

That tool wants shooting for that fucking picture.

His video is 100000000% accurate. The entire launch WoW dev team would be run out of Irvine by the current inquisition. Jeff Kaplan's name wasn't Tigole. It was Tigole Bitties. That alone would get him executed by the purity squad. Likewise Furor had similar antics in Fires of Heaven in EverQuest that would get him ostracized by the danger hairs who are running the show now.


Unless I'm missing something else, your comparison seems flawed. You're comparing an official PR account of a company with an individual that happens to work for another company.

The whole conversion is about two Twitter accounts representing two companies that compete in the same space. One account was toxic, the other was positive. This is a pretty reasonable comparison.

And when you wear your position in a company proudly in your twitter profile, then guess what kids: everything you say is PR for that company. Adam there can swear by all that is holy that his tweets are his views and his alone, but the moment he steps out of line with something that isn't PC you bet Blizzard will be on him asap.


Rage Bait Youtuber
And when you wear your position in a company proudly in your twitter profile, then guess what kids: everything you say is PR for that company. Adam there can swear by all that is holy that his tweets are his views and his alone, but the moment he steps out of line with something that isn't PC you bet Blizzard will be on him asap.

Asmo mad a perfect point that his account is verified on Twitter BECAUSE of his position at Blizzard and due to that the whole "personal account" bullshit doesn't fly.


Rage Bait Youtuber
I don't have anything to do with that company anymore, what's with the HS art?


I'm going to go to bed with a smile on my face. People are lighting Adam's Twitter up like it's a damage check.

Sweet dreams, folks.


Rage Bait Youtuber
People are lighting Adam's Twitter up like it's a damage check.

I wonder if they'll dare try to ban Asmon over this. They used to have a policy that if you harassed one of their employees you get banned.

Would they really kill the game by banning one of the biggest streamers?


Again, watch the video. This is not about him being insulted, but a Blizzard employee condoning report spamming a streamer in order to get him banned.

How is this in line with Blizzard's draconian moderation policies and their commitment to fostering an inclusive open community? If anything it shows the double standard that's at play here. Asmongold is considered persona non grata despite not hurting anybody, hence it's okay to instigate a witch hunt against him?
He seems like a decent guy, and he has the right attitude. I laughed at the money beg and 226k tweets, what a damaged individual.

I still can’t say if he endorses it because I’m not him, but it’s a reply from a verified account which gives it visibility so at best it’s irresponsible.

Really the original tweet should be reported, it would be funny to see that account banned for instigating harassment.

I wouldn’t dream of trying to figure out Activision as a company, going into that mindset would be stranger than Psychonauts.


Right, they're just harassing him, calling for Blizzard to fire him, talking shit about his kids, death wishes, etc. All because he called someone an asshole.

What exactly is CANCELLING, then?

Ah, I see. You're missing a vital piece of the story (it's in the original post). Someone called for Asmongold to be harassed and Adam endorsed it.

So...karma, really. Apart from the death threats, that's never cool. But calling him out on his bullshit? Yum yum.

Also: I'd be amazed if Blizzard doesn't have a policy regarding Twitter and customer interaction in place to police this kind of thing. It's 2021. No business wants to start shit with their customers on a public forum.
Ah, I see. You're missing a vital piece of the story (it's in the original post). Someone called for Asmongold to be harassed and Adam endorsed it.

So...karma, really. Apart from the death threats, that's never cool. But calling him out on his bullshit? Yum yum.

Also: I'd be amazed if Blizzard doesn't have a policy regarding Twitter and customer interaction in place to police this kind of thing. It's 2021. No business wants to start shit with their customers on a public forum.

Asmon himself always says just because he follows someone or tweets about something doesn't mean he endorses it. Calling someone an asshole isn't endorsing anything. People are literally trying to cancel him, based on the usual definition of cancel culture. It is what it is, but at least be honest enough to admit that his "sperg" army is doing the same thing they whine about all the time.

Hopefully Blizzard does still have a policy like that because they shouldn't have "checkmarked" employees calling their most popular player(out of millions) an asshole.


Asmon himself always says just because he follows someone or tweets about something doesn't mean he endorses it. Calling someone an asshole isn't endorsing anything. People are literally trying to cancel him, based on the usual definition of cancel culture. It is what it is, but at least be honest enough to admit that his "sperg" army is doing the same thing they whine about all the time.

Hopefully Blizzard does still have a policy like that because they shouldn't have "checkmarked" employees calling their most popular player(out of millions) an asshole.

I agree: some people are taking this a bit far. I think we have different definitions of "canceling", but we do align when it comes to death threats and the like.

In terms of the endorsement: Adam called Asmongold an asshole in a reply to a Tweet calling for people to harass Asmongold. It's not hard to read that as an endorsement.


Let it be clear that I don't condone harassment in any way shape or form and the stuff mentioned in the OP are disgraceful to say the least.

That said, Asmongold is a fucking idiot though lol.
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Rage Bait Youtuber
Those pandering assholes! Disgusting! There's woman with purple/dangerous hair! (That's... That's the issue, right?)

On a serious note, as much as I hate the sjw crap, I don't see an issue with the image. Oh no, a black woman on a fantasy world...

No, it's 100% pandering; especially considered with how the Warcraft franchise has been managed recently.


Asmon seems cool with it, he said he doesnt really care, so no one else should take to himself to defend his honor.
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Gold Member
The whole conversion is about two Twitter accounts representing two companies that compete in the same space.
This is wrong though. One is an official account officially representing the company while the other is an individual representing himself that happens to work for a company. Does his opinion make his employer look bad? Of course it does, but what he says is still not Blizzard's official stance. I'm not sure how one can mix the two.
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Rage Bait Youtuber
This is wrong though. One is an official account officially representing the company while the other is an individual representing himself that happens to work for a company. Does his opinion make his employer look bad? Of course it does, but what he says is still not Blizzard's official stance. I'm not sure how one can mix the two.

Again, he has a verified Twitter account because he is a Blizzard employee. Like it or not, he's speaking for the company despite any stupidity he might claim in his bio.


I mean whatever, no point in a witch hunt for this.

But regardless of how you slice it, bad look for Blizzard and really just indicative of how tone deaf and shit of a company they've become. At this point they're just living off the glory of old games that employees/management of the past are responsible for. They're running out of those too, Diablo II in September and Wrath (which is borderline, honestly) some point 2022/23, that's about all they have left.


Apart from the death threats, that's never cool.
Oh please. Death threats from kids on the net. They're the same thing as insults.
I've got my fair share of them too, playing online (like most people who play multi), and I wasn't bothered at all.
I'm not saying they're something good or whatever, just that people seem to overblow them quite a lot. They're just empty threats.

Just to be even clearer: I don't condone the harassment of that Adam guy.
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Perpetually Tired
Staff Member
Asmongold is a gem. His video about why he's not living the "typical rich Youtuber life" made me really really like him. I had only found him through his reaction videos on the Internet Historian's No Man's Sky video.

"I don't give a shit about driving a Lamborghini, my old Ford works fine. I don't need fancy clothes or fancy stuff. I still live with my mum because I love her. Nobody should aspire to being like me. I'm a degenerate animal living an ulhealthy life, and all I want to do is play videogames and hang out with my friends."

Like, how much more humble and sincere can you get? I've watched a few more of his videos since, and yeah, the last thing I'd call Asmongold is an asshole.

Do you have a link to that video? Would be interested in watching it myself!

OT: I am not too surprised at the current lack of quality for Blizzard titles when they hire folks like Adam. He was a bit of a tosspot back when he was writing for WoW Insider and he has only grown worse over the years.

As a former WoW player and a current FFXIV, I more than welcome Asmongold to the community. Clearly less of a toxic individual than this Queen person.


His video is 100000000% accurate. The entire launch WoW dev team would be run out of Irvine by the current inquisition. Jeff Kaplan's name wasn't Tigole. It was Tigole Bitties. That alone would get him executed by the purity squad. Likewise Furor had similar antics in Fires of Heaven in EverQuest that would get him ostracized by the danger hairs who are running the show now.

At one E3 I remember him saying "keep em out for Harambe" on stage, even that feels like it would verboten nowadays, let alone "Tigole Bitties", which is very funny.


I don't keep up with Asmongold, but I look at stuff from him periodically. Never really thought he was an asshole at all, by any means. Just a fairly large streamer that has a large community made up of all kinds of people. Everything in that video posted earlier about the situation is completely accurate. I don't disagree with anything he said, TBH. He adores Blizzard and WoW, but like many that do, he rages about them as well. Which isn't surprising considering when people love something so much and it's handled poorly they get upset. The other person trying to cancel him is such a mess, oof.


I currently play WoW with friends that are too vested in the game to leave. I suggest perhaps moving to FF, but they buck it.....”It’s too paired down for consoles and the play mechanics aren’t as good.” Is what I’m told. “There aren’t any add ons, etc.” I’m sorry, but if the game needs add ons....something needs to be addressed. (WoW)

The 9.1 expansion opening quest lines are like Deja vu. It’s the exact same shit as every new patch before it. Sneaking quests, a storyline that makes me cringe. I don’t say anything about it to my friends as they are years vested into that cast of clowns. It’s god awful. The community outside of my guild is awful. If I had no guild and cool people to play with, WoW would be uninstalled and not be missed.
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Do you have a link to that video? Would be interested in watching it myself!

OT: I am not too surprised at the current lack of quality for Blizzard titles when they hire folks like Adam. He was a bit of a tosspot back when he was writing for WoW Insider and he has only grown worse over the years.

As a former WoW player and a current FFXIV, I more than welcome Asmongold to the community. Clearly less of a toxic individual than this Queen person.


Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
I know I'm old and everything, but is there anyone else who just does not give a fuck about any of this stupid horseshit and thinks gaming was roughly a billion times better before having to care about nobodies calling themselves 'streamers' and devs who can't just do their jobs and shut the fuck up became news stories?

I just cannot understand why anyone would give a fuck about anything in the OP. 'Talentless shitbag gets called an asshole by hack nobody dev on social media' should be something that causes your brain to switch off.



Never forget that Hearthstone was censored to pander to China too, to the point of straight up erasing cards altogether.
Rly weird how they censored the robes on the Draenei in the background too lol, it's supposed to have exposed cleavage and belly.

I don't keep up with Asmongold, but I look at stuff from him periodically. Never really thought he was an asshole at all, by any means. Just a fairly large streamer that has a large community made up of all kinds of people. Everything in that video posted earlier about the situation is completely accurate. I don't disagree with anything he said, TBH. He adores Blizzard and WoW, but like many that do, he rages about them as well. Which isn't surprising considering when people love something so much and it's handled poorly they get upset. The other person trying to cancel him is such a mess, oof.

He's really not an asshole at all and he calls his chat and community out on their toxicity constantly.
I mean he's an asshole in the absolute tamest way imaginable I guess, in the sense that he Ninja loots and tells people to /spit on people for perpetuating how Blizzard prioritizes the irl cash store for mounts.

But holy fuck if people think that makes him an asshole to the extent he's an awful human being then damn, what these people are doing is actually bad for real and five hundred times worse.
Asmongold has never told people to go harass someone and when it actually matters he's a good person.
He just doesn't put up a fake facade that is only meant to virtue signal, that's the difference.
These kinds of people like Adam and his other harassers are just garbage people overall and only seem like nice people on the surface if you already agree with them and you're just circlejerking.
The moment you're not their real selves come out.
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I don't know the full story and who's right or wrong, but I do know that Asmongold is a complete douche and it's about time someone from Blizzard pointed it out.


I don't know the full story and who's right or wrong, but I do know that Asmongold is a complete douche and it's about time someone from Blizzard pointed it out.

Because he tells people to make an emote ingame for supporting shitty business practices?
Note how none of these people go after Jim Sterling who makes weekly videos about it that are far more antagonistic that fuels the fire far more than Asmon has ever done.
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Because he tells people to make an emote ingame for supporting shitty business practices?
Note how none of these people go after Jim Sterling who makes weekly videos about it that are far more antagonistic that fuels the fire far more than Asmon has ever done.
Like I said, I don't know the full story in this particular instance. I'm simply referring to the videos of his I watched while playing WoW.


Asmongold is a popular WOW streamer who is known for his harsh criticism of Blizzard. He recently decided to give FFXIV a try, prompting many haters on Twitter to clamor for his removal from the game. In this context, Blizzard Lead Product Manager Adam Holisky endorsed a tweet by one such Twitter user who was openly instigating a harassment campaign against Asmongold. Said Twitter user asked his followers to keep reporting Asmongold in order to run him off quickly.


As a Blizzard employee, insulting your customers is one thing, but condoning their harassment is really crossing a line. If that mindset is in any shape or form representative of Blizzard's current corporate culture, is it any wonder they are slowly circling down the drain? Think of Asmongold what you will, but he's certainly never harmed anybody or engaged in the kind of disgusting ostracism on display here.

I'll let Asmongold speak for himself. His response is mature, level-headed and says it all really:

Let me just say as a FFXIV player, that he's certainly welcomed to play the game and I hope he enjoys it as much as I do. I know many people in the game who are happy to see him try it out.

P.S.: Like Asmongold said, don't engage or harass these people over social media. While I think their behavior towards Asmongold is horrific, I wish them no harm and we should not stoop down to their level. Critical discussion and valid criticism in this thread is fine though.

Lawsuit incoming. Make Asmongold rich.


Like I said, I don't know the full story in this particular instance. I'm simply referring to the videos of his I watched while playing WoW.
What full story? The guy just gives constructive criticism of a game he loves and asks for changes and the dev thinks he's a meanie for pointing it out.

You know what, he also praises WoW a ton for some new things they did.

Why is it a crime to complain and want a game you love to improve? Maybe he will find it in FF14 cause honestly it's the better game now.


Gold Member
2. His Twitter bio, in the screenshot, says “Views expressed are my own” which means he’s speaking for himself, not on behalf on Activision.
Correct, and there is a reason why people writing these things on Twitter are always Individual Contributors (ICs), basically not management-level. This guy will never get promoted to that position, this is a huge corporate no-no. Golden rule is: you keep your opinions to yourself, you don't stir and cause drama.
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