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Boss Overkill


Are some games just going wayyyyyyy overboard the amount of 'phases' for bosses?

I made it to the end of the Minish Cap but to get to the boss you have to
Get through 3 mega knights at the same time within 2-3 minutes, then face 2 Vaati forms which take a loto f hits, then 'escape', then 2 MORE Vaati forms.
. And if you die? Gotta do everything over again, but if you save, you don't have any hearts, all your arrows/bottles are empty, etc. I'm supposed to love the final boss encounter, not get fed up with the damn thing.

Any other examples out there?


The final boss in Mario and luigi superstar saga ruins the game, you fight Bowletta and she eats you then you start inside her stomach fighting cackletta's ghost with 1 HP no matter what , and she does liek 4 attacks you've never seen ina row, 1 hit from any of them and you die. And it isn't one of those die and come back things like some RPG's , no you are dead and have to start the whole fight over again. It's regoddamndiculous. I don't think a spoiler tag is warrented the game is 18 months old now.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Minish Cap is a year and half old? UNPOSSIBLE!!

M&L wasn't that tough. I beat the last boss on my first try, though in my defense, I can barely remember her...


Mejilan: M & L is 18 months, not Minish cap.

Yeah, Bowletta bugged the hell out of me. In her bowser form, she is pretty easy, just a few solid bros. moves and she is down, but Cackletta is a bitch. I used every damn Advance move about 10 times over and she was still kicking. If you can get over the initial attacks, the fight gets easier, but that one move where she stops time always got me. Took me about 6 tries before I got it and I was able to beat a few of the bosses in the game in less than 5 moves.


Cyan said:
Come on, dude. The knights are pretty easy, plus you get a bomb/arrow/heart/fairy refill right before
fighting Vaati's last two forms.
Yeah I missed those when I made the post. The last two forms of Vaati were easy, I just didn't figure out HOW to beat the first final form. With only 4 hearts left when I faced him, I didn't figure it out in time. Also, on Vaati's first first form I was using the light arrows instead of my sword, just because I felt you NEED to use Light Arrows to kill the final boss....guess not :(
You guys have obviously never played to the end of Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles. First, there's a level that takes at least 20 minutes, followed by a boss that takes about twenty minutes, followed by a twenty-minute acid trip up to the final boss, followed by a needlessly long final conversation, followed by a pretty hard final battle. Of course, if you die (or simply have to leave) at any point, you start from the beginning. The final battle is, of course, simply a setup for the obligatory plot twist and final final boss battle. Dying during this battle doesn't necesarily send you all the way back to the start, but if it takes you a bit to figure out how to defeat the boss, you might run out of memories. Dying after using all of your memories gives you a Game Over screen (sadness).

Ranger X

Starfire said:

lol you made me laugh here. I remember being stuck in my first game. I was pissed because i needed strong Gears to finish a dungeon but i was never using those and almost no dungeon obligated me to do so. What's worse is that in that particular place, i couldn't go anywhere usefull with my characters except at some dungeon near the beginning ofthe game (it would have take me thousands of our to get my levels there) lol


Heh, yeah there were a few battles in Xenogears that were really tough for me because I went in underleveled (I didn't really understand how to use level 2+gear combos till about halfway through the game either :lol , but the final boss battle about made me pull my hair out, the first time I finished the last dungeon I was pretty severely underleveled (some gears weren't past level 2 chains since I hadn't touched certain charecters outside of forced party selections, plus it took me awhile to configure my gears and choose the right teams for each section. All told I put about 90 hrs into my first game:)
opkal said:
It could be said that Paper Mario:TTYD had way to many phases before the boss fight.
That. I hated that, they just threw you in and I kept thinking "should I fight for real now or save my items?"

and both viewtiful joes, not necessarily the last boss, but bosses/minibosses before that.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Dr_Cogent said:
I remember damn near giving up on Metroid Prime with the last boss. It seemed to be never ending.

Yeah, defeating Metroid Prime was definitely a bitch of a marathon. Once you get the method down, it's pretty simple, but the first couple of encounters was alot of profanity and low-health warnings while fighting its final form. But hey, the boss battles where you survive by the skin of your teeth are the best. Honestly, Omega Pirate pissed me off more and sadly I had to resort to an FAQ. I just didn't think the Gamecube controller could've survived the collision with the TV.

Ranger X

I've beaten Prime only one time (after many tries) and i did never bother killing him again and i'll forever do so.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Wyzdom said:
I've beaten Prime only one time (after many tries) and i did never bother killing him again and i'll forever do so.

Super Pro Tip:

You basically use the power-upped version of different beams (the form that uses missles) at the right time and, honestly, he's a cinch after that.

Ranger X

tedtropy said:
Super Pro Tip:

You basically use the power-upped version of different beams (the form that uses missles) at the right time and, honestly, he's a cinch after that.

Yeah tks. I discovered that later. But still, i'm not fond of this boss. I already replayed the game once or twice all the waythrough and i usually stop right after Ridley. Also, Ridley is one of the coolest boss and he should have been the last boss. (except maybe he should have been a little thougher)


Miniboss said:
Contra: Shattered Soldier- Boss after boss after boss after boos after boss after boss.

What a crap Contra game.

Respect the Shattered Soldier! Crazy guys going off and fusing with aliens aint no joke.


opkal said:
It could be said that Paper Mario:TTYD had way to many phases before the boss fight.
IAWTP... And the cut-scenes you had to sit through didn't help, especially if you died and had to start over.
Megaman x8 has a lame end boss with multiple parts that kills you in one hit in the final part if you don't figure out what to do. Basically you have a few seconds before the screen just fades to black and you die. So cheap.


A great thread, because I've been thinking about the same thing. Seems like I've played many games this gen with multiple bosses, especially end bosses. A few games that spring to mind and that I had trouble with (and I'm assuming this isn't considered spoiler-material):

Dark Cloud 2, Metroid Prime, Kingdom Hearts, Arc the Lad ~ Twilight Spirits, Onimusha 2...and of course OTOGI (god how I hated the last form)!!

General problems with multi-phase boss battles are:
cutscenes you have to watch everytime you fail, usually unskippable and quite long (seeing as it's at the end of the game) and
no chance to save between the phases, forcing you to replay against the same previous bosses over and over again.

Ranger X

The thing that is bad in most of those games is that the game is joke-easy until you reach this last boss so you're prepared and you get ass-raped. What about a learning curve?


FallenOne666 said:
:lol :lol :lol

Actually, fighting Hammertime the Mohawk Crack Monkey on Legendary in a game series that previously had no bosses is serious overkill. Legendary makes even Sarge annoying when you hear "C'mon, arbiter, kick that guy's ass!" for the thirtieth time.
Doesn't the last boss of Arc The Lad II take 2-3 hours to beat?

Wyzdom said:
The thing that is bad in most of those games is that the game is joke-easy until you reach this last boss so you're prepared and you get ass-raped. What about a learning curve?

Yeah, this drives me nuts. Hard games are fine, but they should be challenging throughout. If a game is easy for its first 90% I likely won't hunt down every powerup or level up a lot, so it really sucks to suddenly face a major challenge.
Metriod Prime 2 boss: ING Leader!!! Talk about 3 fight in a row without a rest, to heal and let alone save too. What a brutal game ending that is!!! (not counting dark samus).

The 3rd form was a b***h!!!! It took nearly 40 minutes to kill it. How many tries to kill it man, 12 & over. <---for me it is. :D


Starfire said:

I gamesharked through the final dungeon because it takes for-fucking-ever to finish without a guide, and after playing the game for well over 100 hours (counting cutscenes) I just wanted to see the ending

ANd does anyone know how you're supposed to kill the last boss of Megaman X4? I whack at the giant heads (no innuendo here) all day, and they just flash with no health lost
God when I think the number of games that completely fuck it up once they hit the home stretch, the list goes on and on. Metroid Prime it wasn't so much the boss that annoyed my but having to go through that room beforehand everytime you died. Gave it a few goes then chucked it. Such a shame as well after I went throught the trouble of getting everything.

Another piss awful final boss game was Blood Will Tell. 4, count 'em 4, phases. Most games at least have the decency to stop at 3.


Jade Knight 08 said:
The 3rd form was a b***h!!!! It took nearly 40 minutes to kill it. How many tries to kill it man, 12 & over. <---for me it is. :D

Doesn't take 40 minutes to kill that boss. At most 15-20, and that's taking out all 3 forms.
Generally speaking, I love it when games pour on the bosses. Contra: Shattered Soldier remains one of my favorite PS2 games partially because of the fun bosses.
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