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Breath of the Wild is the official subtitle for Zelda U/NX, first gameplay trailer


Gold Member
Can someone explain to me what makes a world not barren?

Because from this very small area of the game, there's so much interactively with the world and stuff you can do already without including traditional Zelda stuff like Dungeons. I'm a bit confused here.

Some people need their open worlds to feel like amusement parks, with attractions every 10 feet, or they think it's not "dense" enough. They want all NPCs, dungeons, etc, packed together into a tight area where they're never more than a 10-second walk from the next event. Exploration and free roaming isn't for them, I guess. Most probably they're the same people who don't understand why anyone would want to play No Man's Sky. A massive universe full of billions and billions of planets to freely explore, who'd ever want to expose themselves to such an aimless pointless thing?

I'm very happy with the direction this game is taking. Yes, I want things to do, of course, but I'm also very pleased that there will be many open areas to just run or ride across. I want this to feel like an adventure, an epic journey, not a day at the amusement park. Skyward Sword disappointed me with how utterly it lacked free exploration. There was no overworld (except for the empty sky with one town), just a bunch of puzzle areas.


Wait a sec, I don't recall that pic having such a drastic bokeh/depth-of-field blur effect on the grass.

Also I do think the random house was seen in the Treehouse walkthough, so I assume there might be more, but are cordoned off beyond the plateau footage we are currently seeing.

Original picture

Edited version keep posting
Wolf Link sidekick?

Im liking the ability to swap outfits. Hopefully there a lot of different getups.

I really want a Hero Mode available from the start.


Man didn't even get to see the Calamity Ganon, must have missed it on stream. That's just interesting from story and design perspectives ATM.

One of sure to be many demo playthroughs.

I think they were going to show that Ganon stuff in the initial stream with Bill, but they forgot to turn off the time limit and they had to reset. I think they didn't get to that part when perhaps they intended to.

City 17

The game looks gorgeous.

The sleeping machines, the calm before the storm... I get Nausicaa vibes.

Also really like the new direction that Anuma-san has taken... going directly to the game with no tutorial bullshit is huge, being able to climb almost everything (as long as your stamina bar is not empty), getting enemy weapons, breaking them etc.


First of all, the gameplay indications shown in the trailer are very nice. Seems like there are many options in approach and a lot of the puzzels could be logically implemented in the leveldesign.

However, I feel the environments without the tall grass (which looks amazing) looked quite bland and wasn't impressed by the ruins/buildings shown. Furthermore, some animations/physics looked very rough for todays standards. Sure it is bound to improve, but I am not overly impressed with what I am seeing to be honest.


I'm suspecting that the Sheikah slate replaces traditional items. I hope this isn't the case because I really enjoyed the progression you got from getting those items.

At the least I hope they do what A Link Between Worlds does with each dungeon by having a big chest with an important item or upgrade unrelated to the traditional tools.
The more I watch, the more I'm convinced that the old guy who keeps appearing is DEFINITELY Old Link, from one of the cel-shaded games, and that he had a direct role in resurrecting your player character, the actual Hero of Time, because he couldn't handle the Calamity Ganon on his own.

Dude knows a little too much about what it's like to be Link. Calls it "clairvoyance... or something like that!"... Am I the only one catching that vibe?
I have faith this game will look absolutely gorgeous. Skyward Sword was among the prettiest games when it released thanks to its art direction even though it wasn't HD and was on a far weaker console.


Got to see the trailer, nice nice nice, but the best part is we get to capture and tame horses of our choice? Maybe? Small dream come true if we can!


I feel a bit sad that you can pause the action to eat. Some of the enemies are powerful but the ability to quickly heal diiminishes the difficulty.
I have to admit, when I first saw the tree chopping and climbing, I figured it'd be fixed areas you can do those things.

Nope! You can climb literally anything in the game and all those trees can be chopped.


I can't get over how BAD this looks. It bums me out. Especially that snow environment. Oh my goodness. Textures are about universally terrible, LOD in the distance (even relatively close distance) is really rough, lighting is very, very flat, etc. I guess I shouldn't have expected much since the hardware is quite dated, but I can't deny that I'm still disappointed regardless. In the distance really does look Gamecube era rough a lot of times. Close proximity looks decent but after the last few years of amazing looking games, I'm bummed.

Tell you what, though, I'm really excited to see it on NX. And even if I have to get it on Wii U, like if NX is too expensive for me or something, the game looks really fun to play. It's right up my alley. I don't like a huge amount of combat in games that aren't completely combat-based. This looks more adventure-y.


Trust Nintendo to get open world right.

Loving the body temperature stuff, the crafting/cooking, the ability to climb anything, cutting down trees, burning things, the wildlife... and the fact that it doesn't seem to be about simply following quest marker after quest marker.


I am not really getting the feel of a living and breathing world that I got from this earlier image.


It feels rather barren and boring to be honest from this short trailer, but hopefully I am wrong. I have longed for a similar grand adventure as Wind Waker for quite a while.

I always got a proof-of-concept vibe from that trailer.
I can't get over how BAD this looks. It bums me out. Especially that snow environment. Oh my goodness. Textures are about universally terrible, LOD in the distance (even relatively close distance) is really rough, lighting is very, very flat, etc. I guess I shouldn't have expected much since the hardware is quite dated, but I can't deny that I'm still disappointed regardless. In the distance really does look Gamecube era rough a lot of times. Close proximity looks decent but after the last few years of amazing looking games, I'm bummed.

Reminder of what a Gamecube game looks like:



No towns in the E3 demo. Don't want to show it off there.

There are towns in the game.

You will encounter other people. They have their stories.

Bill Trinen just said.
They just stated towns and characters are not in the E3 build, I assume thats outside of a few NPCs that we've seen. Bill emphasised there are towns.

Edit: Thoraxes beat me
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