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Bryan Singer confirmed for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE; first plot/character details emerge

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Ah right yeah. Now I remember. I did remember reading something along the lines of that during X3's release but I thought it was just an unconfirmed rumour. That would explain a hell of a lot. He's written in in the beginning to be a core and central character and then it just randomly cuts to the beach with his sun guards floating in the air and he's just then not around. It's a shame and a poor decision in hindsight given that his absence negatively affected X3 quite dramatically and Superman Returns didn't turn out to be any good.

Thanks for reminding me though. Good to know.

I'll never forget watching (or maybe listening to the audio of) an interview with the screenwriters for X3 at some Q&A for a screenwriting magazine or something, and they said that it was a directive from the studio that Jean not speak in the last three quarters of the movie. I was all like, wtf??? I wish I could find that interview now, but I've had no luck.

I really hope the rumors of an original-cast film are true - though one would think they'd prioritize that one ahead of another First Class-cast film just because the original cast isn't getting any younger. I'd imagine there's a time limit on J Law's contract though which means they have to get a film with this cast done and they may just jettison her moving forward, she's bound to be too expensive for the franchise at that point.
Wolverine is a complete mess timeline-wise after DOFP. So younger Logan essentially went to sleep through all of DOFP while his older self was in control. His younger self had come back at the end (though only see him unconscious), but that Logan will essentially "die" sometime post-"new timeline version of X3" when original timeline Logan jumps back into his body. Sucks for original Logan, who will be the one in this movie, making him sort of a throwaway character.

That can be easily hand waved away by saying that , he was momentarily confused when the timeline permanently shifted. Because wolverine was a temporal focal point, he will eventually intergrate the memories of both timelines. AOA Wolverine won't "die" at the end of DOFP. He'll just receive a bunch of memories from an defunct timeline.
Very strange to me that they're jumping forward another decade. We're supposed to believe Xavier and Magneto are closer to their X1 ages than their First Class ages?
Very strange to me that they're jumping forward another decade. We're supposed to believe Xavier and Magneto are closer to their X1 ages than their First Class ages?

I think they'll go heavy on the makeup for this one. It's mostly in the 80s so that we can realistically get young versions of Cyclops, Storm, and Jean Grey.
Will Sinister be in the movie? He could pose as a 80s rockstar, quadrupling the awesome

I wish, but they might want to save him for a different movie. Personally, I'd be ok with this being the last X-Men movie for a while until it's rebooted again. Let the X-Force, Deadpool, and other spin-off movies suffice for now.


Kinberg confirms that Apocalypse will conclude the 'First Class Trilogy'.

The thrust of ‘Apocalypse’ is really to complete the trilogy we began with ‘First Class’ – to complete the stories of young Raven, young Hank, younger Charles and Erik. And complete this trilogy of four people who began the films sort of disparate and in different worlds…[and who] we’ve followed through the span of decades. So that’ll be the thrust. There will be familiar characters and new characters that we haven’t seen…ever…but it’ll be the completion of what we began in ‘First Class’.

Some more discussion at Collider.
Hmmm. Wonder where they go after, or what happens with the characters. Reboot? Apocalypse changes everything? Interesting.

They get rid of Jennifer lawrence because she will cost too much. Focus on the new students. Hoult and and Mcavoy are affordable enough to stay on. Fassbender as Magneto can sit out a movie or 2.


Hmmm. Wonder where they go after, or what happens with the characters. Reboot? Apocalypse changes everything? Interesting.

I think Fassbender and Lauwrence will leave after this. Apocalypse will likely be the end of the period pieces as well, with future films having no set timeline.

I'd like them to do the Phoenix storyline again, only do it justice this time.


This is my most anticipated film right now, the team that made X2 are finally reunited. Channing Tatum all but confirmed to play Gambit is genius casing as well, I just hope they can get Joaquin Phoenix as Apocalypse.
So the First Class movies were a vehicle to erase Ratner's shit. Bravo and brava. Bring it back to modern times and do Legacy virus or something with Mr Sinister.
This is exactly what I was hoping. Apocalypse is a great way to end it. Hopefully they give the series a rest for a bit while they explore spinoffs like X-Force and Deadpool.


Who should they cast as Jean Grey, Storm? It's about time Saorise Ronan got a part in a major hollywood blockbuster so I think she'd be a great Jean Grey. Failing that, Kaya Scodelario.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.

Great news. I think what will end up happening is that the young Xmen introduced in Apocalypse will go on to form the new Xmen team in a new, third timeline. Different from the Sentinel future and the Mansion ending future. That will be the 3rd generation team.

It's kind of a shame that First Class was only really a team for one movie though. Young Xavier and Magneto are such good characters though I don't mind all the focus going to them.

So is this Fox's answer to the avengers 2?

I don't really think Xmen can do anything on that box office scale. The hype for Avengers 2 is gonna be ridiculous. The best Xmen can hope for is competing with the solo films. Last I checked, Days of Future Past outdid Winter Soldier, Amazing Spiderman 2, and GotG worldwide.
Who should they cast as Jean Grey, Storm? It's about time Saorise Ronan got a part in a major hollywood blockbuster so I think she'd be a great Jean Grey. Failing that, Kaya Scodelario.
Saorise was actually who I had in mind for Jean. As for Storm, everyone wants Lupita but who knows with that one.

Then of course there is cyclops. The only choice that comes to mind at the moment is Logan Learman. He gets some hate because of the Percy Jackson films but I loved him in Perks of Being a Wallflower.


at last, for christ's sake
I don't think y'all know how long I've been waiting to see Apocalypse on the big screen.

I been waiting since X-Cutioner's song. Apo was the epitome of badassness there

man I miss old school X-Men crossovers and Fabian Nicieza


So basically Wolverine is now there at the start of X-Men being formed. He'll become the leader most likely as well. That Jackman star power. My ultimate look for Wolverine was always this bodybuilder from back in the day, and Arnolds best friend, Franco Columbu.
I don't get it. So after apocalypse they are going with a new cast or...what?

I'm hoping they focus on the core X-Men again with Cyke, Jean, etc. Would also open the door to them doing the Phoenix arc again.

Depends on who they cast to play young Cyke, Jean, etc though.


I'm hoping they focus on the core X-Men again with Cyke, Jean, etc. Would also open the door to them doing the Phoenix arc again.

Depends on who they cast to play young Cyke, Jean, etc though.

I thought they are doing tht with AOA and then moving forward forever with that cast + whoever else they had in the future.
I thought they are doing tht with AOA and then moving forward forever with that cast + whoever else they had in the future.

Oh, was that confirmed?

Fantastic news in that case. I was a little worried they would move the series back to the future where we see Wolverine at the end of DoFP.

Not that I'd be totally against that as it would hopefully mean more Blink, but I'd prefer they build on the core X-Men team and completely write out the original trilogy. Doing that would also mean them being able to bring back Nightcrawler.


No no it wasn't confirmed it was just my assumption. I didn't see why it would go any other way as the original cast are all a lot older now. I figure they were done with the original cast so why wouldn't they sick with the cast they have now.


How can Blink be in Apocalypse? Surely she wouldn't be born in the 80's? Portal through time maybe? Surely they'll keep the time travel stuff to a minimum after DOFP craziness?
No no it wasn't confirmed it was just my assumption. I didn't see why it would go any other way as the original cast are all a lot older now. I figure they were done with the original cast so why wouldn't they sick with the cast they have now.

I hope you're right. Sounds like something they'd do to be honest. The callback to the original cast in DoFP was nice, but it served as its goodbye to them, let's be having an all new team.

How can Blink be in Apocalypse? Surely she wouldn't be born in the 80's? Portal through time maybe? Surely they'll keep the time travel stuff to a minimum after DOFP craziness?

The actress is contracted to appear in four X-Men movies, so unless they are planning spin offs or flash forwards throughout the movies, she has to figure somewhere in their plans.

"I am contracted to appear in the next four X-Men films and it’s going to be really amazing,” she said through her translator. “In 14 years since the X-Men films started, this is the first time an Asian mutant is in the film. So, it’s going to be really interesting. In the comics, Blink is a Caucasian girl, so I was curious why Bryan wanted an Asian to play the role. He said that it’s time for Blink to make an appearance and, for her debut she has to be simply marvelous. It was an offer I couldn't refuse."

Read more at http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/notyetamovie/news/?a=105300#1cTpix6GQGw0Ii3H.99

I hope "young Storm" is played by Halle Berry.

You need to hope you find Jesus, because that's a terrible thing to hope for. Joking or otherwise.


Much prefer the older cast to be honest: McAvoy, Fassbender and Lawrence are all great, but nothing beats Stewart and McKellan by a long shot. Enjoyed DoFP so will certainly see this, but hopefully we get another 'older' X-Men movie at some point as well.


I hope you're right. Sounds like something they'd do to be honest. The callback to the original cast in DoFP was nice, but it served as its goodbye to them, let's be having an all new team.

The actress is contracted to appear in four X-Men movies, so unless they are planning spin offs or flash forwards throughout the movies, she has to figure somewhere in their plans.

Wasn't there an asian mutant girl working with stryker? I remember her fighting Wolverine and she was made from metal too (which you can only survive if you're a mutant I would think)

Edit: This one:
I don't think y'all know how long I've been waiting to see Apocalypse on the big screen.

Man you're not the only one. My hype for this movie is at extraordinary levels and I've been waiting for Apocalypse to appear on the big screen since before the first X-Men. This is by far my most anticipated movie exceeding any upcoming film including The Avengers and BvS.

I just hope Apoc is dumbed down. Singer needs to go all out for one of the greatest (and probably my favorite) X-Villain ever.

I hope Fassbender continues forward as Magneto even if this is the end of the trilogy. He's amazing as Magneto and I prefer his Magneto to Ian McKellen.


When are they ever going to bring this guy into the X-Men films?


They've addressed timetravel now, so it's completely possible for him to travel back in time to help Xavier and the X-men defeat Apocalypse before he becomes more powerful.
Wasn't there an asian mutant girl working with stryker? I remember her fighting Wolverine and she was made from metal too (which you can only survive if you're a mutant I would think)

Edit: This one:

Yeah - In addition to Lady Deathstrike,


there was also Quill in X3:


Psylocke, also in X3:


Jubilee made cameos in all three original films:


Agent Zero in Wolverine Origins:


and The Wolverine made Yukio into a mutant who can sense death:


So Blink being the first asian mutant in the series is factually incorrect.
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