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California Governor Says His State Will Be a Sanctuary for Science Under Trump

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Dude was on fire. Wonder if this was recorded anywhere.

edit: found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MLHWFO6DwE

excerpt from http://motherboard.vice.com/read/california-governor-jerry-brown-agu?trk_source=homepage-lede
“We’ve got the scientists, we’ve got the lawyers, we are ready to fight!” A pugnacious speech filled the conference hall this morning at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting in San Francisco where Governor of California Edmund Gerald "Jerry" Brown called upon the climate scientists of the world to stand up for truth and continue their research under the Trump presidency.

In an unplanned visit, Governor Brown at the last minute decided to make an appearance at the so-called largest gathering of climate scientists in the world, and the first large meeting of climate scientists since the election. His speech which can only be described as a call to arms requested that the group in front of him continue to pursue their careers, continue to do science and to get prepared over these next four years to fight for their lives and their work. Here are some of his most impassioned comments from this morning’s speech:

“California has over $2.2 trillion in gross national product, we are the 5th or 6th largest economy in the world, we have a lot of firepower, we have the scientists we have the universities, we have the national labs, no doubt we will fight and we will persevere!”

“We (California) have the goal of reaching 50% renewable energy and we are at 28% right now. We’ll set the stage, we'll set the example, and whatever Washington thinks, we will change the future.”

“Years ago when John F. Kennedy was in LA, he said that California was the new frontier, and we still are! We're pioneering space, honest science, and a political climate that’s committed to equality, and inclusivity. That’s our commitment and we're going to keep it up!”

“You know this isn’t about Breitbart and those other clowns, this is not about the proliferation of news bits—this is real life.”

“You're here to seek truth, and to disseminate the truth. In politics we have another game and it's not about truth, I don’t know what it's about, we try to make it about truth but it just ends up being politics.”

“We will unite with Canada and other countries and states. We will pursue a path of collaboration and bold political advancement and eventually the truth will prevail.”

“You know some people say that they're going to turn off the satellites that are monitoring the climate and the Earth, well I remember in 1978 I proposed a Landsat for California and they called me governor ‘moon beam’ because of it, and you know I didn’t get that moniker for nothing. If they turn off the satellites then California will just launch their own damn satellites! Private companies are already launching satellites in California. If they start messing with Lawrence Berkeley Labs and Lawrence Livermore Labs, then you can be sure I will tell them to keep their hands off! As long as the University of California manages those labs we will have honest independent science.”

“I have proposed to knock down oil consumption in California. This is a long term slog into the future, you are there the foot soldiers of change and scientific collaboration.”

“To Rick Perry: I’ve got some news for you, California is growing a hell of a lot more than Texas, and we have more sun than you have oil!”

“We're not yet at the point of absurdity, but when we get there we’ll be ready to ride the back of sustainability and proof. Scientists of this world unite! You have nothing to lose but your grants and your tenure. It’s risk-taking, but most of all truth telling, truth seeking, truth telling is profoundly more impactful than rhetoric,—rhetoric comes and goes, truth stays.”

“I promise you everything I do in California will be to bring common sense to the people of America. I promise for California and any other states that want to join, and hopefully Washington will combat climate change into the future.”

“We're a state where foreign leaders come to California, they come to Silicon Valley, they come to drink the water like a pilgrimage. California is a pivot point so that we can leverage what we are with others and wherever you are you can contribute to that. Don’t lose faith or get isolated. If anyone in Washington starts picking on researchers you can be sure you have a friend in California.”

“This is about working boldly and working together and understanding the power of who you are and what you can do.”
“We're a state where foreign leaders come to California, they come to Silicon Valley, they come to drink the water like a pilgrimage. California is a pivot point so that we can leverage what we are with others and wherever you are you can contribute to that. Don’t lose faith or get isolated. If anyone in Washington starts picking on researchers you can be sure you have a friend in California.”
Gosh the irony is kind of funny here, considering how little water California has.


Most of this is just poor salve for the reality we're facing.

Say this as someone living in CA. I'd like to cheer my state as much as the next guy but we don't exist in a vacuum and the federal decisions will still cause huge waves here despite our best attempt to hunker down. Great for us but a state shouldn't have to hold up some kind of banner for fact and genuine scientific progress.
“To Rick Perry: I’ve got some news for you, California is growing a hell of a lot more than Texas, and we have more sun than you have oil!”

Shouldn't set yourself up like this Jerry.

Rick Perry: "And less water than we have Democrats"


Pretty much the only two states I care about living in anymore are WA and CA, never leaving the Best Coast ever again. Good on you CA.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Best Coast is the Real America.
Best Coast is the Real America.




Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Jerry Brown has been the most and progressive dem ever...I wont mind voting for him as prez 2020.


Gold Member
Hey Hey Hey "Jerry" you are sounding an awful lot like Texas with that speech.

Texas and California...due to perhaps the heavy Spanish/Mexican influence will remain two sides of the same coin...the Yin and the Yang . . .

Rick Perry is a dumbass. Don't expect a comeback like that from a person that prays for rain.

Rick Perry is an idiot...Many Texans will tell you that.


Nice speech, but if he was serious about climate change, he would do something about the horrible transportation infrastructure. Put money into creating alternatives to driving.


As a Texan that lived there for 20 years before moving to California 8 years ago, all I have to say is I'm glad that I fucking left.
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