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Calling all Panzer Dragoon Saga fans... is it worth it?


GhaleonEB said:
goodcow said:
There's a heck of alot more than that. Many are buried and have to be found at the right time, ala Shenmue. I didn't find most until my third time through, when I was really taking time to check stuff out. Playtime (minus cinematics) is around 12 hours without the side quests, closer to 15-18 with them.

Well that's why I said at least. It also depends on what you consider a side quest I suppose.


I was simply pointing out that if linearity in PDS was an issue for SnowWolf, it would be quite odd considering he played Zwei and Orta quite a bit and they're as linear as they come. Though I've found the definition of linearity to be pretty subjective on this board anyway (witness this very thread :lol).


YellowAce said:
best part of the game -> it can be finished in 12 hours or less. I really have no time for 60 hour RPG's.

short, sweet and unforgettable.

I hear that!! I wish developers would make different mixes of a game, one for broke students who have an entire summer break to play an RPG, and those of us with extremely limited amounts of free time who still want to experience the best of any top rate adventure game.

I for one will not devote more than 15 hours to any linear playthrough of anything these days, with the exception of Jade Empire which I finished in about 25 hours, in a 3 day gaming marathon. Wouldn't it be great if future Final Fantasies would give you the option to aim for a 15, 25, or 50 hour quest? The shorter ones simply being leaner and more direct to the point, with all the best battles and character development scenes left intact.


jkooXL said:
I hear that!! I wish developers would make different mixes of a game, one for broke students who have an entire summer break to play an RPG, and those of us with extremely limited amounts of free time who still want to experience the best of any top rate adventure game.

I for one will not devote more than 15 hours to any linear playthrough of anything these days, with the exception of Jade Empire which I finished in about 25 hours, in a 3 day gaming marathon. Wouldn't it be great if future Final Fantasies would give you the option to aim for a 15, 25, or 50 hour quest? The shorter ones simply being leaner and more direct to the point, with all the best battles and character development scenes left intact.

Don't know about the different verions thing, but I largely agree when it comes to length. For action RPG's I top out at around 20 hours (and PDO is pretty close to an action RPG, with the faux realtime battles), and for formal RPG's, 20-50 hours. Stuff like Morrowind just makes my head hurt even thinking about it.


yeah i played the game in 1998 and diddnt finish it but i still remember it. I think thats a good deal, if you got money to waste. ADD>sucks for RPG's


The Panzer series pushed the graphical boundaries of the Saturn in each installment. To say Saga is ugly is shortsighted.


Scary Euro Man
Shinobi said:
I was simply pointing out that if linearity in PDS was an issue for SnowWolf, it would be quite odd considering he played Zwei and Orta quite a bit and they're as linear as they come.

Linearity in a shooter and linearity in an RPG are entirely different issues, of course. It's generally more acceptable in one than the other.

Shinobi said:
Maybe there are more involving turned-based systems out there, but it's probably buried in too much typical RPG bullshit for me to ever bother with it.

Panzer Dragoon Saga: the RPG for people who hate RPGs. Sounds about right to me...


Considering how much it goes for I have to say you'd only be disapointed. I loved Panzer Dragoon Saga, one of the most unique RPGs I've ever played (and I prefer it over the shooting games in the series). But it has its slow moments, and when I got offered $180 to sell mine I didn't hesitate to say goodbye.


some areas actually look really good i would say. i was playing it today and generally i found nothing at all wrong with it graphically in this one boss fight with crayman. it actually looked kinda good. ish.


Scary Euro Man
Yes, the boss fights look pretty good for the time, IIRC. Some of the later environments are just a complete mess by today's standards, though. Wouldn't stop me from playing it, but YMMV.
D-X said:
The Panzer series pushed the graphical boundaries of the Saturn in each installment. To say Saga is ugly is shortsighted.

Wise words indeed. I'd rather see ambitious art limited by technology than high gloss boredom, i.e. a majority of the stuff people were going nuts for at e3.


i think it looks pretty nice, but thats a design issue. again, i just really really loved the desert scenariois and the ruins of uru. the music is godly. the issue is, the game is easy. only later on during the fights against the emperor's flying fortress, the guardian of uru, and boss fights at the tower were the points where the battle system was truely well utilized. you had to defend/attack every other turn. some of the boss attacks drained too much energy to sustain yourself, so you had to act quickly.
overall the cinematic nature holds up well.
and as for sidequests and easter eggs, there are plenty. i caught em all, its tough to get everything first time aorund. so theres plenty to go look for and do, if you love the panzer universe like i do.


iapetus said:
Panzer Dragoon Saga: the RPG for people who hate RPGs. Sounds about right to me...

I fit that bill pretty well, though I liked KOTOR as well. I actually played PDS twice and enjoyed it both times, then made a ridiculous profit on EBay (could have made more if I'd waited until today from the sounds of things). But outside of PDS and Bioware's games, you'd be hard pressed to find me an RPG I love.

As for the original question, PDS is one of the few RPGs I've enjoyed, and IMO, the only game in the Panzer Dragoon series I found really worth full price (I've bought all the other games at $20-30CDN).

Would I pay $125 for it? I doubt it. Do I think it's got $125 worth of enjoyment? maybe. I think the upside is you can easily recoup whatever you spend on it -- and probably get most of your swag cash back, too.


D-X said:
The Panzer series pushed the graphical boundaries of the Saturn in each installment. To say Saga is ugly is shortsighted.

It's a relative thing for me...back then I thought it looked just fine, and a damn sight better then the shit pre-rendered BG's that were all the rage in FF7 and 8. But that was merely in relation to other home 32 bit softs...the truth of the matter is that Model 2 and 3 games spoiled me rotten, making those games look like shit even then, nevermind now.

iapetus said:
Linearity in a shooter and linearity in an RPG are entirely different issues, of course. It's generally more acceptable in one than the other.

Depends who you talk to...many would say that shooters suck ass hairs because they're linear, while still playing linear as fuck RPG's because they take 900 hours to finish.

Panzer Dragoon Saga: the RPG for people who hate RPGs. Sounds about right to me...

Fucking right...hail PDS, fuck the rest of the genre.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
What if you like traditional RPGs and the other Panzer Dragoon games? And don't really give a crap about graphics, is Saga worth it then (I'm not opposed to spending $100+ on a rare game, I've done it quite a few times before)?


Shinobi said:
I reckon any turned-based system that didn't make me want to gouge my eyes out with a scapel is progress. Maybe there are more involving turned-based systems out there, but it's probably buried in too much typical RPG bullshit for me to ever bother with it.
If you ever want another RPG with engaging battles and positioning elements, try Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter or any of the Grandias.


Scary Euro Man
djtiesto said:
What if you like traditional RPGs and the other Panzer Dragoon games? And don't really give a crap about graphics, is Saga worth it then (I'm not opposed to spending $100+ on a rare game, I've done it quite a few times before)?

Sounds like the game was made for you, then. Worth waiting around until you can find a good price, as always, especially if you're planning on keeping it rather than selling it on once you've played it. You might find, like me, that it's a disappointment mechanics-wise when compared with other RPGs, but you might not. ;)

jarrod said:
If you ever want another RPG with engaging battles and positioning elements, try Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter or any of the Grandias.

Particularly BoF:DQ, which genuinely does entirely new and interesting things with its gameplay, unlike PDS.


jarrod said:
If you ever want another RPG with engaging battles and positioning elements, try Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter or any of the Grandias.

Like I said before, it isn't just the battle systems that turn me off RPG's (though it's a huge reason). My bro got Grandia 2 on the DC, and the entire package looked less interesting then mixing hardening cement with a teaspoon. The genre in it's current form just isn't for me.
jarrod said:
If you ever want another RPG with engaging battles and positioning elements, try Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter or any of the Grandias.

Another awesome thing about Saga? Its easy to play, and that's a big issue I have with RPGs in general; they're a chore to play, especially the battles, at least ones that are overly-complex and punishing to boot.

That being said, I REALLY wanted to like Dragon Quarter, but I just couldn't.


did you ever get it?

for how much, if you dont mind the asking.

i think im selling my copy soon, so im curious. thanks.
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