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Castlevania DS screens, trailer, movies here

My goodness, the animation is so killer, everything is just so freaking beautiful. I love it.

But alright, for the road, can we get one last, "It looks like a GBA game!" comment after that video? Surely there's enough media to put that to shame now. :lol

And AniHawk, didn't you not play Wars on GBA either? Yeesh, I hope I'm mistaken.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Dragona Akehi said:

I love when you get angry ;).

Assuming some WiKi's are right they did quite a bit of upgrades to the GBA-style 2D Hardware engines (one thing I remember now was basically support for 16 palettes of 256 colors for "extended" rotation BG's and sprites... each color of those 256 being the usual 15 bits value... so we have a third palette configuration :)... there are others, I just do not remember them all). The funny thing is that likely the DS's 3D Hardware should be powerful enough to push out awesome looking 2D games even if the DS had no 2D hardware engine at all.


Panajev2001a said:
I love when you get angry ;).

Assuming some WiKi's are right they did quite a bit of upgrades to the GBA-style 2D Hardware engines (one thing I remember now was basically support for 16 palettes of 256 colors for "extended" rotation BG's and sprites... each color of those 256 being the usual 15 bits value... so we have a third palette configuration :)... there are others, I just do not remember them all). The funny thing is that likely the DS's 3D Hardware should be powerful enough to push out awesome looking 2D games even if the DS had no 2D hardware engine at all.

So is it possible that Treasure is using more than just the 2D engine to make Bleach so mind-numbingly good?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Culex said:
So is it possible that Treasure is using more than just the 2D engine to make Bleach so mind-numbingly good?

The DS, feck if they added a bi-linear filtering fix to their Texturing engine :( sigh, packs a lot of power in that chipset (btw, when in the previous post I said WiKi, I do mean free, public pages about DS homebrew programming).

They can do what they want... they have perhaps the best dedicated 2D Sprites+Backgrounds Hardware support seen since the Saturn days in a console IMHO which is not held back by RAM or ROM storage (which afflicted music too) as it was on the GBA. Then they have a 3D processing engine with features and performance that are not PSP level, but are still solid (between PSOne and N64 if you count features and performance in the comparison... definately N64+ if you take into account that the DS is not as bad as the N64 to program for).

Even though my favourite 3D chipset for portables IS the PSP (you guys with the patched GCC that can use the VFPU :( you LUUUUUUCKY ones ;)), I am gaining respect for the DS's hardware by the day (I will keep bitching about the lack of bi-linear filtering though ;)).


Culex said:
Yes, Treasure does do anime licensed games, most of which suck terribly.

Bleach is not one of these, thankfully.

I know Treasure has done anime stuff in the past (Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Drive), but I just hadn't heard about Bleach. That's kinda interesting.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
saw the 4 minutes gameplay footage in 1up and OMG! anticipation meter exploded bring this motherfucker here now!


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Dragona Akehi said:
Those were the days, you and I, fighting against the ignorant.

The good ol' days Dragona, the good ol' days :D.

So you still coding? What's your current project?

I am still on PS2 Linux stuff (I almost feel it is a programming exercise I am doing and not much game making... I do not think I'll ever finish a PS2 game... hey maybe in 2007 I will be working on Mary Kate & Ashely's vs Paris Hilton adventure... when all respectable coders will have jumped to the next-generation they will need someone to do their evil job :)), but I could not resist the temptation of seeing how far along the PSP homebrew scene is... unsupported, pretty low to non-existent documentation, lack of tools (there is lots of other stuff you need to make 3D games besides GCC and some platform specific header files...), but still code gets compiled and runs someway :).

I was tempted to go back to GBA as Peter Schraut's (spelling ?) HEL library (which can be used to complement HAM)has gotten to a magnificent point: let's say he got unlimited tiles support with unlimited map sizes thanks to code that let's you dynamically updated both (when I left GBA homebrew on hold I had two versions of my little engine... one that did dynamic tiles update and one that dynamically updated the map). I have not tried it myself, just saw that release coming out and some guy already made a demo testing it all out. I am surprised they have not ported HAM and HEL to Nintendo DS yet.

I know that if I started again GBA/DS development I would get a Flash Kit this time as I ain't doing the "develop on emulator, get someone to test it on Hardware" thing again (no disrespect to CerebralPalsy who helped by testing the rom on the GBA) though :).

And how far along is your group now ? Any exciting news ?

Tony HoTT

They may have changed the art style but the game looks as dark as ever. I still remember as a wee lad I would get so scared of nightfall in CV2. Hopefully kids get scared of this.


Nice nostalgia. Yes, I hated that cheap, low-frame rate fade to night in Simon's Quest. It was so spooky. But loved it too, you know what I mean..


oh, PWEASE post impressions!!

hopefully some import stores here in the states, both online and real, will have copies next week?? THere is one near my place (Network Video, in Burlingame, CA) I am going to call them NOW!


Cathcart said:
Here, SEVEN dollars. This is probably the best deal of all time. Now stop making excuses.

as already been discussed this is a pirate but when I went to the URL of where hte guys hosts hte pictures: http://www.23yrs.com/wei/ you find some crazy stuff.

Including the names and addresses of everyone who has bought from him.

a 'letter to jay': http://www.23yrs.com/wei/gba/GBA/GBA Package/Letter to Jay.doc

even his income statements if you search through. (he seems to make a TON of money)


so this guy at gamefaqs has AoS and has been posting some juicy impressions. I won't put here as they are pretty big spoilage, but really great stuff so far.

Anyone here have it yet? I am planning to import today if I hear any more good things. Plus, I saw some pics online of this silver DS game case, with a gothic cross on it, that came with some preorder that someone got. even more tempting!!
Sorry if this has been answered somewhere...but

What is the control layout for DoS? Does it mimic SotN's dual equip set up (where one face button worked for one hand, and the other for the other hand)?
I just finished Harmony of Dissonance. While I enjoyed it overall, it had the easiest fucking boss battle ever and there were too many moments where I didn't know where the hell to go. I had to try to remember where the hell in the giant ass map that wall was that I couldn't break before but I can now because I have a new whip attachment. I ran around for hours unnecessarily. Somehow it was still an enjoyable game.

Was Aria of Sorrow like this or better?
Hey AniHawk, I just found it surprising that no one mentioned that the REAL reason you should play Aria of Sorrow first is because DoS is the SEQUEL!

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Does anyone know how it controls, exactly? How much does the touch screen come into play? Hopefully they don't ruin it like Mario 64 DS. Well, ruin is a strong word, but the control sucked compared to the N64 version, imho.

EDIT: Didn't mean to echo you Quadrophenic, you posted while I was typing mine up :)


This trailer has convinced me to buy a DS. Can't beat that 2D gaming. The art and style is just amazing. Suppose I'll have to buy CotM and AoS to be complete.



Some impressions from one who 'beat' it:

'Well, this is it, guys; after 9 hours of gametime I have finished the game.

First off, the anticipated Julius mode:

Julius mode is unlocked after getting the "Bad Ending" where Soma reawakens as Dracula(I won't go into storyline details, more on that later), and Julius and the gang team up on a quest to confront Soma.

They DO level up(HP/MP increase) by killing enemies and bosses, but do NOT have an inventory of any kind; therefore, no armors, pendants, etc.

You start out with Julius alone, and will meet Yoko in her weapon synthesis room; I have yet to meet Alucard, but it is confirmed he will be in his SotN outfit(I read his profile after I unlocked Julius mode, and saw his SotN mugshot)

Julius is still the same old: he starts with his usual axe, holy water, cross, big cross subweapons, double jump, slide, and some sort of uppercut that elevates him a little bit when you press L(think of it as a third jump).

Yoko is quite fun to play with: she heals 2 HP for every physical hit she deals, be it slide, crouch kick, etc; she also has three elemental attacks (equivalent to Julius' subweapons) up her sleeve: fire(kinda like a shotgun blast, short range), ice(five icicles shoot out from her, just like the picture), and electricity(three electric balls home in on the enemy).

I'm assuming Alucard is the character we will use to get to high grounds, since none of the members so far are able to high-jump(Julius' "triple" jump only gets him so far :/).

Now that I've cleared all that up, I have to ask you guys something:
Do you REALLY want to know the three endings? Since that basically means telling the whole story, and the game isn't even out yet. O_O

I gotta go to sleep now(it's almost 5am here) so think about it and give me an answer, cuz I don't want to be blamed for spoiling the whole story when most of the people here didn't even play the game yet. :/

As for souls, the most recent one I got is from Orlox, which allows access into mirrors; basically it's like Super Mario Bros. 2, where a potion door brings you to the alternate world, and you can find some goodies there.

(but then he says this after that post):

Oh my god guys, I think I just figured out how to get to the real storyline.

Remember how I said the last soul I got was Orlox's soul, where it allows access to "the other side of the mirror?"

It's last for a reason; Orlox's boss room is one of the two places that can only be accessed by the "Bat Company" soul(basically this game's Giant Bat soul), the second place being the boss area.

Well guess what the final boss room has conveniently right in the middle of the room?

you guessed it, a friggin mirror.
And when you're fighting Dario, the *flame* user, what do you see in the mirror's reflections as Dario is in front of the mirror?

A list of areas so far:

Village which disappeared from the Map
Demon Reception Hall
Magic Research Building
Flower Garden of Madness
Underground Hades
Cursed Clocktower
Ruin of Silence
Black Cathedral
Tower of the Sinned
Topmost floor of Castlevania(will probably become "Top Floor" in the US version)
marking text as a spoiler makes everybody happy


wine and cheese

type spoiler to begin and /spoiler to end, each in [] brackets




Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm not reading any of those spoilers.

Edit - that is, I read the first line, something about x number of hours of gametime, and stopped.


but, but, they're so juicy!!!

at LEAST read the 3rd and 4th blocks of black text there. GOOD STUFF. Whets the appetite!
I don't believe that I can be "spoiled" on such a story-lite series like Castlevania, so I read it all! And I'm so glad I did!

Sounds great. One thing, though: how did the guy rank the game in comparison to past Castlevanias? And a link is common courtesy.


dabbled in the jelly
What new guns do you think they'll put in that bad boy? That might decide my purchase right there. I remember the first time I showed my friends the handcannon in AoS their jaws literally dropped to the ground.

Them: "Guns in Castlevania!"
Me: "DMC Bitches!"



A plot that just sealed the deal on me making my first purchase with Playasia.com-
CV: DoS shipping to me today. word.

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