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COMICS!!! |OT| March Harley Quinn does the Banana Splits

The idea of The Inhumans completely interests me, but the last few re-launches I've tried reading them and I just get bored. I don't like the way Marvel tries to handle them, making them such a big deal in the whole Marvel universe kind of diminishes them for me and I feel like they go over the top at making every one of them being 'super' cool. It's like they're trying too hard to make them loved.


I'd be all about bringing in the Eternals if the Celestials are along for the ride. That brief glimpse of Eson in Guardians of the Galaxy wasn't nearly enough.

Y'all should read Kirby's original Eternals series if you haven't, it's great stuff.
I hate to be that guy, but folks suddenly bandwagoning the Inhumans now they got a tv show annoys me. I just wanted to get that off my chest, i posted here because no one reads comics let along a comic thread
People are not bandwagoning the Inhumans.

Are they?
I actually like the Inhumans.

Wish they were pals with the X-Men though.
Medusa is kinda buds with Storm.
Rumor was the Inhuman's movie was shelved because Eternals will be a big part of phase 4
This is the least believable thing I've read today.


Inhumans have been better than the X-Men for a few years now.

Though that's mostly because the X-men have been terrible outside of the recent Wolverine ongoings. (and Deadpool, if that still counts has an X-book)
Some doubting thomases we have around here

Rumor: Feige priming Eternals for Phase 4



Wort Mistake was making Inhumans a Streetlevel book or one where they are traveling around and do shit in the world of ordinary people. Let them stay in the Himalaya or on the moon or wherever Attilan currently is (but not New York) and let them do cosmic shit.
Avengers at just around 20K. The most popular superhero team in the mainstream can't manage to get anywhere near at least 50K.

Edit: It's around 37K. I'm looking at the wrong issue. Still my point stands.
Floods the market.
Kills digital code copies in favor of digital first issues.
Surrounds the universe with a New Gen of Heroes without many/little build.

I feel like most of these decisions are at least influenced by a short sighted marketing department with an eye fixated on quarterly profits.

God damn DC and their returnable books!
Just looking at the raw numbers not rankings. Marvel's biggest seller that's not star wars is Spider-Man at 63k. That's awful.

Edit: didn't see it mentioned but I wonder if some of these sales numbers reflect the short month.

Other thing that seems to be a pattern, biggest titles don't sell as high but titles at the lower end sell better


Why does he wear the mask!?
Floods the market.
Kills digital code copies in favor of digital first issues.
Surrounds the universe with a New Gen of Heroes without many/little build.


Pretty much. No sympathy for Marvel, they brought it upon themselves.


Unconfirmed Member
Took a Zelda break over the weekend to see Logan, and hot dang was it good. Swearing Patrick Stewart is my favorite character in anything.
Marvel's biggest mistake was they forgot the sauce and cheese on their pizza. All they have on their empty pizza dough is pepperoni, Canadian bacon, and pineapple and they think that's enough to form a base on. You need the sauce and cheese. Sometimes extra cheese.


Marvel's biggest mistake was making the X-Men line a bunch of shitty books that no one wants to read, launching the Inhumans with shitty books that no one wants to read, launching more shitty books that no one wants to read, and barely marketing outside of the comics bubble on the books that people do want to read.


Guess I can stop beeing worried that all legacy heroes go away or will be replaced soon.

They played the same play too many times.

Miles, Nova, Kamala should be it and rename and find a better duo for Champions

Nadia will likely be safe because her connection to Hope Pym.

Robbie might go either way because AoS is likely gone and sadly, RR might become a memory.

Silk is gonna get fucked over hard. To limbo with Anya,

Riri will be Tony's sidekick. Sam will be Falcon again. Jane? It all depends on Aaron.

Triple M will be a interesting thing. Reason why Rebirth worked was because of the mix of old and new while Shattered Dreams banked too hard on new and Axel stockpiling events.
Robbie is gone. Another missed opportunity Ghost Rider character. And then Marvel will bring back Blaze thinking everyone will want him back and then it will get cancelled after 12 issues and then Ghost Rider is forgotten for another 5 years.


We know Marvel does long term booking but something tells me that they are not happy with these numbers since they still kinda kiss Diamonds ass.

Marvel's biggest mistake was making the X-Men line a bunch of shitty books that no one wants to read, launching the Inhumans with shitty books that no one wants to read, launching more shitty books that no one wants to read, and barely marketing outside of the comics bubble on the books that people do want to read.

Don't worry Marvel is Making Mutants Superior Again.

How is Spider-Gwen? Also about to die soon?
I just hope they invest again in big names. Spend some money, goddamit.

And Pineapple on pizza is great.

Gwen is Ike's baby. She's safe. Plus she's also gonna be in Spideys new cartoon.


How is Spider-Gwen? Also about to die soon?
I just hope they invest again in big names. Spend some money, goddamit.

And Pinaple on pizza is great.
The only problem I think Marvel has is that they just became too transparent. There's only so much money-making prioritizing you can take before you start realizing they don't really care what they're doing as long as it gets people back on the books.

It's not any one particular thing they did that turned people off, it's that they just kept throwing them at the books over and over again.


The only problem I think Marvel has is that they just became too transparent. There's only so much money-making prioritizing you can take before you start realizing they don't really care what they're doing as long as it gets people back on the books.

It's not any one particular thing they did that turned people off, it's that they just kept throwing them at the books over and over again.

It's gonna sound sentimental, and probably kinda dumb as a result, but Marvel has chosen to define its line with events, and a lot of those events are about heroes not being heroes, and also being kind of shit?

Standoff: the Avengers discover that S.H.I.E.L.D. was running a fucking reality-warped mind torture camp under their noses, and Cap gets the shit beaten out of him until a Cosmic Cube saves his life, and turns out it's all been part of Red Skull's plan somehow
Civil War II: half of the heroes in the Marvel Universe, including Carol Danvers, becomes pre-crime fascists, and the other becomes mega-dipshits. All sides are wrong, everyone fights for little to no reason, Rhodey dies, which is NOT A GOOD LOOK, It sucks and it's terrible.
Death of X: the Inhumans are indifferent to a genocide they created; the X-Men are out of their goddamn gourds and bloodthirsty, it's fun! no one is likeable! also they make Aaron Kuder look like dogshit!
IvX: hey guess what it's more of that

Maybe people don't like Marvel because they make comics where everyone is shitty and/or miserable and/or fucking fascists, while DC is providing comics that do exactly what they say on the tin.
Instead of just giving every character under the sun a solo that ends up getting cancelled in 6-12 issues, put them on a team or give them a mini.

They could do that. You don't see DC doing a Spoiler solo, two Wally West solos, and a Deadshot solo because "well I'm sure someone wanted it!"


The only problem I think Marvel has is that they just became too transparent. There's only so much money-making prioritizing you can take before you start realizing they don't really care what they're doing as long as it gets people back on the books.

It's not any one particular thing they did that turned people off, it's that they just kept throwing them at the books over and over again.

Like the hip hop vaiants, this writer from a book is working on X, anything getting them on the front page...wait a minute...


You know it's coming...they're gonna restabilize that book.
Notice how every new solo starring a new hero always deals with their past? It's like Marvel didn't tell writers beforehand to build them up in the team books they were put in.
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