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Competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee Discussion Thread


Last time I checked atleast, a little bit out of the loop cause of moving around, for Netplay purposes we used 4.0-652 because it was the latest build that had Netplay support synched with Dual Core, could be a new build now but that definitely works.

I know the latest build native supports Wii U Adapter, but personally can't comment on that stuff for netplay.
how often does Dolphin update these days anyway?

some of the designs in the new Fire Emblem suck
j/k :p


how often does Dolphin update these days anyway?

Can't really quantify it in a usable way.
Dolphin is, or is close enough to, open source, so there's a gazillion different branches of people trying to tweak stuff and there's like a new slightly altered build every couple hours.
Better off sticking with whatever is netplay standard at the time, or the big x.0/x.5 releases for stuff like GC controller support.


how often does Dolphin update these days anyway?

some of the designs in the new Fire Emblem suck
j/k :p

god dammit lol

Edit: And I see. Thanks. I'll just stick with the one in the thread then.

Edit2: What should I do about save files before netplay? Is there a file I could DL to unlock everything?

Oh wait, I got it. Everything's working fine now.


If people are actually netplaying now, I'm down to either try to play with my sweet (aka terrible) skills, or to help dudes out; been going on and off between bloodborne and lookin at threads.


Had a question on Dolphin netplay. Is everyone using the latest Dolphin? Or do I have to use the latest one linked here on SWF?

The old build was 652 and the new one is 5886. I keep both because some people on netplay don't have one or the other.

They'll release it for sure. That's how the PM team rolls.

Those Smash 64 SFX... kreygasm.

I hope so. PM with N64 graphics and SFX would be the definitive way to play for me.


Today I've been having issues with netplay. The game's been having frame drops for me, even with the enhancements turned off.

Game runs perfectly fine offline for me. I'm on the build from that SWF link I had up there, so I don't know if the newer one will help.
Today I've been having issues with netplay. The game's been having frame drops for me, even with the enhancements turned off.

Game runs perfectly fine offline for me. I'm on the build from that SWF link I had up there, so I don't know if the newer one will help.

Most likely has something to do with your connection.

What kind of pings have you been getting?


Unconfirmed Member
I only tried laser mode a couple times before I left.

Is it really that easy to power shield with Marth? Because that game is waaaaaaay easier than trying to do it with Falcon, lol.


How's your PC specs? Maybe a fresh install of Dolphin oughta do the trick.

Intel Core i7-4720HQ 2.6GHz

It's my new laptop. I'll have to give it another try since maybe I needed a reboot or something.
I followed the instructions on the thread, so I should've been fine for the most part.


I only tried laser mode a couple times before I left.

Is it really that easy to power shield with Marth? Because that game is waaaaaaay easier than trying to do it with Falcon, lol.
Not as easy as the minigame makes it seem. But mostly because you're in a fixed position and you know you want to stand there and power shield.

In Melee, most people I've talked to can do it semi-consistently, but end up having to focus too much on that vs doing everything else in the game. Marth has it a bit easier since his run animation is so low; often projectiles will go over you and you can wait and ps them then. Dash away ps is pretty good too.


Unconfirmed Member
Not as easy as the minigame makes it seem. But mostly because you're in a fixed position and you know you want to stand there and power shield.

In Melee, most people I've talked to can do it semi-consistently, but end up having to focus too much on that vs doing everything else in the game. Marth has it a bit easier since his run animation is so low; often projectiles will go over you and you can wait and ps them then. Dash away ps is pretty good too.

I certainly can't, even in a practice situation. Though I've only really practiced it once, and I hit like 5/100 or something like that.

It's really easy in the minigame though. Especially the regular mode. 985 so far.

There, broke 1000, I'm happy for now.


Reaper 3-2 Zgetto - intense sets

(You guys really shouldn't miss this, or rather, you did already so much.)


1. Ice
2. Däumling
3. Amsah
4. reaper

Ice didn't even take his matches against Däumling seriously and still 3-0'ed him twice, even once as Sheik vs Ice Climbers (Amsah lost both times to Däumling). I don't think he dropped a single game all tournament (no idea about the ones not shown).
The matches before the top 4 were the most exciting, in my opinion.


1. Ice
2. Däumling
3. Amsah
4. reaper

Ice didn't even take his matches against Däumling seriously and still 3-0'ed him twice, even once as Sheik vs Ice Climbers (Amsah lost both times to Däumling). I don't think he dropped a single game all tournament (no idea about the ones not shown).
The matches before the top 4 were the most exciting, in my opinion.

his fox got stupidly good stupidly fast. 20xx is so real.


Did you guys watch Mayhem?
Mango's marth is incredible >.<

If you've seen him stream you would've known man. I honestly think he semi wants to bring it out at a major against some of the Gods.

Also ZeRo won PM at NCR after not having played the game for 8 months and it being PM 3.5

Then he won Smash 4 doubles

The dude is a maniac I honestly think he will go undefeated this year in Smash 4 and depending on if/when he gets sponsored he will go HAM at Melee. Unless his sponsor wants him to stick to Smash 4 specifically in which case I could see him happily doing that as well.

I can easily see him becoming top 10 at Melee within a year, his talent is just there.


If you've seen him stream you would've known man. I honestly think he semi wants to bring it out at a major against some of the Gods.

Also ZeRo won PM at NCR after not having played the game for 8 months and it being PM 3.5

Then he won Smash 4 doubles

The dude is a maniac I honestly think he will go undefeated this year in Smash 4 and depending on if/when he gets sponsored he will go HAM at Melee. Unless his sponsor wants him to stick to Smash 4 specifically in which case I could see him happily doing that as well.

I can easily see him becoming top 10 at Melee within a year, his talent is just there.
He joked one time that if he wins Evo for Smash 4, he would try to focus on Melee and get really good at that. Hope was kinda serious <.< Dude is super smart.


Whatever happened to Gimpyfish? He was a pretty decent Bowser player.

Gimpyfish is still active around here in Washington, don't know about his playing preferences if he still just wants to stick to bowser like 15 years strong, but mostly he diverted most efforts to building his scene in Washington. He casts our monthlies on his channel, and sponsors the top dudes in our scene like Bladewise and SilentWolf.

Though it's been a while, I do remember him playing and liking PM Bowser a lot.



He joked one time that if he wins Evo for Smash 4, he would try to focus on Melee and get really good at that. Hope was kinda serious <.< Dude is super smart.

It was a bet with Leffen. Leffen told Zero that If he wins Smash 4 at EVO he has to take Melee seriously.


Gimpyfish is still active around here in Washington, don't know about his playing preferences if he still just wants to stick to bowser like 15 years strong, but mostly he diverted most efforts to building his scene in Washington. He casts our monthlies on his channel, and sponsors the top dudes in our scene like Bladewise and SilentWolf.

Though it's been a while, I do remember him playing and liking PM Bowser a lot.


I see. That's cool.


Media Create Maven
who? the Smash 4 field in particular looks really weak (lol at SilentSpectre making top 16 losers in it though)

Doesn't Mew2King now live in Arizona? Surprised he's not making the drive up to NorCal.

It was a bet with Leffen. Leffen told Zero that If he wins Smash 4 at EVO he has to take Melee seriously.

Usually bets involve two sides... so if Zero loses at EVO, Leffen will take Smash 4 seriously or something? Just wondering why Zero would take a bet that seemingly has no benefit to him (winning Smash 4 EVO involves taking on more work afterwards).
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