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Corbyn: Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states have funded and fueled extremist ideology

Qutb didn't spread the head banging Madrasahs to Pakistan; that was Saudi Arabia. Qutb also wasn't responsible for helping to unleash the Taliban; that was Saudi Arabia and Pakistan's ISA. Qutb didn't use billion in newly acquired oil wealth to spread that cancerous Wahhabi ideology globally; that was Saudi Arabia and its Gulf Arab allies.

We're speaking about ISIS/Al Qaida, not the talibans. They are ideologically distinct and don't have the same political methodology, even if they are both equally disgusting.

For the record, i think that Saudi Arabia is as worse as ISIS. Bringing complexity is not defending.


It's a really simplistic approach. Wahhabism don't explain ISIS alone.
ISIS is doctrinally wahhabi but politically the son of Seyyed Qutb, who was not wahhabi. If you don't have Qutb in the equation, you don't have ISIS/Al Qaida.

In France, Saudi Arabia printed ten of thousands of booklet who were spread in the mosque rebuking the arguments of ISIS.

French specialists (Burgat, Roy..) of islamist terrorism argue that salafism as a whole is playing a complicated role. Since Saudi Arabia is spreading a purely quietist form of wahhabism, it's a direct obstacle for politicization, hence, an obstacle for ISIS radicalization.

I used to have this kind of explanation, but you can see movement like the Muwahhidun in maghrib in the classical time, who did thing like the original wahhabi movement but from a rationalist perspective, killing people who had literalist interpretation of the attribute of God .

There's a reasonably clear line of argument that House of Saud were very happy with the exporting the more extremist forms of Wahhabism as a counterpoint to Iranian influence in some of the post colonial constructs where Sunni and Shite mixed. It's gotten out of hand, but they were very slow to turn off the indirect funding tap from their own citizens (and occasionally family members).


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Wahabi clerics have the Saudi rulers by the balls, don't they?

Even if the Saudis started to receive political pressure, I don't think it would be easy to get them to stop.


Well he's not wrong. If Saudi money were removed from the equation there's no exported wahabbism. It's crazy that we'd rather invade other countries than tell Saudi Arabia to knock it off. At the same time we're supporting Israel. Talk about bipolar geopolitical madness.
Sounds like a self perpetuating machine.


That's why banning your own country from selling arms to them is counterproductive, but what can be done is that a country's military can boycott manufacturers that sell to Saudi Arabia. That means the manufacturer have a choice: they can either sell to Saudi Arabia and lose the British (and other) markets, or they can drop Saudi Arabia and gain access to the markets that are part of the boycott.

I dunno. I understand that we often have to trade with countries who have problematic elements eg China and its human rights, but China isn't fuelling an ideology that is bringing death and destruction to our streets. That's why I think we need to take a different line with SA. How can our PM be condemning these terror attacks with a straight face while flogging jets and weapons to SA? It seems money matters more than national security.I don't believe people like Theresa May have our best interests at heart no matter how convincing their speeches may be. She's just a damn liar. It's a shame people buy it.
The sooner the governments stop turning a blind eye to Saudi, the sooner they'll stop being hypocrites. I don't see that stopping anytime soon until the oil $$ runs out lol. I don't know much about politics, but I guess it's always matters of national interest rather than "good" vs "bad", even if it means doing deal with the devil.

Nonsense. You're literally claiming whabbism is an obstacle to Isis? Gtfo. Embarrassing as usual. I prefer you when you're stanning for erdogan.

I'm done with your intellectually dishonest shit. Ignore list.

Woah, that escalated quickly. What's with the lashing out?
I can get behind the sentiment, fuck Saudi Arabia.

But surely in the unfortunate event this broken clock is elected, and he follows through with his "difficult conversations", what real impact will that have? (in the context of terrorism, I'm all for weakening SA and their free pass to obliterate civilians in Yemen)

Surely that's closing the door after the horse had bolted. We already have these cockroaches peddling death here, they're not going to stop believing our culture is filthy and degenerate and they're not going to stop grooming worthless misfits into becoming mass murderers. Whether or not their cash flow stops or slows.

But baby steps. If we can at least name and shame the fundraisers it's a start. That shitheap of a nation deserves nothing but disgust and suspicion on the international stage.
But isn't this pretty much public knowledge at this point? That they fund the terrorists, while making financial / trade deals with the politicians of the affected countries.

Yes but do you think Corbyn and his cabinet are going to be seen dancing with the Saudis in a few weeks?

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
Woah, that escalated quickly. What's with the lashing out? I feel like I'm missing something.

I'm trying to understand what's going on here and the weird dynamic between countries and geopolitical stuff, but I do feel like there's often a lot of missing context to the conversation.
I can understand why Stinkles reacted strongly. Saudi Arabia's influence (in the form of tens of billions of dollars spread around the globe to promote their insane version of Islam) has literally ruined the Sunni Muslim world. Like, pretty much every Sunni Muslim country is descending into murderous intolerance of minorities and becoming more extreme by the day.

Golden_Pigeon is basically saying that Saudi Arabia's particular brand of insane Islam can be used to counteract ISIS's particular brand of insane Islam. Which may be technically true, in the way that, say, Stalinism could crowd out Maoism, or Italian-style fascism could overpower Austrian fascism. He claims to be bringing nuance to the discussion, but it's not the type of nuance that any reasonable person should embrace.


Foundations of Burden
I can get behind the sentiment, fuck Saudi Arabia.

But surely in the unfortunate event this broken clock is elected, and he follows through with his "difficult conversations", what real impact will that have? (in the context of terrorism, I'm all for weakening SA and their free pass to obliterate civilians in Yemen)

Surely that's closing the door after the horse had bolted. We already have these cockroaches peddling death here, they're not going to stop believing our culture is filthy and degenerate and they're not going to stop grooming worthless misfits into becoming mass murderers. Whether or not their cash flow stops or slows.

But baby steps. If we can at least name and shame the fundraisers it's a start. That shitheap of a nation deserves nothing but disgust and suspicion on the international stage.

Corbyn has been saying this stuff for years, it's not his fault the horses in power are deaf.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The sooner the governments stop turning a blind eye to Saudi, the sooner they'll stop being hypocrites. I don't see that stopping anytime soon until the oil $$ runs out lol. I don't know much about politics, but I guess it's always matters of national interest rather than "good" vs "bad", even if it means doing deal with the devil.

Woah, that escalated quickly. What's with the lashing out?

Not just this thread but a long convoluted history of defending Islamists and dictators in the name of "complexity" and I find it exhausting redundant and disingenuous.


Tears in the rain
I can understand why Stinkles reacted strongly. Saudi Arabia's influence (in the form of tens of billions of dollars spread around the globe to promote their insane version of Islam) has literally ruined the Sunni Muslim world. Like, pretty much every Sunni Muslim country is descending into murderous intolerance of minorities and becoming more extreme by the day.

Golden_Pigeon is basically saying that Saudi Arabia's particular brand of insane Islam can be used to counteract ISIS's particular brand of insane Islam. Which may be technically true, in the way that, say, Stalinism could crowd out Maoism, or Italian-style fascism could overpower Austrian fascism. He claims to be bringing nuance to the discussion, but it's not the type of nuance that any reasonable person should embrace.

Top tier post. Succinct and 100% right.
He ain't wrong and it's something that needed to be said given that the Home Office said they might not publish a report on how extremist groups are funded, because its contents and findings are very 'sensitive' i.e. God forbid we upset the Saudis when they're giving us billions of quid


I can understand why Stinkles reacted strongly. Saudi Arabia's influence (in the form of tens of billions of dollars spread around the globe to promote their insane version of Islam) has literally ruined the Sunni Muslim world. Like, pretty much every Sunni Muslim country is descending into murderous intolerance of minorities and becoming more extreme by the day.

Golden_Pigeon is basically saying that Saudi Arabia's particular brand of insane Islam can be used to counteract ISIS's particular brand of insane Islam. Which may be technically true, in the way that, say, Stalinism could crowd out Maoism, or Italian-style fascism could overpower Austrian fascism. He claims to be bringing nuance to the discussion, but it's not the type of nuance that any reasonable person should embrace.



This might be a good time for a politician to ask how many London police officers are detailed to protecting Saud and emirate 'princes', compared to the general population.
I don't know how it happened, but Corbyn all of a sudden has got my vote in the last week.

It's the Saudi's fault that Islam has such a shit reputation in the World these days. Pure and simple.


I can understand why Stinkles reacted strongly. Saudi Arabia's influence (in the form of tens of billions of dollars spread around the globe to promote their insane version of Islam) has literally ruined the Sunni Muslim world. Like, pretty much every Sunni Muslim country is descending into murderous intolerance of minorities and becoming more extreme by the day.

Golden_Pigeon is basically saying that Saudi Arabia's particular brand of insane Islam can be used to counteract ISIS's particular brand of insane Islam. Which may be technically true, in the way that, say, Stalinism could crowd out Maoism, or Italian-style fascism could overpower Austrian fascism. He claims to be bringing nuance to the discussion, but it's not the type of nuance that any reasonable person should embrace.

it's a stupid argument for more reasons than just that. hardcore islamists of all stripes hate the sauds for sure because they're venal and corrupt, but some members of that family do send a lot of money into the pockets of extremists for mostly political reasons. and besides that, saudi arabia is domestically oppressive, anti-democratic, corrupt as fuck, and have been committing war crimes in yemen (with the help of the US and UK) for years that have fueled humanitarian crises and even more extremism.

handing out some anti-ISIS pamphlets in france means basically nothing. nobody should be friends with these fucks.


We're speaking about ISIS/Al Qaida, not the talibans. They are ideologically distinct and don't have the same political methodology, even if they are both equally disgusting.

For the record, i think that Saudi Arabia is as worse as ISIS. Bringing complexity is not defending.

It's too hard to discuss that kind of issue on a message board where people oversimplify what you say and don't know your references but are trying to bring unrelated historical ones (stalinism/maoism-european facsisms)


"playing" dumb? unpossible
it's a stupid argument for more reasons than just that. hardcore islamists of all stripes hate the sauds for sure because they're venal and corrupt, but some members of that family do send a lot of money into the pockets of extremists for mostly political reasons. and besides that, saudi arabia is domestically oppressive, anti-democratic, corrupt as fuck, and have been committing war crimes in yemen (with the help of the US and UK) for years that have fueled humanitarian crises and even more extremism.

handing out some anti-ISIS pamphlets in france means basically nothing. nobody should be friends with these fucks.

Well said.
Good lord finally, a politician in the UK has the temerity to say this in the open. It infuriates me when May can stand at a podium and state there is too much toleration of extremism but never says the damn exporter of said bullshit is our close ally.

Me, my Muslim friends and relatives have said this for years especially after the London attacks in 05. The brand of extremism S.A have shipped over the world over the past few decades have done nothing but to benefit themselves on top of dead bodies.

I was set to vote lib dem, since I feel labour have really let themselves become a weak weak party after Blair, and corbyn isn't leadership material, but this statement has gotten my vote.


It's well overdue for a major politician to say this.

You're going to have other groups like ISIS pop up until the funding gets shut off.
Please elect Corbyn UK.
He's not perfect, far from it, but he's a step in a better direction.

Probably not going to happen, but some of us are trying our best.

Well he was elected to be the leader of the Labour Party, second most powerful political party in the UK in 2015 and his party is running in the general elections on Thursday.

Tbf, second out of two isn't really that impressive.


I'm glad someone from the West is speaking up. As a Muslim, I hate the way the Saudi Arabia behaves as if they're what a true Muslim country should be like.

The top 10 countries that treat their people according to Islamic principles are actually non-Muslim countries. Saudi Arabia is a hypocrite.

I am glad that the world is heading towards a fossil fuel free world and I hope Saudi isn't part of it.


"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." ~ Someone
I hate this fucking quote so much. It disregards the actual problems that democracy is facing with pseudointellectual bullshit about the average voters being too dumb to deserve a vote.

Trump didn't win because of he got a majority of voters, he won because he took advantage of an archaic system. The Republican Party doesn't control congress and state governments because more people in the US vote republican, it's because they rig the system in their favor through gerrymandering and making it as hard as possible to vote. Brexit happened because of a massive disinformation campaign that used complete fabrications, lies, and misplaced nationalism to get people to go against their own best interests.

These conservative parties have made anti-voter tactics a science, it's not simply because voters are dumb.


I would like to note something, one must differentiate between post and pre-9/11 Saudi Arabia.

it's true, Saudi Arabia has had a history funding extremists. this was at its highest with Alqaeda during their war with the soviets.

After 9/11 there was a HUGE change in the country, religious study curriculums were changed, religious sermons were monitored, almost all foreign missionary organizations (Saudi groups that spread Islam in foreign countries) were closed.

Nowadays extremism is public enemy no.1. They preach against extremism in mosques, in schools, in all forms of media. Any serious talk supporting extremism will send you to jail or worse.

What still happens is Saudi supporting Syrian rebels. Many of whom the US supports as well.

most governments know this, I know the US is heavily involved in the Saudi anti-extremism reform. They know what's being done.

Saudi Arabia is shit for so many reasons. But saying they are the main funders of extremism in this day and age is incorrect.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I would like to note something, one must differentiate between post and pre-9/11 Saudi Arabia.

it's true, Saudi Arabia has had a history funding extremists. this was at its highest with Alqaeda during their war with the soviets.

After 9/11 there was a HUGE change in the country, religious study curriculums were changed, religious sermons were monitored, almost all foreign missionary organizations (Saudi groups that spread Islam in foreign countries) were closed.

Nowadays extremism is public enemy no.1. They preach against extremism in mosques, in schools, in all forms of media. Any serious talk supporting extremism will send you to jail or worse.

What still happens is Saudi supporting Syrian rebels. Many of whom the US supports as well.

most governments know this, I know the US is heavily involved in the Saudi anti-extremism reform. They know what's being done.

Saudi Arabia is shit for so many reasons. But saying they are the main funders of extremism in this day and age is incorrect.

You can't start a shit sandwich making factory, and after decades of running it, claim to not be responsible for all the shit it produces; because you no longer oversee the day to day operations of said shit sandwich making factory. They started it, they facilitated its growth, they financed it, therefore they own it. A good deal of the Muslim world is in turmoil due to the nasty ideology these motherfuckers spread. Just because their little monsters came back to bite them, doesn't absolve them from any of this.

Saudi religious leaders are on record for stating that the source of the ideology these groups follow, is rooted in Saudi Arabia's own version of Islam. Just tuned to its most extreme logical conclusion.
If every bomb we used in Iraq or Afghanistan landed on a Saudi royal the world would be a better place and there would be way less terrorism.

Wahabi Islam is basically the bad Muslim stereotype made manifest.
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