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Creative Director of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Ashraf Ismail, stepping down following accusations


It's almost like she saw all these women tweeting about abuse and harassment and assault etc and thought she wanted to get in on that.

All she had was that she slept with a married man and instead of just realising its not really "me too" worthy she decided to run with it anyway.

"Hey guys just wanted to warn everyone in the industry that this guy is married. I know because he cheated on his wife with me."

Wow. So stunning and brave.

Whats up next?
Just want to warn everyone in the industry about this developer who showed up an hour late for a date. Just letting y'all know so you don't get stuck waiting and being all bored for an hour.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Gaming industry, as the one paying to play your games: don’t fuck your co-workers 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I don't think this chick has anything to do with the industry.

This is literally just some salty chick; we'd probably not be hearing about it but he's stepping down due to his wife finding out and his life being in shambles.

He was dumb to tweet the stuff about quitting actually; chance this could have flown under the radar otherwise.
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Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? Really?

Exposing sexual predators and sexual assaults is one thing, and people should feel like they can come forward and expose those crimes.

But now we're seriously using social media to ruin people's careers because "he told lies" and made you feel stupid because you were a side peice? There's no crime in any of that. Is it a shitty thing to do? Yeah, but airing someone's dirty laundry for the world to see in an attempt to ruin the guy's life is pathetic.

I'm finding it really hard to feel bad for a lot of these women lately because it just seems like every "brave" story is just an opportunity to rat on someone.

If it's a crime, go to the police and spread awareness from there if that's what you're into. If not, keep it between the parties involved and just shut the fuck up.


Assuming any of this is true, which, dangerous territory when it comes to Woke HQ.

Warning other women: Okay
Maybe he’s a bit of a dick: Okay

What part of that means he needs to step down from his job, and have his life destroyed? And we all know ‘stepped down’ means management fired you, but didn’t want to go on record with it.

Clown World continues to burn in its own ideological zealotry/lazy indifference/ignorance (depending on the person). Can’t say I even feel much about it anymore. This is what western culture, and the people, as a plurality, deserve.
My god, so you can now lose your job for cheating on your wife? It's obviously a scummy thing to do, your wedding vows should mean something. But just to "protect other women" this lady is about to cause a divorce and divorces are incredibly hard on kids. I feel for them. Guys for God's sake, Do Not Bang chicks with bright hair, they be crazy...
Upset she was the side chick /shrug

Imagine if men started exposing all the women in their DMS. It would be a federal crime within 6 months.


Strangely enough Ree is locking all threads about this.

It's because the result of a thread on this topic there will result in people calling for all discussions on the game to be banned because a "bad" person was involved in the making of it.

If they ban discussion on all these games then at this rate there will be no more games left that people are allowed to talk about. Then they won't be able to pretend to be a gaming forum anymore.


Cheating is never right, but trial by social media isn't how justice is served. I'm not going to say that she did this just for the attention because I don't know her true intentions, she might have really thought she's doing the right thing.

What she accomplished by doing this is destroy his reputation and invade upon the privacy of his family matters. This would be difficult for his kids even if it was kept private, I imagine having it all out in public will make it far worse.

I strongly doubt her only course of action, if her intentions were innocent, was to release a highly publicized piece like this.


This is why you always have a mistress who knows you're in a relationship and just wants something on the side. I guess he just expected her to lie for him at work after he lied to her?

Either way, this sounds stupid.
Or just MGTOW and say fuck that nonsense.


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What an evil bitch. You dont put this shit on Twitter. There were definitely better ways to deal with this.

I know he cheated and hes a dick for doing it. But damn is his kids old enough to understand? If so here comes the humiliation on their end. They didnt have anything to do with it.
I'm all for woman speaking out against assault, but being fired from your job for cheating seems waaaaaaaaaaaay out of pocket for an employer. That's more right wing extremist than left wing.
We don't even know the facts, his marriage may have been failing badly and this woman made him feel human again. His wife could be an alcoholic beating the shit out him of at the weekend for all we know and he staying around for the kids.

This stuff should be kept between those involved. When someone goes public it's a sign of them being bitter, twisted and immature, they should learn from experience and move on instead of wanting to fuck that person up in anyway possible.

I don't condone cheating but as I said earlier we don't know the facts.

I don't generally give a shit about any of this but I'm pissed that it's all I read about this week so I felt like something lol.


Mens should stand up now and stop this hunt. You are game developer, you have a personal personal life.
Think about if some bitch start to accused truck driver, that he is fucking me and is still married, how gives a shit what that dude do in his personal life and free time, he is not a fucking priest.

I fucking hate those Instagram whores who thinks that they can accused anybody because they are women, they use that card like the fucking whores they are.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
So THATS how your snake got slimey :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Good point though, I think $2000 a night ones are where its at, he could've had a Jolly good time.

it says $220 for an hour. thats pretty affordable and enough. what are you gonna do with a hooker after you bust a nut? talk? lol


Wonder why they had him step down (I know it says he did so willingly....but come on).
Like...Who gives a shit?. You are about to pre order your Viking murder simulator but just before you enter your credit card information you are like "but wait.... what if whoever directed this cheated on his wife?!?!?"


Flashless at the Golden Globes

When a woman posts photos like this on her social media: run.



What the fuck do you think she wanted to achieve by going about this publicly?

To tell her story. He didn't "HAVE" to leave his job. He didn't even "HAVE" to make the tweet that he made.

The way she went about it was wrong.

What he did as an individual is questionable at best, and shitty at worst.

I still think she wanted to capitalize on the whole recent gaming dev cancelling trend.

You can't say that. It's not up to you or this dev to say her speaking about it publically is wrong or not. It's not your life. Plus he lost the right to have this stuff stay quiet the second he cheated on his wife. It's was out of his hands then, and it's out of his hands now. You give up that right the second you have sex with another woman while you're married.

What an evil bitch. You dont put this shit on Twitter. There were definitely better ways to deal with this.

I know he cheated and hes a dick for doing it. But damn is his kids old enough to understand? If so here comes the humiliation on their end. They didnt have anything to do with it.

Then don't cheat on your wife. It's that simple.
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Don't shit where you eat has always been good advice, but now more than ever.

I've been shitting where I eat for the last 10 weeks straight.

Damn you coronavirus.

To tell her story. He didn't "HAVE" to leave his job. He didn't even "HAVE" to make the tweet that he made.

When someone resigns like this 9 times out of 10 it's because the company have informed him they are going to fire him and allowed him to resign first so that he can control the messaging for his future endeavours. Not that it matters in this case considering how public all of this is.
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What makes this twice as bad was posting on twitter. He said his whole family is devastated, and rightfully so.

Im sure his wife and kids are triple himiliated because of twitter. If she just went to the wife and told her this would be different for everyone.

The mistress gets to go back to posting makeup on twitter, thinking shes the standard of beauty and she righted the world.


What makes this twice as bad was posting on twitter. He said his whole family is devastated, and rightfully so.

Im sure his wife and kids are triple himiliated because of twitter. If she just went to the wife and told her this would be different for everyone.

The mistress gets to go back to posting makeup on twitter, thinking shes the standard of beauty and she righted the world.

How do you guys "NOT" understand that maybe.......just maybe he should have thought about the bolded before he stepped out on his wife?


OR...............he could just not cheat on his wife. It's not a hard or crazy concept.

Regardless its not our business that he did. This is a personal matter that could've and should've been handled differently. The guy wasn't a serial rapust, sex trafficker, or caught with child pornography,he committed no crime.

As a society we cannot allow running to Twitter to become the go to solution to confront people. The guy shouldn't have cheated, it sucks, especially for his wife, who now has her business being hung up for display by a bunch of morons on Twitter.
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