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Crysis: and the specs are...


manzo said:
My stock Q6600 + 640mb 8800gts cries. I hope it'll be enough. :(
UT3 looks better and runs silky smooth.

This game was going ape at times with my 640mb 8800GTS. Talk about bad optimisation...


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
A little bit over the minimum specs... but I can't say I have much interest in the title. Looks way too much like style over substance, I will stick to the HL series and Bioshock for quality PC FPS.


thanks for the laugh
AltogetherAndrews said:
Eh, 320 model, from evga. Cheapest one I think, but it's a step up from the 8600 that I'm retiring. And my monitor runs at a max resolution of 1280x1024, so it should be fine. Although hell, this looks so cinematic that it might be worth hooking it up to the TV instead. :D

I'm glad for you dude, I always see your posts in PC gaming threads and kinda think you totally owe it to yourself to put down cash on a high end card. I'm still floored by the performance of my XFX 8800GTS 320mb, and I run everything at 1440x900.
ghst said:
I'm glad for you dude, I always see your posts in PC gaming threads and kinda think you totally owe it to yourself to put down cash on a high end card. I'm still floored by the performance of my XFX 8800GTS 320mb, and I run everything at 1440x900.

I was trying to hold out until Far Cry 2 in some hopes to get a good price/performance deal, but I was forced to buy some new hardware anyway (stay away from Cyberpower PC, kids) so I figured what the hell, might as well get one now and enjoy Crysis and UT3 properly. I was strongly advised against getting the 8600 at the time, but I don't think I understood quite how much of a budget card it really was.
"Will I be able to run max settings fairly decently?

Or at least close to max?"

Well, it depends on your resolution... but I think you'll probably be in high somewhere but not max. You can't do dx10 plus you only have 2gbs, lower processor, etc...


Its looking like max settings will require 8800GTX power. One of those behemoths won't even fit in my case, and yet there are people out there using them in SLI configurations. Man, PC gaming pisses me off sometimes.


PhlegmMaster said:
That's what I'm going to buy in a few weeks. I'd love to know how exactly Crysis will run on it before I buy.

It'll run with some hiccups on everything max and 1650x1050. Turn down towards medium and everything will be pretty smooth.

That's the beta, of course. One can only hope that the consumer product will be optimized.


I have this setup:

-Quad-Core q6600 (2.4 x 4)
-4 Gigs of memory (1 x 4) (DDR2 800MHZ PC6400 DUAL-CHANNEL)
-Geforce 8800GTX 768MB
-Windows XP

I was wondering how well this setup would run Crysis on max settings at 1680 by 1050. If you have played the beta and have any knowledge of it's speed on a similar setup can you tell me what to expect. Also how is the XP vs. Vista performance and what are the graphical differences between DX9 and DX10? Will the retail version of Crysis run better then the beta is for people?
Kevin said:
I have this setup:

-Quad-Core q6600 (2.4 x 4)
-4 Gigs of memory (1 x 4) (DDR2 800MHZ PC6400 DUAL-CHANNEL)
-Geforce 8800GTX 768MB
-Windows XP

I was wondering how well this setup would run Crysis on max settings at 1680 by 1050. If you have played the beta and have any knowledge of it's speed on a similar setup can you tell me what to expect. Also how is the XP vs. Vista performance and what are the graphical differences between DX9 and DX10? Will the retail version of Crysis run better then the beta is for people?
Apparently the beta is very poorly optimized, so it's not much to go off of.

That being said, if your rig couldn't run the game pretty darn well it probably wouldn't be coming out next month.

Besides, theres a demo coming out in like 2 days, judge for yourself then.

For dx9 vs dx10 shots, go here
Kevin said:
I have this setup:

-Quad-Core q6600 (2.4 x 4)
-4 Gigs of memory (1 x 4) (DDR2 800MHZ PC6400 DUAL-CHANNEL)
-Geforce 8800GTX 768MB
-Windows XP

I was wondering how well this setup would run Crysis on max settings at 1680 by 1050. If you have played the beta and have any knowledge of it's speed on a similar setup can you tell me what to expect. Also how is the XP vs. Vista performance and what are the graphical differences between DX9 and DX10? Will the retail version of Crysis run better then the beta is for people?
You'll be more than fine, 2 points though.

1. The BETA code is still very un-optimized, doesn't support more than 2 cores, and is only dx9.

2. you need a 64bit OS to take full advantage of that much ram. (Crysis will have native 64bit support right out the gate and according to Cevat it gives at least a 10% perfromance boost per core over the 32bit version.)

I'll be installing the full version on both my XP and my Vista64 partition and I'll give a heads up to people here about it.
I kinda wish I played PC games. My music PC is far beyond the recommended specs, except I don't have a graphics card. ...Nah, I'd better not...

Crysis looks so good though...

I'm happy with my 360 and PS3.

I'm happy with my 360 and PS3.

I'm happy with my 360 and PS3.


I wish Microsoft would release Directx 10 on XP. Vista barely works and I don't want to pay for something that barely works. Yet it seems like they are trying to force gaming to require it if you want the more advanced graphics. I tried Vista earlier this year on a different system I have and nothing worked right. No games ran, no sound, no network support. I was forced to remove it not to mention how slow it ran. Then I learned today that changing video drivers may cause Vista to deactivate. Is Vista really as broken as everyone is claiming? Since Microsoft is forcing Vista on PC gamers it looks like everyone who likes PC gaming will HAVE to get Vista.

BTW thanks for the help guys.


Kevin said:
No games ran, no sound, no network support. I was forced to remove it not to mention how slow it ran.

User error.

Is Vista really as broken as everyone is claiming?

No, I have been gaming on it since the summer with no problems. Neglible gaming performance, applications load faster, and more stable than XP was on my system.
Kevin said:
I wish Microsoft would release Directx 10 on XP. Vista barely works and I don't want to pay for something that barely works. Yet it seems like they are trying to force gaming to require it if you want the more advanced graphics. I tried Vista earlier this year on a different system I have and nothing worked right. No games ran, no sound, no network support. I was forced to remove it not to mention how slow it ran. Then I learned today that changing video drivers may cause Vista to deactivate. Is Vista really as broken as everyone is claiming? Since Microsoft is forcing Vista on PC gamers it looks like everyone who likes PC gaming will HAVE to get Vista.

BTW thanks for the help guys.

Not at all. I've run vista for about 4 months now with a couple of hardware revisions and haven't had a single problem yet. It's as stable, if not more so than XP ever was for me. The driver situation was a mess for awhile, but they're pretty much fine now.
Kevin said:
I wish Microsoft would release Directx 10 on XP. Vista barely works and I don't want to pay for something that barely works. Yet it seems like they are trying to force gaming to require it if you want the more advanced graphics. I tried Vista earlier this year on a different system I have and nothing worked right. No games ran, no sound, no network support. I was forced to remove it not to mention how slow it ran. Then I learned today that changing video drivers may cause Vista to deactivate. Is Vista really as broken as everyone is claiming? Since Microsoft is forcing Vista on PC gamers it looks like everyone who likes PC gaming will HAVE to get Vista.

BTW thanks for the help guys.
Most of the "LOL VISTA SUX" bitching is complete shit.

That's not to say the OS is perfect, it certainly has issues but it's pretty much an exact duplicate of the XP launch and look how that turned out.

Concerning the game though, I'll do a full comparison when it launches.


When I installed the Vista ATi x800 driver and tried to play games like Half-Life 2 I got distorted graphics. Mostly graphics were missing and everything else looked black. My 3Com network adapter had no driver at all and my Sound Blaster Live also was not supported. Their respected companies didn't offer Vista drivers. Granted I tried Vista back in January but I can assure you it wasn't 'Human Error' making Vista not work properly. Maybe I would have better luck today (with newer computer hardware). Maybe I will try it again but I have read a ton of reports that the OS is extremely slow and has 'show stopping' bugs in it. Maybe it really just depends on the hardware and drivers being used.


Kevin said:
but I have read a ton of reports that the OS is extremely slow and has 'show stopping' bugs in it.

It would most certainly have to be a driver bugs causing such things. Because the OS is faster. It loads faster and applications load faster as well, and nothing was show stopping in my experience. Game performance might have been lagging before, but it's not an issue anymore.


I had some initial concerns about switching over entirely to Vista x64 for my next computer, but the driver situation and software support is FAR better now.
dabookerman said:
So Demo is out tomorrow, what sites will be hosting it?
We will

Also I just published an interview with Cevat Yerli of Crytek about the game's tech.


Shack: What is the main limiter for Crysis in terms of GPU, CPU, or RAM? If users are near the low end of the requirements, which should they upgrade first?

Cevat Yerli: We would say first CPU, then GPU, then memory. But it must be in balance. If you are balanced, we are more CPU bound then GPU, but at the same time at higher CPU configurations we scale very well for GPUs.
Shack: Do you have any insight to how well the upcoming range of cards will support Crysis, not just on the high end but lower down the ladder as well?

Cevat Yerli: Very, very well. Stay tuned for more on this. In mid November you will see the new NVidia cards. They are a blast for Crysis and really, really very good deals.



I have a 7950GT (512MB), 4200+ (Socket 939), 1GB DDR, XP x64...

This should run, prolly not too well though.


If you preordered through EA you were supposed to get access to the demo sometime today - that could be why there is some confusion as to the release time.
There's a TON of drama playing out right now, so stay tuned for the juicy details I've managed to gather from various boards.

We have a patented EA clusterfuck with the release, the client was supposed to be available for download as of today to people with pre-orders, who would get an email with the unlock code to be able to launch the game after install. Then 24hours later, the rest of the world would get the demo, which includes the sandbox editor and a "really nice surprise" (which the general speculation/consensus is that there will be a new multiplayer map included with it.)

Sounds good right?

Yeah... maybe not so much.

It turns out, people yesterday discovered that they could set their Pc clocks ahead to today and get access to the download on the EA servers, everyoby was freaked and rushed to get it. D/L speeds slowed to a crawl and a few hours later people were installing, posting screens of the setup process, generaly acting like excited fans.

But then something went horribly wrong....

People had installed but couldn't launch into the game as it was locked and demanding a code. You see, not only had EA failed to communicate the 24hour pre-oreder lock to everyone, but the emails weren't going out to those with pre-orders yet. Things were looking like they were about to get ugly when EA started sending out the emails containing the codes which, and get this, didn't work.

Here's the best part, apparently a handful of people got the game to launch but either something went wrong when the build was compiled, or the demo encryption fucked shit up or there's a driver issue or something, because, frame rates on systems that were running the beta with relative ease were in the low teens and single digits.***

The official response from EA is this:


Crysis Day on October 26th – Community Note

Greetings Community!

Due to the steady increasing rush on new information about the upcoming Crysis 
Singleplayer Demo we would like to give out a few additional details that might be 
interesting for you. J

Crysis Singleplayer Demo

The demo is going to be released officially on Friday, October 26th at 1:00PM (GMT+1).
 It will be exclusively available for those who pre-ordered Crysis for about 24hours
via the EA downloader. On Saturday, October 27th at 1:00PM the demo will be put online 
for download an all public sites, so keep tracking your favourite fan site.

Crysis pre-Demo Party!

Join us to the pre-demo party powered by InCrysis.com. It will occur at 1:00PM GMT 
(2PM CEST), Friday 26th of October on IRC. You'll need an IRC client or use a web-browser 
version. For those using a client, connect to [url]"irc.gamesurge.net/incrysis"[/url]. 
Click [URL="http://www.incrysis.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=10741"]HERE[/URL] for more details.

In attendance will be Sebastian Spatzek (QA Manager), Eric Lagel (MP Dev. Manager), 
Michael Kolkau (Senior MP Level Designer), Chris Auty (Lead MP Game Designer) and 
Alex Marschal (Community Manager) from Crytek. During the party you'll have the 
opportunity to put your questions forward to the Crytek team. There will be some
 prizes up for grabs also!

This is a community event for all fan sites and their users. The more people in 
attendance, the better!

Another Surprise…

The upcoming Singleplayer Demo including the Sandbox2 Editor is not the only surprise 
you can expect from us. Stay tuned for another news message sooner than you might think!




***This hasn't been completely confirmed, or explained, I'll post again once new info is available. For now just expect to download the demo tomorrow from the nVidia site (along with new drivers)

EDIT Nvidia drivers are up:


2nd Edit, now we're getting conflicting reports on performance, some are saying good, some bad, none of which is posting are fraps screens.


I'm a little confused about the Beta Drivers thing. Every time a new game/demo comes out, nVidia releases a beta driver that's optimized for it. But with Crysis, they already released one that was made for the MP Beta. Will the SP demo beta driver also be better for the MP beta? This is all a little vague.


Oh, god... Encrypting a demo? Making it exclusive to the ones who already bought the game? Something that's supposed to spread hype and excitement for an impending release?

So dumb...
Clevinger said:
Oh, god... Encrypting a demo? Making it exclusive to the ones who already bought the game? Something that's supposed to spread hype and excitement for an impending release?

So dumb...

for a day
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