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Daily Show fails to get a single Emmy nomination for first time in 15 years

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Bee is Canadian so you will likely have the same grievances against her.

Not saying I agree with the guy before the post you're replying to, but Canadians definitely have stronger ties to American ties than South Africans.

It's not like that at all now. Usually there isn't even anyone with an opposing view. It's far more about exploring the views of minorities. It's improved a lot.

I took newspaper in high school, and the very first thing we learned was to interview people with opposing opinions from each other.


I like the Trevor Noah himself. That said i don't care about any of the correspondents with the exception of Roy Wood Jr because they suck. And I don't give a shit about 99% of the people they interview. Thus that means I usually only end up watching the first third of each episode on Hulu. If he had a better supporting cast, or if he was allowed to carry the whole thing solo like John Oliver and Samantha Bee I think it would be way better.

I only started watching the Nightly Show two or three weeks ago but that show is pretty fucking ace. If there were problems with it earlier on then I think they have been ironed out now because what I have seen has been fantastic.

John Oliver and Samantha are also great. Stewart and Colbert had a tired schtick by the end, I think we are in a much better place in terms of political satire now than we were then.


The thing I've found with Trevor is that, when he has to get serious he's really good, but when he has to be funny it's a very mixed bag. He also still smiles and laughs at his own jokes way too much. At first I just blamed it on nerves and hoped he would have phase out of it as he became more experienced, but he still does it. It doesn't help that the jokes he's cracking himself up with just aren't that funny a lot of the time.

I want to love the Daily Show again, but the writing just has not been the same since Stewart & co. left.


To me, Trevor dials up Jon's social justice outrage to 11, but has none of the sardonic bite. The result is a televised version of Tumblr.


I mean, sure people are going to shit on it, but I'd honestly nominated it over Corden, Fallon or Kimmel by far. Useless metric for success even if it's a hit for Noah.


I took newspaper in high school, and the very first thing we learned was to interview people with opposing opinions from each other.

Eventually, some "opposing views" that were once respected and heeded begin to lose their relevance and worthiness as society progresses.

I know that sounds totalitarian if used in the wrong way, but historically it's accurate.
I'm sorry but Trevor Noah is just a pretty face, he's nowhere near as charismatic and funny as some of the original Daily Show correspondents - let alone Stewart. Yeah sure, some of the bits he did were decent, but like people in here pointed out it feels like he's just delivering a mediocre script most of the time.

Now, Larry Wilmore I didn't care for since his correspondents days, and his show is truly terrible. Like I get what they're trying to do but they are failing miserably, and the stupid people-trying to be funny he keeps having do not help.

It's amazing that the best thing that came out of CC on this presidential election is that Bernie-Trump debate on @midnight.

The Beard

Bee is Canadian so you will likely have the same grievances against her.

Are American politics new to her also? Does she talk about being a Canadian every show? It's ok not to like something a black person does when they're genuinely bad at it. That's not racist.

The "I don't have a horse in this race, I'm just here for the lulz." attitude is quite a dramatic change from Jon Stewart.
so did john and samantha take a bunch of the daily show writers with them?

Eliott Kalan (head writer, and gigantic talent) left when John left. Wasn't poached just took some time and is now head writer for the MST3k reboot. He mentioned on his podcast Flop Hoise that the producers really wanted him to stay on, but he wanted a break.

Guess Who

Eliott Kalan (head writer, and gigantic talent) left when John left. Wasn't poached just took some time and is now head writer for the MST3k reboot. He mentioned on his podcast Flop Hoise that the producers really wanted him to stay on, but he wanted a break.

Don't forget Tim Carvell, who was a staff writer and later head writer at TDS from 2004-2014 (head writer from 2011-2014), and is now the showrunner for Last Week Tonight.


It's not shocking, the show isn't as good. It's not even as good as it was in the year when Jon first took over and was pretty terrible.
I still watch, but unless it's a correspondent segment it's not as good.
Noah does seem to go all in for the trans community though, so good on him there.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
The Daily Show isn't good anymore. It's not that Noah isn't a good host, it's that he doesn't have the same charm that Stewart had. With Noah it seems like he's reciting someone else's words, with Stewart you could tell he actually knew what he was talking about.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
The Daily Show isn't good anymore. It's not that Noah isn't a good host, it's that he doesn't have the same charm that Stewart had. With Noah it seems like he's reciting someone else's words, with Stewart you could tell he actually knew what he was talking about.

It's more that the type of show and it's shtick has gotten long in the tooth... Jon knew that and that's why he got out.

I stopped being an everday/few times a week viewer years before Jon left.. only started watching near his end run.. watched a few with Noah.. but it just wasn't fresh anymore.

It needed some time off.. but you know.. CC has bills to pay.


Junior Member
I was pretty surprised that Samantha didn't get the show after Jon left. Seemed like it was a natural progression.
I never watched TDS on a regular basis even when Stewart was around, but I definitely haven't watched more than a clip or two since Trevor Noah came on. Despite my general indifference to him (since I haven't really sat down and watched him), I feel bad for the dude. I hope the show is at least getting better than when he first started. Even if they're not getting emmy noms right now, a sign of progressively better writing and scripting could suggest an eventual return to form.


I've come to a simple conclusion why Trevor doesn't work as host. He isn't American. Now at first glance that sounds incredibly obtuse, but hear me out. Jon, given his age and where he grew up and lived, was witness to a lot of strife and change in this country. When 11pm would roll around and you would sit to listen to John speak, you knew he came from a place of experience and care. Not that Trevor doesn't care. I think eh does care about the issues. However, his attitude come across as satirical "haha, Americans are dumb" instead of the biting commentary Jon would provide. If the The Daily Show is going to continue, they need a host like John or Samantha who have that same fire for the issues and stewardship over what their voice can add to the national discourse.

Yes and no.

Yes, one of the reasons why Trevor has struggled has to do with patriotism. We're programmed from an early age to view criticism as an internal affair -- regardless of how true or untrue the criticism may be. This leads to mob mentality. For example, it's one thing for a GameSpot user to criticize GameSpot, but it's another thing for an IGN user to criticize GameSpot. People are trained to pile onto the IGN user. Now in Trevor's case, he's fighting against both an internalization of who is acceptable to criticize you and an extremely high set of expectations for the show's satire and commentary. He's in a tough spot.

No, I don't think The Daily Show's host is the biggest problem with the show. The biggest problem is that the current format of the show isn't compatible with the way news is accessed and presented today -- doubly so for political news. Access to news has never been faster, and the presentation of said news has never been more opinionated and personalized. Basically, The Daily Show's current format is outdated, and you're not going to care about The Daily Show's 'take' on an issue as you can instantly access the opinions and jokes of millions of people -- on breaking news -- via hashtags everywhere. Stewart and Colbert understood this reality and successfully transitioned into a different entertainment path.

- J - D -

I feel bad for Trevor because I genuinely think he's great...in short bursts (like in specific sections from the show uploaded to youtube). Most recently I thought the way he tore into the Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile situations had some bite, but most of the time he's a bit toothless.

But there's always the rest of 2016 to improve.


Last Week Tonight tries to do these hard journalism opinion pieces and then once they are done they toss in the jokes. It means they rely on comedic metaphors way too often because they are so easy to throw in. They often cant find the inherent humor of the problem they are covering.

"That's like if you made [insert reference here] a [insert humorous comparison] in a [insert place/profession/film/product here]. YOU [SHOUT SOMETHING HERE], YOU JUST [REPEAT JOKE IN SHOUTY VOICE], KEVIN."

Honestly I'm not that bothered by the schtick since it's obviously trying to make subjects more engaging for a wider audience that mightn't be all that switched on to events. Occasionally they'll get a laugh from me but I agree with your point about not finding inherent humor.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Trevor is awful.

I wouldn't go that far, but he certainly isn't Stewart. It's the problem, when he does good pieces, it's when he's bringing some South African comparison to the politics or pointing out things like Trump wanting to fuck his daughter. Otherwise it's like he's reading off a teleprompter/lifeless.
Trevor's comic delivery has always been off for me. It's a combination of his timing being frequently off, the punchlines themselves being overly predictable and derivative, and that smug look on his face every time he thinks he deserves a laugh.


Last Week Tonight has completely taken over that niche for me, I'm glad to hear Oliver got the nod for the nominations, he deserved them.
I like Trevor. I thought he was surprisingly good. Just might be that simple fact that certain people have tonworknharder than others.


I like the Trevor Noah himself. That said i don't care about any of the correspondents with the exception of Roy Wood Jr because they suck. And I don't give a shit about 99% of the people they interview. Thus that means I usually only end up watching the first third of each episode on Hulu. If he had a better supporting cast, or if he was allowed to carry the whole thing solo like John Oliver and Samantha Bee I think it would be way better.

I only started watching the Nightly Show two or three weeks ago but that show is pretty fucking ace. If there were problems with it earlier on then I think they have been ironed out now because what I have seen has been fantastic.

John Oliver and Samantha are also great. Stewart and Colbert had a tired schtick by the end, I think we are in a much better place in terms of political satire now than we were then.

The good thing about bee and Oliver is that their shows have a different style. Still satire, but it doesn't feel like daily show lite. The daily show seems like it's like the old daily show in most ways, but not in the right ways you remember.

Stewart changed the daily show format a bit from what Craig was doing. Has Noah tried much yet. Every time I check out an episode it feels like it's trying to be the same
Trevor's comic delivery has always been off for me. It's a combination of his timing being frequently off, the punchlines themselves being overly predictable and derivative, and that smug look on his face every time he thinks he deserves a laugh.
His delivery is the main problem I have with the show. His interviews are terrible too.

Also, Samantha Bee is an American citizen now.


The Daily Show was nominated for the last couple years? Stewart grew old and sort of unfunny during the end of his tenure.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought so. It felt like half the show was just dick jokes the last few years. Stewart had his moments to be sure, but the comedy felt pretty lazy.
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