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Daily Show fails to get a single Emmy nomination for first time in 15 years

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I really want to like Noah. I just don't find him terribly funny. He's good enough for me to click on links to bits that show up on my FB feed, but I don't make it a point to watch the show every day like I did with Stewart.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought so. It felt like half the show was just dick jokes the last few years. Stewart had his moments to be sure, but the comedy felt pretty lazy.
Dick jokes are the best. Why?

Because You Don't Know Dick™ :D
I think Noah's fine. That being said, the correspondents are fucking awful, I don't think I've laughed at a single one of their pieces (save for Roy Wood Jr.) and it's just cringy. I think people are too hard on Noah, he's a fantastic comedian and a smart guy, even if a poster above me thinks he's smarter and funnier (but isn't).
I think Noah's fine. That being said, the correspondents are fucking awful, I don't think I've laughed at a single one of their pieces (save for Roy Wood Jr.) and it's just cringy. I think people are too hard on Noah, he's a fantastic comedian and a smart guy, even if a poster above me thinks he's smarter and funnier (but isn't).
Roy and Hasan are pretty consistently great, the rest that have there for more than a month or two tend to hit more than miss I think.

I feel like Bee is the strongest out of the DS alumni, Oliver was entertaining for a time (and I appreciate his continued focus on lesser-covered topics) but once you recognize the patterns in his general writing formula it gets pretty hard to watch. The repeated yelling of names thing is particularly grating/feels lazy.
I think I agree with this. I still love Last Week Tonight, but I kind of wish Sam Bee could do the HBO format too.
I feel like Bee is the strongest out of the DS alumni, Oliver was entertaining for a time (and I appreciate his continued focus on lesser-covered topics) but once you recognize the patterns in his general writing formula it gets pretty hard to watch. The repeated yelling of names thing is particularly grating/feels lazy.
The "scream at PiP box in the corner of my screen" got really old quick. Samantha Bee is better and funnier.
Feel bad for Trevor. To me it feels like he had impossible high shoes to fill.

So did Conan when he replaced Letterman without any stand-up or on-camera experience, and he eventually turned in a legendary run.

Noah was already a seasoned comic when hired and won't get much better at this point.
I use Emmy Nominations to measure whats good and whats not....

::roll eyes::

Well, when a show that was a consistent Emmy darling is a no-show after a new host is introduced, I think it's legit to talk about the quality of the show; which most people here seem to agree that it's been mediocre to bad.

It's not like we're talking about a complete new show that lots of people haven't heard of or something.
"That's like if you made [insert reference here] a [insert humorous comparison] in a [insert place/profession/film/product here]. YOU [SHOUT SOMETHING HERE], YOU JUST [REPEAT JOKE IN SHOUTY VOICE], KEVIN."

Honestly I'm not that bothered by the schtick since it's obviously trying to make subjects more engaging for a wider audience that mightn't be all that switched on to events. Occasionally they'll get a laugh from me but I agree with your point about not finding inherent humor.

Yup, the humor in Last Week Tonight isn't what makes it good for me, it's gotten to the point where I see almost all the jokes coming

LWT is good because it will do pieces on issues I have barely heard of before, and extensively discuss them.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The problem is that Noah is a comedian doing politics who doesn't really know much about politics.

I think Noah's fine. That being said, the correspondents are fucking awful, I don't think I've laughed at a single one of their pieces (save for Roy Wood Jr.) and it's just cringy. I think people are too hard on Noah, he's a fantastic comedian and a smart guy, even if a poster above me thinks he's smarter and funnier (but isn't).

Jordan Klepper is great.
Trevor is solid on international subjects but in terms of this election cycle, I kinda mentally check out whenever Trump does a thing and they cover it. Jessica's departure is bittersweet but I still like the lineup, Roy and Jordan especially.
Jessica Williams was one of the best things about the new Daily Show and she recently left. I think John Oliver is pretty good and Samantha Bee is good as well. I'm not sure what Daily Show needs to do, but Noah is just not good.
I have 2 large problems with Trevor. He's dependent on writers who are not very funny and he doesn't seem to actually care about american politics. It feels like the "millennial generation" daily show rather then the daily show. I've seen facebook jokes, emotes, hashtags, and just all this shit trying to connect with an audience while completely misunderstanding the generation.

Thank Christ for John Oliver though.


Trevor is pretty cool and all, but the show just feels wildly different, and doesn't carry the same punch as when Jon was at the helm.


Noah's recent bit on the police killings was damn near perfect, even if I did not agree with every single point (I agreed with most of them).

But he just had an impossible role to fill. There was never any way he could live up to the expectations. None.

The Daily Show is and always will be Jon Stewarts.
I really do believe it is as simple as that.


It's a little too soon to decide how Trevor stacks up against the monolith that was Stewart. Maybe after a little while he'll grow into his own legacy. My take on what I've seen of his is that he, along with the daily show itself, is having a bit of an identity crisis. It's hard to fill the shoes Stewart has left.

When he hits he's pretty funny but when he whiffs it's definitely a whiff. Sadly I think John Oliver ate his lunch and continues to eat it, so maybe people will never give him the time of day..


Noah's recent bit on the police killings was damn near perfect, even if I did not agree with every single point (I agreed with most of them).

But he just had an impossible role to fill. There was never any way he could live up to the expectations. None.

The Daily Show is and always will be Jon Stewarts.
I really do believe it is as simple as that.

I'm finding that hard to believe, due to Samantha Bee killing it on TBS with her own take on the Daily Show.
I only watched the first two or three episodes of Noah's run but i watch some clips on youtube from time to time. I like him and I think he's talented but he's just not that knowledgeable about politics and the show has no bite anymore. I agree with the other gaffers that mentioned that Stewart had peaked a while ago and that it was time for him to pass the baton but I can't help but be disappointed with the state of the Daily Show and also whatever the Larry Wilmore show is called.

With the current situation in the US and the rest of the world being what it is, Stewart and the real Colbert (aka the fake one) are very sorely missed. Too bad, Noah showed promise and Wilmore used to be my favorite correspondent but they're just not cutting it. I hope Colbert's new show gets better, thank god for John Oliver and Samantha Bee.
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