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David Jaffe has Heard that the Next GOW is Around 40 Hours Long


Gold Member

At around the 3 minute mark

Take it with a grain of salt



40h????????????? Open world GOW, imagine. Suitable length if true.

More boss fights like the valkyries, less QTE's for mains please. Also bring back some of the angry over the top Kratos, i miss old Kratos :messenger_grinning_sweat:.

More RPG elements.
More weapon and enemy variety.
No forced Atreus gameplay.
Also bring back those sex-mini games :messenger_tears_of_joy:

GOTY 2022 incoming!
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Gold Member
I prefer me a shorter game generally but GOW 2018 was one of the few games I finished at like 40 hours and it still wasn't enough

I hope they go crazy with unique environments and I'd like to see more NPCs and interesting characters littering the world


Gold Member
Speaking of which, Cory Barlog did mention they wanted to have more varied bosses and enemies but due to lack of time, they couldn’t add those into the first game. So hopefully they had the time to make the bosses more varied.
They should

God of War 2005 had similar criticism but GOW2 and 3 went pretty nuts in enemy and boss variety


Gold Member
I don't understand why so many people think longer = better. There are far more games that I wish were shorter than there are that I wish were longer.
I always end up completely burned out at the end of these narrative heavy blockbusters. GOW was specially bad with the bloating. And now it’s getting longer… At least we won’t spend half of the time opening gates and lifting rocks and passing through tight walls.
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Sadly, everyone thinks longer and bigger equates to better. Personally, I think 40 hours is too long for this style of game, but I’m a fan of shorter, more focused and linear games anyway so what do I know? I’m assuming it’s going to be more open-world and just hoping it isn’t filled with filler and pointless side quests. We’ll see.
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
40 hours means it’ll be loaded for compassion sakes you can finish a mass effect game in 20-30 hours.
Interesting discussion on the bonus structure @ SSM from davidjaffe davidjaffe

But it's not really unusual or unheard of. Actually, many bonus-type compensation structures have 3 year vesting periods in the form of RSUs (think of tech companies). It's a way to try and retain talent.

You can think of it as "being stuck" or whatever, but depending on the plan you may actually get new sets of bonuses every single year rather than once every time a game ships, so it may have the benefit of smoothing out your income each year over time, but I'm not sure if SSM is doing a bonus only when a game ships or if they are moving towards a bonus every year that vests for 3 years. If it's the latter, that can be more of a positive development for employees since having to wait an entire game cycle to get a bonus is grueling especially when games take so long to make these days.
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i fucking hope not. I loved GOW 2018, but it was a tight what like ~20 hour experience? Unless going for all the bosses and such. I want the core path to be like topping out at 20. Psychonauts 2 was around 15 hours for me and felt perfect in length


Hopefully they work on better ending this time, the last one ended with a “oh Jesus this is going nowhere how do we end it” smushed together ending. There was a point in the ending part that would have been perfect to end the game at, but they just kept going and then slopped out an ending that didn’t really fit the overall arc at all. It’s like that en goda da vida song, it could end somewhere and be great, but it just doesn’t and ends up being too long and just noise.
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